Question For The Vax And Mask Reluctant: "Why?"

No, he is asking you why your assertion of fact was false by offering an explanation for you to affirm or deny. A timesaver.
No, it was a pivot fallacy. As for your question, RQAA.
Even the worst masks provide a degree of protections, and N-95 masks, somewhat close to 95%.
Not what the '95' means in the N95 specification. Masks are completely ineffective against a virus.
My theory is you are an immature troll with no life coupled with untreated pathological locomotive stereotypy. (like a polar bear in too small a cage)
I must say my prognosis is guarded as I am only 95 % accurate in my assessments without my clinical observation and kinetic intervention treatment.

Insults and psychoquackery are not theories.
Hello again Gondwanaland,

The other factors might include:

Did one location have a shut-down while the other did not?

Is one location urban while the other is rural?

Did people in one location have social contact with many other people or few. Same question for another location.

Were the vaccination rates the same?

How many people were masking in one location vs the number masking in another?

What types of masks were used?

Were masks being worn correctly?

What was the comparative duration of social contact in the two locations being considered?

If there was social contact with more people in one location vs another, what was the average duration of the contact?

How prevalent was the virus in each location to begin with?

How much testing was being done in each location?

How frequently was the testing being done?

Did the participants in testing participate in quarantining?

Was the quarantining self-monitored, or government monitored.


All of these factors could affect the spread of the virus. Unless it is known that all of these factors were the same in two locations, it is not a valid comparison.

Two locations are not enough to draw conclusions from.

The more locations which are compared, the more reliable any possible conclusions would become.

But since all the other factors cannot be controlled or are not equal, it is not possible to say with any acceptable degree of accuracy that these conclusions may be relied upon.

Without knowing for certain, the best course of action is to err on the side of caution, and do everything possible to reduce transmission.

Since the virus is not yet under control, not enough is being done.

It will be required to get the hold-outs to comply. We need a more united effort to gain control.

Until that happens we will not get control.

Prosecutor's fallacy. Straw man fallacies.
Attempted proof of negative by straw man.
Why do you choose to ignore health care givers pleas to get vaccinated and take proper steps to avoid transmission?

It makes no sense.

What you are doing defies logic.

What kind of American are you that you do not want to protect American health?

How did you get to be against humanity and on the side of the enemy?

Why do you refuse to listen to health care workers?

They have given us their all. They have worked tirelessly for over a year. Long hours. They have missed their families and special occasions. They have missed birthdays and visits with relatives. They have missed sleep and recreation. They have missed the chance to simply relax. We all take that for granted.

Many times they have chosen to sleep and live elsewhere over concerns that they might infect their families. Some of them shower and change at work before even coming home. Some of them have to wear a mask in their own home to avoid infecting vulnerable relatives.

They are doing their very best. Every day they strive to help others. They are fighting this disease with everything they have. It is arduous to have to suit up in PPE to perform their jobs. They have to time their biorhythms so they can get through the times they are suited up without drinking water or going to the bathroom. They are dealing with the crushing demands of their jobs out of sheer dedication to purpose and to helping others because they know if they don't do it our national effort is reduced by that much.

They know if they don't do their job that someone will die. They don't even know who, but just the knowledge that it is someone is depending on them is enough; because they can do something about that.

They have been fighting this pandemic on the front lines since March last year. Many have burned out. Only the strongest remain. Their dedication is not to be taken for granted. They are serving America at great personal risk. Many care givers have died from corona.

We all thought the vaccines were the beginning of the end. We turned the corner. We started to get it under control. Many states opened up too soon. We never got the disease completely under control. We could have been in far better shape had it not been for greed over money and jobs. Money and jobs are absolutely important; but lives are absolutely MORE important. We should not have let up. It turned out to be a huge mistake to relax the protocols too soon.

That was when the Delta variant hit hard. Right when we were not well positioned to deal with it. Delta hit us hard. The reason is because too many Americans are not taking the protocols seriously. They are not masking, not distancing, not even getting vaccinated. This is the one reason the pandemic is so bad in the USA right now. Nearly all the people in the ICUs and dying are not vaccinated. What a waste.

