Reagan, that block of wood with hair, ushered in the neocons.

you should study it instead of spreading your stupidity like a virus.
Reagan is on most list of great presidents and is called that by Obama
you should study it instead of spreading your stupidity like a virus.
Reagan is on most list of great presidents and is called that by Obama

It's not even about Reagan being a great President. She just chooses to have her own idea of history.
the dumbest things come from the least educated. And since Toby and dixie left, it's Desh, USC, And blackascoal left to amuse us with one liners.
Presidents by average scholar rank
# ↓ President ↓ Years in Office ↓ Political party ↓ Average ranking

1 Abraham Lincoln 1861–1865 Republican 1.58
2 Franklin D. Roosevelt 1933–1945 Democrat 2
3 George Washington 1789–1797 refused to affiliate 2.83
4 Thomas Jefferson 1801–1809 Democratic-Republican 4.42
5 Theodore Roosevelt 1901–1909 Republican 4.83
6 Woodrow Wilson 1913–1921 Democrat 6.58
7 Harry S. Truman 1945–1953 Democrat 7.18
8 Andrew Jackson 1829–1837 Democrat 9
9 Dwight D. Eisenhower 1953–1961 Republican 10.73
10 James K. Polk 1845–1849 Democrat 11.08
11 John Adams 1797–1801 Federalist 12.17
12 John F. Kennedy 1961–1963 Democrat 12.5
13 James Madison 1809–1817 Democratic-Republican 12.67
14 Lyndon B. Johnson 1963–1969 Democrat 13.6
15 Ronald Reagan 1981–1989 Republican 13.88
16 James Monroe 1817–1825 Democratic-Republican 14.08
17 Grover Cleveland 1885–1889 and 1893-1897 Democrat 15
18 William McKinley 1897–1901 Republican 16.33
19 John Quincy Adams 1825–1829 National Republican/Whig 16.9
20 William Howard Taft 1909–1913 Republican 19.67
21 William J. Clinton 1993–2001 Democrat 20.67
22 George W. Bush 2001– Republican 21
23 Martin Van Buren 1837–1841 Democrat 21.58
24 Rutherford B. Hayes 1877–1881 Republican 22
25 George H. W. Bush 1989–1993 Republican 22.14
26 Chester A. Arthur 1881–1885 Republican 25.5
27 (tie) Jimmy Carter 1977–1981 Democrat 26.3
27 (tie) Gerald Ford 1974–1977 Republican 26.3
29 Herbert Hoover 1929–1933 Republican 26.17
30 Benjamin Harrison 1889–1893 Republican 27.33
31 Calvin Coolidge 1923–1929 Republican 28.42
32 Richard Nixon 1969–1974 Republican 29.2
33 James A. Garfield 1881 Republican 29.57
34 Zachary Taylor 1849–1850 Whig 29.58
35 John Tyler 1841–1845 Whig/none 31.75
36 Millard Fillmore 1850–1853 Whig 32.41
37 Ulysses Grant 1869–1877 Republican 33.42
38 William Henry Harrison 1841 Whig 33.57
39 Andrew Johnson 1865–1869 Democrat/none 34.67
40 Franklin Pierce 1853–1857 Democrat 34.92
41 James Buchanan 1857–1861 Democrat 36.58
42 Warren G. Harding 1921–1923 Republican 37.33
What proof have any of you provided for your points of view?

Im the one looking at the history. You are staying with the myth created by the GOP.
I'm looking at a group of scholars
I lived through the shit that was Carter.
If Nancy hadn't started the drug war he'd be a god, you are a moron.
What proof have any of you provided for your points of view?

Im the one looking at the history. You are staying with the myth created by the GOP.

Here you go, have a fun read.

''""Ronald Reagan's greatest achievement, ending the Cold War, is most remarkable because he had waged the Cold War so aggressively."""

"""The once widely held view that Ronald Reagan stumbled his way through the end of the Cold War by sheer good luck has been shattered by two recent books—one by a conservative scholar, and the other by a liberal intellectual historian. Together, these two books, building on the work of previous scholars since the collapse of the Soviet empire, catapult Reagan to the forefront of presidential greatness."""

I could go on but I think with you its pointless. And to reiterate I'll say it in caps:

I already said it hastened their demise by some years.

Are you saying the corruption which characterized the soviet system was not the major factor in their demise?

The whole thing was this type of system cannot survive because it is an unworkable system in the long run.

What crushed the Soviets economically was the fact that their economy is heavily reliant upon the price of oil and metals. Ours is not. We drove up military spending and they tried desperately to keep pace, despite the fact that we also kept the price of oil artificially low. That is what crushed their economy.

Side note: That is also why their economy has seen a dramatic resurgence under Putin. It is not because he is some genius.... it is because the price of oil has risen and like Venezuela and others has provided a much needed lift to their economy.

But as it has been said to you before Desh. No one on here is saying it was all Reagan. But you discount what he did and act as if any President would have done the same. Which most certainly isn't true. You also give way too much credit to Gorbachev. Outside of the economic situation there were other exterior pressures. Pope John Paul II, the Polish people, the Afghanistan people, Margaret Thatcher etc... all played significant roles in the fall of the USSR. Gorbachev was certainly the right man for the Soviets. No one is arguing that. But your insistance that he was the main force driving the fall is purely partisan bullshit on your part.
No she just believes that Brady had a change of heart in the 3rd quarter and gave the game to the Giants. Eli Manning had nothing to do with the win,

Bullshit. It is quite obvious that the Republicans stole the game in a vain attempt to win New York in November. Any fool can see that.
LMAO!!!! Yeah, capitalism is just like communism!

Well since we have never had Communisims on an scale other than a few communes. I will then assume you are speaking of socialism.

Anyway, any type of economy thusfar used by man is catastrophic in it's extremes.