Raping children is evil (fact)

That's a good point...
The basis of this nitwits argument is rape is "evil". Rake by definition is the absence of consent by the the poster claims the child can consent to "gender affirming care". So apparently children can consent when it fits the leftist narrative but can't when it doesnt. What's the word for someone that stupid?
And I dont believe in that religion

Which is why I used the word evil

Stupid russian whore
Calm down Reverend. Everyone knows evil has a religious in connotation. Your logic around consent is so fucked up you have to focus on the religious concept of "evil".
The basis of this nitwits argument is rape is "evil". Rape by definition is the absence of consent by the the poster claims the child can consent to "gender affirming care". So apparently children can consent when it fits the leftist narrative but can't when it doesnt. What's the word for someone that stupid?
She's confused...both rape and gender affirming care are horrific
.....especially for minors...
Is there anyone here who claims that is just opinion?
Raping anybody is a heinous transgression.
Raping children is stomach-turning to imagine.

Still, I find it hard to believe that sane people can do either of these things.
Rapists shouldn't be punished for being sick.
They should be quietly and gently put to sleep.
But they can consent to puberty blockers and "gender affirming care"? WTF?
I don't even know what puberty blockers and gender affirming care are. Your news sources and your news interests must delve into some pretty bizzare territory. I have a feeling MAGA morons know a lot more about these buzzwords than I do.
Raping anybody is a heinous transgression.
Raping children is stomach-turning to imagine.

Still, I find it hard to believe that sane people can do either of these things.
Rapists shouldn't be punished for being sick.
They should be quietly and gently put to sleep.
Rapists, and especially pedophiles, should be hung in public by their balls with a piano wire.

Raping and abusing children causes them life long harm and actual physical health problems
So maybe Democrats should stop trafficking them and doing that.

Not to mention going after the innocent children very young in schools with their twisted agenda.
There is no "lopping off their genitals" with children. Stop being daft.
Oh, but there is, dumbass. Breasts, too.