Health care workers are so tired of it. They have no problem helping people; but it is extremely difficult to know that the people who are hit the hardest, who made the decision to not get vaccinated, brought this on themselves. Health care workers tell heart-breaking stories of people gasping for breath in ICUs saying NOW they wish they had gotten the vaccine. They know heartbreak every day seeing people die needlessly.

And to leave work and see people in public protesting against masks and vaccines is a slap in the face of everything health care workers know and see. Propaganda is killing people and debilitating our nation. Anti-vax and anti-mask protestors are out three pretending it is all a joke but health care workers know better. They see the death. They pull the sheets up over the heads of anti-vax people who lost their lives for a lie. They wheel the bodies out, and when they come back down the hall there are more patients to replace them. More patients saying now they wish they had gotten the vaccine.

And still, you anti-vax people refuse to get vaccinated. How do you ignore all of this? How do you pretend it's not happening? How do you pretend there is no pandemic when clearly there is.

I just don't get it.

Where is your heart?

Where is your sense of duty to your country?

Where is your compassion?

What makes you think you are any different than the rest of us, that you will survive this when so many others who felt just like you lost their lives? It makes no sense at all.

A virus doesn't care about politics. A virus is going to go anywhere it is allowed to go. All we have to do is cut off the avenues for it to travel. Stop spending time with others in close proximity wherever possible. Wear a mask when you must be near others indoors or in crowds. And for the love of humanity, get vaccinated.

It is time. You've held out this long and you've lucked out if you're still OK. Maybe you've already gotten COVID and you didn't know it. Maybe you got it and did know it and you got better. Maybe you've already spread it to others and didn't even know it, or worse, didn't care. Somebody is probably dead because of you. We've all seen the stories of heartbreak and loss. We've all seen the stories of those who didn't get vaccinated, lost a husband or wife, parents, or even children, and THEN they changed their mind. They decided they will get the vaccine after tragedy struck them.

That might be you if you do not get vaccinated.

It is time.

Just do it.

And get with the rest of us in fighting this pandemic. If we all do our part together we can totally get it under control and get our regular lives back. But as long as people like you hold out and keep spreading the disease, that will never happen. You need to believe in America. It is time to unite. Believe that when we are united against a common enemy, we can prevail. We do not have to accept defeat by a dumb virus. We are humans. We have brains. All we have to do is used them properly.

Stop listening to your friends. Stop listening to propaganda. Think for yourself.

Do the right thing.

Get vaccinated.

I don't really care why you held out for so long. Sure. I am curious. But it doesn't matter. The important thing is that EVERYONE joins together to fight our common enemy. Don't worry about the politics. That is not important. This is a matter of life and death.

It is time to give it up and get vaccinated.

It is the single most patriotic thing you can do right now.
Listen to what every hospital in America is telling you. If you have any questions at all about getting vaccinated, ASK YOUR DOCTOR.

You wouldn't ask a doctor how to build a house. If you're a carpenter, do not listen to another carpenter tell you how to protect your health and the health of your family and loved ones. If you got messed up in a car wreck you are not going to get stitched up by a carpenter. You are going to trust your life to your doctor.

This is no different. Getting vaccinated is an important health care concern. The only person you should listen to on important health care concern is a doctor. (And don't make the mistake of shopping around until you get one to tell you what you want to believe. That is pointless.) Just ask your regular doctor. See what he/she says.

I bet they won't agree with Tucker Carlson. (who has no medical degree) Listen to the person whose job it is to protect your health.

Masks lower blood oxygen. That's not natural. People were not made to wear masks.

As for the vaccinations, if you haven't had it, you might should be vaccinated. I had the actual deal.

