Republican State Legislatures Assume Leadership of Insurrection.

Worked on PA system in the school auditorium today. There is a school beauty pageant Friday evening so they needed multiple microphones. I got them a few working. We don’t use the auditorium much so the ever changing Superintendents let it get dilapidated. I’ve put some work into some of the hardware it this week, another teacher worked on the stage lighting and another former teacher worked on repairing the stage curtain. I give it all two thumbs up.

I got a contact email from a parent whose daughter is failing my class. She was genuinely concerned. I am so happy to get those emails or other contacts because usually we can right the ship if we work together.

May the force be with you.
School beauty pageants are definitely NOT a thing in "woke" Massachusetts! :whoa:

I have commercial venue sound equipment in my finished basement.
Use maybe five of the three hundred watts per channel to watch TV.
I've made some stupid purchases in my lifetime, obviously, but boys will be boys.
School beauty pageants are definitely NOT a thing in "woke" Massachusetts! :whoa:

I have commercial venue sound equipment in my finished basement.
Use maybe five of the three hundred watts per channel to watch TV.
I've made some stupid purchases in my lifetime, obviously, but boys will be boys.

LOL … this is the first one ever here in my memory. But the kids are excited about it and I’m all about supporting the kids. I gave them a donation and got their sound system working. I won’t be attending their pageant though. I’m thinking of going on a coon hunt.
LOL … this is the first one ever here in my memory. But the kids are excited about it and I’m all about supporting the kids. I gave them a donation and got their sound system working. I won’t be attending their pageant though. I’m thinking of going on a coon hunt.

Please. please, please don't tell me that you eat racoons. I'm serious. This isn't a question for which I want an answer.
I'll be much happier not to know and will try my best not to think about it.

Racoons? i was just about to have breakfast, but now I'm not sure if I can eat.

Racoons? The things that forage trash buckets? Racoons? To eat?
Squirrels completely grossed me out, but now I think that you're just screwing around with me.
Racoons? Why not skunks? Racoons? Really?
Never mind. Please. I don't want to know.
But racoons?
Please. please, please don't tell me that you eat racoons. I'm serious. This isn't a question for which I want an answer.
I'll be much happier not to know and will try my best not to think about it.

Racoons? i was just about to have breakfast, but now I'm not sure if I can eat.

Racoons? The things that forage trash buckets? Racoons? To eat?
Squirrels completely grossed me out, but now I think that you're just screwing around with me.
Racoons? Why not skunks? Racoons? Really?
Never mind. Please. I don't want to know.
But racoons?, no, no. Raccoons are hunted and sold for their fur. Some people do eat them but I'd have to be awfully hungry ... The same dog that I have that trees squirrels will also tree raccoons if I take her hunting after dark. Since I killed that bobcat out of my yard a few weeks ago (The fur is worth at least $75 when I sell it) I thought I might hunt a few coons to have to sell with it. We have a bumper crop and since fewer and fewer people hunt/sell fur-bearers they have a tendancy to overpopulate in certain areas. I still haven't decided whether I will go or not. I haven't traipsed around the woods at night since I was 37, the the year that my last coon hound died and really, it is a young man thing. If I had a younger person to teach it makes it more fun for me. Finding one's way around the forest at night, using the stars when the sky is clear and using a compass when it isn't ... that's part of the "teaching" part for me. My dad taught me all about constellations long before I learned about them in school simply because he used them to navigate through the woods at night., no, no. Raccoons are hunted and sold for their fur. Some people do eat them but I'd have to be awfully hungry ... The same dog that I have that trees squirrels will also tree raccoons if I take her hunting after dark. Since I killed that bobcat out of my yard a few weeks ago (The fur is worth at least $75 when I sell it) I thought I might hunt a few coons to have to sell with it. We have a bumper crop and since fewer and fewer people hunt/sell fur-bearers they have a tendancy to overpopulate in certain areas. I still haven't decided whether I will go or not. I haven't traipsed around the woods at night since I was 37, the the year that my last coon hound died and really, it is a young man thing. If I had a younger person to teach it makes it more fun for me. Finding one's way around the forest at night, using the stars when the sky is clear and using a compass when it isn't ... that's part of the "teaching" part for me. My dad taught me all about constellations long before I learned about them in school simply because he used them to navigate through the woods at night.

I get it.
More Oklahoma protocols with which I wasn't familiar.
Glad to know you're not eating them, at least.

In Boston, we tend to have a live and let live attitude toward wild life,
because even if we wanted to shoot them,
it would be hard to do so without capping one another in the process.

