Republican State Legislatures Assume Leadership of Insurrection.

They have trees in Oklahoma, leaning? They're actually quite lovely!

Never having been there, I shouldn't have watched Carnivàle on HBO.
Maybe I should have watched the Gordon MacRae movie instead for a different perspective.

I thought it was just a dust bowl.
Live and learn, I guess.

Lol…yes, we have trees and hills … we call them mountains but they’re not really. I think one lacks a couple of feet being able to be officially classified as a mountain. I live in Choctaw territory, in the SE corner of the state. The area I outlined in black has ridges and trees. I went to college in Cherokee territory. Most people don’t think of our terrain when they think of Oklahoma. My father-in-law asked for 4 years (until we drove to the Grand Canyon) how far it was to the “real Oklahoma.” Where I moved his daughter didn’t meet his perception of what Oklahoma looked like.

Speaking of the missus…she is sick. I took her to the clinic to get checked out this morning. Upper respiratory infection…got $1.50 bottle of Amoxicillin. Fortunately no COVID. One of the young men at church had a breakthrough case a month or two ago so even though we’ve been vaccinated it’s always in the back of our minds.

I had planned to take her out for her birthday dinner tonight but it didn’t work out that way. So I cooked supper for her instead. I was putting the cheese on the top of the chicken enchiladas when my dogs started raising cane. I grabbed the assault weapon that I keep by the front door and had to go dispatch a bobcat that was stupid enough to get in the yard. He could kill my beagle and any of my three outside cats.

It wasn’t the biggest I’ve ever had to kill but I’m 6 ft tall and you can see how long it is.

Anyway, finished the enchiladas and made a peach cobbler. Got the wife tucked in and the inside/outside cat is playing nurse cat. He knows she’s sick.

Lol…yes, we have trees and hills … we call them mountains but they’re not really. I think one lacks a couple of feet being able to be officially classified as a mountain. I live in Choctaw territory, in the SE corner of the state. The area I outlined in black has ridges and trees. I went to college in Cherokee territory. Most people don’t think of our terrain when they think of Oklahoma. My father-in-law asked for 4 years (until we drove to the Grand Canyon) how far it was to the “real Oklahoma.” Where I moved his daughter didn’t meet his perception of what Oklahoma looked like.

Speaking of the missus…she is sick. I took her to the clinic to get checked out this morning. Upper respiratory infection…got $1.50 bottle of Amoxicillin. Fortunately no COVID. One of the young men at church had a breakthrough case a month or two ago so even though we’ve been vaccinated it’s always in the back of our minds.

I had planned to take her out for her birthday dinner tonight but it didn’t work out that way. So I cooked supper for her instead. I was putting the cheese on the top of the chicken enchiladas when my dogs started raising cane. I grabbed the assault weapon that I keep by the front door and had to go dispatch a bobcat that was stupid enough to get in the yard. He could kill my beagle and any of my three outside cats.

It wasn’t the biggest I’ve ever had to kill but I’m 6 ft tall and you can see how long it is.

Anyway, finished the enchiladas and made a peach cobbler. Got the wife tucked in and the inside/outside cat is playing nurse cat. He knows she’s sick.

Same here where I live in PA. What we call mountains are really ridges, although we call them ridges too

Hope your wife feels better. The GF says there's a lot of people in the hospital, mostly from the same thing and it's not the China virus, they're just sick from the flu or medical procedures.

Bobcats can be nasty, that looks like a pretty nice sized one. I never shot one, but have seen them in the wild. I'm not a fan of cats.
I let them live when the dogs tree them in the woods but we don’t need them around our house. Like I said, they’re a threat to most of our domestic animals.
You can continue to be panty-waists fellating your precious constitution,
or you can decide that you'll do WHATEVER IT TAKES to not live like some drooling cracker like the ones you've met here at JPP.

Depends on how you want to change/replace that Constitution.
I let them live when the dogs tree them in the woods but we don’t need them around our house. Like I said, they’re a threat to most of our domestic animals.

