Republican State Legislatures Assume Leadership of Insurrection.

I have a Christmas time tradition. My mom started it when we lived in a city and I was a boy. She continued it after we moved to the sticks where I live now. She did it as long as she was physically able and I carry it on now. I make Christmas time candies (in SE OK that’s fudge, divinity, pecan caramel and peanut brittle) and pumpkin bread and make up little packets with a few pieces of each to deliver to the older folks in the community.

I am off on Fridays so I got a head start today. I made a batch of fudge and a batch of pecan caramel. This is the first time I can remember having to run the air conditioner to make my Christmas candy. 78° right now. High is supposed to be in the 40’s tomorrow. I suppose that’s why I feel blah and uneasy.

Heading to the gym in a couple of hours to keep the score clock for the tournament games tonight. One consolation bracket game and two semi-final games. Our boys will be facing the same team that beat us in the opening game of the season. Hopefully they can get a bit of revenge and return the favor.

My Cowboys play the Redskins this weekend. I have been rooting for the Redskins QB ever since they got him off his couch to fill in for the year. I love stories like that. Hope the Cowboys get the W without hurting him. It’s the same feeling I had when we played the Eagles with Randall Cunningham and now with Jalen Hurts and when we played the Giants with Eli Manning. I really liked all those quarterbacks. I must admit I’ve been a much more casual fan since the Romo days. I suppose he’s one of those guys a person either likes of hates. I liked him as a QB and like him as a commentator.
I just made a huge vat of Italian wedding soup for a pot luck Christmas party in the neighborhood.
It's early because people will be busy with their actual families around Christmas itself.

I have no idea why we were even invited. Most of these people only know me from my walking my avatar and bumping into them.
I guess just saying hello and petting peoples' dogs goes a long way in this old city.
We'll see how it goes, but how bad can a Christmas Party be?

I like Romo a lot as a commentator. He was a better fantasy stat guy than an actual game winner as a quarterback,
but when you're using Brady for comparison, I suppose it isn't really fair.
Our girls won the tournament beating the #9 realm in the state by 16. Great win for them. Our boys lost but played well. Lost by 5 in overtime. Glad to be back home.

The Sooners beat the little piglets today as well. Not s bad day, overall.

There was a drawing for a 6.5 Creedmoor bolt action rifle at the halftime of the championship boys game. My cousin won it. It was a fund raiser for the Academic teams. Our Freshman/Sophomore team won the Froshmore Mathematics bowl today, qualifying them for state competition later this year. It takes money to take these kids to their competitions and that’s what the fundraising provides.

I’m tired. It’s been a long week but I just have 4 more work days until Christmas break.
I'm up before 8AM for no particular reason. I wish that I'd have slept until noon like yesterday.

No scheduled match for the Patriots today, so unless they arranged for a last minute pickup game with the Winnepeg Blue Bombers,

I've got a long, boring Sunday ahead of me.

Country life is so different.
In Oklahoma, they have a drawing for a rifle at a high school basketball game.
In Boston, you walk through metal detectors to get into a high school basketball game.

Another perfect example of why we're each where we're supposed to be!
I normally wouldn’t make a Sunday post as my Sundays are pretty mundane. Go to church, watch football, go to church, watch football, go to bed. It’s much the same today but I get to see my Cowboys take it to the Redskins for a half.

My boy took a COVID test on Friday since they don’t do them on campus on the weekends. It was negative but that was just 4 days after exposure. To play it safe he participated in the ZOOM version of worship at the congregation where he attends in Norman. He’ll take another test this week sometime and hopefully it will be negative as well. The wife and I are looking forward to having him home for a few weeks during the holidays.

My in-laws just got electricity back today. Lots of damage near them but I do believe they escaped any damage and are well and safe. The place where the wife and I ate supper the Sunday after Thanksgiving was damaged and flooded. The gas station where we fill up when we are visiting her folks was leveled. Lots of familiar places damaged or destroyed.

I love the conclusion of the last part of Mr. Niblick’s post…

I am happy that we get to choose to be where we want to be. Life is good. The holidays are coming and I’m getting into the festive spirit. Happy holidays everyone.

Edit: Just adding that I’m shelling pecans while I watch Chicago and Green Bay tonight. Don’t want to root for either team so maybe I’ll just go for the underdog.
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Tomorrow’s starting temp is supposed to be in the 50’s with a super slight chance of rain. I’m riding my motorcycle to school wearing my Santa suit to visit the PK and Kindergarten classes. Should be fun.

