Racial Politics: Who Us? Noooo


This is really disgusting, but also very telling. Read the whole thing, up to the end, it gets worse and worse. "this boy"?

Westmoreland calls Obama ‘uppity'
By Mike Soraghan
Posted: 09/04/08 03:07 PM [ET]
Georgia Republican Rep. Lynn Westmoreland used the racially-tinged term "uppity" to describe Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama Thursday.

Westmoreland was discussing vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin's speech with reporters outside the House chamber and was asked to compare her with Michelle Obama.

Just from what little I’ve seen of her and Mr. Obama, Sen. Obama, they're a member of an elitist-class individual that thinks that they're uppity," Westmoreland said.

Asked to clarify that he used the word “uppity,” Westmoreland said, “Uppity, yeah.”

Other Democrats have charged that the Republican campaign to paint the Illinois senator as an “elitist” is racially charged, and accused them of using code words for “uppity” without using the word itself.

In August, Rep. Shelley Berkley (D-Nev.) told reporters, “When I hear the word ‘elitist’ linked with Barack Obama, to me, that is a code word for 'uppity.' I find it extremely offensive and John McCain should know better.”

Political consultant David Gergen, who has worked in both Republican and Democratic White Houses, said on ABC’s "This Week" that “As a native of the south, I can tell you, when you see this Charlton Heston ad, 'The One,' that's code for, 'He's uppity, he ought to stay in his place.' Everybody gets that who is from a Southern background.”

The Obama campaign, asked about the quote, did not note any racial context.

“Sounds like Rep. Westmoreland should be careful throwing stones from his candidate's eight glass houses,” said Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor.

Campaigning against the first black major-party nominee has already created some problems for Republicans.

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) said that Obama's middle name – Hussein – is relevant to the public discourse surrounding his candidacy, saying in March that if Obama were elected, "Then the radical Islamists, the al Qaeda, the radical Islamists and their supporters, will be dancing in the streets in greater numbers than they did on Sept. 11 because they will declare victory in this War on Terror."

At an April 12 event in his district, Kentucky Rep. Geoff Davis (R) said of Obama: “I’m going to tell you something: That boy’s finger does not need to be on the button. He could not make a decision in that simulation that related to a nuclear threat to this country.”
Darla, don't you have any real issues to talk about. Make a stand against globalization and outsourcing. Your party says you're for the working people. Take a stand on that. There is a clear difference there and it's politically a winner, though the pundits will try to shut out the discussion.
"they're a member of an elitist-class individual that thinks that they're uppity"

It's funny; the "elite class" BS bugs me more. It's what they tried to do all week; Millionaire east-coasters like Romney & Rudy, painting the son of a single mother as a "cosmopolitan" east coast elitist. Krugman has a great column on that this morning.

They think voters are really, really stupid; in many cases, they're right.

I'm not as worried about the racist stuff; Dixie said it ended with the civil rights legislation of the '60's. I'm sure stuff like "uppity" and "boy" has completely different connotations for these guys now...
Darla, don't you have any real issues to talk about. Make a stand against globalization and outsourcing. Your party says you're for the working people. Take a stand on that. There is a clear difference there and it's politically a winner, though the pundits will try to shut out the discussion.
Definitely, pound the "keeping jobs here" theme. It will resonate.
"they're a member of an elitist-class individual that thinks that they're uppity"

It's funny; the "elite class" BS bugs me more. It's what they tried to do all week; Millionaire east-coasters like Romney & Rudy, painting the son of a single mother as a "cosmopolitan" elitist. Krugman has a great column on that this morning.

They think voters are really, really stupid; in many cases, they're right.

I'm not as worried about the racist stuff; Dixie said it ended with the civil rights legislation of the '60's. I'm sure stuff like "uppity" and "boy" has completely different connotations for these guys now...

Oh I have to go read Krugman then, thanks.

LOL@ dixie said.
Oh, oh...thats a "code" word...thats a code word....it really, really means ......

Race bait and whine all you want.....the voters see are smart enough to figure out that all the Dims can do is play the race card....they have nothing else...
"Race bait and whine all you want"

I think you're confused here. When you use terms like "uppity" and "boy", THAT is race-baiting. Correctly observing that it is race-baiting is not in itself race-baiting.
"they're a member of an elitist-class individual that thinks that they're uppity"

It's funny; the "elite class" BS bugs me more. It's what they tried to do all week; Millionaire east-coasters like Romney & Rudy, painting the son of a single mother as a "cosmopolitan" east coast elitist. Krugman has a great column on that this morning.

They think voters are really, really stupid; in many cases, they're right.

I'm not as worried about the racist stuff; Dixie said it ended with the civil rights legislation of the '60's. I'm sure stuff like "uppity" and "boy" has completely different connotations for these guys now...

Again the attempt to associate "elitist" solely with "money".

American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source - Share This e·lit·ism or é·lit·ism Audio Help (ĭ-lē'tĭz'əm, ā-lē'-) Pronunciation Key
The belief that certain persons or members of certain classes or groups deserve favored treatment by virtue of their perceived superiority, as in intellect, social status, or financial resources.

A person can be elitist with one, two or all three of the above... but it is not required that it be due to all three.

That said, Westmoreland is acting the part of a racist for saying uppity.
"Race bait and whine all you want"

I think you're confused here. When you use terms like "uppity" and "boy", THAT is race-baiting. Correctly observing that it is race-baiting is not in itself race-baiting.

