Republican State Legislatures Assume Leadership of Insurrection.

Yes, it’s an old school antenna on a pole with a set of vise grips on it. I turn it toward Tulsa to get Oklahoma stations and turn it toward Ft. Smith, AR to get Arkansas stations. I use it and streaming service. The combo has been working well for us for a couple of years. Any football I can’t get through the antenna I have been able to find on the Roku stick.

I’ve had the streaming capabilities on the other two TVs in the house but now I have all of my antenna capabilities there as well. I pick up more than 30 channels with the antenna. I remember when I was a kid we consistently got 2 channels (ABC and CBS) here and only sometimes could get NBC. I remember watching the World Series using aluminum foil on rabbit ears with other elaborate efforts to boost the signal. Most of the time baseball was enjoyed over the radio.

I may have told this before but up until I was about 10 years old my favorite team was the Cincinnati Reds. You know, the Big Red Machine. Of course Johnny Bench being from Oklahoma helped sway me that direction but then there was Joe Morgan (a personal favorite), George Foster, Ken Griffy, Pete Rose. What a team! I still admire that group of players. But I got started listening to the Cardinals on the radio with the old man who lived across the road from us. I’d hear it playing from over there and walk over and join him on his porch for the evening. The good ol’ days I suppose. I know I sure miss them.
Yes, it’s an old school antenna on a pole with a set of vise grips on it. I turn it toward Tulsa to get Oklahoma stations and turn it toward Ft. Smith, AR to get Arkansas stations. I use it and streaming service. The combo has been working well for us for a couple of years. Any football I can’t get through the antenna I have been able to find on the Roku stick.

I’ve had the streaming capabilities on the other two TVs in the house but now I have all of my antenna capabilities there as well. I pick up more than 30 channels with the antenna. I remember when I was a kid we consistently got 2 channels (ABC and CBS) here and only sometimes could get NBC. I remember watching the World Series using aluminum foil on rabbit ears with other elaborate efforts to boost the signal. Most of the time baseball was enjoyed over the radio.

I may have told this before but up until I was about 10 years old my favorite team was the Cincinnati Reds. You know, the Big Red Machine. Of course Johnny Bench being from Oklahoma helped sway me that direction but then there was Joe Morgan (a personal favorite), George Foster, Ken Griffy, Pete Rose. What a team! I still admire that group of players. But I got started listening to the Cardinals on the radio with the old man who lived across the road from us. I’d hear it playing from over there and walk over and join him on his porch for the evening. The good ol’ days I suppose. I know I sure miss them.

I've been a big Red Sox fan since Ted Williams came home from Korea and I went to Fenway for the first time in 1953.
By middle school, I could go by myself. Fenway was in walking distance from my home or I could take the subway for a twenty cent token.
Bleacher tickets were one dollar, if you can imagine that.

I never went to a Braves game in Boston because they moved away after the 1952 season.
They used to come back once a year to play the Res Sox in a charity game, however, and I saw Hank Aaron that way.
Hopefully you have a new tuner to go with that. The old antennas can work with digital, but the old tuners are worthless.

It’s an “old school” antenna in that it is mounted outside on a long pole, not that it’s an old analog antenna. It’s digital and doesn’t require the converter box we had with the old antenna. Anyway, it beats sending DirectTV a couple hundred dollars a month. Our streaming service is about $50.
I've been a big Red Sox fan since Ted Williams came home from Korea and I went to Fenway for the first time in 1953.
By middle school, I could go by myself. Fenway was in walking distance from my home or I could take the subway for a twenty cent token.
Bleacher tickets were one dollar, if you can imagine that.

I never went to a Braves game in Boston because they moved away after the 1952 season.
They used to come back once a year to play the Res Sox in a charity game, however, and I saw Hank Aaron that way.

I would have loved being in walking distance to a pro field…but that would require living in a city. I think we both know that wouldn’t work well for me … and I don’t think Kevin Costner would come here and build me one of those special fields. So going to games is an event. We go to Saint Louis a couple of times a year but are more likely to go to Dallas (3 1/2 hour drive) when some decent teams are in town to play the Rangers.! Wow. Best weekend of football I’ve seen in a while. Maybe ever. As usual I missed the last of the Sunday afternoon game and the first of the late game. The GOAT almost did it again. I knew when I left for evening worship that LA was in trouble. Brady was heating up.

