Reagan, that block of wood with hair, ushered in the neocons.

The country survived the election of Jefferson in 1800 and the rise of a dominant populism. Granted, it prevented the country from being able to move in any direction except closer and closer to Civil War, but the war came and went and we're still here...
Reagan singlehandedly defeated the Soviets, stopped Socialism, and wrestled Godzilla to the ground all while cutting taxes.
smart ass.

The Reagan-worship gets a little much even for me sometimes.

The guy ran up the deficit and was the most secretive and conspiratorial individual to hold the Presidency since Nixon.

He gets credit for an economy that was jumpstarted by the deregulation of key industries that largely happened under Carter.

For all the talk about monetarism and supply side economics, his method of restoring the country was decidedly Keynesian.

FDR would have patted him on the back.
The Reagan-worship gets a little much even for me sometimes.

The guy ran up the deficit and was the most secretive and conspiratorial individual to hold the Presidency since Nixon.

He gets credit for an economy that was jumpstarted by the deregulation of key industries that largely happened under Carter.

For all the talk about monetarism and supply side economics, his method of restoring the country was decidedly Keynesian.

FDR would have patted him on the back.

Yes, there are those that take it to the level of Reagan worship. But it does not change the fact that he was the best President since Ike. Clinton behind the two.

Yes, he spent massive amounts to rebuild the military from the crap condition Carter left it in. Yes, he raised the national debt by 1.6 trillion (lets not forget it is not as though he had Reps controlling Congress) Lets also not forget that the lefts worship of Clowntoon's supposed surplusses is a joke as well given that he also raised the nations debt by 1.6 trillion. (yet he and the Rep Congress dismantled the military and intelligence communities)

As for the economy. Volker had more to do with kickstarting the economy than either President. Reagan was more of the inspirational figurehead. He made the country believe in itself again. Which is why he destroyed the Dems in 1984.

As for being secretive, give me a break. Clowntoon was just as secretive as Reagan who was just as secretive as LBJ or JFK or Bush.
Yep, Reagan saved the military, then clinton gutted it

Keep in mind genius..... Reagan had to go through a Dem controlled Congress. Both parties realized the need to build up during the cold war.

Clinton gutted the military.... under a Rep Controlled Congress. Both parties went overboard in military cuts because it meant more money for their pet projects. They got cocky because we had won the cold war. As usual they did not reserve any thought for the future. All they cared about was the "now" and how they could get re-elected.
I just not a dim whitted partisan hack, I know a good idea from the other side when I see it. Like lower taxes.