Republican State Legislatures Assume Leadership of Insurrection.

I have spent my entire Saturday cleaning my man cave.

The screening room ( my humorously pretentious name for where the A/V system is).
The office/library.
The bathroom.
The storage room.

The entire basement level is as clean as an operating room,
but at this moment, I'm substantially closer to dead than alive. My back is full of arrows. Hunting, not archery tips. My temples are throbbing. I'm about to swallow half of a Big Phrma factory.

Easy dinner, tonight. I've got pulled pork going in the slow cooker. Sides to just heat up.
Then the rare Saturday night Patriots game.
If I make it.
I haven't seen the Vegas line on that. My making it, not the game.
I’ve spent my Saturday watching the Hawkeye series on Disney+ and am now watching Spiderman Far From Home. My wife and son have had control over the TV. I don’t mind. Just glad to have the kid here for a few days.

In the meantime I have been smoking the venison bacon I prepared yesterday. I also made a batch of granola for home and to share.

Made deer backstrap, biscuits and a nice salad for supper.

Hope your “Pharma factory” helps tonight. Gonna check the game after this Spider-Man movie goes off.
Yes sir. I watched the end of that. Watching Brady and the Bucs struggle tonight. My Cowboys won but Green Bay looks near unbeatable right now…because they can run the ball when the other team knows they are going to run it. Reminds me of my 90’s Cowboys.

I didn’t get to watch the Cowboys game today because after morning worship service I played Santa for a parade in a town 6 miles to the West. It was great to see community involvement and the kids having fun.

I joined a smoking group on Facebook and have been posting smoking tips this weekend. It’s been fun and tells me I chose careers wisely … I’m definitely a teacher at heart.

Tomorrow is the first work day of two weeks off. Looking forward to it.
I’ve spent my Saturday watching the Hawkeye series on Disney+ and am now watching Spiderman Far From Home. My wife and son have had control over the TV. I don’t mind. Just glad to have the kid here for a few days.

In the meantime I have been smoking the venison bacon I prepared yesterday. I also made a batch of granola for home and to share.

Made deer backstrap, biscuits and a nice salad for supper.

Hope your “Pharma factory” helps tonight. Gonna check the game after this Spider-Man movie goes off.

I've never heard of venison bacon. How do you prepare it? Sounds kinda difficult.

Sounds like a tasty meal. I always gave the backstraps from my deer to my father, he said they were the best part of the deer.
It was the least I could do for the man who taught me how to hunt, track and shoot. I so miss his guidance and encouragement.
I've never heard of venison bacon. How do you prepare it? Sounds kinda difficult.

Sounds like a tasty meal. I always gave the backstraps from my deer to my father, he said they were the best part of the deer.
It was the least I could do for the man who taught me how to hunt, track and shoot. I so miss his guidance and encouragement.

Venison bacon is a processed and formed bacon kind of like Turkey bacon you can buy at the store. I use a mixture of 70% ground venison to 30% ground pork (lean pork chops) with some pink salt and other seasoning. Mold it into pans and allow it to cure over night then smoke it about 8 hours. Refrigerate overnight and slice in my slicer. Vacuum seal and freeze. It’s good with bacon and eggs but my favorite is to use it to wrap cream cheese filled jalapeño halves…12 minutes in the air fryer. Good stuff.

I have a cold. At least I hope it is a cold. Stuffy nose and a bit of a sore throat. Exactly one year ago, almost to the day, I thought I was coming down with a cold and it turned out to be COVID. Hoping it’s not a repeat performance. I actually felt better this morning than I did all day yesterday. I haven’t run any fever either so that’s a plus.

I went to the woods this afternoon and retrieved my ladder stand I had set up in October. Then I reloaded some 410 shells I had scavenged from the shooting range…which is a slate pit where the county used to get slate and shale rock for the dirt roads around here.

Gonna finish this episode of Perry Mason then go to bed.
Thanks, Mr. Niblick

Went to see the doctor. Got tested for COVID. It was negative. Doc says it’s just a cold. I’m good with that. Two years ago I’d have reached that conclusion on my own without going to see the doctor. Times have changed. Anyway, she gave me a shot of steroids in the gluteus maximus and sent me home with some Zyrtec and a nasal spray to use for the next few days.

Had some left over gumbo for lunch. Had chicken, shrimp, deer and sausage in it. Good and spicy making my nose run even more. Felt good to the back of my throat though. Been walking a lot as the shot makes my butt hurt. Doc said walking would make the hurt go away more quickly. It has.

Planning on a lazy evening watching whatever come on the tube. Gotta feed my dogs first though.

Edit: One of my dogs rules the roost as is usually the case when there is more than one. As a result I lock her up in a separate pen just for feeding time to prevent problems. As I was waiting for them to finish eating so I could let her out I sat on the porch swing playing the guitar to pass the time. I was well into the final stages of Josh Turner’s Your Man when the FedEx lady drove up with a package (the wife’s Christmas cards…three days before Christmas), recognized the song immediately and told me with a wink, “You’d better be careful playing that song out where ladies can hear you.” I allowed, with a wink, that the missus might have something to say about anything that might result from my front porch playing and singing.
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Went for a short squirrel hunt this morning. They weren’t stirring. Picked up my dad and my cousin and drove the 60 miles to Harbor Freight after lunch. Dad and I went halves on a chipper/mulcher. I got it all assembled and will put oil and gas in it in the morning. He needs his pecan trees trimmed and I have a yard full of leaves (all blown agains the north fence right now) … we’ll see how the machine fares tomorrow. Really hoping it chips the limbs well so I can use the chips in my smoker.

That’s my day today. Looking forward to the Titans putting the smack down on the 49ers later this evening. Well, hoping anyway.
Went for a short squirrel hunt this morning. They weren’t stirring. Picked up my dad and my cousin and drove the 60 miles to Harbor Freight after lunch. Dad and I went halves on a chipper/mulcher. I got it all assembled and will put oil and gas in it in the morning. He needs his pecan trees trimmed and I have a yard full of leaves (all blown agains the north fence right now) … we’ll see how the machine fares tomorrow. Really hoping it chips the limbs well so I can use the chips in my smoker.

That’s my day today. Looking forward to the Titans putting the smack down on the 49ers later this evening. Well, hoping anyway.

Have you watched the movie "FARGO" ?
The wife, kid and I went and got our COVID booster today. I’m taking Tylenol and hoping for minimal reaction. Stopped at a new Cajun Food truck on the way home. It was good.

Loved watching the beat down my Cowboys put on the Redskins last night. Hoping they have something left for down the stretch.

Looking forward to watching two teams I don’t care about fighting for their playoff lives tonight. Should be a good game.

My break continues with terribly unseasonably warm weather. I’ve been wearing shorts since last Thursday. It looks like we’ll get more normal weather this weekend but that doesn’t help my attitude any right now even if it helps my propane bill. I would really like some colder weather.
We've all been very lucky with the Pfizer / Moderna jabs.
Gestapo and I had Pfizer. Son and daughter had Moderna.

Nobody had even the mildest side effect from any of the three shots with either.

I'm trying to think about a time in my life when I may have complained about unseasonably warm weather,
but I'm coming up empty. What, Rev, is the attraction toward cold weather?

We've eaten like savages over the past week. I look like a seventy-five year old nose tackle--not a good look.
Haven't run across a Cajon food truck yet, but I'll keep my eyes open. There's bound to be one turning up somewhere.