I’m looking forward to the conference championship games but there’s no way they can top these this weekend.

Looking forward to a normal, four day week of school this week. I don’t think anything extra is on the horizon.

I showed great restraint Friday. There was a Remington Fieldmaster semi-auto 30-06 at my friend’s Pawn Shop for $275. I didn’t buy it. There was a time …
Now that virtually all the Republican controlled state legislatures, with the complete blessing of our pig shit constitution,
are dismantling the democratic republic of the United States of America by taking over complete control of who votes
and whose ballots get counted,

storming the capitol should no longer be necessary.

They have discovered how unnecessary it was to start the previous civil war by firing on Fort Sumter.
They could have just stayed home and done it in a perfectly constitutionally compliant way.

Rural Christian conservatives are able to destroy the republic as a minority
because the genius founders provided them the right to do it.

What's worse, the confederates are not merely seeking separation anymore.
Now, they want to take over the whole thing.
That, however, they can only do with our help.
Blue States have legislatures as well. Also, a fuck of a lot more money.

Civilized progressive liberals have got to wake up.
We no longer have the luxury of believing in the idyllic America that we were told about by clueless grade school teachers.
It was a nice thought, but it was total bullshit. We should be easily able to see that now.

There are people in the middle of this country who hate us,
who hate our modern and humane ideas,
who worship a magic man in the sky,
and who believe that the magic man wants them in charge.
They have lots of guns.
They have no brains whatsoever.

The centrists and fence-sitters among us are not neutral;
they're clearly on the side of the shitkicker crackers.
They're all Joe Manchin without the expensive haircuts that they wouldn't be able to get back in their home states such as West Virginia.

So now, non-devolved, still with functioning brains humans, what do you plan to do about it?
You're not all pushing seventy-five.
Most of you will have to be here for a long, long time.
Do you wish to live like a human being,
or like a devolved mutant trumpanzee?

I have been the only contributor on this forum to remind you of what should have been obvious.

We have radical problems,
and there are NO moderate solutions to radical problems.

You can continue to be panty-waists fellating your precious constitution,
or you can decide that you'll do WHATEVER IT TAKES
to not live like some drooling cracker like the ones you've met here at JPP.

stop whining, tyrant who lost.
Been a good week. Most of my students are responding positively to instruction and have done well on the tests I have given. The lowest score from a non IEP kid was 57%. I can live with that.

Boring time of year for me. No hunting, fishing or golf. It’s hard to be physically active when the best activity available is walking around the block. Oh well, Spring will be here soon enough I guess.
Time for progress reports to go out. There's an example of making things politically correct that has evolved over my years of teaching. We used to only send out "Deficiency Reports" to students who had a "D" or below in our classes. Now we cannot single those students out and have to send out "Progress Reports" to every student's parents or guardians. While it is a good thing that all parents are notified as to how their kids are doing, that is not why the change was made. So, I have some old "Deficiency Report" forms that are titled "Deficiency Report" and I send those to parents of kids who have a "D" or below and I send the forms titled "Progress Report" to the parents of kids who are doing OK. I'm stubborn that way I guess.

I transitioned my Junior class to Trigonometry this semester. It is gratifying for me to see them excited about learning something new. These kids are going to be so much better prepared for higher education than I was. That's my goal.

Have deer backstrap and tenderloin marinating to cook tonight and have some ground deer thawed and ready to make chili for this cold weekend. Think I'll hibernate like a bear and only get out to go to church on Sunday.
Sure- there are a lot of issues at hand that are very concerning!

But attacking your own is probably not a good idea.

Yes, Sinema and Manchin are a challenge for the Democrats!

But, they tend to be breaking under pressure.

Sinema has been centured already by those who voted for her- and Manchin is starting to look like a spoiled brat that has to have everything his way!

I think they are cracking!

As far as everyone else in our party- we are already on board!
I love having Fridays off. Took one of my boats in and got new tires on it. 3 tires for $260. I can live with that. Came home and focused on learning how to use my DVR to record my over the airwaves TV shows. Watching a replay of the new Magnum PI right now. It’s a surprisingly good new series.

