Race to the bottom

Capehart: Why, then, doesn’t the president get credit for what he’s done?

Landrieu: He’s smart. He’s tough. He’s also very kind. And sometimes people mistake that for weakness. ... This guy is not retributive. He’s like, “You can criticize me. You can take credit for my work.” As long as he gets elected and helps the people, that’s okay.


I'm sure Biden is a perfectly nice person. That really has nothing to do with accomolishments. A President is a lot like a head coach. They get too much credit and too much blame. Presidents win and re-win mostly because they're charismatic, good talkers and show leadership. Biden will likey be dead before his next term ends, if he wins. He's not charismatic. He doesn't come across as a leader because he's so feeble. More often than not, he talks like a drunken sailor. The fact that he and Trump are so close in polling isn't a reflection of how good Trump is as a candidate. Trump is garbage as a candidate and as a person.
I'm sure Biden is a perfectly nice person. That really has nothing to do with accomolishments. A President is a lot like a head coach. They get too much credit and too much blame. Presidents win and re-win mostly because they're charismatic, good talkers and show leadership. Biden will likey be dead before his next term ends, if he wins. He's not charismatic. He doesn't come across as a leader because he's so feeble. More often than not, he talks like a drunken sailor. The fact that he and Trump are so close in polling isn't a reflection of how good Trump is as a candidate. Trump is garbage as a candidate and as a person.

I'll take Biden over Clinton and Obama. He's the best President in my lifetime.
I think Trump has so soured discourse that people think being a cynic is smart. It is not.
The economy is great, unless you actually want to buy anything, especially a house. Let’s just say the economy is great. What specifically did Biden do to make it great, other than become president after two years of the government handing out free money and allowing a portion of the country to live rent free? Also, what did Biden do to get the DOJ to prosecute Trump?
The economy is suffering from Putin's war as it is with all industrialized countries. Biden has the lowest inflation rates and the best economy of the members of that club.
Biden does not use DOJ like Trump did. He is not involved in Trump's trials. Trump committed crimes in public or on tape. Many cases are state charges.
its a good start.

and then encouraging sex secrets be kept from parents is the next step.

No, it's really not a good start. Teachers, coaches, youth pastors, priests, etc are able to groom kids because they have regular contact with them, that they are able to parlay into alone time. Explain how any adult, who is simply reading a book or two to a group of kids, is going to groom them.
No, it's really not a good start. Teachers, coaches, youth pastors, priests, etc are able to groom kids because they have regular contact with them, that they are able to parlay into alone time. Explain how any adult, who is simply reading a book or two to a group of kids, is going to groom them.

THe coach is doing it too, is not a good defense.

there is an actual pro-trans curriculum being taught. and kids are encouraged to keep it a secret from parents.
THe coach is doing it too, is not a good defense.

there is an actual pro-trans curriculum being taught. and kids are encouraged to keep it a secret from parents.

My last post deleted itself when I tried to edit it.

Grooming takes time. It takes regular contact and the ability to get alone time with the target. How is would anyone turn reading books into an opportunity to groom a child? If you can explain that, maybe you can also explain why are you only concerned specifically about trannies and not all other adults who read books to a group of kids?
My last post deleted itself when I tried to edit it.

Grooming takes time. It takes regular contact and the ability to get alone time with the target. How is would anyone turn reading books into an opportunity to groom a child? If you can explain that, maybe you can also explain why are you only concerned specifically about trannies and not all other adults who read books to a group of kids?

it's not just about trans story hour. it's about a full perversion curriculum.
So, like other adults, you're ok with trannies reading books to kids as long as it's not what you label as "perversion curriculum"?


sicko story hour is also fucked up, but not the whole story.

you're knowingly being reductivist.

knock it off, ass-master.
Despite Democrats best efforts to burn their party to the ground, Republicans seem highly motivated to bail them out by burning their own party to the ground even faster... because apparently allowing MAGA to cost them 3 elections in a row, with a 4th on the brink thanks to abortion, just wasn't enough.

Dems (government /education) recently upped the arson ante by refusing to condemn terrorism/ support for terrorism, repeatedly expressed* support for a terrorist organization, and also criticized the victims of terrorism for defending themselves.

Well... Republicans were having none of it.

We now have Republican senators trying to fist fight union leaders during Congressional hearings and other Republican House members trying to fight Kevin McCarthy on the House floor.

Not to be out done, the Heat Miser has to get in on the Republican immolation (would you expect anything less from the "Heat" miser?) by filing an ethics complaint against McCarthy.

Almost forgot.....

Republican Representative Comer is calling Dem Rep a "Smurf".

Leftists are an anchor around the neck of America. They have been exceedingly successful at fucking up the brains of generations of Americans so much so that we don't know what a woman is and misgendering is the only crime worthy of punishment.