Reagan, that block of wood with hair, ushered in the neocons.

there are those who think it was even a hinderance to the fall

Long the leading Soviet expert on the United States, Georgi Arbatov, head of the Moscow-based Institute for the Study of the U.S.A. and Canada, wrote his memoirs in 1992. A Los Angeles Times book review by Robert Scheer summed up a portion of it:
"Arbatov understood all too well the failings of Soviet totalitarianism in comparison to the economy and politics of the West. It is clear from this candid and nuanced memoir that the movement for change had been developing steadily inside the highest corridors of power ever since the death of Stalin. Arbatov not only provides considerable evidence for the controversial notion that this change would have come about without foreign pressure, he insists that the U.S. military buildup during the Reagan years actually impeded this development."

George F. Kennan agrees. The former US ambassador to the Soviet Union, and father of the theory of "containment" of the same country, asserts that "the suggestion that any United States administration had the power to influence decisively the course of a tremendous domestic political upheaval in another great country on another side of the globe is simply childish." He contends that the extreme militarization of American policy strengthened hard-liners in the Soviet Union. "Thus the general effect of Cold War extremism was to delay rather than hasten the great change that overtook the Soviet Union."
Earlier it was "why would encarta lie?" (or whatever) and now she finds this?

I can find a site that says the Roosevelt caused the Depression to last longer, it doesn't mean it is true.

It is nearly incomprehensible to "misunderestimate" the effect of massive military spending to the point where they were spending over 50% of GDP on their military in an attempt to keep up with America's technology. It caved them, and it was created by that policy.
My point is the idiocy of republicans constantly whining about Reagan, Reagan, Reagan, when it was he who opened the door for the neocon cabal .. and Reagan was more liberal than John McCain before he became Puppet-in-Chief.
Earlier it was "why would encarta lie?" (or whatever) and now she finds this?

I can find a site that says the Roosevelt caused the Depression to last longer, it doesn't mean it is true.

It is nearly incomprehensible to "misunderestimate" the effect of massive military spending to the point where they were spending over 50% of GDP on their military in an attempt to keep up with America's technology. It caved them, and it was created by that policy.

Damo do you realize that change was an aim of people inside the USSR for years before it took place?

This fella I was quoting lived in the USSR and had a perspective we did not have. He says the "spending" you talk of actually hindered that change. They feared the US and so concentrated on that fear instead of effecting change. That is not an impossiblility. You seem to want to keep out of the equation any NEW information. This is unlike you Damo. We have only recently been allowed the insite of knowing what the people were actually thinking and even doing during these years. I understand Ronnie is a near God to many people but holding up false Gods does not help us learn form the past.
Reagan was great at reading a teleprompter, I wonder who wrote the scripts though ?
He clearly could not have done it towards the end.
Damo do you realize that change was an aim of people inside the USSR for years before it took place?

This fella I was quoting lived in the USSR and had a perspective we did not have. He says the "spending" you talk of actually hindered that change. They feared the US and so concentrated on that fear instead of effecting change. That is not an impossiblility. You seem to want to keep out of the equation any NEW information. This is unlike you Damo. We have only recently been allowed the insite of knowing what the people were actually thinking and even doing during these years. I understand Ronnie is a near God to many people but holding up false Gods does not help us learn form the past.

Any response Desh to the "evidence" i presented you last night?

This is one person you quote. I could find 10X the number of people within the Soviet Union would say otherwise. We've all read the article you posted. This quy is contradicted by most other historians. You are free to believe this one person because confirms what you believe. But there is a reason you are being laughed at for this view and its not because everyone else is wrong and you and this author are the only two people correct on this issue.
I dispute your general knowledge of the topic and am saddened by your blasphamy on Ronnie, Hey you have the right. You fought for it, but I can tag it low class all the same.
I dispute your general knowledge of the topic and am saddened by your blasphamy on Ronnie, Hey you have the right. You fought for it, but I can tag it low class all the same.

Hey now I am honored conisdering the source :clink:
I fought for Ronnie and the neos ? I think not.
Show me the facts that suggest that Reagan did not usher in the neocons?

Have any?

Cool .. then you've spoiled nothing.

We've been discussing the merits of winning the Cold War. I do not dispute that Reagam brought the populists into the GOP with him. Now they are running around, doing stupid things like attacking McCain...
Damo do you realize that change was an aim of people inside the USSR for years before it took place?

This fella I was quoting lived in the USSR and had a perspective we did not have. He says the "spending" you talk of actually hindered that change. They feared the US and so concentrated on that fear instead of effecting change. That is not an impossiblility. You seem to want to keep out of the equation any NEW information. This is unlike you Damo. We have only recently been allowed the insite of knowing what the people were actually thinking and even doing during these years. I understand Ronnie is a near God to many people but holding up false Gods does not help us learn form the past.
Do you realize that "change" has been a goal of people in China for even longer? Do you realize that wanting it hasn't brought it? I understand that without Gorbachev a crackdown would have likely gone into effect and many of those who worked towards "change" would have gotten it forcefully.

I understand also that their military spending overwhelmed them.

It is pretense to attempt to dismiss the very real contributions that Reagan made to their demise.
wow partisan hacks are comical
we've had the largest increase in wealth in our country's History since Reagan replaced Carter. USC you've prob been predicting our downfall since Ronny. And you've been wrong 50 times just like your chicken little 10yr recession:clink:
Regan also started a path to our demise if we do not get off of it.

US you are showing severe signs of senility or ignorance on this. Or perhaps you are just trying to be "funny" and it is coming across as you being an ass.

Whatever it is, please continue to elaborate. Just how did REAGAN start us on a path to our demise.

Please expand upon that line of "thought".