Ralph Nader endorses John Edwards

The media refused to touch the stories and many Americans thought it was all consperiacy bullshit. I took daily pummeling from all sides every time I brought it up.

The Dems were fooled by the Rs into supporting HAVA. They did not realise that the companies were all owned by partisan Republicans.
Why would it take sails out of the green party candidate? Isn't Nader an Independent? I'm actually not too surprised because of Edwards and his domestic issues. I am surprised because of Nader and his ego heh heh. However Nader had no impact on the 2000 election since Gore did win the popular vote. I hate how hypocritical people can be here in the States. One minute claiming we have the best political system in the world but God forbid if a third party (whether local or national) candidate wants to get involved.
There is still big problems in the system. I am hoping that the upcoming landslide will keep them out of office. It proved too much for their fixes in 2006. The only hope for this country is that the Dems once elected Change the system back and dont try to use the system in a corrupt manner themselfs.
Why would it take sails out of the green party candidate? Isn't Nader an Independent? I'm actually not too surprised because of Edwards and his domestic issues. I am surprised because of Nader and his ego heh heh. However Nader had no impact on the 2000 election since Gore did win the popular vote. I hate how hypocritical people can be here in the States. One minute claiming we have the best political system in the world but God forbid if a third party (whether local or national) candidate wants to get involved.

Gore did win the popular vote.

He "lost" the state of Florida by 0.00000001% under suspicious circumstances - this swung the election to Bush.
The media refused to touch the stories and many Americans thought it was all consperiacy bullshit. I took daily pummeling from all sides every time I brought it up.

The Dems were fooled by the Rs into supporting HAVA. They did not realise that the companies were all owned by partisan Republicans.

There were MOUNTAINS of evidence and even GQ Magazine ran a story called "Get Ready to Have Your Vote Stolen."

Please stop with the "democrats were fooled" nonsense.

If they were fooled into allowing republicans to gain FULL control of almost every level of government and fooled into supporting the worst military blunder/disaster in American history .. please tell me why ANYONE should vote for this hapless group of complete idiots who can be fooled to believe any damn thing?
well if GQ said it must be fact. LOL
Blackas, we need Barack because too many bright black minds like yours are being waisted.
Gore did win the popular vote.

He "lost" the state of Florida by 0.00000001% under suspicious circumstances - this swung the election to Bush.

Fraud took place all over the country which swung states to Bush .. and democrats did nothing about any of it .. Florida is just where it was most obvious .. THEN FOUR YEARS LATER .. the SAME fraud took place all over the country AGAIN .. AND Ohio became the state where it was most obvious.

America deserved George Bush.
The Florida state legislature said that if the evidence came up to say that Gore had won the state they'd override the decision of the people and appoint electors themselves to go vote for Bush.

Electoral districts nation wide are HEAVILY biased to Republicans - it's rare to find a legislature that actually cares about the people.
02/15/04 was when that article ran. Like I said I blame Kerry much more than Gore for not insisting on contesting the election.

When Gore backed down in 2000 the light was not yet on the massive fraud the Rs were using.
well if GQ said it must be fact. LOL
Blackas, we need Barack because too many bright black minds like yours are being waisted.

How about if MIT, Stanford, Carneigie-Mellon, and a plethora of the most highly respected academic and technical institutions in the country said it? .. because they did.

What they AND GQ said were indeed a FACT.

Don't know about your mind sir, but my mind is overloaded with serious things to do .. no differently than when I took a stand against this fraud .. while many white minds, like yours, were doing sumptin' (eb) else.
02/15/04 was when that article ran. Like I said I blame Kerry much more than Gore for not insisting on contesting the election.

When Gore backed down in 2000 the light was not yet on the massive fraud the Rs were using.

WRONG .. the disenfancisement of black voters in Florida in 2000 is historic and documented.

I suggest you see "American Blackout"

Gore backed down because he was WEAK.

... too busy consulting "analysts" to figure out what shirt to wear.
But it was. No where in the Constitution does it say the Supreme Court gets to rule on elections like the 2000 one so in that case it's a state issue and should have been one anyways. Back on topic with Nader he did not spoil the 2000 election. I'm glad however he's supporting someone who has a chance. I'm personally still not fully trusting of Edwards but I'd vote for him over Obama and Clinton anyday.

all those institutions certainly did NOT say the election was stolen.
But it was. No where in the Constitution does it say the Supreme Court gets to rule on elections like the 2000 one so in that case it's a state issue and should have been one anyways. Back on topic with Nader he did not spoil the 2000 election. I'm glad however he's supporting someone who has a chance. I'm personally still not fully trusting of Edwards but I'd vote for him over Obama and Clinton anyday.

Wow. I don't believe I've ever seen such simple logic. Gore sued Bush over the results, in order to force a recount. The supreme court went along with Bush. The supreme court certainly does have jurisidiction in this area, just like any other court.
are you married to desh, it's a thousand mile leap from danger of corruption to someone stealing and election. Which tabloids do you read weekly?
SB, honestly, if you think you can compete with the legal minds at the supreme court...

Two of the most qualified legal minds in the nation are on the supreme court - Scalia and Ginsberg. They voted in opposite directions. So it is sort of open in the air.