Question For The Vax And Mask Reluctant: "Why?"

They are direct numbers from official sources. No spin. The literal definition of realistic as they represent reality.

So why are we seeing identical curves, if mask mandates work? If they work, we would expect to see the effects of them.

The idea of mask mandates is based on a paradox. I call this paradox M.

If someone requires you to wear a mask, they are only admitting that their own mask doesn't work. Yet they require you to wear one.

Masks, of course, do not work. They are completely ineffective against a virus. You might as well try to stop a fly with a barbed wire fence. The N95 specification, which these idiots ignore, describe this. The cloth masks commonly used are even worse.

Long term mask use (more than a couple of hours) does increase the risk of bacteriological and fungal infections. Workmen using these dust masks should get to clear air every couple of hours, take off their masks and take a short break. They should discard that mask and use a new one before returning to their dusty job.
The idea of mask mandates is based on a paradox. I call this paradox M.

If someone requires you to wear a mask, they are only admitting that their own mask doesn't work. Yet they require you to wear one.

Masks, of course, do not work. They are completely ineffective against a virus. You might as well try to stop a fly with a barbed wire fence.

Is that what Crazy Trump told you????????????????
Hello Gondwanaland,

They are direct numbers from official sources. No spin. The literal definition of realistic as they represent reality.

So why are we seeing identical curves, if mask mandates work? If they work, we would expect to see the effects of them.

The curves from every single nation are not shown. Other factors beside masks have not been ruled out. It is a bogus argument. It is not convincing.

There are other factors besides masks. That cannot be ignored. Any conclusion which ignores that is not valid. It is not scientific to begin with a conclusion and then find data which supports it. Selected instances are not convincing. To be truly scientific it would have to include data from all nations, and rule out other factors besides masks. That cannot be done. Essentially, it is not possible to prove masks work or don't work.

Since the medial consensus is that they do work, that is what should be followed. Surgeons wear masks in an OR for a reason. To avoid infection. Since mask wearing has become common, the common cold has been reduced. That alone suggests masks are effective in reducing transmission.

People are not arguing against mask usage because they don't think it works. They argue against it because they personally don't like wearing masks.

There is no proving it either way, so the wise course of action is to err on the side of caution.

Wearing masks isn't going to hurt anybody, but not wearing them can definitely result in death.

So we wear them.

Those who fight it are thrown off of airplanes, fired from jobs, and not appreciated in public settings. This is serious. This is not be done for bogus reasons. We are fighting a killer. Mask rules are in place for a reason. That reason is valid.

There is growing frustration with the anti mask, anti vax position. There is a very wide belief that we could get control of the pandemic if we unite in our effort to combat it. If we all acted in unison to prevent the spread of the virus, we can get control of the pandemic. We can get our lives back.

Fighting against the united effort to combat the pandemic is seen as fighting for death, fighting for the spread of the virus, prolonging the pandemic. It is becoming increasingly unpopular.

We will conquer this and get our lives back. Those who refuse to be a part of the solution are seen as part of the problem. That is not appreciated at all. People are tired of this. We will prevail. The only unknown is how long it will take. That depends on how long it takes to get the hold-outs to come around.

Medical professionals are getting pretty tired of hearing dying people say they wish they got vaccinated, wish they could back up in time and do it before they got infected.

That would be hard to take after a while. Especially after we began to make progress in the spring, and then too many restrictions were lifted too quickly, too few got vaccinated, and the pandemic came right back, now even stronger than ever. ICU's are full. Nearly all the people on ventilators are not vaccinated. That situation is completely preventable.

It's pretty hard to fight a war when a certain contingent of your troops are actively working to help the enemy.

We need to be united on this to put forward our best effort.

It's pretty hard to understand the coldness it must take to casually disregard the lives of others.

The message to the hold outs needs to be clear: Join the effort to eradicate coronavirus. Give it your best. Unite with your fellow humans against our common enemy.

Doing nothing is not going to get us out of the pandemic.
Hello Gondwanaland,

The curves from every single nation are not shown.
They don't need to be shown. It is a close look at two different countries (3 in the case of the Sweden comparisons), an their differing mask mandates and mask wearing complaince.

Other factors beside masks have not been ruled out. It is a bogus argument. It is not convincing.
SO you claim there are other factors. What are those factors and how did they negate any and all difference created by mask mandates that you claim were successful?
There are other factors besides masks. That cannot be ignored. Any conclusion which ignores that is not valid. It is not scientific to begin with a conclusion and then find data which supports it. Selected instances are not convincing. To be truly scientific it would have to include data from all nations, and rule out other factors besides masks. That cannot be done. Essentially, it is not possible to prove masks work or don't work.
See above.

Snipped the rest of your post because I'm the one that provided actual IRL evidence for my statement, and you have not actually addressed it.
Pivot fallacy. TDS.

No, he is asking you why your assertion of fact was false by offering an explanation for you to affirm or deny. A timesaver.

Even the worst masks provide a degree of protections, and N-95 masks, somewhat close to 95%.