They, like fox and coyotes, can devastate the small game population. Coyotes did a number on the deer population here years ago until we started hunting them. Deer are becoming plentiful again, I saw quite a few on my way to and from work at nights this past summer. I'm thinking about getting a license and muzzle loader stamp. I have a nice flintlock.
Took my dog out for a couple of hours behind our house Saturday morning. Killed five squirrels. Not bad for going by ourselves. It’s easier to find them when she trees when there are two people. It’s very satisfying to follow a loved pet on a hunt. Mutually enjoyable. I didn’t do badly shooting either. I use an old Savage 22/410 combo rifle. It has iron sights. Three head shots with the 22 side and two running shots with the 410 side. Every year I wonder if I’ll be able to see to shoot the 22 side of that gun … my older eyes and iron sights. Starting out ok this year.

Posted a video to YouTube showing how to clean a squirrel solo. I’ve had several young people ask about it so I had my wife video me cleaning one. My son has been my holder for 12 years but he’s gone off to college now so I’m back to solo.

I love weekends when the weather is pretty…especially this time of year. Im outside until dark then there is football to watch when I get settled in the house for the evening. October, November, December…truly the most wonderful time of the year…for me anyway.
Protecting the homestead comes first--obviously--and bobcats can be dangerous to livestock, pets, and children.
They belong in the wild, not in backyards.
I've never seen, frankly, one except at a zoo. They don't seem to like the Boston traffic.

Still, my biggest disappointment when I see some animals is that I can't pet them.
Furry things seem to improve my brain chemistry even better than Prozac does.

Tough luck with Baylor. Boston College beat Virginia Tech. League-game wins have been rare for them, lately.

Best wishes for your wife to feel better very soon, leaning.
The wife is better, thanks to Mr. Niblick for the well-wishes.

Typical Sunday today. Church, then football, then church, then football. Cowboys looked really good today. Watching the Chiefs and Raiders now.

Baylor outplayed us Saturday. We may well lose our next two games. Our offensive line is less than average. Been a problem all year.

Four days of work this week then I’ll be off for a week. This is strange to most people but we get the entire week of Thanksgiving off, not just because it’s Thanksgiving, but because it is modern firearm deer season here. It is a strategic move by the schools and only schools in our corner of the state do it. Schools here get state funds based on our Average Daily Attendance (ADA). The week of deer season our students are absent in large chunks because of families taking vacation time to camp and deer hunt. So to keep the ADA where it should be schools started taking the whole week off during the 1970’s and making up the days other times of the year.

Interestingly, I don’t deer hunt during that week. We usually go to the in-laws in Kentucky and spend Thanksgiving week with them. Looking forward to it as usual. I like my in-laws. :D
The wife is better, thanks to Mr. Niblick for the well-wishes.

Typical Sunday today. Church, then football, then church, then football. Cowboys looked really good today. Watching the Chiefs and Raiders now.

Baylor outplayed us Saturday. We may well lose our next two games. Our offensive line is less than average. Been a problem all year.

Four days of work this week then I’ll be off for a week. This is strange to most people but we get the entire week of Thanksgiving off, not just because it’s Thanksgiving, but because it is modern firearm deer season here. It is a strategic move by the schools and only schools in our corner of the state do it. Schools here get state funds based on our Average Daily Attendance (ADA). The week of deer season our students are absent in large chunks because of families taking vacation time to camp and deer hunt. So to keep the ADA where it should be schools started taking the whole week off during the 1970’s and making up the days other times of the year.

Interestingly, I don’t deer hunt during that week. We usually go to the in-laws in Kentucky and spend Thanksgiving week with them. Looking forward to it as usual. I like my in-laws. :D