A node of my right lung is not what it used to be, but other than that, I'm fine.
I don't need any vaccination, I'll tell you that.
Only spineless cucks, cunts and criminals constantly use colored or oversized font for their posts. Jus' sayin'.
Irrelevant. Bulverism fallacy.
I support the CDC recommendations
Because you are a spineless sheeple, and you support fascism.
as a low cost
Shutting down the economy is not 'low cost'.
and effective means
Shutting down the economy is not effective at stopping any virus. Masks do not stop any virus. Paradox M. Paradox V.
to limit transmission of a virulent disease
Covid19 is an airborne virus. It's already in the air everywhere.
now forcing our nation to set up Trump Tents for children. Fucking morons are killing American kids out of pure politics and stupidity.
Covid19 does not kill.
A narcissistic cocksucker like you doesn't need my permission. :thup:

Sure. Go for it. I'm a big fan of people who don't mind looking stupid and insecure. It helps me keep them seperate from those who are smarter and more confident.

I see why you have so much self love. You're still a fucktard.
Hello Gondwanaland,
That is what is known as cherry-picking.
Fallacy fallacy. He is not cherry picking. He is showing you a falsification of your stupid theory.
Only the data which supports a pre-determined conclusion has been selected.
Fallacy fallacy. A falsification only needs one example.
And now that the technique has been exposed, it is rejected because it is meaningless.
Fallacy fallacy. Argument of the stone fallacy.
Have you seen the full data of how bad the pandemic is?
There isn't any. Argument from randU fallacy. Random numbers are not data.
Worldwide deaths: 4,715,707
Random number.
USA deaths: 694,619
Random number.
USA Active Cases is at the highest point at any time in the pandemic right now: 9,737,027
False authority fallacy. Random numbers are not data.
A previous peak in Active Cases was set on January 18th, 2021.
Random number.
Now we are hoping to turn this current rise around after setting a hew high level, but we need everyone's help.
What 'rise'? Of what? There is no data. Random numbers are not data.
We need for everyone to get vaccinated and we need for everyone to strictly follow the CDC guidelines to avoid transmission.
It is very important to have the cooperation of all.
We depend on one another to stop this virus.
The economy will be suffering until we do this.
Paradox V. Paradox M.
Please join us?

We need you.
I do not support fascism. I do not support your paradoxes.
Hello Gondwanaland,

Only a few countries have been represented. A comprehensive study would include data from all countries.

If masking had not been employed the results would be worse.

We reached a peak just prior to the mass introduction of vaccines, which brought the levels down. Then two things happened:

1. Distancing and mask requirements were relaxed too soon.

2. The more contagious Delta variant became widespread.

The Republican controlled States experienced the highest rates of COVID spread and the fullest ICU's, with nearly all the patients on ventilators being not vaccinated. Two Republican controlled States have had to impose Crisis Standards of Care because their hospital systems have become overwhelmed and they are no longer able to provide full care for the multitude of unvaccinated patients lined up outside ERs.

If there are not enough ventilators, those patients which are not expected to have a recovery are simply given palliative care. That means they will be shot up with painkillers and allowed to die. There are just too many patients to try to save everyone.

It is a mystery how people can see this and not want to do everything they can to fight the pandemic.

It is difficult to understand how and why the hold-outs are not moved by these reports.

Now is the time to drop political animosity, come together, and unite against COVID for the good of America.

Fallacy fallacy. Argument by repetition fallacy. Argument of the stone fallacy. Argument from randU fallacy. Covid19 does not kill. I do not support your religion nor fascism. Paradox V. Paradox M.
Masks lower blood oxygen. That's not natural. People were not made to wear masks.
Masks do not lower blood oxygen, their extended use does have a risk. Wearing one for more than a couple of hours does increase the risk of bacteriological and fungal infections. You are right. People were not made to wear masks. Masks can be useful in a dusty environments, but only with these restrictions on use.
As for the vaccinations, if you haven't had it, you might should be vaccinated. I had the actual deal.
He is arguing both sides of a paradox (paradox V). He is only admitting that his own vaccination does not work, so he wants everyone else to get vaccinated.
A node of my right lung is not what it used to be, but other than that, I'm fine.
I don't need any vaccination, I'll tell you that.
The lung will heal, given time. You are right. If you have already had covid19, you have immunity for the rest of your life.
Irrelevant. Bulverism fallacy.

Because you are a spineless sheeple, and you support fascism.

Shutting down the economy is not 'low cost'.