1. affecting an attitude of inflated self-esteem; haughty; snobbish.

Describes the Obamas to a tee...do we have to invent new words so as not hurt their feelings when the old words do the job just fine.....
Onceler, that is a great Krugman column, and I love this part especially:

t"he Republican Party, now more than ever, is firmly in the hands of the angry right, which has always been much bigger, much more influential and much angrier than its counterpart on the other side."

I was watching for the first time, a little of the convention last night, and they were scanning the crowd. It was scary. I said to my bf, do you see their faces? We both were just shaking our heads. They're angry. They're vengeful. For what do they want vengenace? I don't know. If you compare those faces, to the faces at the D convention? It tells you the whole story. If America chose those angry, vengeful, faces over the faces of happiness, and tears of joy, and hope for the future...then there will be hell to pay for all of us.
Onceler, that is a great Krugman column, and I love this part especially:

t"he Republican Party, now more than ever, is firmly in the hands of the angry right, which has always been much bigger, much more influential and much angrier than its counterpart on the other side."

I was watching for the first time, a little of the convention last night, and they were scanning the crowd. It was scary. I said to my bf, do you see their faces? We both were just shaking our heads. They're angry. They're vengeful. For what do they want vengenace? I don't know. If you compare those faces, to the faces at the D convention? It tells you the whole story. If America chose those angry, vengeful, faces over the faces of happiness, and tears of joy, and hope for the future...then there will be hell to pay for all of us.

So this election should be based on facial expressions? Jesus christ d, you're smarter than this. Why can't you get an issue?
Onceler, that is a great Krugman column, and I love this part especially:

t"he Republican Party, now more than ever, is firmly in the hands of the angry right, which has always been much bigger, much more influential and much angrier than its counterpart on the other side."

I was watching for the first time, a little of the convention last night, and they were scanning the crowd. It was scary. I said to my bf, do you see their faces? We both were just shaking our heads. They're angry. They're vengeful. For what do they want vengenace? I don't know. If you compare those faces, to the faces at the D convention? It tells you the whole story. If America chose those angry, vengeful, faces over the faces of happiness, and tears of joy, and hope for the future...then there will be hell to pay for all of us.

Yep; there is such a distinct contrast between the faces at the conventions. Plus, it looked like they were all white men.

They really looked maniacal at times, like when they were chanting "drill, baby, drill!" Everything is presented with anger; even when they shouted down Code Pink with "U.S.A.!", it sounded divisive - like this is OUR country, not yours.

I loved the way Krugman referred to Bush as "He Who Must Not Be Named" (Harry Potter reference for non-fans).
Again the attempt to associate "elitist" solely with "money".

American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source - Share This e·lit·ism or é·lit·ism Audio Help (ĭ-lē'tĭz'əm, ā-lē'-) Pronunciation Key
The belief that certain persons or members of certain classes or groups deserve favored treatment by virtue of their perceived superiority, as in intellect, social status, or financial resources.

A person can be elitist with one, two or all three of the above... but it is not required that it be due to all three.

That said, Westmoreland is acting the part of a racist for saying uppity.

Uppity and elitist are two different words with different meanings....

but I agree that Davis should be called out for using the word "boy" when talking about Obama....he owes Obama an apology for that ..
Onceler, that is a great Krugman column, and I love this part especially:

t"he Republican Party, now more than ever, is firmly in the hands of the angry right, which has always been much bigger, much more influential and much angrier than its counterpart on the other side."

I was watching for the first time, a little of the convention last night, and they were scanning the crowd. It was scary. I said to my bf, do you see their faces? We both were just shaking our heads. They're angry. They're vengeful. For what do they want vengenace? I don't know. If you compare those faces, to the faces at the D convention? It tells you the whole story. If America chose those angry, vengeful, faces over the faces of happiness, and tears of joy, and hope for the future...then there will be hell to pay for all of us.

Thats kinda funny...the leftest are well known for violent, destructive demonstrations of burning, looting, and arrests for the past 50+ years
and this blind bat sees the right as vengful, angry and scarry....

Man...thats tunnel-vision in the extreme that defies indisputable history...
Yep; there is such a distinct contrast between the faces at the conventions. Plus, it looked like they were all white men.

They really looked maniacal at times, like when they were chanting "drill, baby, drill!" Everything is presented with anger; even when they shouted down Code Pink with "U.S.A.!", it sounded divisive - like this is OUR country, not yours.

I loved the way Krugman referred to Bush as "He Who Must Not Be Named" (Harry Potter reference for non-fans).

So now YOU are the body language expert? Or do you just specialize in faces???
When did the word uppity become a bad word? Is this the best you can do?

Uppity - putting on or marked by airs of superiority; informal snobbish, arrogant, or presumptuous

Are the libtards going to start banning words now?

Its not like we called Obama "Boy" like libtard Jimmy Carter did.

[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umCo4qUJiOQ"]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/nomedia]
So now YOU are the body language expert? Or do you just specialize in faces???

That's SO cute...still trying to defend Damo on the body language thing.

Body language is something people actually study, and certain movements have meanings that are fairly reliable to interpret.

I was making a casual observation about what the convention looked like to me.

But you knew that; you just love Damo too much.
Apparently it is the best they can do. Sad. Corporations are destroying american lives and all they have is this. They're just as sold out as republicans on anything that matters. All they are willing to run on is hatred of whites and men.