Just try shooting a pigeon on Boylston Street without getting both a college kid and a street vendor in the process.
The college kids are a dime a dozen around here, but no street vendor, no chili dog.
With gerrymandering, voter repression and putting repugs in positions who will refuse to honor the future Trump loss, they are ready for the elections. They are not for the people voting. They simply want to assume the powers
What a wonderful day I got to spend at home with my wife. We went to a church Christmas party with a group of friends from a congregation to our south tonight. They have lots of kids at that congregation so I made chocolate frogs … both regular chocolate and white chocolate, which I colored green. They were a hit with more than just the kids. Got the idea from when my boy was younger and really into Harry Potter. There was a Harry Potter festival and we made the frogs for a fund raiser.

We went to the shindig and visited for a few hours. Some of these people I haven’t seen in nearly 2 years. It’s amazing how much some people change in such a short amount of time. Got home and I got the Christmas decorations out of the attic. Guess what I’ll be doing tomorrow. ;)
What a wonderful day I got to spend at home with my wife. We went to a church Christmas party with a group of friends from a congregation to our south tonight. They have lots of kids at that congregation so I made chocolate frogs … both regular chocolate and white chocolate, which I colored green. They were a hit with more than just the kids. Got the idea from when my boy was younger and really into Harry Potter. There was a Harry Potter festival and we made the frogs for a fund raiser.

We went to the shindig and visited for a few hours. Some of these people I haven’t seen in nearly 2 years. It’s amazing how much some people change in such a short amount of time. Got home and I got the Christmas decorations out of the attic. Guess what I’ll be doing tomorrow. ;)

Sounds like you had an enjoyable day. The GF took off Thurs, so we spent most of it together. She and her sisters started their Christmas cookie baking Fri. morning, will continue through Sun. morning and when all's said and done, they'll have over 2000 cookies, white and milk chocolate covered animal crackers, pretzels. caramelettes, caramel haystacks and other assorted goodies.
The GF's granddaughter tagged out this past weekend, she shot a 9 pointer 2 weeks ago with a crossbow, and a doe this Sat. with a rifle. She's still a bit hesitant to gut them yet.
Yes, some people change in a few years, yet others seem to never change at all. At my 40 yr. HS reunion, a few of the girls I haven't seen in years were unrecognizable (they looked 80!), others looked like they were still in their 30's.
I put my Christmas decor up 2 weeks ago while it was warmer, many others out this way did too. It all looks nice, both out here and in town. Be careful, don't fall off the ladder!
With gerrymandering, voter repression and putting repugs in positions who will refuse to honor the future Trump loss, they are ready for the elections. They are not for the people voting. They simply want to assume the powers

Go Fuck yourself. I'm done with dipshits like you. So are a lot of other people.
What a wonderful day I got to spend at home with my wife. We went to a church Christmas party with a group of friends from a congregation to our south tonight. They have lots of kids at that congregation so I made chocolate frogs … both regular chocolate and white chocolate, which I colored green. They were a hit with more than just the kids. Got the idea from when my boy was younger and really into Harry Potter. There was a Harry Potter festival and we made the frogs for a fund raiser.

We went to the shindig and visited for a few hours. Some of these people I haven’t seen in nearly 2 years. It’s amazing how much some people change in such a short amount of time. Got home and I got the Christmas decorations out of the attic. Guess what I’ll be doing tomorrow. ;)

I've gotten less sentimental over the years, I have to admit.
By a certain age, life has knocked you onto your ass enough times that you learn not to be hypersensitive about things.

When we bought our first tree decorations after getting married, the only ornaments other than lights and bright garland were silver balls.
We bought several dozen silver satin balls because they reflected the colored lights so well.

And each year, we added new ornaments, gradually replacing the silver balls one by none.

Now, looking at a half century's worth of added-on ornaments, each one of them with memory of a certain year or event or vacation attached,
some of them received as gifts, and some of those from people no longer here,
there isn't a single silver ball left on the tree but the one we kept as a keepsake. The silver fabric covering it is dirty and threadbare.

There is a measure of sentiment attached to all of this.
One can't purge every bit of sentiment as long as one has memories.
If a few of those memories are a little bit sad, so be it. Many of them are quite happy.
Good post Mr. Niblick. I have some of those “silver ball” ornaments as well. They’re not actually silver balls but there are Some my wife and I have gotten together and some were given to me (mostly by students) over the years. I have one in particular that I threaten to break every year. One of my students gave me a Dallas Cowboy ornament the last year the Cowboys won the Super Bowl. Obviously we haven’t won one since so every year I think I ought to just bust that ornament to bits … but then I think of Marianne and her spending money that was difficult for her to come by to buy it for me.

