Remember Pearl Harbor....the Japanese certainly don't.

So? There was nothing stopping Biden from modifying it, and in fact he did. He sped up the withdrawal timetable.

“The bottom line is the administration controlled how we withdrew and when we withdrew, making them the majority stakeholder of many guilty parties in the failure and collapse of Afghanistan in the current Taliban rule,” Krummrich told lawmakers.

President Joe Biden went against the guidance from his top military advisers to withdraw the entire U.S. military presence in Afghanistan, which occurred at the end of August 2021, which Krummrich described as “a shock and a rude awakening for all the planners.”

Biden’s botched Afghan exit is a disaster at home and abroad long in the making

Trump's foreign policy screw ups aren't the issue here. Biden's Afghanistan screw up is.

You cant blame everything on Biden, since Trump screwed up royally during his term, and as expected you said nothing.
Trump gets blamed for his failures, and there were many if you bothered to read my link. Yet you refuse to acknowledge any of them and whine about Biden daily.

That's not my point. We're discussing Biden here, not Trump. Everything isn't about Trump even if in your deluded world you think it is.
What foreign policy failures?

Trump's sucking on POOTIE'S dick was a huge disaster!

Today marks the 78th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima. More people were killed in the firebombing of Tokyo, but August 6th, 1945 was the first offensive use of an atomic weapon.
Hiroshima marks a-bomb anniversary, calls nuclear deterrence "folly"
Japan on Sunday marked the 78th anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombing on Hiroshima, where its mayor urged the abolition of nuclear weapons and called the Group of Seven leaders' notion of nuclear deterrence a "folly".

The day to commemorate the victims of the world's first nuclear attack comes as Russia has raised the spectre of using nuclear weapons in its war with Ukraine.


A lot of people have the misconception that The Atomic Bombing of Japan was about American Revenge on the Japanese for their attack of Pearl Harbor.

But, that revenge took place at Midway, where we destroyed a superior Imperial Fleet with our brave Navy pilots and Submarine fleet.

We Nuked Japan to stop Japan from scorching China, and to prevent them from scorching the rest of Asia, as they would have never stopped, had we not shocked them back into reality! Otherwise multiple millions of innocent people would have died!
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A lot of people have the misconception that The Atomic Bombing of Japan was about American Revenge on the Japanese for their attack of Pearl Harbor.

But, that revenge took place at Midway, where we destroyed a superior Imperial Fleet with our brave Navy pilots and Submarines.

We Nuked Japan to stop Japan from scorching China, and to prevent them from scorching the rest of Asia, as they would have never stopped had we not shocked them back into reality!
Not revenge; just ending a war.

The lesson to be learned is "Don't start wars you can't finish".

I have no sympathy for the rapists of Nanking. YMMV

Too many Americans forget the Japanese had been rolling all over the western Pacific for years before Pearl Harbor.
The Rape of Nanking
To break the spirit of Chinese resistance, Japanese General Matsui Iwane ordered that the city of Nanking be destroyed. Much of the city was burned, and Japanese troops launched a campaign of atrocities against civilians. In what became known as the “Rape of Nanking,” the Japanese butchered an estimated 150,000 male “war prisoners,” massacred an additional 50,000 male civilians, and raped at least 20,000 women and girls of all ages, many of whom were mutilated or killed in the process.
The Japanese did not share Western values at the time:
Bataan Death March
In the Bataan Death March, about 75,000 Filipino and American troops on the Bataan Peninsula on the Philippine island of Luzon were forced to make an arduous 65-mile march to prison camps. After the U.S. surrender of the Bataan Peninsula in 1942 during World War II, the Japanese took control of the area, and the prisoner of war (POWs) were subjected to brutal treatment by Japanese guards. An estimated 17,000 men perished during and after the Bataan Death March....

../.Survivors of the Bataan Death March have reported countless atrocities suffered during the march and later imprisonment, including starvation, random beatings and stabbings, and a lack of any water, shelter or basic first-aid supplies.