The GF's 13 yr. old granddaughter shot a 9 pointer this morning with a crossbow. One shot! It ran about 20 yd. and dropped. It was a nice sized deer for our area, I'll be expecting a ring of bologna after they get it made. Our flintlock season opens the day after Christmas and runs 2 weeks. My father built 2 flintlocks that he gave me (he gave the other 2 he built away), one was a short barreled Hawken, the other a beautiful PA. long rifle hand carved from a 4X6 chunk of curly maple, topped with a Don Getz barrel and a single trigger lock. I gave the Hawken to a long time hunting friend (I should have kept it, it was light) who said I could use it anytime I wanted, but I've been shooting the long rifle lately and it shoots almost as good as a cartridge rifle out to 100 yd., and cuts holes at 50 yd. (off a sandbag bench rest). It's much heavier and a bit more awkward than the Hawken (a little front heavy) so I'll have to get some offhand practice before I take it hunting. Not sure where I'm going yet, I haven't hunted in a few years, I might go ask if I can park at the farm I used to park at and hunt the game lands. We'll see...
Today is the wife’s actual birthday. Since she feels better I took her to eat at a lesser restaurant in a town that is closer. After all it is a work night.

Good day at work today. I’m really enjoying teaching all of my classes this year. They all have their challenging and rewarding moments. Sadly the Junior high kids got their test results from last year. Their math scores were not good. I took pictures of their math scores and will put them in a digital file. I told the kids that next year we will compare where they are and they could see how much they’ve improved…and they will show improvement after this school year.

Reloading 100 rounds of 44 magnum bullets to have on hand. I put a scope on my 44 Marlin lever action to use for hog hunting when I get back from Kentucky. Going to go ahead and load a box of 303 British bullets while I’m at it. I may use it some for hogs too. I do a lot of shooting this time of year.

I am afraid that I have been scammed on a gift I have tried to purchase for my Father-in-law. It was a chainsaw sharpener from one of those Facebook adds. Seemed legit but it hasn’t appeared yet. Have a tracking number but it appears to be bogus. It was just $40 but I hate that I probably won’t have a gift for his Christmas present next week. I may substitute some 9 mm bullets. I know he can use those.
Today is the wife’s actual birthday. Since she feels better I took her to eat at a lesser restaurant in a town that is closer. After all it is a work night.

Good day at work today. I’m really enjoying teaching all of my classes this year. They all have their challenging and rewarding moments. Sadly the Junior high kids got their test results from last year. Their math scores were not good. I took pictures of their math scores and will put them in a digital file. I told the kids that next year we will compare where they are and they could see how much they’ve improved…and they will show improvement after this school year.

Reloading 100 rounds of 44 magnum bullets to have on hand. I put a scope on my 44 Marlin lever action to use for hog hunting when I get back from Kentucky. Going to go ahead and load a box of 303 British bullets while I’m at it. I may use it some for hogs too. I do a lot of shooting this time of year.

I am afraid that I have been scammed on a gift I have tried to purchase for my Father-in-law. It was a chainsaw sharpener from one of those Facebook adds. Seemed legit but it hasn’t appeared yet. Have a tracking number but it appears to be bogus. It was just $40 but I hate that I probably won’t have a gift for his Christmas present next week. I may substitute some 9 mm bullets. I know he can use those.

Wishing your wife a happy birthday, and many more.

I made strip steaks today in the air fryer. Made a seasoning from 2 recipes and they came out fantastic. Since the GF works and I"m retired, I'm the cook during the week, except on Thurs. when I shoot pool. We usually go out on Fri., but if we don't, it's usually Sun. afternoon. I'm becoming a pretty good cook (I wasn't that bad when I lived alone), but I'm still no match for her (which makes dieting very difficult).

I have enough ammo for the time being, although I need a lb. or two of 4064 and a box or two of 55g Nosler ballistic tips for the Swift. I still have about 3/4 box left loaded from hunting groundhogs this spring/summer. I haven't bought powder in a while, I can imagine it's gone up considerably since I bought any. I know black powder went up pretty much over the last several years. I usually buy the black powder from one of the guys at our gun club, he buys it in bulk. It's been too windy the last few days to shoot black powder (or anything, really), and when it wasn't windy, it's been raining. I don't shoot nearly as much as I did, but I do like to shoot my Uberti cap and ball revolver on nice days during the summer.

