REDUX: How Election Fraud Is Conducted By The Democrat/RINO (Uni)Party

Continued :seenoevil: :hearnoevil:

Ahhhhh, those darn "conthpewathee theeweeth"... :rofl2:
Misspelling won't change anything.
Not "magical"... they were literal suitcases.
It was a storage bin with a lid. You should watch the video!
Based on what do you claim that the bin was full of Biden ballots?
What "conthpewatheeth"? The one about ivermectin being nothing more than "livestock dewormer" ('you are not a cow, you are not a horse')... Remember THAT one? Oh wait, that BS was peddled by DEMONKKKRATS. Let's try another one... Remember the one about the flu just magically disappearing for a couple of years? Oh wait, that BS was also peddled by DEMONKKKRATS.
No, the one related the a stolen election.
Since when have Republicans actually wanted to win? They've looooong since been a subsidiary of the Demonkkkrat Party. Republicans sell their souls for wads of money, meanwhile Demonkkkrats shoot their wads in a Marxist wet dream. We The People get bent over furniture, meanwhile the Uniparty go to pound town. See how that works?

Continued :seenoevil::hearnoevil:

"Since when have Republicans actually wanted to win?"

What in the heck are you talking about? When have they NOT wanted to win? Do you know why Kevin McCarthy was so valuable? Because he was really good at raising money. Money that is used to get Republicans elected. Money that is used to run TV ads in competitive state races. Why did DeSantis and NIcky Haley dropp out? In part, because the money dried up because they are so far behind Trump and can't raise money to keep running? Do you have any idea how much effort is put into raising money, not only at a national level, but locally? Raising money is THE key to winning elections at every level.

Did you not see the hype around the alleged red wave and the disappointment by Republicans when it didn't pan out? According to you, they shouldn't even care. Did you not see Ted Cruz pushing HARD to get the party behind Trump after 3 primary wins. He wants that because he wants to focus on getting Trump elected and not wasting money only to have Haley and Trump attack each other.

What world do you live in?
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Misspelling won't change anything.
I spelled it that way so you'd understand it.
It was a storage bin with a lid. You should watch the video!
You're talking about Fulton County Georgia, right? If so, then it was suitcases. I've watched that video for myself (albeit 3.5 years ago).
Based on what do you claim that the bin was full of Biden ballots?
No, the one related the a stolen election.
YOU were the one who brought up COVID. Now you're scurrying away from that.
"Since when have Republicans actually wanted to win?"

What in the heck are you talking about? When have they NOT wanted to win?
For the last couple of decades at the absolute very least. It was ESPECIALLY evident upon the rise of the "tea party", and that evidentness was doubled down upon since 2015/2016.
Do you know why Kevin McCarthy was so valuable?
To who? The Republican Establishment? Conservative voters? The Establishment values him, but voters don't.
Because he was really good at raising money.
Money that is used to get Republicans elected.
:rofl2: You seriously think that's what the money is used for? :rofl2:
Money that is used to run TV ads in competitive state races.
See above.
Why did DeSantis and NIcky Haley dropp out?
Because they were ordered to drop out.
In part, because the money dried up because they are so far behind Trump and can't raise money to keep running?
That money is now going to be directed toward Joe Biden... because... "Orange Man Bad".
Do you have any idea how much effort is put into raising money, not only at a national level, but locally?
A lot of effort, but for different reasons. Demonkkkrats use money to win (s)elections because they value shooting their wad of power hungry Marxism into your bum every chance they get. Republicans, as controlled opposition, just want to grift off of "them evil Demonkkkrats". It's a "win win" for the Uniparty.
Raising money is THE key to winning elections at every level.
... and that's what Demonkkkrats use their money for... because they WANT to win (s)elections (to lord their power over you). Republicans just want to be rich, so they grift off of people who want an option other than Marxist Demonkkkrats.
Did you not see the hype around the alleged red wave and the disappointment by Republicans when it didn't pan out?
"disappointment by Republicans"... :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:

They don't give a shit about winning. They just want their grift and bribe money to keep coming.
According to you, they shouldn't even care.
They DON'T care (about winning). They just care about money. Demonkkkrats care about winning because they care about the power that comes along with winning. It all ultimately comes down to power and money. Demonkkkrats are willing to trade money for power and Republicans are willing to trade power for money. They "both" get along juuuuuuuuuust fine.
Did you not see Ted Cruz pushing HARD to get the party behind Trump after 3 primary wins.
He wants that because he wants to focus on getting Trump elected and not wasting money only to have Haley and Trump attack each other.
:rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
What world do you live in?
I spelled it that way so you'd understand it.

You're talking about Fulton County Georgia, right? If so, then it was suitcases. I've watched that video for myself (albeit 3.5 years ago).


YOU were the one who brought up COVID. Now you're scurrying away from that.

For the last couple of decades at the absolute very least. It was ESPECIALLY evident upon the rise of the "tea party", and that evidentness was doubled down upon since 2015/2016.

To who? The Republican Establishment? Conservative voters? The Establishment values him, but voters don't.


:rofl2: You seriously think that's what the money is used for? :rofl2:

See above.

Because they were ordered to drop out.

That money is now going to be directed toward Joe Biden... because... "Orange Man Bad".

A lot of effort, but for different reasons. Demonkkkrats use money to win (s)elections because they value shooting their wad of power hungry Marxism into your bum every chance they get. Republicans, as controlled opposition, just want to grift off of "them evil Demonkkkrats". It's a "win win" for the Uniparty.

... and that's what Demonkkkrats use their money for... because they WANT to win (s)elections (to lord their power over you). Republicans just want to be rich, so they grift off of people who want an option other than Marxist Demonkkkrats.

