Real danger Trumppers will overreach.

Neither, I think Biden is very ambitions, and Jill has learned to let him be him.

To a point. Joe got his check-in-the-block. Now it’s Jill’s turn to be a grandmother at home and enjoy her golden years. Jill is 71, will be 73 by the election and, if Joe won, she’s be 77 by the end of his term. Who wants that bullshit?
if they are going to try and show that they are doing the American people’s business by investigating Hunter Biden for two years, it’s going to backfire.

It gives them negative stuff to talk about before the election. I don't think they can investigate private individuals, so they say they are investigating the "Biden Crime Family."
It gives them negative stuff to talk about before the election. I don't think they can investigate private individuals, so they say they are investigating the "Biden Crime Family."

I know the 33% of Trumpers are dumb, but the rest of the electorate aren't.
Millions of Americans and their entire families are now victims of gun violence and The Earth's warming that are a direct cause of the Earth's warming and lack of sensible gun laws to protect the public. Yet the Republicans only answer is MORE GUNS PEOPLE!

Millions of families are displace and even homeless today, and has lost everything they they own, as a direct result of Hurricanes, record setting tornadoes, huge forest and prairie fires in record breaking drought zones, and record setting Blizzards, ice conditions and floods in just the last few years. Yet, the Republicans have chosen to ignore the World is even getting hotter and is causing the weather to change in dramatic disastrous and deadly ways.

Over a million Americans have died as a direct result of the Covid Virus, and someone in every family in America now knows of a family member, friend, or neighbor, or influential character that has died from the pandemic. Yet, the Republicans have chosen to stand in the way of the World's mitigation efforts,using Conspiracy theories and Fake News to try and gain consensus.

And a recent poll, indicated that 61% of Americans want Women to have the right to choose whether they want to carry a pregnancy or not. Yet the Republicans have chosen to make abortions illegal, even in cases of Rape, incest, or danger to both Mother And Child.

And the one thing for certain is the Republicans are on the wrong side of all these issues.

And so young voters, over 3.77 graduated in 2019 alone and gaining every year, now graduating High School are registering to vote in record numbers and are now voting with the Democrats. And they alone are making a huge difference at the polls, and helping win elections for the Democrats.


Their party has been totally hi-jacked by THE FREEDOM CAUCUS- and their only defense they have now, is to use THE BIG LIE that the Democrats are cheating in all the elections now and the reason why they are losing elections. And 7 million more will graduate High School before the 2024 election to help the Democrats win.

The reason why Republicans are losing elections is, because they are on the wrong side of every family table issue now, and are out of touch with the Vocal and Voting majority of Americans and their families.

Until the Republicans part ways with Donald Trump and the Freedom Caucus, and stand up to them, they will not be appointing any more Activists to the Supreme Court, they will not win another Presidential election, and they will ultimately be in the minority of both houses of Congress after the 2024 election.

And the Republicans did this to themselves, with no one else to blame but themselves.
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Biden will be impeached by the House but not for having a drug addicted son.

He will be impeached for having classified documents in a non-secure location/s and for not protecting Americans with his open borders.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

The Republicans made clear that if they won they would conduct investigations. They won the House and are going to conduct investigations and impeach the president and others in his corrupt administration.