Once I was out of HS and started doing milling machine set-ups at my first job (when I really developed an interest in machining), I took some night classes at community college to learn geometric dimensioning and tolerancing and trig. My next job was making molds, and I did a lot of lathe work too. That's when I primarily focused on lathe machining and was glad I took those courses. I learned a lot, including toolmaking from a few old Navy Machinist's Mates and became a Master Machinist. My last job was making prototypes, and then ran the small machine shop before I retired.

Sorry you were scammed on that ad on facebook. I don't do facebook because of all the BS that I've heard that goes on there. The GF doesn't either. They say it's nice to keep in contact with friends and family who live far away, but that's why I have a cell phone (that I don't know half of what it's capable of!).
I probably won’t have a gift for his Christmas present next week.

Is next week Christmas in the Heartlands? And is it ever a good idea to arm your in-laws?

In any case, I don't have any in-laws of any kind anymore. My wife, like myself, had no siblings.
Even my son-in-law is an ex now. Too bad. I didn't dislike the guy, and I could still beat him at golf.
No matter. I wasn't the one with whom he needed to get along!

Teaching kids math is no picnic. I remember.
Once you get up to long division, you can figure out your batting average and what else is required?
I got about 700 on my English SATs and I think about 565 on the math. Maybe it was 535. I really sucked at it, so I became an accountant instead of a rocket scientist.

Accountants ALL suck at math. I never even did my own taxes.
It doesn't matter how much you fuck up with company numbers.

Corporate accounting is all make-believe anyway; I can tell you from experience.
I was the financial office union rep for three weeks of the month
and than contrived some manner of book close on the fourth week while wearing my company employee hat..
To your question about Christmas in the Heartlands...

We go to the in-laws for Thanksgiving. Since we don't return for Christmas we do our exchanging of gifts while we are there. Kind of a ... Thanksmas.
Busy day. Home now getting a few things ready to go to KY. After church we’ll finish packing the Yukon so we can hit the road as soon as we get off work tomorrow afternoon. We usually drive to Forrest City, AR and spend the night. If we get away soon enough sometimes we go as far as Memphis, TN before we stop. We’ll see how things work out tomorrow.

This is a big hauling trip for us as we bring back half a beef from my father-in-law’s ranch. Then if I kill a deer or two … let’s just say we got to have three big ice chests. We’ll, one is a pickup bed toolbox converted into an ice chest. This is the first trip in 18 years without our son. Seems strange. He’ll be flying in to Nashville next week to spend time with his grandparents for Thanksgiving.

October, November, December … my favorite three months of the year. I get to see lots of family during these three months.
January, February, and March are my three least favorite months of the year,
but it's not nearly as bad now as when I had to go to work.

If I don't like the looks of a day now, I just say fuck it and spend it in sweats or a bathrobe.

Every phase of life has its advantages and disadvantages.

My wife and I used to have pretty large extended families when we were children, but we were both only children ourselves.

With our parents long gone, no siblings, no grandchildren, and not even any kids' spouses anymore, all we have on the planet for family are ourselves, our son, and our daughter, and our Welsh Terrier. (The kids never had aunts, uncles, or cousins of their own, obviously.)
We ourselves might have a few cousins scattered around with whom we have Christmas card relationships at best.

I loved the big family dinners and gatherings when I was a boy.
I'm cool with how it is now as well. As I said, every phase of life has its advantages and disadvantages.
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Resting in Forest City, AR. Traffic not too bad so far. The west bound lane of I-40 was clogged with trucks for about a 15 mile stretch between here and Little Rock. Every other TV commercial back home is advertising for jobs for truck drivers. I’d hate to think of what it’d be like out here if all those jobs were filled.
The missus is driving the last leg of out trip today. That frees me up to check in here while we’re zipping down I-40. The trees are beautiful. More evidence that the weather is behaving differently this year. We’ve been making this drive for 20 years now and this is the first time the leaves are still on the trees and still pretty.

We’re about 50 miles from Nashville…Go Titans! Got your find a place to grab a bit of lunch then on to Kentucky. The weather is great.

Edit: 2:13 pm. Driving through Nashville. Traffic slowed to a crawl. That’s the way it s every time we come through this city…and most cities. It is t even “rush” hour. I would absolutely hate to have to have to deal with this every day.
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