Republican State Legislatures Assume Leadership of Insurrection.

Let me recommend a movie. I’ll be up front here and say that I’m not in to reality when it comes to movies. Comedy, Sci-fi, superhero type movies are my favorites. I’ve enjoyed the Marvel movies and the Guardians of the Galaxy movies tremendously. The missus, kiddo and I just got back from watching Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. Awesome story line, effects and fight scenes.

Other than that all I’ve done today is run 5 lbs of deer salami through the smoker, sliced and vacuum packaged for the boy to take back to Norman for him and his roommate.

Cards were shut out today. Typical of them this season. They scored 14 runs yesterday and 0 today. Let some Oklahoma kid blank them for the entire game.

A week or two ago, I went to the cinema for the first time since the pandemic broke out.
Saw "Respect," the Aretha Franklin biopic.
Loved it, but heartlands folks probably aren't big fans of classic R&B.
If you're an exception, Jennifer Hudson did an awesome job.

Deer salami sounds gross, but then again, I'm Sicilian.
What would I know about it?
Do they sell mortadella, capicola, and prosciutto in Oklahoma?
A week or two ago, I went to the cinema for the first time since the pandemic broke out.
Saw "Respect," the Aretha Franklin biopic.
Loved it, but heartlands folks probably aren't big fans of classic R&B.
If you're an exception, Jennifer Hudson did an awesome job.

Deer salami sounds gross, but then again, I'm Sicilian.
What would I know about it?
Do they sell mortadella, capicola, and prosciutto in Oklahoma?

My wife liked “Respect” but I didn’t go. Since she liked it I’ll probably watch it with her at some point in the future. I do like Aretha Franklin.

If a person likes salami they’d probably like deer salami. I do lots of stuff with my deer that most folks around here don’t do. Most folks here just slice it about a quarter to three-eighths of an inch thick, salt, roll it in flour and fry it. Don’t get me wrong, it’s good that way but there are so many more things a person can do with good quality, lean red meat.

Never heard of mortadella or capicola but looked them up on Google. They look great, especially the mortadella. We’re frequent users of prosciutto though. Good stuff there.

Saw my best friend from high school today. It was great to visit with him. He used to be to the left of me, politically, but now it looks like he’s becoming a prepper. I mean, I like to garden, hunt and fish and use what I harvest but I’m not storing up for 7 lean years. I’ll leave that to the Mormons.

Got some wide spread rain last night. Definitely welcome. Not as good at hitting off of hard pan as I am hitting off of grass. No golf for me until week after next though.
Got some wide spread rain last night. Definitely welcome. Not as good at hitting off of hard pan as I am hitting off of grass. No golf for me until week after next though.

Enough rain is never a problem around here.

We get more than enough, and then, while we're still soaked, carts have to stay on the paths.

That's a great policy to create five hour rounds or worse.
It's for good reason, of course, but it still drives me nuts to the point where I probably just won't play.
There's enough trouble I can get into just staying in the clubhouse.
Labor Day. My tribe usually has a large festival with events taking place all weekend at our capital grounds. For the second year in a row, COVID has shut it down.

The boy is home so I’m grilling burgers and steaks from our registered Black Angus beef. It is Labor Day, after all. Grilling is required according to the rules of Al Bundy. I’ll forego the speech though. I like my wife and kid.

After my son heads back to Norman this afternoon I my go visit a friend who just bought a house and moved back to this area. It’s funny, when we were kids most of my friends couldn’t wait to leave here. Many of them, though, have spent a large part of their adult life working to get back.

Watching Spider-Man III. Trying to get caught up re-watching the episodes before the new one this winter.
As the proud resident of a NON right to work state,
Labor Day has a special significance to me.

The fact that I've been retired for nearly twenty years while living in reasonable comfort is a strong reminder
of how the diminishing power of labor unions will lead future generations to a more third-world-like existence.
Our working class needs to lose its "rugged individualist" fantasies and re-learn the power of solidarity.
The experience of my life is the foundation of my "Power to the Proletariat" ideology.
No golf planned for today.
No anything planned for today.
Today is a veg-out day, one of my very favorite kinds of days.
I'm going to drink lots of coffee and maybe watch Korean-language soap operas on TV, just because I can.
It's better than sitting through recent Red Sox games.

Probably won't cook tonight, either. It feels like a take out night.

Hopefully, I'll feel less truculent tomorrow and try to be just a tiny bit more constructive.
Or not. We'll see soon enough, I guess.
We’ve gone virtual at the school where I teach but extracurricular activities continue. We have three adult cases of COVID in the elementary school and no subs so … virtual “learning.” It’s really virtual “try to help them not forget anything” except for the more advanced classes. I spent yesterday morning creating instructional Youtube videos for my advanced class and am confident they won’t miss a beat in their learning.

Since extracurricular activities continue we played and put a whipping on the #18 team in the state last night…9-0 in 5 innings. In OK the mercy rule goes 12 after 3, 10 after 4 and 8 after 5.

Head coach called a practice to take place after everyone has gotten out of church tonight so at 8:30 I’ll commence hitting some ground balls to our middle infield. Short stop needs the most work on transition.

Since we’re virtual I didn’t go in to work today. Went into town and bought a few groceries, got the oil changed in my old pickup and then went to a walk in clinic to get my bus driving physical.

An invitational tournament starts tomorrow. We will likely play a team that went to state in the class above us last year. We’ve beaten them once this year but it’ll be a tough match up.

