Republican State Legislatures Assume Leadership of Insurrection.

Dallas won.

The Patriots defense couldn't stop a blood nose.
I didn't care about the game--am in Red Sox mode right now--
but how Belichick punted in overtime when his defense didn't stop the Cowboys all day
makes me pretty certain that he's got dementia and needs to call it a career.

We sometimes see deer here on the outskirts of residential Boston, but the local authorities get pissed off if anybody starts shooting right there in the neighborhoods.
We get enough of that downtown where there are no deer. And yet, I often miss living downtown.

To the north and south are dense metropolitan areas
and to the east is the Atlantic Ocean
but west of the city there actually is a little wooded land.
I have to respond to this before I forget. I remember thinking the same thing in the first game of the season when Dallas kicked a field goal with about a minute and a half remaining on 3rd and one or two. I was hollering at the TV for them to go for the first down instead of leaving Brady and Company that much time to march down and kick a game winner of their own. We hadn't stopped them consistently and ... after all, it was Tom Brady. The coach couldn't hear me through the TV ... maybe it was the crowd noise ... and it played out just like I figured it would. I guess that's why they get paid the big bucks and we get to sit home and watch it through a box.
Watched the football game tonight…remember the Titans. Great game. Kept a check on the baseball game. I love the subtle gesture at the end of the game when Correa grounded out to second. If it was like it used to be Correa would have caught a fastball to the ribs by now for his “my time” gesture in game 1 when he hit that home run.
Watched the football game tonight…remember the Titans. Great game. Kept a check on the baseball game. I love the subtle gesture at the end of the game when Correa grounded out to second. If it was like it used to be Correa would have caught a fastball to the ribs by now for his “my time” gesture in game 1 when he hit that home run.

Sox put up double digits again tonight, with home games coming up for two more nights.

The Correa gesture wouldn't have flown in the old days, but nothing is the same.

The post Fay Vincent era under Bud Selig and Rob Manfred has seen the game shed quite a bit of dignity.
They took our Native American students on a trip today. That left me with 4 kids in my first class, 6 in my second class and 4 kids in me third class. We reviewed and practiced previously learned skills.

I sat in my tree stand until sundown after school. Saw lots and lots of wood ducks and a few squirrels…but no deer. I will re-visit those ducks in December and January when season opens. This is the first year I’ve gotten to take advantage of my part time, reduced work load/retirement and I must say that I’m loving it.

Finishing the day watching baseball…doesn’t get much better than that.
Sox bats have been streaky all year. They all hit together and they all go salami-bat together.
When they come down after a hot streak, they stay down for at least a week.

Looking very good for Dusty right now.
Afternoon game tomorrow, I believe.
Sox bats continued to slump yesterday. Braves came alive against the Dodgers though. If I'm rooting for anyone out of the four teams left it would likely be the Braves. They gave up the 3-1 lead to the Dodgers last year and I've felt sorry for them ever since.

I have to run the score clock for the elementary basketball tournament at our school tonight so I probably won't get to watch much baseball. I haven't looked at what time the NLCS is being played, but if they are late enough I'll get to see some of it.

I may be getting too old to teach. The kids are still doing well and learning a lot but I feel like I have to be a "mean guy" to my 8th graders every day. 7th graders and Juniors/Seniors are much more pleasant. I don't know. Every once in a while I feel like I need to hang it up for good and get a retirement job driving a tractor.

Looking forward to the weekend. Opening of blackpowder season. I am a muzzleloader fanatic. I have 4 of them and have to really restrain myself when I see one available. I've been wanting a 32 caliber for squirrel hunting but they're nearly $600, and some are a lot higher. I'm a little too tight for that but I do like the idea while I'm able to follow my dog through the woods.
Ah, another cultural difference--most Boston dogs refuse to work for a living. Hunt? They demand to be spoiled rotten as pets instead.
Mine sleeps in bed between my wife and I, still believing that we require a chaperone at our age.
Thank God it's a king sized bed.

The Red Sox have been the same all year--very streaky offensively. When they suddenly get cold, they all get cold together and it lasts for a couple of weeks at least.
I'm pretty sure that they're done.
Ah, another cultural difference--most Boston dogs refuse to work for a living. Hunt? They demand to be spoiled rotten as pets instead.
Mine sleeps in bed between my wife and I, still believing that we require a chaperone at our age.
Thank God it's a king sized bed.

The Red Sox have been the same all year--very streaky offensively. When they suddenly get cold, they all get cold together and it lasts for a couple of weeks at least.
I'm pretty sure that they're done. dogs are pretty spoiled as far as hunting dogs go. While they don't get to stay in the house all the time they have a duplex, insulated, heated house to stay in when they are outside. We just have to make sure they aren't in the house at the same time as the cat. That would be a problem and might not end well. You saw the picture of the Mountain Cur squirrel dog. The other is a tri-color Beagle. Great dogs.

Lunch is over. 7th graders coming.
I don't know whether to bother watching the Sox or not tonight.
It would be just like them to win and get slaughtered tomorrow night instead. That would be bringing us back to the seventies and eighties when they did that stuff all the time.