“One of the POWs had a ring on and the Japanese guard attempted to get the ring off,” said one U.S. prisoner. “He couldn't get it off and he took a machete and cut the man's wrist off and when he did that, of course, the man was bleeding profusely. [I tried to help him] but when I looked back I saw a Japanese guard sticking a bayonet through his stomach.”
Oh, like Biden couldn't have gone to the parties involved and discussed changes and the reasons for those changes... What? Was Biden doing some political turd polishing somewhere else that he couldn't find the time to discuss changes of that sort?
If you think i will accept you speaking for the Taliban in any way that resembles fact you are sadly mistaken,

What none of us know is what the Taliban would do, if after finally getting an agreement on US withdrawal from Trump, then suddenly Biden was trying to delay it.

What i do know is that if the Taliban lost trust in the US for BREAKING the Trump deal and decided they needed to escalate things and put the US to a choice, 'leave or send in more troops for a greater war', that you Trump derps (and yes i mean you) would be here crucifying Biden for not just sticking to the Trump withdrawal, because, of course, it was negotiated by Trump and would go perfectly if Biden just stuck to it.
How come all the Lefties lamenting the US nuking Hiroshima never care about the millions of innocent people the Japanese committed atrocities against? Where are reparations for them?
‘Just’ 10 Japanese Atrocities From World War II
The Japanese Army during World War II committed many crimes against humanity that were ordered by the government and high command. In the Japanese equivalent of the Nurnberg Trials, held in Tokyo in 1946, many of the high-ranking officers and government officials were found guilty of genocide and war crimes and executed.

Today, in a controversial act, as many as 14 of them still hold a place in the National Shrine, which celebrates the heroes of the Japanese people.

Some of the most infamous atrocities include the 1937-1938 Nanking massacre, which claimed the lives of more than 300,000 Chinese civilians, and the notorious Unit 731 Experimental facility in which many hideous experiments were conducted on Chinese, South East Asian, Russian and Allied prisoners with an overall death toll of 250,000 men, women and children.
How come all the Lefties lamenting the US nuking Hiroshima never care about the millions of innocent people the Japanese committed atrocities against? Where are reparations for them?

First, Oom, how are atrocities committed by the Empire of Japan something for which any of us can answer?

As for holding the distinction of being the only nation on the planet to discharge nuclear weapons against other humans,
we all have different views about that,
and it's not a particularly heavily discussed subject.

Purely out of curiosity, who are all of these "lefties" to whom you refer?
Where are all of these spirited arguments taking place?
As for the victims of Japanese atrocities, how many of us even know jack shit about either that or them?
First, Oom, how are atrocities committed by the Empire of Japan something for which any of us can answer?

As for holding the distinction of being the only nation on the planet to discharge nuclear weapons against other humans,
we all have different views about that,
and it's not a particularly heavily discussed subject.

Purely out of curiosity, who are all of these "lefties" to whom you refer?
Where are all of these spirited arguments taking place?
As for the victims of Japanese atrocities, how many of us even know jack shit about either that or them?

The same way Lefties think Americans should answer for the atrocities to slaves and American Indians, neef.

This forum.
The same way Lefties think Americans should answer for the atrocities to slaves and American Indians, neef.

This forum.

Everybody has a point that can be made, Oom.

An easy argument to make would be
that evolution fucked up royally when it came up with humans.

I lean a little toward that one, truth be told.
Everybody has a point that can be made, Oom.

An easy argument to make would be
that evolution fucked up royally when it came up with humans.

I lean a little toward that one, truth be told.

Disagreed on evolution. If one believes the universe is intelligent then it begets intelligence. Human beings are flawed, but we're within reach of being able to protect ourselves from the calamity that beset the dinosaurs.

Like a two-edged sword, however, our intelligence and our ability to move asteroids can also be used to destroy ourselves.