Question For The Vax And Mask Reluctant: "Why?"

Think about an uninformed extremely nasty extra stupid hypocrite Marxist like you? You flatter yersef: arrogant asshole. Go fuck yersef, n' stick yer head up yer arse while yer at it. Pfffffffffft...

Wow. Your job must suck ass for you to have so much displaced aggression all day. I'm guessing you're definitely under 40 and probably under 30.
Wow. Your job must suck ass for you to have so much displaced aggression all day. I'm guessing you're definitely under 40 and probably under 30.

"Displaced aggression" eh? Go back n' read yer VERY NASTY Trump derangement syndrome post. You are a hypocrite of the first order. Typical Marxist stuff, (where you project yer flaws on others).

As I've stated: yer an extra stupid very nasty Marxist, and arrogance n' stupidity are a dangerous combination.

Go fuck yersef: extra stupid arrogant asshole.
"Displaced aggression" eh? Go back n' read yer VERY NASTY Trump derangement syndrome post. You are a hypocrite of the first order. Typical Marxist stuff, (where you project yer flaws on others).

As I've stated: yer an extra stupid very nasty Marxist, and arrogance n' stupidity are a dangerous combination.

Go fuck yersef: extra stupid arrogant asshole.

Which one? The one like this?

It's unlikely that Trump will face justice for his multiple crimes and dereliction of duty.

It will be up to God to judge Trump. If everyone prays hard enough, then maybe God will give Trump a paralyzing stroke that leaves him mute, but able to move his head. He'd then spend every day looking at the ceiling and every evening watching Melania fuck any and every bodyguard she likes in the same bed with Trump’s fat, immobile body.

Finally, after several years of then when Melania is really getting pounded doggystyle with the guard's balls dangling in Trump's face, Trump throws up, chokes and dies. Melania climaxes then rests and stares at Trump’s eyes as they become cloudy and slowly flatten. Finally she has the bodyguard call her lawyer.

Which one? The one like this?

It's unlikely that Trump will face justice for his multiple crimes and dereliction of duty.

It will be up to God to judge Trump. If everyone prays hard enough, then maybe God will give Trump a paralyzing stroke that leaves him mute, but able to move his head. He'd then spend every day looking at the ceiling and every evening watching Melania fuck any and every bodyguard she likes in the same bed with Trump’s fat, immobile body.

Finally, after several years of then when Melania is really getting pounded doggystyle with the guard's balls dangling in Trump's face, Trump throws up, chokes and dies. Melania climaxes then rests and stares at Trump’s eyes as they become cloudy and slowly flatten. Finally she has the bodyguard call her lawyer.


Yup, notice the gay font: hypocrite. Are ya lookin' fer attention so ya can get ass fucked?

You are one fucked up extra stupid Marxist hypocrite: arrogant asshole. Go fuck yersef!
Yup, notice the gay font: hypocrite. Are ya lookin' fer attention so ya can get ass fucked?

You are one fucked up extra stupid Marxist hypocrite: arrogant asshole. Go fuck yersef!

Are you into gay sex, son? It's okay if you are. I'm both happily married and happily straight, but there's a few guys here who would swap pictures with you. PM me for names or turn your Gaydar on. They aren't too hard to find.

Do you understand it's one thing to highlight parts of a single post and another thing to constantly use an affectation like you and a few others?

FWIW, all the others are nuts. Truth Detector and Grokmaster being two of them. They are considerably older than you. For you to go insane so young is a tragedy.
Hello Nordberg,

We are grinding them down. The vaccination rate is slowly and gradually on the rise.

More people are getting vaccinated every day.

One good thing about the Delta surge is that it has caused a lot more people to get vaccinated.

Paradox V. Buzzword fallacy. There is no such thing as a 'Delta variant'. You can't have a variant of a variant.
Are you into gay sex, son? It's okay if you are. I'm both happily married and happily straight, but there's a few guys here who would swap pictures with you. PM me for names or turn your Gaydar on. They aren't too hard to find.

