Reasons to Report a Post

I couldn't remember all of them off the top of my head, but basically all of the incoherent rabid chatter that ensued after my last post are the rest of the gang was posted by the psycho troop. And as stated throughout this thread, they will follow you for years.

Follow you for years!!

You should be so lucky and I"m all out of 10 foot poles. :pke:
Well lookee above who decided to come for a revisit....!

Throw burning trash down the hole and they come crawling out every time...


Like I said, she's a bimbo bitch and easy to bait. She wants so bad to do the Darla drama because her fucking life is so dull.
Flabba, Alec, or whoever you are, I was there on the netscape boards. 5 years ago, when all that psychotic shit went down. The only reason you, and everyone else from netscape/aol is here is directly or indirectly because of me.

I don't have any doubt you save posts from the netscape board, because you're obsessive. Its fucking weird. The reason I left those boards 5 years ago is because of all the gossip, and the bullshit innuendo. But unfortunately all the gossip and innuendo appears to have followed me here. Pity.

I was talking about the WOT board, dummy and I don't care about your personal problems. Damn, you lefties are paranoid.
LOLZ @ this thread! I actually have two official warnings from when Beefy was a mod because I reported posts for no other reason then that I was curious as to what would happen and it was kinda funny (I think both infractions were for reporting Watermark for going exceptionally emo on the board).

I thought I was the only one reporting bullshit stuff, but apparently I was wrong, and Damo usually just lolz at me and deletes the tag from his mod screen...

FYI I am going to randomly report a post on this thread, so heads up to Damo and Grind. Most likely it will be a Watermark post, but I shall see.
Update, I reported USC (Post #30) because he is just soooo fucking retarded and the post sucked major ballz!!! :fogey:

Also, WM alread reported LadyT, so it would be lame to report his posts...

Also, here is the list of official infractions that I have been slapped with that I alluded to in the previous post:

Latest Infractions Received
Post Date * Expires * Points * Reason * Posted By
Private 10-20-2008 02:36 AM * Expired * 1 * Crying too loud * Beefy

Who is the biggest... * 08-06-2008 09:38 PM * Expired * 1 * Reporting too many posts * Beefy
Last edited:
I think it's impossible these days for me to start a thread on anything without people going batshit insane O_O
∞zo;466921 said:
I think it's impossible these days for me to start a thread on anything without people going batshit insane O_O

But it's not about you, it's about them. :cof1:

My shrink says it's not so and I listen to him. :eek:
Yeah and you believe in the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy, but what the hell?

I personally find it endearing when grown adults still want to hear fairy tales.

Repeating them over and over again in some lame attempt that saying it enough times makes it true, isn't endearing. It's just stoopid.

I'll bet if Darla told you pulling your lower lip over the top of your head wouldn't hurt you'd believe it, huh?

Blind allegiance. A prerequisite to membership.

Wipe your face. The left overs of what you swallowed are running down your chin.


Darla, as she is known on here, is no saint but these clowns are just obsessive to the point of lunacy. The worst offender is USDumbo who hounded Christiefan for years demanding an apology, he is a total bastard and I'm glad that everybody here is wising up about him and his camp followers.
Darla, as she is known on here, is no saint but these clowns are just obsessive to the point of lunacy. The worst offender is USDumbo who hounded Christiefan for years demanding an apology, he is a total bastard and I'm glad that everybody here is wising up about him and his camp followers.


Damn, I better figure out what I'm going to do.

What would you do timmie, since you are the Queen of England.

We find it amusing too, ya see. Nothing more amusing than watching a person try so hard to to convince you they are unaffected.

I don't know how many times I've seen you claim indifference, but it's more times than a person who doesn't care spends on things that "don't affect" them.

Carry on. Amusement is a good thing, Martha. :pke::clink::cof1:

Notice how she uses we rather than I, you are dealing with a Medusa like creature and she is just one of the snakes.