My Cards are still just 3 1/2 games back in the wildcard race but they’re playing so badly that even if they made the playoffs they’d be whipped right back out of them. Just watching pro ball for the enjoyment these days.
This covid thing has screwed us up in so many ways.
The physical ravages of the plague are clearly bad enough,
but we've managed to make a socio-political brawl out of it as well.

That's why I assume that if this planet survives long enough for evolution to continue,
we definitely cannot be at the top of the evolutionary ladder.
Surely there's a long overdue more advanced species to replace us.

If not, evolution should be embarrassed.

The word "dog" is almost the mirror image of "God."
I understand why.
Right now, I believe that Canis lupus familiaris is the closest species to being in His image to this point
At the very least, my avatar at the top of this post is performing at a higher level than I am right now.
Headed in to work then have a baseball game at 4. I’ll leave a picture of one of my fur kids before I go. They’re both definitely more loyal than most of my non-fur kids.

What a beautiful dog!

She’s a wonderful pet. A great squirrel dog too. The breed is Mountain Cur.

Home from a day at work. Won the first round of the tournament 12-2 in 4 innings. Play in the semis tomorrow at 8 pm.

Beautiful weather here. Very Autumn-ish.
Brady and Gronk. I know that I've seen those two guys before.

I don't really like football as a whole, but how do you not watch Tom Brady?

44 years old. Unbelievable.
Brady and Gronk. I know that I've seen those two guys before.

I don't really like football as a whole, but how do you not watch Tom Brady?

44 years old. Unbelievable.

Brady is definitely the GOAT but he always plays for the wrong teams for me to root for him. Gronk too. Hopefully we’ll get another shot at them in the playoffs. All in all my Cowboys didn’t look to bad. Need to be able to run the ball better.

My Cards beat the Dodgers 2 in a row but are still 3 back of San Diego.

This is my favorite time of year. Both of my favorite sports, hunting season is around the corner, days are getting cooler. Definitely the most wonderful time of the year.
Late night last night…at least for a guy of my advanced years.

This is the time of year that I clean out my freezer so I made a 5 pound batch of venison meat sticks (like Jack’s Links) and a six pound batch of venison bratwurst. Cooking the meat sticks off this morning.

Baseball game last night was supposed to be at 8 but the games before ours ran long and in the last inning of the game right before ours the sheriff came and cleared the field and the stands. We had about an hour delay to let a life flight helicopter land to take a fellow off. It happens here. Baseball fields are the best places for them to land their helicopters, especially at night.

We won 5-1 and will play in the finals today at 4.
Sheriffs aren't what they used to be locally because we pretty much dissolved the majority of county government functions in Massachusetts.
There's zero unincorporated land. When you leave one municipality, you enter another, so county government was redundant.

Although my discount senior membership doesn't usually cover weekend play, it's late in the season so we were able to play nine holes this morning.
44. Not bad for a guy who would be condemned if he were a building instead of a person.
Savages win! We won the tournament 5-4 with a walk off steal of home against the #9 team in the state. Great win for our skinny boys.

No need to land helicopters on the field today. Another helicopter story: I remember when we were the visiting team at another small school in a softball game and there was a cloudburst causing a rain delay. Water all over the field. I knew this group took their softball seriously when a helicopter flew in and landed, pushing the water off of the field. It seems one of the girls on the other team had a dad or step-dad who owned the chopper. First and only time I saw a helicopter used to push water off of a softball field.

Took the missus out to dinner after the game. Watching Kentucky polish off Missouri right now while enjoying a cup of Community coffee. I always root for the Stoops brothers.

Speaking of the Stoops brothers, poor Ohio State. I feel bad for Mott.

I haven’t shot a 44 for 9 since the 90’s. Good job.
No golf tomorrow.
The wife and I both have pedicures scheduled.

But there's the rub.

Medicare pays for my podiatrist, but NOT for her nail salon.

As a depraved East Coast commie, I like it best when somebody else pays for ALL of our stuff.

I should look into those "Fund Me" things that I've been hearing about.
Normal Sunday here. Lunch with dad, Chipotle Chicken Wrap for supper, church in between…with an afternoon of football. 4 former OU quarterbacks in action on Sunday, all contributing to their respective teams.

Back to in person school this week. Yay!

Big baseball week for us. We have a good tune up double header on Tuesday then leave Thursday to play in a tournament about 3 hours away near Stillwater. Playing some bigger schools that we don’t often play due to Geography.

My Cards keep giving me hope, hanging in there at 1 game back of the Reds and Padres.

I worry about folks. There seems to be more and more people in need of mental/emotional help these days. Lucy could make a killing at 5 cents a pop.

One of my student’s moms is a roller derby lady in a nearby Arkansas city. I used to watch roller derby with my dad, along with professional wrestling. He still loves to watch wrestling. I know not to plan anything with him on Mondays. I think what he watches is Monday Night Raw or something.
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Here's the thing with professional wrestling.
I've known it was a work since I went to my first matches at age seven.
My aunt told me to root for the heels--we called them villains, then--just to see the reaction of the old ladies sitting near us.
It was fun and it was funny.

Plus, if you were a boxing fan, you knew what a real fight looked like anyway, and if the wrestling moves were real, so would be quadriplegia.
The performers are very skilled, mostly in not killing themselves and one another., and they used to be more skilled in comedy than they are now

But even though you understood that you were watching a performance, not an actual competition, at least you could, in the old days,
suspend disbelief as you do when you watch a movie, for example. You could get into the fun a little bit.

Now it's gotten so cartoonish that it's impossible to suspend disbelief.
The two huge, national level promotions, AEW and WWE, compete vigorously to determine who can present the most ridiculous product.

But plenty of people watch nonetheless, although the ratings are said to be drooping lately.