Shutting down the economy is not effective at stopping any virus. Masks do not stop any virus. Paradox M. Paradox V.

Covid19 is an airborne virus. It's already in the air everywhere.

Covid19 does not kill.
I see why you have so much self love. You're still a fucktard.

You two should get together, pool your money and have your own little Trump statue to play with.

Why do you choose to ignore health care givers pleas to get vaccinated and take proper steps to avoid transmission?

It makes no sense.

What you are doing defies logic.

What kind of American are you that you do not want to protect American health?

How did you get to be against humanity and on the side of the enemy?

Why do you refuse to listen to health care workers?

They have given us their all. They have worked tirelessly for over a year. Long hours. They have missed their families and special occasions. They have missed birthdays and visits with relatives. They have missed sleep and recreation. They have missed the chance to simply relax. We all take that for granted.

Many times they have chosen to sleep and live elsewhere over concerns that they might infect their families. Some of them shower and change at work before even coming home. Some of them have to wear a mask in their own home to avoid infecting vulnerable relatives.

They are doing their very best. Every day they strive to help others. They are fighting this disease with everything they have. It is arduous to have to suit up in PPE to perform their jobs. They have to time their biorhythms so they can get through the times they are suited up without drinking water or going to the bathroom. They are dealing with the crushing demands of their jobs out of sheer dedication to purpose and to helping others because they know if they don't do it our national effort is reduced by that much.

They know if they don't do their job that someone will die. They don't even know who, but just the knowledge that it is someone is depending on them is enough; because they can do something about that.

They have been fighting this pandemic on the front lines since March last year. Many have burned out. Only the strongest remain. Their dedication is not to be taken for granted. They are serving America at great personal risk. Many care givers have died from corona.

We all thought the vaccines were the beginning of the end. We turned the corner. We started to get it under control. Many states opened up too soon. We never got the disease completely under control. We could have been in far better shape had it not been for greed over money and jobs. Money and jobs are absolutely important; but lives are absolutely MORE important. We should not have let up. It turned out to be a huge mistake to relax the protocols too soon.

That was when the Delta variant hit hard. Right when we were not well positioned to deal with it. Delta hit us hard. The reason is because too many Americans are not taking the protocols seriously. They are not masking, not distancing, not even getting vaccinated. This is the one reason the pandemic is so bad in the USA right now. Nearly all the people in the ICUs and dying are not vaccinated. What a waste.

Health care workers are so tired of it. They have no problem helping people; but it is extremely difficult to know that the people who are hit the hardest, who made the decision to not get vaccinated, brought this on themselves. Health care workers tell heart-breaking stories of people gasping for breath in ICUs saying NOW they wish they had gotten the vaccine. They know heartbreak every day seeing people die needlessly.

And to leave work and see people in public protesting against masks and vaccines is a slap in the face of everything health care workers know and see. Propaganda is killing people and debilitating our nation. Anti-vax and anti-mask protestors are out three pretending it is all a joke but health care workers know better. They see the death. They pull the sheets up over the heads of anti-vax people who lost their lives for a lie. They wheel the bodies out, and when they come back down the hall there are more patients to replace them. More patients saying now they wish they had gotten the vaccine.

And still, you anti-vax people refuse to get vaccinated. How do you ignore all of this? How do you pretend it's not happening? How do you pretend there is no pandemic when clearly there is.

I just don't get it.

Where is your heart?

Where is your sense of duty to your country?

Where is your compassion?

What makes you think you are any different than the rest of us, that you will survive this when so many others who felt just like you lost their lives? It makes no sense at all.

A virus doesn't care about politics. A virus is going to go anywhere it is allowed to go. All we have to do is cut off the avenues for it to travel. Stop spending time with others in close proximity wherever possible. Wear a mask when you must be near others indoors or in crowds. And for the love of humanity, get vaccinated.

It is time. You've held out this long and you've lucked out if you're still OK. Maybe you've already gotten COVID and you didn't know it. Maybe you got it and did know it and you got better. Maybe you've already spread it to others and didn't even know it, or worse, didn't care. Somebody is probably dead because of you. We've all seen the stories of heartbreak and loss. We've all seen the stories of those who didn't get vaccinated, lost a husband or wife, parents, or even children, and THEN they changed their mind. They decided they will get the vaccine after tragedy struck them.

