Quick Logic Problem

Not because it's been established that each already has one boy. So we're calculating the probability only that the second child of each is a boy. The knowledge that each already has one boy is actually irrelevant and is one of those nasty little tricks that such questions often include just to mess with you.

That's what I was thinking but if you are calculating only their 2nd child shouldn't you be right with 25%?

What are we missing?
Another hint: There can never be a girl-girl for either of the women as both have at least one son.

Dano... yes, you can add a boy-boy to each of those scenarios, the fact that they each have a son already doesn't change the results of the unknown child.

you would have

boy boy with boy girl
boy girl with boy boy
boy boy with boy boy
boy girl with boy girl
Dano... yes, you can add a boy-boy to each of those scenarios, the fact that they each have a son already doesn't change the results of the unknown child.

you would have

boy boy with boy girl
boy girl with boy boy
boy boy with boy boy
boy girl with boy girl

You are getting closer.
Another hint: You have listed 4 possibilities above, there are more than that.
:rolleyes: Not rocket science..ya want a boy wear briefs ya want a girl wear boxers..a proven temperature oxymoron from science...:cof1:
You are getting closer.
Another hint: You have listed 4 possibilities above, there are more than that.

No, there are not. Unless you are going to suddenly tell us that one of the children in question is the step child of Jane and birth child of Joan.

The boy portion on one child for each is fixed. Each has one. So each of the other probabilities is listed.
You are getting closer.
Another hint: You have listed 4 possibilities above, there are more than that.

Actually, we can eliminate the first child's gender from consideration as that has been established.

So the possibilities remain (including both mothers):

Boy - boy
Boy - girl (or Girl - boy; the order doesn't matter)
Girl - girl

Darnit, the answer really is 33%!