The missus got her tree up and inside decorating completed and I managed to get the lights on the house without falling off the ladder…or out of the back of the pickup. I anchored her front porch decorations for her and am now sitting comfortably in my recliner watching Michigan and Iowa. Guess I ought to root for Michigan since Harbaugh has ties to Bowling Green, KY and they have a player from a Tulsa high school, but mostly I’ll root for them because if they lose the talking heads say that Notre Dame gets into the playoff. No way I want that so … GO Michigan!
What a day. Monday…taught 8th graders how to find the slope of a line 3 ways, 7th graders how to find unit rates and Juniors and Seniors how to do Permutations and Combinations. We began a high school basketball tournament with four games this evening. I made sure the mic was working and that the National Anthem got played then I came home for the evening. It’s nice to be semi-retired.

Watching MNF. I think the Pats are up to like 30 running plays in a row. I’m glad I don’t live in Buffalo. Cold…wind…ick. I did like a visit to that area in the summer though.
What a day. Monday…taught 8th graders how to find the slope of a line 3 ways, 7th graders how to find unit rates and Juniors and Seniors how to do Permutations and Combinations. We began a high school basketball tournament with four games this evening. I made sure the mic was working and that the National Anthem got played then I came home for the evening. It’s nice to be semi-retired.

Watching MNF. I think the Pats are up to like 30 running plays in a row. I’m glad I don’t live in Buffalo. Cold…wind…ick. I did like a visit to that area in the summer though.

What a game!

In December of 1966, my friends and I went to see a Bills-Patriots game in Fenway Park. It was a Sunday day game, but the temperture was 10°F.
The Patriots won 14-3 with Babe Parilli just handing the ball to fullback Jim Nance all day.

That game put the Patriots in great position to possibly get into Super Bowl One, eventually contested between Kansas City and Green Bay.
Instead, they were upset by Joe Namath and the Jets in Shea Stadium the following week.

In last night's game out in Buffalo, Mack Jones threw the ball THREE times, fewer times than Babe Parilli threw it fifty-five years earlier.
The Patriots won 14-10. (The 14 points were 8-3-3).

I wouldn't want to see a game like that every week, but it was fun to see one of them.

Did you see Niagara Falls on your trip? I remember taking my kids there in the summer of 1984. They were ten and seven years old.
We had tickets for a three game Red Sox -- Blue Jays series in the old Exhibition Stadium before the Rogers Center / Skydome was built.

Sox played poorly, but my son was still basking in the glory of a 4 for 4 night he had just had against the Hyde Park Pirates. The Pirates were loaded with left handed pitching and he decimated left handed pitching between the ages of ten and twelve.
He hit like a right-handed Wade Boggs, one rope after another, foul pole to foul pole. Too bad his fielding was so reminiscent of his dad's.

Flew home just in time for his next game.

I never knew, as a twenty-year old college kid in December of 1966, how many memories that I would eventually accrue as a dad.
How could I?
Please. please, please don't tell me that you eat racoons. I'm serious. This isn't a question for which I want an answer.
I'll be much happier not to know and will try my best not to think about it.

Racoons? i was just about to have breakfast, but now I'm not sure if I can eat.

Racoons? The things that forage trash buckets? Racoons? To eat?
Squirrels completely grossed me out, but now I think that you're just screwing around with me.
Racoons? Why not skunks? Racoons? Really?
Never mind. Please. I don't want to know.
But racoons?

Racoon actually tastes pretty good, if prepared properly. A bit like turkey (the dark meat).
Skunks are more difficult to prepare and isn't as good. Not really worth hunting them.
Squirrels taste like rabbit. Best cooked on an open fire.
What a game!

In December of 1966, my friends and I went to see a Bills-Patriots game in Fenway Park. It was a Sunday day game, but the temperture was 10°F.
The Patriots won 14-3 with Babe Parilli just handing the ball to fullback Jim Nance all day.

That game put the Patriots in great position to possibly get into Super Bowl One, eventually contested between Kansas City and Green Bay.
Instead, they were upset by Joe Namath and the Jets in Shea Stadium the following week.

In last night's game out in Buffalo, Mack Jones threw the ball THREE times, fewer times than Babe Parilli threw it fifty-five years earlier.
The Patriots won 14-10. (The 14 points were 8-3-3).

I wouldn't want to see a game like that every week, but it was fun to see one of them.

Did you see Niagara Falls on your trip? I remember taking my kids there in the summer of 1984. They were ten and seven years old.
We had tickets for a three game Red Sox -- Blue Jays series in the old Exhibition Stadium before the Rogers Center / Skydome was built.

Sox played poorly, but my son was still basking in the glory of a 4 for 4 night he had just had against the Hyde Park Pirates. The Pirates were loaded with left handed pitching and he decimated left handed pitching between the ages of ten and twelve.
He hit like a right-handed Wade Boggs, one rope after another, foul pole to foul pole. Too bad his fielding was so reminiscent of his dad's.

Flew home just in time for his next game.

I never knew, as a twenty-year old college kid in December of 1966, how many memories that I would eventually accrue as a dad.
How could I?