That might be you if you do not get vaccinated.

It is time.

Just do it.

And get with the rest of us in fighting this pandemic. If we all do our part together we can totally get it under control and get our regular lives back. But as long as people like you hold out and keep spreading the disease, that will never happen. You need to believe in America. It is time to unite. Believe that when we are united against a common enemy, we can prevail. We do not have to accept defeat by a dumb virus. We are humans. We have brains. All we have to do is used them properly.

Stop listening to your friends. Stop listening to propaganda. Think for yourself.

Do the right thing.

Get vaccinated.

I don't really care why you held out for so long. Sure. I am curious. But it doesn't matter. The important thing is that EVERYONE joins together to fight our common enemy. Don't worry about the politics. That is not important. This is a matter of life and death.

It is time to give it up and get vaccinated.

It is the single most patriotic thing you can do right now.
Listen to what every hospital in America is telling you. If you have any questions at all about getting vaccinated, ASK YOUR DOCTOR.

You wouldn't ask a doctor how to build a house. If you're a carpenter, do not listen to another carpenter tell you how to protect your health and the health of your family and loved ones. If you got messed up in a car wreck you are not going to get stitched up by a carpenter. You are going to trust your life to your doctor.

This is no different. Getting vaccinated is an important health care concern. The only person you should listen to on important health care concern is a doctor. (And don't make the mistake of shopping around until you get one to tell you what you want to believe. That is pointless.) Just ask your regular doctor. See what he/she says.

I bet they won't agree with Tucker Carlson. (who has no medical degree) Listen to the person whose job it is to protect your health.
Not sure why this is posted. 95% of those it's addressed to the androgyne has on ignore.
Masks do not lower blood oxygen, their extended use does have a risk. Wearing one for more than a couple of hours does increase the risk of bacteriological and fungal infections. You are right. People were not made to wear masks. Masks can be useful in a dusty environments, but only with these restrictions on use.

He is arguing both sides of a paradox (paradox V). He is only admitting that his own vaccination does not work, so he wants everyone else to get vaccinated.

The lung will heal, given time. You are right. If you have already had covid19, you have immunity for the rest of your life.

Yep, just like the flu that I haven't had since I was 15. It got me then, but I overcame it.
This is bad history repeating. In 1874 Germany started a national vaccination program to fight smallpox. It was so effective that it was the model for countries across the globe. It stayed in place until the 1930s when the Nazis stopped it. So we are at it again.
Hello Nordberg,

This is bad history repeating. In 1874 Germany started a national vaccination program to fight smallpox. It was so effective that it was the model for countries across the globe. It stayed in place until the 1930s when the Nazis stopped it. So we are at it again.

We are grinding them down. The vaccination rate is slowly and gradually on the rise.

More people are getting vaccinated every day.

One good thing about the Delta surge is that it has caused a lot more people to get vaccinated.
Vaccination rates on the rise:

""That is why the Department has continued its efforts to educate staff and inmates about the vaccine and encourage all staff to get vaccinated, if not for themselves, for their loved ones, co-workers and individuals under their supervision and care. We've seen a substantial increase in both staff and inmate vaccinations that we believe is a result of these efforts. We've seen a substantial increase in both staff and inmate vaccinations that we believe is a result of these efforts."

In addition to the increase in staff inoculations, vaccination rates of Hawaii's incarcerated population rose at eight of the nine correctional facilities since June, according to a Sept. 14 point-in-time count presented to the Hawaii Correctional Systems Oversight Commission on Thursday."

Vaccine rates up for public safety workers and inmates
This is bad history repeating. In 1874 Germany started a national vaccination program to fight smallpox. It was so effective that it was the model for countries across the globe. It stayed in place until the 1930s when the Nazis stopped it. So we are at it again.

The modern smallpox vaccine was a real vaccine that stopped infection and transmission. The mRNA "vaccines" do neither.