Do you understand it's one thing to highlight parts of a single post and another thing to constantly use an affectation like you and a few others?

FWIW, all the others are nuts. Truth Detector and Grokmaster being two of them. They are considerably older than you. For you to go insane so young is a tragedy.

In the short time we've ben sparing today you obviously project yer issues on others, (typical Marxist characteristic), that you are too stupid to notice.

You bitch about the color I choose to use then you use a gay color yersef.

You accuse me of bein' angry as you wish the most horrible things on Trump.

You are one fucked up extra stupid, extra nasty Marxist: arrogant asshole. Go fuck yersef.
In the short time we've ben sparing today you obviously project yer issues on others, (typical Marxist characteristic), that you are too stupid to notice.

You bitch about the color I choose to use then you use a gay color yersef.

You accuse me of bein' angry as you wish the most horrible things on Trump.

You are one fucked up extra stupid, extra nasty Marxist: arrogant asshole. Go fuck yersef.

You project fine all by yourself, son. You don't need anyone's help.

I'm just curious why you have an affectation like asking a pretty girl about her necklace. That's what affectations are for, aren't they? To show off?

Trump is an asshole. It's an American right to criticize our government. Only a commie cocksucker or a fascist fuckwad would deny an American their right to criticize their own government.

Your anger is palpable. Do you explode like this at work and start throwing things or do you save it for when you get home?
You project fine all by yourself, son. You don't need anyone's help.

I'm just curious why you have an affectation like asking a pretty girl about her necklace. That's what affectations are for, aren't they? To show off?

Trump is an asshole. It's an American right to criticize our government. Only a commie cocksucker or a fascist fuckwad would deny an American their right to criticize their own government.

Your anger is palpable. Do you explode like this at work and start throwing things or do you save it for when you get home?

You really got the hots for me: eh? Get over it, I'm straight.

I don't care what you think, you are worthless.
You really got the hots for me: eh? Get over it, I'm straight.

I don't care what you think, you are worthless.

No, but it's interesting that you think so.

Yes, you care. Otherwise I wouldn't make you so upset.

Good night, little princess.

Results count, son. I'm just trying to chat and you've come unglued. Why? What job could be so bad that you stay upset for hours?

I'm not upset at all: arrogant asshole, (yer projecting again).

I prefer not to "chat" with nasty extra stupid Marxist hypocrites who wish ill to people they don't agree with.

Yer so called chats are just trading insults, and projecting yer upside down horse shit on others.

When you hit me I will always hit back, I'm that way with every poster on any forum I've been on.

You are an extra stupid hypocrite Marxist that constantly projects, ("you've come unglued, you stay upset for hours"): arrogant asshole.

You wine about color then you use gay color.

You claim I care about you, (I don't at all) butt: then you chase me around like a little puppy.

Do what ya wanna do: fuck stick, I will give it back in spades, n' you can take that to the bank.

Neutral observers can see what I'm saying, butt: yer soooo stupid and insecure and you need that constant attention, (bad strokes if you will), that you can't see the obvious.

Anyway: get fucked.
I'm not upset at all: arrogant asshole, (yer projecting again).

I prefer not to "chat" with nasty extra stupid Marxist hypocrites who wish ill to people they don't agree with.

Yer so called chats are just trading insults, and projecting yer upside down horse shit on others.

When you hit me I will always hit back, I'm that way with every poster on any forum I've been on.

You are an extra stupid hypocrite Marxist that constantly projects, ("you've come unglued, you stay upset for hours"): arrogant asshole.

You wine about color then you use gay color.

You claim I care about you, (I don't at all) butt: then you chase me around like a little puppy.

Do what ya wanna do: fuck stick, I will give it back in spades, n' you can take that to the bank.

Neutral observers can see what I'm saying, butt: yer soooo stupid and insecure and you need that constant attention, (bad strokes if you will), that you can't see the obvious.

Anyway: get fucked.
Geez, dude. For someone who isn't upset, you seem very upset. Nice diatribe though. Kudos! :thup:

Yes, I too am counting on the neutral observers.