Played my last round of golf for the year today, and now we'll tuck Mazikeen, my '62 Corvette, in for the winter.
Then we'll see if I'm still around in the spring to play golf and drive Maz again.

I'd set the odds at 50/50. My friends are dropping like flies. Lost another one this week.
No services. That's getting to be the norm, it seems--at least with my gang.

Well, this has been an inspirational post.
I'll try to do better tomorrow!
Sometimes we have those days.

I’ve spent the morning raking and burning some leaves. Then I made sure my 4-wheeler was ready…air in the tires, gassed up, battery charged…in case I need it to haul a deer in the morning. I use the thing about three or four times a year but when I need it it’s handy to have.

Copying machine died at the church building so we’re going in to Ft. Smith, AR tonight to get another. Another excuse for date night…as if I needed one. ;)

Will catch up on the Sox and Astros when I get back home.
I've never had a root canal done, but I imagine it would be similar to watching this baseball game tonight.

We didn't have a single .300 hitter on our team this year.
Baseball in the age of analytics isn't the game that I grew up watching.

I want Wade Boggs and Manny Ramirez back!
Put my time in the woods today. Won’t get to go back until Tuesday evening. Got to have tires put on the Yukon and then the ones off of the Yukon put on the Tahoe Monday. Need to get that done as we’ll be driving the Yukon to Kentucky to see the in-laws in a few weeks. Then I have to take dad to his heart doctor (150 mile round trip) Tuesday morning. Should be back in time to hunt Tuesday evening. It’s a 9 day season so I’ll take every opportunity to hunt this week that I can.

Was home long enough to watch the second half of the OU game. We’re still not very good. Watched the OSU game on my phone while I was in the woods. Felt like they got homered on that spot on the 4th down play to end the game. Enough football.

Been a pretty good game between the Dodgers and the Braves. If the Dodgers find a way to win this series it will be the classic case of a team limping its way into the playoffs.
Golf season is over here.
Mornings are too cold.
Afternoons get dark too early.

If times zones were straight lines, Boston wouldn't be in the Eastern.
It would be in the Atlantic with the Maritimes and Bermuda.
Because we're lumped into the Eastern with New York, it gets dark pretty early.

Since I do my hunting at the supermarket like most Bostonians, I'm entering lazy season.
I'll probably finish Elizabeth Warren's latest book tonight, and that will give me an excuse to go to Barnes and Noble and buy something else.
Probably something not political so I don't overload. That's how I intermingle books in the winter so I manage to not go bonkers.
One serious book. One for fun.

One way of keeping in good winter shape used to be shoveling snow.
Those days are gone.
The same contractor who cuts my grass shovels my snow.
I'd prefer to get my lethal heart attack in my bed, not on my driveway or on my lawn.

Walking the dog is my only workout. If I lived near you, I wouldn't even have to do that. I could just open the door and let her run for a bit.
But I'd have other chores to do, and I'd almost certainly be dead by now.

I remember college days when I'd get up at dawn to do my roadwork before classes.
After classes, I'd go to the gym. I'd do my studying at night in a state of semi-consciousness.
I'd actually be less out of it during an actual match when I was getting punched in the head.

Good thing that the club pros I was fighting for spending money weren't as good as the guys I had seen in amateur tournaments.

When I returned from military service, I was determined to never abuse myself with "physical fitness" nonsense again.
Golf became my most strenuous activity and until I was in my mid forties, I smoked a pack and a half of Camels a day.

When I finally quit smoking, I went through a phase where the only clothes that fit me had the "Goodyear" logo plastered across them and flew over ballparks.
As a union rep, I took on the look of "Bobby Bacala" from the Sopranos.
Finally, I found a happy medium sometime in retirement and that's where I am now.

You're a little too active to hang with me, so the internet correspondence thing works out well.
Got vehicles in this morning and $1200 later have new tires on one and better tires on the other.

I was wrong. I had to take dad to his cardiologist today, not tomorrow, so we made that trip as well. That was pretty much my day. Got home at 4:45 and went to the woods until dark, which is about 6:30. Lots of small critters stirring, but no deer. Will try tomorrow after work.

I read … a lot. I read/study my Bible, obviously. But in addition to that I read a lot of fiction for entertainment. Mostly Westerns, but also a lot of magazines from the Outdoor genre. Hunt/fish/sports, with sports limited to baseball and football. I’m not a big basketball fan but will follow March Madness.

You’re so right about your dog. My 2 acre place borders a WMA (Wildlife Management Area) of some 42,000 acres. Your dog would have plenty of room to run.

I smoked from the time I was 18 until I was 37. My boy was 2 and I didn’t want to encourage him down that road. My dad smoked for over 61 years, until he had heart bypass surgery at 75. I was determined to be a better example. Hope I was.

I do try to be active but I have resembled that Goodyear logo comment at time in my life. I’ve always been a big guy but I do try to stay in some sort decent physical shape. Weighed 225 when I graduated high school. Flirted with 300 by the time I was 25. Not good on a 6’ frame. Been back at 225 for over 20 years now and in better than average shape for my age. Everything I enjoy requires me to be able to get around well. Riding my motorcycle, hunting, fishing, gardening, golfing…. So I do a little extra exercise during slow times to try to maintain.