I plan to give two semester tests tomorrow as well. I’ll give the other one on Wednesday. Today was a day of review.

I moderated the 5th and 6th grade Academic Districts after school today. Our kids won. Then there was a community cemetery meeting at 7. It’s been a long evening. Tomorrow night we plan to go to some friend’s house for a Christmas get together.

Stinking Rams beat the Cardinals tonight. Hopefully the Cardinals can get back on the road so they can win more consistently.
Stinking Rams beat the Cardinals tonight. Hopefully the Cardinals can get back on the road so they can win more consistently.

Rams and Cardinals are two teams that have called three different states home.

First, the Rams were chased out of Cleveland by the upstart Browns after WWII.
After moving from LA to Anaheim, they moved to St. Louis.
Then it was back to California.

The Cardinals played in Chicago when I was a boy.
The Bears played at Wrigley Field as tenants of the Cubs, and the Cardinals played at Comiskey Park as tenants of the White Sox.
The old Soldier Field was there and available, but neither played there.

Circa '59 I think it was, they moved to St. Louis to join the baseball Cardinals.
Then it was off to Arizona.
Rooted for the Rams when they were at St. Louis. I really liked Kurt Warner. I like it when quarterbacks get called up from sacking groceries and get a chance. He sure made good on his opportunity. Kind of like I root for Heineke (sp?) now. It’s hard to root for the Redskins but I’ll root for him to do good. I root for the Arizona Cardinals because…Kyler Murray.

Been to a Christmas party with some of the faculty from our school. We had no formal “party” but one of the couples had several of us over for food and fun. Back home by 10. My kind of party. ;)

Dreading the days of no football that are upcoming. Basketball is a poor alternative to baseball and football.
Been to a Christmas party with some of the faculty from our school. We had no formal “party” but one of the couples had several of us over for food and fun. Back home by 10. My kind of party. ;)

I'm rarely out until two or three AM anymore either, Mr. Leaning, but quite frankly, I would use a much different emoji in reaction to it.:(
The first time I was out until 2 am I was fifteen and in my first date. Took a gal to see On Golden Pond at the drive in…in the summertime. Late start + long movie = late ending. It was a good summer. I have rarely been on dates that late since. If I was out past 1 or 2 am I was usually coon hunting. Been out many times till 5 or 6 in the morning chasing dogs chasing masked bandits.

School is winding down for the semester. Lots of people feeling festive at work…happy to get out and happy for the coming holidays.

My dad has an abscessed tooth and is having to take antibiotics. Hopefully he’ll get better before we start having Christmas food and sweets. Dad has a few things he likes and looks forward to this time of year and I enjoy preparing them for him. Be a shame if he can’t enjoy them this year. Of course I’d fix them for him when he got better but it’s always more fun when the whole family has time off and can get together. He sure acted like he felt bad at church tonight.

Watching Perry Mason. There’s an era right there. Things were very different then.
The first time I was out until 2 am I was fifteen and in my first date. Took a gal to see On Golden Pond at the drive in…in the summertime. Late start + long movie = late ending. It was a good summer. I have rarely been on dates that late since. If I was out past 1 or 2 am I was usually coon hunting. Been out many times till 5 or 6 in the morning chasing dogs chasing masked bandits.

School is winding down for the semester. Lots of people feeling festive at work…happy to get out and happy for the coming holidays.

My dad has an abscessed tooth and is having to take antibiotics. Hopefully he’ll get better before we start having Christmas food and sweets. Dad has a few things he likes and looks forward to this time of year and I enjoy preparing them for him. Be a shame if he can’t enjoy them this year. Of course I’d fix them for him when he got better but it’s always more fun when the whole family has time off and can get together. He sure acted like he felt bad at church tonight.

Watching Perry Mason. There’s an era right there. Things were very different then.

Wishing the best for your dad, of course.
I hope we all enjoy a nice family holiday.

As for late hours, I actually knew that Vegas probably wasn't your favorite hangout location.
I was just kidding around as I'm sure you assumed!

Which version of Perry Mason are you watching--
the classic Raymond Burr version or the more recent HBO re-boot? They're quite different.
Now that virtually all the Republican controlled state legislatures, with the complete blessing of our pig shit constitution,
are dismantling the democratic republic of the United States of America by taking over complete control of who votes
and whose ballots get counted,

storming the capitol should no longer be necessary.

