Republican State Legislatures Assume Leadership of Insurrection.

I woke up at 4 am with chills. Fever from the vaccinations. I was able to go back to sleep pretty quickly though, likely due to the 6 Tylenol I had taken over the precious 18 hours. I’ve been tired today but none the worse for wear.

At baseball practice today we worked on two things: Hitting the outside pitch the other way and widening the stance and making contact with two strikes. It was hot.

Singing night at church tonight. After that I have to make up a math test for my 7th graders. Can’t wait to see how they do on it tomorrow.

Play a nearby (35 mi) rival tomorrow. If that doesn’t motivate our kids I done know what will.

Doctors should be OK with donuts. They both start with the same letter.

A good visit with one’s son should offset a few donuts.
This is neither a comment nor an opinion but merely an inquiry out of curiosity: you mention church a lot, Leaning.
How often do you attend?

Most of my church memories were weddings or funerals, and those seem to have dried up some time ago as well; so we may represent some cultural diversity here between us.
No problem with that. It's just a little noticeable.
Is Secular Humanism relatively rare in Oklahoma?
As Catholicism started falling out of favor with Eastern urban youth,
very few sought a home in other faiths.
This is neither a comment nor an opinion but merely an inquiry out of curiosity: you mention church a lot, Leaning.
How often do you attend?

Most of my church memories were weddings or funerals, and those seem to have dried up some time ago as well; so we may represent some cultural diversity here between us.
No problem with that. It's just a little noticeable.
Is Secular Humanism relatively rare in Oklahoma?
As Catholicism started falling out of favor with Eastern urban youth,
very few sought a home in other faiths.

My second “job” is as a preacher. I go Sunday morning, Sunday night and Wednesday nights. It’s just a part of my life. Has been since childhood. And so other things are nestled in around it. It was a typical Wednesday night tonight…church lets out at 8 then we visited in the parking lot for 40 minutes before coming home. Now I’m in my recliner for the duration.

I just texted my golfing buddy about trying it on Friday. Supposed to be substantially nicer (cooler) weather. Waiting to hear back from him.
I'm just assuming a Christian denomination when you use the word "preacher,"
but were you ever exposed to any of your ancestor's Native American faiths?

Boston is hugely Catholic on paper, but the extent of actual practicing Catholics is a legitimate question.
Boston is hugely "pro choice," for example, in flagrant defiance of the church's official position.
Boston was obviously not Catholic at its roots but became solidly so with the industrial revolution immigration.

The remnants of the Boston "Brahmin" family era are Episcopalian.
So big, gaudy, cathedral like churches either way, not like how we imagine the Christian churches of Middle America.
We're a diverse nation. It looks like the jury is still out on whether we can make that diversity work for us or not.

Back to baseball: a "nearby rival" 35 miles away is a little different from our situation. Boston high schools can play almost their entire schedule without ever leaving the metropolitan era!
They'll play a couple of home and home sets with smaller city or town teams to fill out the slate, but a lot of those schools are actually bigger. because the city [or town] has just one high school.
There's no unincorporated county land in small area/dense population states. You enter another city or town the moment you leave the one that you're in.
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This is my great grandfather on my mother’s (Native American) side. 100% Choctaw. He came from Mississippi as a child on the Choctaw Trail of Tears. He was a second generation “Christian” of some Protestant religion. He became a lawman when he grew up in Oklahoma … a member of the Light horsemen in our county. Having said that, I have studied (because it is of great interest to me) early Choctaw faith.

We won tonight 6-3 against the other teams best pitcher. Got to him in the 2nd and 6th inning. A 5 foot nothing (not sure he’s 5 foot yet) freshman kid got a big two out, two run single for us in the 6th to put us up 3.

Schools here are several miles apart. We run 4 bus routes that take a little over an hour each to cover our district. It is a large district geographically speaking but we have 77 kids in grades 9-12. Two hundred thirty something K-12. Consolidation with other schools isn’t an option as bussing and time spent on a bus would be a logistic nightmare. So there are a lot of country schools. In our large county, over 100 miles from top to bottom, there are several high schools.

Yes, I’m sure ours are different situations. It’s all good.

My son graduated with a class of 17 last year, moved from our community of about 250 people to Norman, OK and is a freshman in a class of over 4500. For some of our kids such a move is a culture shock. He’ll be OK. We have taken him all over the United States purposely to broaden his horizons and let him see how people live elsewhere. One of our favorite trips was to Boston. Lots of history there.

Headed to the golf course in the morning. 9:30 tee time. It’s been almost three weeks since I swung a club on a golf course so I’m looking forward to it. Hope I can sleep tonight. :)
Today I knocked 15 strokes off my last golf score from three weeks ago. Had a good visit with my former, now fully retired coworker while doing it. Just goes to show when you set the starting bar low….or high as it were, you can do anything. :D

Other than that I’ve done nothing and plan to do nothing for the rest of the day today.

Have a deer roast and the fixins in the slow cooker for supper.

I’m worried about my country but life for me is good today.
Watching some college football today. Thought about a second career as a football official but I don’t have the physique for it. These guys these days all look like the Arnold Schwarzenegger of the 80’s. Poor Nebraska is not even a shadow of their former self. Kind of sad.

Went to check on our Junior High kids playing baseball in our invitational tournament. The fire hose we use to wet the field sprung a leak so I aired the motorcycle out the six miles home and back to get some stuff to repair it between games. Flex Tape covered with Gorilla Tape make a great combination to get a person through the day.