After I handled the DVR programming I went to the slate bank and burned some gunpowder. Several rounds of 45 ACP at various targets from various distances does a lot to calm the soul. On the way home I stopped and tried to call some crows but they wouldn’t cooperate. That’s ok.

Went to the HS basketball games this evening. Out girls won easily but our boys lost by 4 … to the #9 team in the state. Playoffs could be interesting for our boys, who have hovered around .500 all year.

Back home. Showed my wife how to make a WW friendly pizza on a good for you tortilla. That with the rest of the deer backstrap made a good, light, albeit late supper. Watching that episode of Magnum right now. Good day.
It's snowing heavily right now.
Some people think that it's pretty.
Me? I think prettiness is inadequate compensation for the inconvenience.

Thankfully, I don't have to go anywhere, and we've got a generator that goes on automatically if the power goes out.
It's snowing heavily right now.
Some people think that it's pretty.
Me? I think prettiness is inadequate compensation for the inconvenience.

Thankfully, I don't have to go anywhere, and we've got a generator that goes on automatically if the power goes out.

Saw that on the news this morning. Told my wife that Mr. Niblick was really getting some nasty weather. She said, “Who?” Of course I like snow … I refilled my bird feeder and have a block of suet in the freezer in anticipation of our winter weather that is supposedly going to be here Tuesday. I’ll believe it when I see it.
Average annual snowfall in Boston is 40", Rev.

This one storm alone will exceed 30".

I am not amused, but have at least been through it before.
It's snowing heavily right now.
Some people think that it's pretty.
Me? I think prettiness is inadequate compensation for the inconvenience.

Thankfully, I don't have to go anywhere, and we've got a generator that goes on automatically if the power goes out.

Ewwwww! Burning GASOLINE to keep warm????!? Doesn't that go against your religion?
Average annual snowfall in Boston is 40", Rev.

This one storm alone will exceed 30".

I am not amused, but have at least been through it before.

Yes, 30 inches of snow is way too much. When I say that I like snow I’m thinking like maybe 4 inches or so.
Yes, 30 inches of snow is way too much. When I say that I like snow I’m thinking like maybe 4 inches or so.

4" or less is generally annoying. I'd prefer a foot+ to the small snowfalls we've had here of late. Get it over with and hope the groundhog doesn't see it's shadow :)
I was supposed to have an eye appointment at my socialized healthcare eye clinic this morning. I made arrangements to miss teaching one of my classes and was 30 minutes from leaving the house when they called and after a conversation we combined the eye appointment with a normal six month checkup later in February.

So I went to work as per normal this morning. It was good because I needed to grade a set of tests from last week and input grades from my old fashioned gradebook into the computer gradebook so,I could post progress/deficiency reports. Got all of that done.

We’re supposed to have home basketball games tomorrow night and I am scheduled to keep the clock, but … we may have to cancel due to not having referees. There is a shortage of referees to begin with, but the refs that were scheduled for our games are sick and as of this afternoon the AD wasn’t able to find replacements. One of those wait and see deals. Kay-Sarah-Sarah. ;)
Well, looks like the games are on for tonight…but I just got the word that we are transitioning to distance learning at noon tomorrow because of the line of storms heading our way. So basically I’ll be off the rest of the week after lunch tomorrow. Hopefully we get snow and not ice.

I’ve been missing the kid a lot this Semester. Dad’s birthday is next week and we’re going out to eat the weekend of the 12th. Hoping the weather doesn’t stay bad that far out as my boy will come in for that. I’m looking forward to it.! Wow. Best weekend of football I’ve seen in a while. Maybe ever. As usual I missed the last of the Sunday afternoon game and the first of the late game. The GOAT almost did it again. I knew when I left for evening worship that LA was in trouble. Brady was heating up.

I’m looking forward to the conference championship games but there’s no way they can top these this weekend.

Looking forward to a normal, four day week of school this week. I don’t think anything extra is on the horizon.

I showed great restraint Friday. There was a Remington Fieldmaster semi-auto 30-06 at my friend’s Pawn Shop for $275. I didn’t buy it. There was a time …

Well, dang. You missed out on a deal.