My theory is you are an immature troll with no life coupled with untreated pathological locomotive stereotypy. (like a polar bear in too small a cage)
I must say my prognosis is guarded as I am only 95 % accurate in my assessments without my clinical observation and kinetic intervention treatment.
No, he is asking you why your assertion of fact was false by offering an explanation for you to affirm or deny. A timesaver.

Even the worst masks provide a degree of protections, and N-95 masks, somewhat close to 95%.

My theory is you are an immature troll with no life coupled with untreated pathological locomotive stereotypy. (like a polar bear in too small a cage)
I must say my prognosis is guarded as I am only 95 % accurate in my assessments without my clinical observation and kinetic intervention treatment.

My theory is you are a snake two bit lawyer/internet troll, who posts worthless horse shit. How's that for a spot on theory: $0.25? Pfffffffft...
Hello again Gondwanaland,

They don't need to be shown. It is a close look at two different countries (3 in the case of the Sweden comparisons), an their differing mask mandates and mask wearing complaince.

SO you claim there are other factors. What are those factors and how did they negate any and all difference created by mask mandates that you claim were successful?
See above.

Snipped the rest of your post because I'm the one that provided actual IRL evidence for my statement, and you have not actually addressed it.

The other factors might include:

Did one location have a shut-down while the other did not?

Is one location urban while the other is rural?

Did people in one location have social contact with many other people or few. Same question for another location.

Were the vaccination rates the same?

How many people were masking in one location vs the number masking in another?

What types of masks were used?

Were masks being worn correctly?

What was the comparative duration of social contact in the two locations being considered?

If there was social contact with more people in one location vs another, what was the average duration of the contact?

How prevalent was the virus in each location to begin with?

How much testing was being done in each location?

How frequently was the testing being done?

Did the participants in testing participate in quarantining?

Was the quarantining self-monitored, or government monitored.


All of these factors could affect the spread of the virus. Unless it is known that all of these factors were the same in two locations, it is not a valid comparison.

Two locations are not enough to draw conclusions from.

The more locations which are compared, the more reliable any possible conclusions would become.

But since all the other factors cannot be controlled or are not equal, it is not possible to say with any acceptable degree of accuracy that these conclusions may be relied upon.

Without knowing for certain, the best course of action is to err on the side of caution, and do everything possible to reduce transmission.

Since the virus is not yet under control, not enough is being done.

It will be required to get the hold-outs to comply. We need a more united effort to gain control.

Until that happens we will not get control.
If everyone did their very best to absolutely minimize social contact, wear masks whenever in doubt, and get vaccinated, we will get the pandemic under control in the shortest period of time.

Everyone is not going to comply, but it is not needed for every single person to comply.

It is unknown what percentage of compliance will be required to gain control.

The amount of compliance already seen is not enough. So we need more.

We will know how much compliance is required when we gain control of the virus and stop it from spreading.

Until then, it is imperative that every human who can comply, and has not yet done so, should go ahead and do so.

Every human who can understand the need, and has the compassion to care about others, to care about contributing to the solution in a positive way should go ahead and do so.

The danger of not getting vaccinated is greater than the danger of getting vaccinated.

The danger is not simply to oneself. It is to others.

We all have a responsibility to society to reduce the spread of the virus.

It is very important for everyone to do their part.

Our nation has been badly divided. It is now time for us to get united. Now we have a very real reason to do so.

Be a part of the solution. Do your part for your country. Your country needs you to do your part.

Getting vaccinated and complying with the CDC guidelines is the best thing you can do for America.

Ask not what your country can do for you.

As what you can do for your country.

And the answer is to get vaccinated.
My theory is you are a snake two bit lawyer/internet troll, who posts worthless horse shit. How's that for a spot on theory: $0.25? Pfffffffft...

Only spineless cucks, cunts and criminals constantly use colored or oversized font for their posts. Jus' sayin'.

I support the CDC recommendations as a low cost and effective means to limit transmission of a virulent disease now forcing our nation to set up Trump Tents for children. Fucking morons are killing American kids out of pure politics and stupidity.
Like many pediatric hospitals in the U.S., Pittsburgh is seeing what Dr. Raymond Pitetti described as a “huge” increase in patient volumes. He said the surge began several weeks ago.....Regarding COVID, cases among children 12 and younger are increasing in Allegheny County. According to the head of the county's health department, in June there were just 67 cases among children in this age group. There were 157 in July, and 773 in August. According to data collected by the American Academy of Pediatrics, between 0.1% and 1.9% of kids who test positive for COVID are hospitalized.

Intensive care beds also are filling up at Pittsburgh Children’s, which is the only pediatric hospital in southwest Pennsylvania.

Hello Gondwanaland,

They don't need to be shown. It is a close look at two different countries (3 in the case of the Sweden comparisons), an their differing mask mandates and mask wearing complaince.

That is what is known as cherry-picking.

Only the data which supports a pre-determined conclusion has been selected.

And now that the technique has been exposed, it is rejected because it is meaningless.