Grilling some venison for supper tonight. I know, I know, deer two nights in a row. But it’s really like two different meals.
Typical Sunday for me. Typical is good. Lunch at dads after worship. Picked a gallon and a half of okra this evening and put in the freezer. Watched some baseball then an episode of The Hatcher Family Farm. Relaxing day.
I don't play on weekends, and my round got cancelled today.
I'm going to Google "okra" instead.
I'm not expecting to see anything edible, but who knows?
OK. Did it.

I do use escarole in my chicken soup, if that counts for anything. At least it's green.
I'm not sure if Massachusetts imports okra.
Had a good day at work. Then the boys beat the #8 team in the state 7-5. Good win for our skinny kids. Writing lesson plans now.

Fried okra is the bomb. Plus I use a little to thicken my gumbo.
Tonight it occurs to me that if I could be granted one wish,
I would go back to 1901
and somehow prevent the founding of the Red Sox.

In that case, the Braves wouldn't have moved to Milwaukee in 1953.

Now in fairness, the Boston/Milwaukee/Atlanta Braves have only won one World Series in each of those three towns,
while the Red Sox have won four since 2004 and nine overall [five from 1903 to 1918].

Still, I don't think that the Braves were ever as adept at crushing a Bostonian's soul as the Red Sox have been.
The second half of this season is doing its best to make go off like a Roman candle.
No game today, either.
I have appointments and it would be too much of a rush.

Sometimes I wonder if I still play golf.

It's like calling myself a polo player but never getting to ride.
Just taught 1 1/2 of my classes today. Had to leave early to go to the Dermatologist. They whittled a couple of spots off of my neck. Sending one off but are fairly confident that it’s harmless.

Got beat by a top ten team in the class above us. Not a terrible loss but I hate losing.

Going to be a rough week. We had the #8 team in our class yesterday, the #7 team in the class above us today, and a three way with the #1 and #11 teams in the class above us on Friday. Thursday we play a team in our class but have to drive 40+ miles to the south … through Bigfoot’s neighborhood.

Saint Louis is idle today. Rooting for the Diamondbacks at the moment, hoping we can pick up half a game while idle. 2.5 back of the last wildcard spot is very doable. Go D-backs!
You filthy drug addicted no brains lazy fucks will soon be nothing but a memory. You wont be missed. The future is ours. ;)

You argue and fight for the super rich and are not wise enough to figure that out. There is no future for you if the Repubs win. They use you, but do not care about you in the slightest.l
Lightbulbs were popping all day in my classroom. It’s why I do what I do. Then when I overhear a 13 year old kid who made a 70 on his first test telling his “neighbor” that “this is my favorite class” it’s icing on the cake.

Baseball practice was H-O-T. 104°. But it was good. Made sure the kids (and us coaches) drank plenty of water, hit some ground balls and fly balls for an hour then worked in the batting cages the remaining hour and a half.

My Cards pushed again today. Split a “double header” with the Reds and the Padres lost. Nothing gained or lost…except to the Phillies who have decided to creep into the picture.

The race in the NL West is heating up down the stretch. Gives me a reason to keep track of all of those games out of my bailiwick. I generally keep MLB network on “The Big Inning” until it goes off at night.
39-42: 81 today. Pretty good. 10 over.

Kept the ball in play with the driving iron, hit the lob wedge decently, but the old Ram Zebra missed a few that it shouldn't have.

E Rod handling the Rays well so far, but our bullpen should take care of that in the 8th and 9th.

Glad your kids are doing well.
Home before 9. Not bad for driving down through Bigfoot’s woods to play ball. I think I said it was about 40 miles down there. lol, it’s more like 70. Takes about an hour and forty minutes because the route is through the mountains on narrow, rough mountain roads. Anyway, we won 9-1. In Oklahoma that’s a run rule shortened game…ended in 5 innings.

Tomorrow will be a different story. Hoping to be competitive with the teams on the schedule for. We’ll likely take a shellacking but hopefully getting to face superior pitching will pay dividends in a few weeks in the playoffs when we’ll be matched against schools our size.

81 … that’s pretty awesome. I’ve only been in the 80’s 8 or 9 times back when I played more regularly. My best ever was a 79.

Watching the Rockies battle it out with the Braves until bedtime. Looks like the Sox handled things.
As expected, we took our beat down at the hands of the two highly ranked, larger schools today. Glad that’s over with. Back within our size class Tuesday, then play in an invitational tournament beginning Thursday.

Been working on our Iron Mike pitching machine. The remote switch won’t work properly. I have the problem narrowed done to one of two things. Will buy a new remote cord this weekend and after my boy heads back to his dorm on Monday I’ll see if that does the trick.

No pro baseball tonight. Me and the wife are going to bed early. ;)

Back on topic here … Liberals are scum.
Saturday night in Boston. At my age, it may as well be Tuesday, though.
And even if I were twenty-five, our old hangouts are long gone anyway.

Not sure who to blame, but let's face it; it's got to be Republicans.
Let me recommend a movie. I’ll be up front here and say that I’m not in to reality when it comes to movies. Comedy, Sci-fi, superhero type movies are my favorites. I’ve enjoyed the Marvel movies and the Guardians of the Galaxy movies tremendously. The missus, kiddo and I just got back from watching Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. Awesome story line, effects and fight scenes.

Other than that all I’ve done today is run 5 lbs of deer salami through the smoker, sliced and vacuum packaged for the boy to take back to Norman for him and his roommate.

Cards were shut out today. Typical of them this season. They scored 14 runs yesterday and 0 today. Let some Oklahoma kid blank them for the entire game.