They have discovered how unnecessary it was to start the previous civil war by firing on Fort Sumter.
They could have just stayed home and done it in a perfectly constitutionally compliant way.

Rural Christian conservatives are able to destroy the republic as a minority
because the genius founders provided them the right to do it.

What's worse, the confederates are not merely seeking separation anymore.
Now, they want to take over the whole thing.
That, however, they can only do with our help.
Blue States have legislatures as well. Also, a fuck of a lot more money.

Civilized progressive liberals have got to wake up.
We no longer have the luxury of believing in the idyllic America that we were told about by clueless grade school teachers.
It was a nice thought, but it was total bullshit. We should be easily able to see that now.

There are people in the middle of this country who hate us,
who hate our modern and humane ideas,
who worship a magic man in the sky,
and who believe that the magic man wants them in charge.
They have lots of guns.
They have no brains whatsoever.

The centrists and fence-sitters among us are not neutral;
they're clearly on the side of the shitkicker crackers.
They're all Joe Manchin without the expensive haircuts that they wouldn't be able to get back in their home states such as West Virginia.

So now, non-devolved, still with functioning brains humans, what do you plan to do about it?
You're not all pushing seventy-five.
Most of you will have to be here for a long, long time.
Do you wish to live like a human being,
or like a devolved mutant trumpanzee?

I have been the only contributor on this forum to remind you of what should have been obvious.

We have radical problems,
and there are NO moderate solutions to radical problems.

You can continue to be panty-waists fellating your precious constitution,
or you can decide that you'll do WHATEVER IT TAKES
to not live like some drooling cracker like the ones you've met here at JPP.

Wishing the best for your dad, of course.
I hope we all enjoy a nice family holiday.

As for late hours, I actually knew that Vegas probably wasn't your favorite hangout location.
I was just kidding around as I'm sure you assumed!

Which version of Perry Mason are you watching--
the classic Raymond Burr version or the more recent HBO re-boot? They're quite different.


Vegas. The last time I was there (3 years ago) we flew in and we’re there just long enough to get a rental car and get out of town. Drove to Sequoia National Park, then Yosemite and on to Yellowstone around to Salt Lake City to catch a plane back to Oklahoma. The time before (2014) we had driven from here to the Grand Canyon on to the Hoover Dam and stayed in Vegas for one night. We were out late that night. We’ll late for us. Got back to the hotel at about 1:30 am. The wife, son and I were partying hard at Circus Circus … ;). All good times. Left Vegas and drove back east through Utah, which is a prettier, more interesting state than I’d ever imagined.

I watch the classic Perry Mason on MeTV. I’m watching the Six Million Dollar Man on COZI right now. Kind of funny to watch this show, a show I watched with awe as a child, and see how silly some of it really is. But some of them are actually cool stories. But really, my TV watching consists mainly of sports. There are just a few modern TV network shows that I like to watch.

Our son is supposed to come home later today. Finals are finished for him. So I took my wife on a date night last night. We enjoyed a little husband/wife time together, ate at the Asian Star restaurant and came home to snuggle in since the weathers started cooling down. It was a great time.

Our front porch Christmas tree stand broke in the wind so I think I will try to repair it today. It will have to be welded so I’ll dust off the old welder and fire it up. Been a while since I’ve had to use it. It’s supposed to be cold, windy and rainy the next two days so I’ll be doing a lot of indoor jobs or jobs I can do in my shop. I’m planning to try to catch a break in the rain and go get a hunting stand of mine from the woods. I am finished deer hunting for the year. Freezers are full enough.

I cooked off a batch of venison salami Wednesday, took a roll to school and gave it to my 8th graders during their Christmas party. They love stuff like that. Something different that they don’t normally get. Eight days until Christmas. I’m in holiday mode. Didn’t get out of bed until 8:15 today. Time for another cup of Community coffee.
Good day today. Delivered candy to the older folks, my son made it safely home…and made a 100 on his calculus final, ending with a 99 for the semester. He has A’s in all of his other classes also … well, we’re not sure about his Comp 1 class (professor hasn’t posted grades yet) but here’s hoping. Got some meat set up to cure and will start smoking some of it tomorrow.

Went out to a Mexican restaurant for supper … the boy’s request. Back home watching CSI Vegas. Good times.