Racist Murderer Kyle Rittenhouse Booed off Stage for Being a Pussy

Hi, own spokesman turned on the little murderous shit for being a douche:


Transforming a middle school dropout who was “angry at the world” with a history of violence and an unhealthy obsession with guns and killing into a respectable young man with a desire for higher education and a promising future was no easy feat.

It was a meticulously crafted facade, which we sincerely hoped he would grow into. Instead, he squandered a full scholarship to study any subject at any university in the country to become a divisive douchebag and antagonize black Americans on college campuses. Kyle failed to learn a single thing. He remains the same uneducated, arrogant, and antagonistic individual, incapable of telling the truth.
no business, you sorry, toothless butt-spray.

Are you saying this isn't a free country? Looks that way. What less right did he have for being there than the crowd of people and two or three (and how many more) violent criminals?

Democracy! Democracy! Democracy! They scream...
Are you saying this isn't a free country? Looks that way. What less right did he have for being there than the crowd of people and two or three (and how many more) violent criminals?

Democracy! Democracy! Democracy! They scream...

Strawman. "Democracy" doesn't justify someone grabbing a weapon of war and inserting yourself into a riot looking for trouble.
Strawman. "Democracy" doesn't justify someone grabbing a weapon of war and inserting yourself into a riot looking for trouble.

Nope. Not at all. Why doesn't it? There were hundreds of people there. He was just one. What makes them welcome and not him?
He is a dumb naïve child who got taken advantage of by the Trumper movement.

:laugh::laugh::laugh: Look who is talking while enabling the destruction of this country. You have been lied to for years. And those lies from the media and the government have even been exposed and here you are still believing them. You are the rube here.
:laugh::laugh::laugh: Look who is talking while enabling the destruction of this country. You have been lied to for years. And those lies from the media and the government have even been exposed and here you are still believing them. You are the rube here.

Naked projection.
Thanks for proving my point as to your insipid bigotry and racism, RB. As usual, you couldn't meet a simple burden of proof when challenged, so you bluff with some silly little meme. You're so intellectually impotent. Carry on.

RB60 = Really Boorish 60 yr. old.

In Arby the rubes "mind" only he and his fellow white rightwing sloop skulls are real Americans, people of color are takers and background noise.
Guno צְבִי;5949959 said:
In Arby the rubes "mind" only he and his fellow white rightwing sloop skulls are real Americans, people of color are takers and background noise.

Sad but true. IMO, most racists are insecure and have a strong innate need to feel superior over others. This is why so many are poorly educated, often stupid, beta-males.
Guno צְבִי;5949959 said:
In Arby the rubes "mind" only he and his fellow white rightwing sloop skulls are real Americans, people of color are takers and background noise.

I ain't racist, mongrel. I just hate you. I hope you die a long painful death from ass cancer.
Originally Posted by LurchAddams View Post
Because he went there just looking for trouble, he found it and now he's a murderer.

Nope. He got two worthless criminals off the streets.

I can only imagine the banshee wails from dullards like you if the exact same thing happen at one of the BLM demonstrations, but to a white cop or "armed civilian". Yet widdle Kyle is a hero for provoking a shootout.

You MAGA mooks are just the pathetic ghosts of all the fascist followers from WWII. Sad.

Faced with an irrefutable FAC that he cannot BS past, our inebriated sheet wearing MAGA mook does what he does best.....post some silly meme in a childish attempt at a retort.

You're done here, Matty. Blow the usual smoke, as I'll move on from your mental train wreck.
I can only imagine the banshee wails from dullards like you if the exact same thing happen at one of the BLM demonstrations, but to a white cop or "armed civilian". Yet widdle Kyle is a hero for provoking a shootout.

You MAGA mooks are just the pathetic ghosts of all the fascist followers from WWII. Sad.

WTF are you babbling about, you simple minded twit? Hero? To who?

Ghosts of all the fascist followers from WWII? Who were these fascists from WWII? What the hell are you even blathering about?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
I can only imagine the banshee wails from dullards like you if the exact same thing happen at one of the BLM demonstrations, but to a white cop or "armed civilian". Yet widdle Kyle is a hero for provoking a shootout.

You MAGA mooks are just the pathetic ghosts of all the fascist followers from WWII. Sad.

WTF are you babbling about, you simple minded twit? Hero? To who?

Ghosts of all the fascist followers from WWII? Who were these fascists from WWII? What the hell are you even blathering about?

Sorry, I forgot you're incapable/unwilling to deal with metaphors and comparative imagery. I'll dumb it down for you: In WWII you had a propaganda machine from the Nazi's and fascists to spin justifications for the blatant acts of violence done by the likes of Brown Shirts and such. It was always the righteous Brown Shirts that were "provoked" or "defending themselves/property" from the undesirables. Of course, history tells a different tale.

Widdl Kyle's antics are the same thing; a self appointed civilian police who goes uninvited with an illegal weapon in another state to confront people in a riot. Again, NO VIDEO DOCUMENTS WIDDLE KYLES'S VERSION OF WHAT HAPPENED PRIOR TO THE SHOOTING.

- Not arrested or detained on site.
- Not convicted/fined/detained for the illegal possession of a weapon discharged in public in the committing of manslaughter.
- the man who gave him the weapon gets a fine and suspended sentence for "contributing to the delinquency of a minor".

And that is just fine and dandy for little gits like YOU. My previous assessment stands.

RB60=really boorish 60 yr. old.