Racial Politics: Who Us? Noooo

Jesus Christ; I KNOW that. Am I "reading" them? Am I "interpreting" them, as you did?

Debating you guys is like visiting the local 2nd grade picnic, except I don't think kids at that age are stupid for making those kinds of comments; they still have a long education ahead of them, so there is much more hope.

LOL. They really are a clown act.

I feel so bad, because I was the one who said I could tell by their facial expressions, and then I come back here, and someone else is being viciously attacked (by SF again, hmmm), over it. It’s so weird.
I wasn't here for whatever you are going on about, but I was the one who said you could see the terrible anger on their faces and you could, and being able to discern facial expressions which indicate emotions, is not the same thing as reading body language.

Um, yes, we are aware that you were the one that got lorax into his current fix. When he agreed that they "looked maniacal" etc.... he was agreeing that you could see the difference.

You are 100% wrong on the latter part of your statement. Discerning facial expressions is a huge part of reading body language.
Um... Yes.

You were saying that people study body language and that it is suddenly reliable.
I agree, there are people who study body language, just as I said last week as you tried to pretend that there was no possible way that it could be done. Suddenly agreeing in the "anger" of the R crowd (I agree, they are pissed at how their reps have stupidly overspent and are eager to correct it.)

This is the biggest BS diversion I have ever seen, and my guess is YOU saw the convention, you saw those faces, you know I am dead right, and you and SF created another one of your famous thread hijackings to cover up the fact that you both slavishly support a party whose main themes are “Kill The Bastards!”
LOL. They really are a clown act.

I feel so bad, because I was the one who said I could tell by their facial expressions, and then I come back here, and someone else is being viciously attacked (by SF again, hmmm), over it. It’s so weird.

I don't really consider it vicious, and I don't blame you at all.

It's a bonding experience for them, and I'm trying to respect that.
Really? I don’t think so. I can read people’s faces really well. But I don’t know much, if anything, about body language. I’ve read things like, if you want someone to feel comfortable with you, you should try and imitate their own body language. But I don’t bother with that kind of stuff, and I don’t know how to read subtle body language. I mean, I can tell if someone is getting ready to get violent, or throw up or something.

Yes, it is a huge part of reading someones body language. Just because you are good at reading facial expressions, but maybe not as capable of interpreting posture, hand jestures etc... doesn't make the facial expressions something other than a part of body language.
Um, yes, we are aware that you were the one that got lorax into his current fix. When he agreed that they "looked maniacal" etc.... he was agreeing that you could see the difference.

You are 100% wrong on the latter part of your statement. Discerning facial expressions is a huge part of reading body language.

Maybe it is, technically. I only know I am good at one of those things, and know nothing about the other one. I’d like to get a look at your face now. It sounds like you are really fuming.
Um, yes, we are aware that you were the one that got lorax into his current fix. When he agreed that they "looked maniacal" etc.... he was agreeing that you could see the difference.

You are 100% wrong on the latter part of your statement. Discerning facial expressions is a huge part of reading body language.
People often subconsciously interpret body language as well. It is a large part of our communication. Just like you don't have to concentrate to speak (usually, sometimes there is aphasia) this portion of communication is how we interpret that somebody just "doesn't like that other person" and other things without even having to be able to hear. Sometimes it is more obvious, sometimes more subtle.

It is one of the reasons why the written language is often mistaken to mean some other meaning than intended.
LOL. They really are a clown act.

I feel so bad, because I was the one who said I could tell by their facial expressions, and then I come back here, and someone else is being viciously attacked (by SF again, hmmm), over it. It’s so weird.

yes, you said it originally, but Lorax ALSO stated it. Given that he was the one last week saying how impossible it was to read body language and then to come on today and proclaim that it can be done is why I called him out on it.

As for your "viciously attacked"... give me a break... there was nothing vicious about it. I was simply mocking him for his hypocricy.
Okay, fellows. "You win."

My casual observation about the contrast in faces was EXACTLY like judging from Hillary's looking one way instead of the other during her speech was a clear sign that she wasn't really 100% behind Obama, and that her rolling her eyes to someone off camera - which Damo admitted was probably reacting to someone else - was also indicative that she didn't believe what she was saying about him.

You got me. Congrats, lovers....

Ohhh, is that what they were claiming? I see. Well, I should have known that Damo and SF would have been the lead cheerleaders on the “OMG THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY IS IMPLODING WHAT WILL HILLARY DO TO OBAMA NEXT” express train of last week.
You two are really like children, do you know that?
Maybe it is, technically. I only know I am good at one of those things, and know nothing about the other one. I’d like to get a look at your face now. It sounds like you are really fuming.


not in the least... but it is extremely funny that you can interpret that via words typed on a computer screen.
Can't believe I had to dig this up. Here was my premise:

"Damo specifically pointed to a reaction of Hillary's which he later said he thought was probably her responding to someone off-camera, as a way of interpreting how she "really" felt when she was saying the words just prior to the reaction. If she was responding to someone else, her body language didn't betray anything but a normal reaction. It was not indicative - by Damo's own admission, in his opinion - of anything subliminal or related at all to what she was saying.

That's what body language interpretation is all about; it's not supposed to delve into what a normal reaction to something might be. That's what I meant by "amateur hour." I surely wasn't upset about it; I just thought it was kind of ridiculous that Damo was, once again, talking out of his arse."


Naturally, this got a scathing "rubbish" from Damo...
Yes, it is a huge part of reading someones body language. Just because you are good at reading facial expressions, but maybe not as capable of interpreting posture, hand jestures etc... doesn't make the facial expressions something other than a part of body language.

I have a hand gesture I know how to read and I bet you do too, do you want to see it?

not in the least... but it is extremely funny that you can interpret that via words typed on a computer screen.

Oh I can read male emotions very well. Males are predators, and women learn early how to read their emotions for their own safety.

Can't believe I had to dig this up. Here was my premise:

"Damo specifically pointed to a reaction of Hillary's which he later said he thought was probably her responding to someone off-camera, as a way of interpreting how she "really" felt when she was saying the words just prior to the reaction. If she was responding to someone else, her body language didn't betray anything but a normal reaction. It was not indicative - by Damo's own admission, in his opinion - of anything subliminal or related at all to what she was saying.

That's what body language interpretation is all about; it's not supposed to delve into what a normal reaction to something might be. That's what I meant by "amateur hour." I surely wasn't upset about it; I just thought it was kind of ridiculous that Damo was, once again, talking out of his arse."


Naturally, this got a scathing "rubbish" from Damo...

Well Damo, this is just more proof of your jackassness, if you ask me. I can jsut see you studying Hillary for some "sign" that she is displeased that she lost the chance to be the first woman president of the united states.
"Well Damo, this is just more proof of your jackassness, if you ask me"

Did we really need more?

It's like the OJ trial with him....
You know what is funny, speaking of subliminal and unconscious stuff…my signature is doing exactly as I planned…acting as a sort of psychological itching powder on SF. Every time he reads it, he fumes more and more. You can really see it working on him, and he probably doesn’t even consciously realize the effect it’s having on him.
Well Damo, this is just more proof of your jackassness, if you ask me. I can jsut see you studying Hillary for some "sign" that she is displeased that she lost the chance to be the first woman president of the united states.
No, I wouldn't have to "study" her for that. I know I wouldn't be happy if I lost that chance myself. That one was a given.