"disappointment by Republicans"... :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:

They don't give a shit about winning. They just want their grift and bribe money to keep coming.

They DON'T care (about winning). They just care about money. Demonkkkrats care about winning because they care about the power that comes along with winning. It all ultimately comes down to power and money. Demonkkkrats are willing to trade money for power and Republicans are willing to trade power for money. They "both" get along juuuuuuuuuust fine.


:rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:

You live in your own world that has no connection to reality.
I spelled it that way so you'd understand it.

You're talking about Fulton County Georgia, right? If so, then it was suitcases. I've watched that video for myself (albeit 3.5 years ago).


YOU were the one who brought up COVID. Now you're scurrying away from that.

For the last couple of decades at the absolute very least. It was ESPECIALLY evident upon the rise of the "tea party", and that evidentness was doubled down upon since 2015/2016.

To who? The Republican Establishment? Conservative voters? The Establishment values him, but voters don't.


:rofl2: You seriously think that's what the money is used for? :rofl2:

See above.

Because they were ordered to drop out.

That money is now going to be directed toward Joe Biden... because... "Orange Man Bad".

A lot of effort, but for different reasons. Demonkkkrats use money to win (s)elections because they value shooting their wad of power hungry Marxism into your bum every chance they get. Republicans, as controlled opposition, just want to grift off of "them evil Demonkkkrats". It's a "win win" for the Uniparty.

... and that's what Demonkkkrats use their money for... because they WANT to win (s)elections (to lord their power over you). Republicans just want to be rich, so they grift off of people who want an option other than Marxist Demonkkkrats.

"disappointment by Republicans"... :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:

They don't give a shit about winning. They just want their grift and bribe money to keep coming.

They DON'T care (about winning). They just care about money. Demonkkkrats care about winning because they care about the power that comes along with winning. It all ultimately comes down to power and money. Demonkkkrats are willing to trade money for power and Republicans are willing to trade power for money. They "both" get along juuuuuuuuuust fine.


:rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:

📽️ live in a world all your own. One that has no connection to reality. Holy shit.
Right, so I'm providing links to what I'm claiming.
Holy Links are not a proof.
Either of us can watch the video and read the details of the guy proving that about 200 ballots were double scanned in Georgia.
Argument from randU fallacy. Stop making up numbers.
Where's your evidence? Where are your numbers?
HINT: This is where you say "You can't make evidence disappear." Then I say "I'm asking you to make it appear.
Argument of the Stone fallacy.
Then you open the kitchen drawer, take out a big piece of foil, fold it into a little hat and slide it slowly onto you head.

On a side note, have you figured out why Dominion advertises specific software to print ballots for their machines, if there is no software to print ballots for their machines?
No specific software.
Let me guess.... they're also in on the steal?

Speaking of Dominion, when does the trial between Fox News and Dominion start? You know, the trial where Fox presents all their evidence to support their claims against Dominion? Oh, that's right....they paid nearly a billion dollars to settle the case because they had no evidence...just like you.
FOX staged it. FOX is owned and operated by leftists.
OAN settled with Smartec. The amount was kept hidden as part of the agreement. It is easy to see that pro-Trump gnus requires lots of lying. Fox was scrambled by their loss to Dominion. The facts are clear, right wing news is about lies to those who want to be lied to. They seek out stations that will tell them what Trump wants them to hear. After proper programming, it is all they will listen to.
Strawman fallacy.
Holy Links are not a proof.

Argument from randU fallacy. Stop making up numbers.


Argument of the Stone fallacy.

No specific software.

FOX staged it. FOX is owned and operated by leftists.
Wow. You actually out did gfm's crazy ....

.....and trolling.

I realize now that I should have listened to everyone when I was warned about you. You are either nucking futs or a mega-troll.
Buzzword fallacy. Argument of the Stone fallacy.

Repetition fallacy.
The truth can't be repeated too many times.

Hey have you found that "National Presidential Ballot" template on Microsoft Word???

Based on what do you claim that the bin was full of Biden ballots?
Sworn affidavits that you won't read or mention, but will instead regurgitate insistence that they don't exist.

What in the heck are you talking about? When have they NOT wanted to win?

The US is effectively a one-party nation with a phony facade of a two-party system (for appearance sake). The DNC owns the RNC. In front of the camera, the apparent two, separate parties fight bitterly ... but then they retreat behind closed doors and the DNC dictates the outcome they are to put into effect. Prior to Trump, the two "Republican" Presidential candidates (Mitt Romney and John McCain) were not conservatives, but we're the most notorious of RINOs at the time and we're not the choices of Republican voters. They were, however, the top choices of the DNC, and thus they became the candidates of the RNC.

Hence the dual (RNC+DNC) HATRED for Donald Trump, a lifelong Democrat and prior sweetheart of the DNC. Trump realized that he could never become President running as a Democrat because the DNC determines its candidates twelve years in advance. Trump knew that despite being a lifelong Democrat, he could run as a Republican and spank every Republican candidate, because Republicans had ceased to care about winning, i.e. representing We the People, and we're simply in obedience mode to the DNC. By exploiting this weakness in the Republican process, Trump bitch-slapped the DNC and their control of the country. Hence the Uniparty HATRED of Trump.

Republicans don't want to win. Republicans wish to OBEY the DNC. Republicans will absolutely try to lose if the DNC so orders it.
Sworn affidavits that you won't read or mention, but will instead regurgitate insistence that they don't exist.
When have I said that affidavits don't exist?

Regarding the magical bin of Biden ballots, which affidavit claims that the person, who would have had to have been in the room at that time, saw every ballot in that bin and saw that it was a vote for Biden?