
Nothing wrong with diesel trucks or drivers.

Trump is an oath-breaking traitor who should be hung on the WH lawn after a fair trial. Something you'd know if you ever took the oath.
What oath did Trump break? How is he a traitor? Is DC a venue for a fair trial?

The fact you dodged the question proves you're a lying scumbag, Sybil.

I was responding to America "in kind". I wasn't making any claims of "wrongness".
I thought it was pretty funny, too. Because usually the guys that drive trucks like that are compensating for something and CLEARLY that guy was compensating for his hurt feelings when Trump didn't get to overthrow the US government.
hahahahahahahahaha TOO funny! I'm sure it has nothing to do with towing heavy items, carrying heavy/large loads, or performing other forms of work (such as snow removal). Oh no, that couldn't be it...
Diesel is problematic for the emissions of particulates.
That's rather vague. What particulates, exactly?

I drive a Chevy Bolt which I charge on my solar at home. Range of 300miles on a full charge, takes care of about 99.9% of my driving needs.
Sounds neat... I wonder how much that costs... hope I can afford it...

Some of us actually understand the science of climate change and carbon in particular.
There is no "climate change" science. It is a religion.

What oath did Trump break? How is he a traitor? Is DC a venue for a fair trial?

I was responding to America "in kind". I wasn't making any claims of "wrongness".

This one: Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:—"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

You dodged my initial question today, Sybil. Do you have minor short term memory issues? A little confused at times? Just lying?

You seem like the sort of person who drives a blue Prius covered in coexist stickers.
What's wrong with any of those?


This one: Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:—"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

You dodged my initial question today, Sybil. Do you have minor short term memory issues? A little confused at times? Just lying?
How did he break that oath? I didn't dodge anything.
Isn't carbon essential to life? How is carbon "pollution"?

Black carbon. Essentially a step or two away from graphite. And graphite is not necessarily essential for life. Yes, carbon itself is part of life...just not in that form.

And the real problem is that diesel produced carbon soot (as well as soot from other sources) builds up on glaciers and causes the glaciers to melt FASTER than normal (black absorbs solar radiation).

LOL. Wrong. Obviously you don't understand it.

LOL. I usually get pretty quickly bored with non-scientists like yourself pontificating on the sciences. It's really just painful to watch you scientific illiterates try to sound science-y.
Iyou guys


Can you remind me who all you think I'm a sock of at this time? I seem to recall you have accused me of being the sock of countless other posters you don't like. It's like your "guesses" at my age. All over the map.

Do you ever think "Gosh, I sound like a moron"? Because you should.
Some of us actually understand the science of climate change and carbon in particular.
I'm a gambler. I'm betting that not only do you not know any science pertaining to the Climate Change religion, but that you are scientifically illiterate and mathematically incompetent in general, and thus you were targeted by Marxist recruiters for this reason, knowing that you would gullibly believe everything you were instructed to believe in your indoctrination.

I will call your bluff.

What Climate Change science do you claim exists? Bring it on.

How did he break that oath?

I didn't dodge anything.
Seeking to illegally overturn the election. Failing that, he attempted to do it by force.

Bullshit, Sybil. I even repeated the question in my reminder. You also dodged the question on why you don't remember it.
I'm a gambler. I'm betting that not only do you not know any science pertaining to the Climate Change religion, but that you are scientifically illiterate and mathematically incompetent in general, and thus you were targeted by Marxist recruiters for this reason, knowing that you would gullibly believe everything you were instructed to believe in your indoctrination.

I will call your bluff.

What Climate Change science do you claim exists? Bring it on.

1. CO2 is a known greenhouse gas meaning it can absorb IR radiation (been known since the middle 1800's with the work of Fourier and Tyndal)

2. Energy is neither created nor destroyed so absorbed IR energy needs to be accounted for.

3. The Greenhouse Effect is why the earth's surface temperature is about 30+degC higher than the blackbody temperature of the earth from the Stefan Boltzmann equation

4. Increasing the amount of CO2 and other greenhouse gases leads to warming naturally

5. Humans produce a LOT of CO2 in excess of natural fluxes and at rates FAR FAR FAR FAR higher than the Carbon was initially sequestered thus releasing millenia of stored carbon in under 150 years

6. We KNOW it is largely human produced excess CO2 because of the prevalence of 12-C isotope which is what plants preferentially fractionate and we see that since the mid19th century the isotopic composition of atmospheric CO2 has consistently become "lighter" isotopically and the amount of 14-C has steadily decreased since fossil fuels produce far less 14-C when combusted

7. Finally we have temperature recordings going back a very long time now (including proxies) which indicate the current warming is happening and it cannot be aligned with solar cycles or other natural forcings. Science has found that >50% of the warming since the 1950's can only really be explained if one accounts for HUMAN ACTIVITY.


Any one of these you would like to discuss further?