Reasons to Report a Post

Now, why do you think ∞zo would do that? You aren't part of the staff and there is no such thing as a board monitor. Oh, nevermind, it's clear to me now.

oh i would be verrrry worried. Ladyt has a very alluring personality. If she reallllly wanted to go full throttle, she can pretty much pry a secret from anyone here... Plusssss I've known her for 6 years AND she is in my special group called "youngins pwn."

be afraid, be very afraid O_O
Well, even though you don't work properly, at least you have the opportunity to be right twice a day.

I'm just waiting for it to happen.

Uhhhhh What a pathetic attempt at pwnage. Fucking retard.

uh oh I called you a fucking retard......are you going to go whine to Damo again?
Kinda reminds me of that study about whiney children growing up to be Republicans.

The are gonna tax me!!!
It is my money I wanna keep it!
They're gonna take my gun!
They're picking on Palin!
as much fun as the libs here are having bashing conversatives I will remind you all that there are quite a few liberal posters that have reported posts over trivial stuff.
∞zo;466642 said:
as much fun as the libs here are having bashing conversatives I will remind you all that there are quite a few liberal posters that have reported posts over trivial stuff.

Yeah, well its fun to make fun of the ones who are clearly defensive in this thread. Stop trying to rain on my parade.
I am glad to see that more and more people see the tosser for what he is.

General warning: There's another poster that they literally stalked in real life and followed to this board to continue to harass her. Him, ice dancer and a few others in their crew are the real deal crazies. Just make sure you don't reply to any of their emails or give them any personal information whatsoever. They have no life and obsess over internet banter.
Seriously, why do you children think this kind of behavior is insulting? I find it amusing, personally.


We find it amusing too, ya see. Nothing more amusing than watching a person try so hard to to convince you they are unaffected.

I don't know how many times I've seen you claim indifference, but it's more times than a person who doesn't care spends on things that "don't affect" them.

Carry on. Amusement is a good thing, Martha. :pke::clink::cof1:
General warning: There's another poster that they literally stalked in real life and followed to this board to continue to harass her. Him, ice dancer and a few others in their crew are the real deal crazies. Just make sure you don't reply to any of their emails or give them any personal information whatsoever. They have no life and obsess over internet banter.

Yeah and you believe in the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy, but what the hell?

I personally find it endearing when grown adults still want to hear fairy tales.

Repeating them over and over again in some lame attempt that saying it enough times makes it true, isn't endearing. It's just stoopid.

I'll bet if Darla told you pulling your lower lip over the top of your head wouldn't hurt you'd believe it, huh?

Blind allegiance. A prerequisite to membership.

Wipe your face. The left overs of what you swallowed are running down your chin.

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General warning: There's another poster that they literally stalked in real life and followed to this board to continue to harass her. Him, ice dancer and a few others in their crew are the real deal crazies. Just make sure you don't reply to any of their emails or give them any personal information whatsoever. They have no life and obsess over internet banter.

Har, I knew you were going to bring this up and I was just waiting for you to do so. BINGO, here you are.:pke:

Darla and her filthy mouthed boyfriend Prakosh were doing the stalking. I saved some of their posts as I knew they would come in handy one day. :D Next..............
Har, I knew you were going to bring this up and I was just waiting for you to do so. BINGO, here you are.:pke:

Darla and her filthy mouthed boyfriend Prakosh were doing the stalking. I saved some of their posts as I knew they would come in handy one day. :D Next..............

You "saved" posts from like five years ago, and yet you claim you aren't the obsessive psychotic one? :rolleyes:
