Religious Racism: Texas Church Argues There's a Biblical Precedent for Strict Racial

Ham was a son of Noah and the father of Cush, Mizraim, Phut and Canaan.. Ham's descendants are interpreted by Flavius Josephus and others as having populated Africa and adjoining parts of Asia.

Canaan was cursed. It's most doubtful that the Canaanites were black, even though Canaanites contemptibly immoral, a people to be hated.
Canaan was cursed. It's most doubtful that the Canaanites were black, even though Canaanites contemptibly immoral, a people to be hated.

No they weren't.. They were very successful, urban people involved in mining, metalurgy and potterymaking. That's why the Hebrews hated and demonized them.

The Hebrews were lawless Canaanites without land... on the fringes of society.
I don't buy into the argument that Ham was an African American, and that his whole race is cursed. But, this IFC church is no more guilty of nonsense than libs who insist blacks are oppressed. An African American can walk into almost any university or job that whites with the same qualifications would be barred from. Blacks receive several times as much welfare, per capita, as whites. Black contributions to society include crimes on the street and crimes at the ballot box. Blacks are the oppressors.

I don't buy into the argument that Ham was an African American, and that his whole race is cursed. But, this IFC church is no more guilty of nonsense than libs who insist blacks are oppressed. An African American can walk into almost any university or job that whites with the same qualifications would be barred from. Blacks receive several times as much welfare, per capita, as whites. Black contributions to society include crimes on the street and crimes at the ballot box. Blacks are the oppressors.


Another Christian, white, male victim. What an oppressed group!

Tell us, racist asswipe, that you would have preferred to have been born into that elite race.

We'll wait.