Raping children is evil (fact)

If a person doesn't love children I suppose they would not find it evil

I find those people evil too
We could agree couldn't we that raping anyone is "evil" because by definition it is void of consent? So what of minor attracted persons?(MAPs). They shouldn't rape children either right. But what if there was consent? Would that be "evil"?
WTF? Yep, always evil. Children cannot legally or emotionally consent. An functioning and moral adult should have the self control to not date, groom, or have sex with children.
Let’s just marinate in the fact that republicans here keep denying child rape is evil

It’s coming from where in your party thought process?
WTF? Yep, always evil. Children cannot legally or emotionally consent. An functioning and moral adult should have the self control to not date, groom, or have sex with children.
It’s just bizarre every Republican willing to discuss this says it’s not a fact that child rape is evil
WTF? Yep, always evil. Children cannot legally or emotionally consent. An functioning and moral adult should have the self control to not date, groom, or have sex with children.
WTF? Yep, always evil. Children cannot legally or emotionally consent. An functioning and moral adult should have the self control to not date, groom, or have sex with children.
But they can consent to puberty blockers and "gender affirming care"? WTF?
Their guardians can consent to needed medical care
It’s not your business
And if they don't they could be in trouble. I like that you refer to it as "needed"? Decided by whom? The child that cant consent?

Ah yes leftist tactic #87, "Whine that it's, 'none of your business' and hope they go away"
And if they don't they could be in trouble. I like that you refer to it as "needed"? Decided by whom? The child that cant consent?

Ah yes leftist tactic #87, "Whine that it's, 'none of your business' and hope they go away"
"Gender affirming care" doctors? What tests or scans do they do to determine someone is appropriate for such "care"? Do they do a gender scan? Take blood? How many children are denied "gender affirming care"?
Why don’t you know already

Because you refuse to absorb facts given you