Reasons to Report a Post


We find it amusing too, ya see. Nothing more amusing than watching a person try so hard to to convince you they are unaffected.

I don't know how many times I've seen you claim indifference, but it's more times than a person who doesn't care spends on things that "don't affect" them.

Carry on. Amusement is a good thing, Martha. :pke::clink::cof1:

I'm not indifferent. I find it amusing, but at the same time disturbing. You people really are a lower form of degenerate life. It's amazing. If someone killed you, they should be charged with animal abuse, not murder.
5 years ago???? My, how you lie. :D

Flabba, Alec, or whoever you are, I was there on the netscape boards. 5 years ago, when all that psychotic shit went down. The only reason you, and everyone else from netscape/aol is here is directly or indirectly because of me.

I don't have any doubt you save posts from the netscape board, because you're obsessive. Its fucking weird. The reason I left those boards 5 years ago is because of all the gossip, and the bullshit innuendo. But unfortunately all the gossip and innuendo appears to have followed me here. Pity.
Kinda reminds me of that study about whiney children growing up to be Republicans.

The are gonna tax me!!!
It is my money I wanna keep it!
They're gonna take my gun!
They're picking on Palin!

I"m' glad that those whiney little liberal brats, were able to grow up and become mature Republicans.

Looking at some of the whiners on here, it's become obvious that they never grew out of that whiney liberal stage.

∞zo;466642 said:
as much fun as the libs here are having bashing conversatives I will remind you all that there are quite a few liberal posters that have reported posts over trivial stuff.


I hereby give Damo permission to repeat word for word, any "report" that I sent him.
General warning: There's another poster that they literally stalked in real life and followed to this board to continue to harass her. Him, ice dancer and a few others in their crew are the real deal crazies. Just make sure you don't reply to any of their emails or give them any personal information whatsoever. They have no life and obsess over internet banter.

Don't forget that we also have hacked E-MAILS and now we're going to come after YOU.
*evil laughter*

Yeah and you believe in the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy, but what the hell?

I personally find it endearing when grown adults still want to hear fairy tales.

Repeating them over and over again in some lame attempt that saying it enough times makes it true, isn't endearing. It's just stoopid.

I'll bet if Darla told you pulling your lower lip over the top of your head wouldn't hurt you'd believe it, huh?

Blind allegiance. A prerequisite to membership.

Wipe your face. The left overs of what you swallowed are running down your chin.


GEE, I sure don't remember a "LadyT" on the AOL boards!!

That would mean that she either got her imformation from someone else (hearsay), or she's just another liberal bitch that had to change her name; in an attempt to re-invent herself.
Leave it to a liberal, to try to re-write herstory.
Flabba, Alec, or whoever you are, I was there on the netscape boards. 5 years ago, when all that psychotic shit went down. The only reason you, and everyone else from netscape/aol is here is directly or indirectly because of me.

I don't have any doubt you save posts from the netscape board, because you're obsessive. Its fucking weird. The reason I left those boards 5 years ago is because of all the gossip, and the bullshit innuendo. But unfortunately all the gossip and innuendo appears to have followed me here. Pity.

There was no "Cypress" on the AOL boards, 5 years ago.
So why don't you explain who you're trying to say you were??
Yeah and you believe in the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy, but what the hell?

I personally find it endearing when grown adults still want to hear fairy tales.

Repeating them over and over again in some lame attempt that saying it enough times makes it true, isn't endearing. It's just stoopid.

I'll bet if Darla told you pulling your lower lip over the top of your head wouldn't hurt you'd believe it, huh?

Blind allegiance. A prerequisite to membership.

Wipe your face. The left overs of what you swallowed are running down your chin.


She's got bimbo bitch down pat.
GEE, I sure don't remember a "LadyT" on the AOL boards!!

That would mean that she either got her imformation from someone else (hearsay), or she's just another liberal bitch that had to change her name; in an attempt to re-invent herself.
Leave it to a liberal, to try to re-write herstory.

She fell into Darklas hole...errrr trap...errrr...fell for Darkla's bullshit
tom prendergast said:
I am glad to see that more and more people see the tosser for what he is.

I couldn't remember all of them off the top of my head, but basically all of the incoherent rabid chatter that ensued after my last post are the rest of the gang was posted by the psycho troop. And as stated throughout this thread, they will follow you for years.