Real danger Trumppers will overreach.

With control of the House and a stated agenda of investigations, impeachments and government shutdown there is a real danger for the Trump party that they will overreach what they were elected for and damage the party going into 2024.

fair assessment......after all, it happened to the demmycrats in 22.....
I would condemn Trump if he had stored classified documents in his home.

He didn't...he de-classified them.
I would condemn Trump if he had stored classified documents in his home.

He didn't...he de-classified them.
…like Trump…whom you never condemned because you are an oath-breaking traitor.

I look forward to the day you are stripped of your veteran’s benefits and government pension, Earl. LOL
I agree, but Biden is not in the kind of trouble. Trump is, because Biden did not ignore a subpoena, refused to return records, or hide the documents from the FBI.

on the other hand, he said "what was he thinking?" the same week he had his lawyers search his garage for classified documents and sent the FBI to search Trump's house without mentioning what was found in his own house prior to the election.......he's in THAT kind of trouble.....
a guy who said "what was he thinking?".......

Yes, I do believe Biden did say that.

Biden, who promised transparency is now opaque. (For the far left loons, opaque means not able to be seen through; not transparent.

No questions to be answered by him or his dumb press secretary about his classified documents scandal.
The danger is to the Republican Party itself since it would tank their chances of taking the Senate and/or the WH in 2024.
You've been saying that the Republican party is basically done for quite some time now, and I have to agree.

When you peruse the makeup of the Qpublican Congress, it's evident that they are on a mission to destroy every aspect of society. Whereas far Left loons were literally calling for the defunding of the police, the Qpublicans are serious about defunding the FBI and other key agencies in the govt..

These people were elected because they pandered to voters who never participated in elections in the past, and thought that the nonsensical rhetoric was 'cool'.

The govt. itself, as well as the Republican party will be repaired when this segment of the electorate grows bored with the game and crawls back under their rocks.

trump said it best...'I love the under educated'.

Allowing this group to dictate policy does not benefit the nation.
 Originally Posted by Stone View Post

Just to show how CORRUPT everything has become think about this for a minute. We have Garland signing off on raiding trumps home in Florida while all the while KNOWING that Biden himself had classified docs from his days as VP,.....that he didn't have the authority to have at all because he was only VP.
I agree, but Biden is not in the kind of trouble. Trump is, because Biden did not ignore a subpoena, refused to return records, or hide the documents from the FBI.
He also didn't sell them to our adversaries.
The far left Democrat Socialist loons are now throwing Biden under the bus.

I believe we can now say that Slow Joe is t o a s t.
You've been saying that the Republican party is basically done for quite some time now, and I have to agree.

When you peruse the makeup of the Qpublican Congress, it's evident that they are on a mission to destroy every aspect of society. Whereas far Left loons were literally calling for the defunding of the police, the Qpublicans are serious about defunding the FBI and other key agencies in the govt..

These people were elected because they pandered to voters who never participated in elections in the past, and thought that the nonsensical rhetoric was 'cool'.

The govt. itself, as well as the Republican party will be repaired when this segment of the electorate grows bored with the game and crawls back under their rocks.

trump said it best...'I love the under educated'.

Allowing this group to dictate policy does not benefit the nation.

Not sure if I said they were done, but they are most certainly killing themselves with a fratricidal Republican civil war over the soul of the Party. If they’d stayed all-in with Trump, then, yes, they’d be done, but the majority are moving on….even if only with faux-Trump DeSantis.

Both parties have pandered to the lowest-common denominator along with maximizing their usage of fearmongering. Although each have different topics to fearmonger, both have the same goal of total domination of the nation.
Agreed, but never expect traitorous Trumpers to understand the difference. It’s one thing to have a poorly educated, trailer-living meth head protesting about it, but it’s another thing to have traitorous veterans waging war and killing Americans as STY and Earl propose daily. They’ll never agree to anything that supports to democracy or American ideology since they seek to destroy both.

Let me be perfectly clear: anyone who took an oath to the Constitution and then seeks to attack it is a traitor and should be treated as such. Therefore, Captain Earl, ex-USAF, and Sgt STY, ex-Marine, are both traitors.

hope most of them know reality, but are pretending, I hate to believe they are that stupid.
Biden kept classified documents in a non-secure location, lied when he said there were no more to be found and obstructed justice.

When did he say there were no more to be found? How did he obstruct justice? Citation?

How desperate are you?
The Republicans and their supporters won’t see it that way. What it would do is distract the nation from solving more important problems.

Let’s be honest; Biden won’t be running in 2024 anyway. Even if he did, who would vote for an 82 year old President and expect him to finish the term at age 86? Remember Hillary’s line about “who would you want to answer a 3AM phone call?” Biden is a nice guy, but he’s too old and too slow react to a stressful situation. Remember JFK and the 13 days of the Cuban missile crisis? Could Biden really handle the stress for almost two weeks? I doubt it and believe most Americans would agree. They’d vote for DeSantis as being more capable in such a situation even if they don’t agree with the Republican bullshit ideology. When given two choices, Americans will pick the person who they believe best able to defend the nation in a crisis.
Late Night Chides Biden Over Birthday Gaffe
Stephen Colbert and other hosts poked fun at the president for seeming to forget the name of Martin Luther King Jr.’s daughter-in-law while singing her a birthday tune on Monday

I wish he would not run, but I think he will.
hope most of them know reality, but are pretending, I hate to believe they are that stupid.

Some do on reality. Fatboy is one who lives a fantasy tough guy online. Same for Doolittle. All of the geezers only have a loose grip on reality.

IMO, most really are that stupid. Name a single Alt-Rightie on this forum who you think is realistic, sane and intelligent. I can’t. There’s one or two who may have been intelligent and/or educated at one time but, after hundreds of posts, have proved that their minds are going/gone. Most due to old age, but some may be from injury or disease.
The people spoke in November of 22’, clearly that they were sick of fake claims about election fraud and gotcha politics.

I hope you are right, but remember the Republicans won the most votes nationally in 2022 and won the House--disappointing for them but hardly a "loss"

I think it is those Republicans who believe election fraud is a losing cause and want to look forward that will save the party. Chris Christie wrote a book called Republican Rescue.
I hope you are right, but remember the Republicans won the most votes nationally in 2022 and won the House--disappointing for them but hardly a "loss"

I think it is those Republicans who believe election fraud is a losing cause and want to look forward that will save the party. Chris Christie wrote a book called Republican Rescue.
The perspective on the “most votes” thing is to remember who is casting those votes. Democrats, a third of actual voters not total voting population, vs. the Republican third and then there’s the 40% who are Independents.

When neither party represents you then the best strategic move is to always vote for the challenger. It keeps both parties weak and off balance. This is best seen in the fact both parties are roughly equal in power. The margin of control is razor thin and likely to stay that way until the Independents throw their collective weight behind a party that starts serving America instead of themselves.
I’ll like it when the voters are still upset at you in 24.

Maybe but still your game your rules. You bastards fucked America up the ass for 4 years of trumps presidency. Then we are supposed believe the imbecile Brandon got more votes than either hitlery or Obama bin laden? I hate all of them and even I can objectively see that hitlery and Obama bin laden were much stronger candidates. You people are idiots