It was a GREAT game. I enjoyed watching not caring who won. Just soaking it in. Buffalo could move the ball up and down the field when they opened up their offense a bit in the 2nd half. They never could stick it in the end zone. Belichick definitely leaned heavily on his defense that game. You would think that 30+ runs and 3 passes would be boring but not to me. Maybe that speaks to my age. I'm fond of "three yards in a cloud of dust" type of offense. It'll win a team more than it will lose them if they can pull it off. I'm thinking of a few 80's Redskins teams with Riggins.

Our boys and girl's basketball teams absolutely smoked a team from down near the Texas border last night. To top it of the games were at 7 and 8:30 pm. Then the team had a 2+ hour drive home. Tournament resumes tomorrow night. I only have to work on Friday night though. It's nice being retired and part time. :)

Normal day today. Had a student come up COVID positive this morning so we'll see where thay goes. Hoping my son can stay healty in Norman through his finals. The positive kid is the girlfriend of my boy's roommate. Not sure the last time the two were together. Time will tell.

Beautiful weather. Nice and cool but not cold. Running in the high 40's this week. Bluebird skies.
Thread translation:


Our girls kicked butt tonight. Could have scored 90. Everyone on the bench got to play. Love games like that. Reminds me of when I got to play in a basketball game. I was the 40/40 guy. I got to play only if we were 40 up or 40 down.

My boy slept on the couch in the common room on his floor at his dorm last night to avoid being in a small dorm room with someone who potentially had COVID. His roommate did test positive this morning. The college has arranged for isolation apartments for those kids who test positive so his roommate moved there sometime today. My son masked up and sanitized the room. It’s been about 12 months since he had COVID and about 9 months since he was vaccinated so I hope his being careful and his waning antibodies keep him from getting it again.

I worry about my son’s roommate and his finals. I’m going to text him tomorrow to have him make sure to check and see what he needs to do to get to take them. It’d be a shame for him to put all that work in and not get credit for the semester because he got sick.

Back to keeping the score lock at the tournament tomorrow evening/night. I like it. I enjoy watching tournament competition. Got home in time tonight to see the Steelers try to comeback from a 29-0 start. Almost made it…but glad they didn’t. Made for a bit of good football on TV though. Perry Mason now, then bed. That’ll make it a complete day.
Our girls kicked butt tonight. Could have scored 90. Everyone on the bench got to play. Love games like that. Reminds me of when I got to play in a basketball game. I was the 40/40 guy. I got to play only if we were 40 up or 40 down.

My boy slept on the couch in the common room on his floor at his dorm last night to avoid being in a small dorm room with someone who potentially had COVID. His roommate did test positive this morning. The college has arranged for isolation apartments for those kids who test positive so his roommate moved there sometime today. My son masked up and sanitized the room. It’s been about 12 months since he had COVID and about 9 months since he was vaccinated so I hope his being careful and his waning antibodies keep him from getting it again.

I worry about my son’s roommate and his finals. I’m going to text him tomorrow to have him make sure to check and see what he needs to do to get to take them. It’d be a shame for him to put all that work in and not get credit for the semester because he got sick.

Back to keeping the score lock at the tournament tomorrow evening/night. I like it. I enjoy watching tournament competition. Got home in time tonight to see the Steelers try to comeback from a 29-0 start. Almost made it…but glad they didn’t. Made for a bit of good football on TV though. Perry Mason now, then bed. That’ll make it a complete day.

Your girls must have been on fire! I didn't play sports in school. I did try out for wrestling, but couldn't beat the guy my weight. He went on to be the runner up state champ. I wanted a car and the only way I was going to get one was to work for it. I bought a '71 Mustang MACH I.

We had our pool match tonight, we shoot each person in the league once, best of 3 games. I was on tonight, ran the first rack and made 2 nice bank shots in the 2nd. game and won. I missed last week with a cold. The guy I should have shot showed up just as I was leaving and wanted to make last week's match up (I was hoping I left before he got there, he's a pretty good shot). I lost the first game, but came back and won the next 2. That should put me in a good position to make at least 3rd. place at the worst so I'll be getting a few bucks more than I have invested at the very least. Then there's the end-of session tournament and party. I always do well in the tournaments because I don't drink. Open bar and kitchen, well you know what I mean...

Hope your son and his roommate are OK. One of the guys in our league has the China virus (I found out tonight). He has some serious underlying conditions so I'm gonna call him tomorrow to see how he's doing.

Hey! Be nice! I'm a Steelers fan. Yes, we aren't playing well enough to make the playoffs, even if we do, we won't make it very far. I'll be rooting for the Redskins this weekend, my favorite 2 teams are the Steelers and whoever plays Dallas. Fantom Works (a car restoration show) is on later so I'll turn on the bedroom TV and probably fall asleep before it's over.