Reagan, that block of wood with hair, ushered in the neocons.

Reagan's policies were directed at the USSR, and his MidEast policies were reactions (such as Lebanon) or contination of Cold War policy in places like Iran and Afghanistan. The only one that wasn't was his role in the Iran-Iraq War.

And the general concensus now is that America should not intervene, even in genocides, because war is killing civillians and sending our troops off to die...

No matter how you cut it, Reagan ushered in the neocons .. the exact same neocons republicans claim destroyed their party.

Although, in fact it was their failed and unintelligent ideology that has killed their party. The neocons just took advantage of their idiocy.
Dont you remember how hard you fought the idea that Reagan was not the God who ended the cold war?

I gave him credit for recognising Gorby was an honorable man but it was Gorby who ended the war not Reagan. The world agrees with that but only Reagan whorshipers think it was Ronny.

Nice Dem talking points there Desh.
Reagan's policies were directed at the USSR, and his MidEast policies were reactions (such as Lebanon) or contination of Cold War policy in places like Iran and Afghanistan. The only one that wasn't was his role in the Iran-Iraq War.

And the general concensus now is that America should not intervene, even in genocides, because war is killing civillians and sending our troops off to die...

um.... partially correct. His policy with regards to Iran/Iraq was absolutely a response to the USSR. They were on one side, we were on the other. Then we flipped sides.
Dont you remember how hard you fought the idea that Reagan was not the God who ended the cold war?

I gave him credit for recognising Gorby was an honorable man but it was Gorby who ended the war not Reagan. The world agrees with that but only Reagan whorshipers think it was Ronny.

The world does not agree with that Desh. Just the die hard far lefties that refuse to give Reagan any credit for his part. He along with Gorbachev, Pope John Paul II, Thatcher and the polish people worked in conjunction to bring an end to the cold war.
Dont you remember how hard you fought the idea that Reagan was not the God who ended the cold war?

I gave him credit for recognising Gorby was an honorable man but it was Gorby who ended the war not Reagan. The world agrees with that but only Reagan whorshipers think it was Ronny.

No, I don't. Perhaps you can provide a link.
Perhaps but it does not diminsh the truth about your diety RP.

from article here:

He took a picture with Reagan, that settles it.

He was a delegate that supported Reagan's campaign. Big fucking difference from your claim. He was not right by his side (this clearly implies that he was a trusted adviser of some sort) helping him along. He had nothing to do with the installation of these neocons. Further, he has stated that Reagan was ultimately a disappointment.
Dont you remember how hard you fought the idea that Reagan was not the God who ended the cold war?

I gave him credit for recognising Gorby was an honorable man but it was Gorby who ended the war not Reagan. The world agrees with that but only Reagan whorshipers think it was Ronny.

Gorby had no choice. The USSR was fragmenting, the economy was in the toilet, and he was nearly killed by a military coup before it was over (Yeltsin stepped in and saved his ass by famously asking the troops what they were fighting for). Gorby succeeded only in salvaging Russia as a viable state, emerging from the rubble of Cold War defeat.
Not really, that one was for regional stability to protect the oil fields.

Yes, it was about protecting our oil interests. But WHY did we care what happened? Oh yeah, because the Soviets were courting the countries in the region trying to gain control. We countered. Had the Soviets not been involved, neither would we have been. Also, our involvement began long before the Iran/Iraq war and long before Reagan was in office. It was all about the Soviets and making sure they did not get control of the region.
Yes, it was about protecting our oil interests. But WHY did we care what happened? Oh yeah, because the Soviets were courting the countries in the region trying to gain control. We countered. Had the Soviets not been involved, neither would we have been. Also, our involvement began long before the Iran/Iraq war and long before Reagan was in office. It was all about the Soviets and making sure they did not get control of the region.

"OUR" oil interests?
Yes, it was about protecting our oil interests. But WHY did we care what happened? Oh yeah, because the Soviets were courting the countries in the region trying to gain control. We countered. Had the Soviets not been involved, neither would we have been. Also, our involvement began long before the Iran/Iraq war and long before Reagan was in office. It was all about the Soviets and making sure they did not get control of the region.

The situtation had changed dramatically, with the Shah in power, and the Baathists had only recently taken control in Iraq. Our policy changed from being a Cold War policy of keeping the USSR out to that of keeping Saddam and the Shah weak.
Gorby had no choice. The USSR was fragmenting, the economy was in the toilet, and he was nearly killed by a military coup before it was over (Yeltsin stepped in and saved his ass by famously asking the troops what they were fighting for). Gorby succeeded only in salvaging Russia as a viable state, emerging from the rubble of Cold War defeat.

Go study the guys life fella.

Yeltsen was a fucking drunk you fool.