Have you seen the full data of how bad the pandemic is?

Worldwide deaths: 4,715,707

USA deaths: 694,619

USA Active Cases is at the highest point at any time in the pandemic right now: 9,737,027

A previous peak in Active Cases was set on January 18th, 2021.

Now we are hoping to turn this current rise around after setting a hew high level, but we need everyone's help.

We need for everyone to get vaccinated and we need for everyone to strictly follow the CDC guidelines to avoid transmission.

It is very important to have the cooperation of all.

We depend on one another to stop this virus.

The economy will be suffering until we do this.

Please join us?

We need you.
Only spineless cucks, cunts and criminals constantly use colored or oversized font for their posts. Jus' sayin'.

Well Fuck you too... Jus' sayin'... burp...

I support the CDC recommendations as a low cost and effective means to limit transmission of a virulent disease now forcing our nation to set up Trump Tents for children. Fucking morons are killing American kids out of pure politics and stupidity.
Like many pediatric hospitals in the U.S., Pittsburgh is seeing what Dr. Raymond Pitetti described as a “huge” increase in patient volumes. He said the surge began several weeks ago.....Regarding COVID, cases among children 12 and younger are increasing in Allegheny County. According to the head of the county's health department, in June there were just 67 cases among children in this age group. There were 157 in July, and 773 in August. According to data collected by the American Academy of Pediatrics, between 0.1% and 1.9% of kids who test positive for COVID are hospitalized.

Intensive care beds also are filling up at Pittsburgh Children’s, which is the only pediatric hospital in southwest Pennsylvania.


Yer Kinda worthless n' stupid aren't ya: arrogant asshole? Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft...
Well Fuck you too... Jus' sayin'... burp...

Yer Kinda worthless n' stupid aren't ya: arrogant asshole? Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft...

It's okay if you are a gutless cuck needing to boost your ego with insults and colorful font. Whatever gets a loser like you through the day. :thup:
Hello Gondwanaland,

That is what is known as cherry-picking.
Er, no. None of the data has been cherrypicked. I presented you full data from those countries. If you can't address it, just say so.
Only the data which supports a pre-determined conclusion has been selected.

And now that the technique has been exposed, it is rejected because it is meaningless.

Have you seen the full data of how bad the pandemic is?

Worldwide deaths: 4,715,707

USA deaths: 694,619
Which is why we should not be relying on things like mask mandates which do not work.
USA Active Cases is at the highest point at any time in the pandemic right now: 9,737,027
And yet we are at our highest vaccination rate at any time in the pandemic right now. Almost as if the leaky vaccines have caused the vaccinated to spread a more virulent strain much quicker.
Hello Gondwanaland,

Er, no. None of the data has been cherrypicked. I presented you full data from those countries.

Only a few countries have been represented. A comprehensive study would include data from all countries.

Which is why we should not be relying on things like mask mandates which do not work.

If masking had not been employed the results would be worse.

And yet we are at our highest vaccination rate at any time in the pandemic right now. Almost as if the leaky vaccines have caused the vaccinated to spread a more virulent strain much quicker.

We reached a peak just prior to the mass introduction of vaccines, which brought the levels down. Then two things happened:

1. Distancing and mask requirements were relaxed too soon.

2. The more contagious Delta variant became widespread.

The Republican controlled States experienced the highest rates of COVID spread and the fullest ICU's, with nearly all the patients on ventilators being not vaccinated. Two Republican controlled States have had to impose Crisis Standards of Care because their hospital systems have become overwhelmed and they are no longer able to provide full care for the multitude of unvaccinated patients lined up outside ERs.

If there are not enough ventilators, those patients which are not expected to have a recovery are simply given palliative care. That means they will be shot up with painkillers and allowed to die. There are just too many patients to try to save everyone.

It is a mystery how people can see this and not want to do everything they can to fight the pandemic.

It is difficult to understand how and why the hold-outs are not moved by these reports.

Now is the time to drop political animosity, come together, and unite against COVID for the good of America.
It's okay if you are a gutless cuck needing to boost your ego with insults and colorful font. Whatever gets a loser like you through the day. :thup:

Gee I'm glad I have yer permission: arrogant asshole.

BTW: I'd do what the fuck I wanna do, (within forum rules), regardless of whether it makes your butt hurt or not. burp...
Gee I'm glad I have yer permission: arrogant asshole.

BTW: I'd do what the fuck I wanna do, (within forum rules), regardless of whether it makes your butt hurt or not. burp...
A narcissistic cocksucker like you doesn't need my permission. :thup:

Sure. Go for it. I'm a big fan of people who don't mind looking stupid and insecure. It helps me keep them seperate from those who are smarter and more confident.
A narcissistic cocksucker like you doesn't need my permission. :thup:

Sure. Go for it. I'm a big fan of people who don't mind looking stupid and insecure. It helps me keep them seperate from those who are smarter and more confident.

Owwwwwwww... ^^^^ that huwted my widdle feelings... BTW: go fuck yersef; arrogant asshole...