Republican State Legislatures Assume Leadership of Insurrection.

Last home basketball game tonight. Districts are next week I think. I need to get ready for baseball season (our Iron Mike needs some repair work) but I’m not really motivated. Could be the 20’s at night and 40’s during the day. Ready for warmer weather.
We won both basketball games easily last night. Going shopping with the missus tonight...then we'll have to eat out. Hard to maintain the WW diet eating out but will find a way. Have lost 8 lbs. since we started. I'm tweaking my recipes (or the way I make things when I don't use a particular recipe) to make them more healthy and less caloric. Warmer weather will be here soon leading to more physical activity and more grilling. I don't plan to be like the NYC mayor and have just a "plant centered diet'" unless you consider that deer, cows and pigs eat plants and I eat them. ;)
I have been the only contributor on this forum to remind you of what should have been obvious.

We have radical problems,
and there are NO moderate solutions to radical problems.

You can continue to be panty-waists fellating your precious constitution,
or you can decide that you'll do WHATEVER IT TAKES
to not live like some drooling cracker like the ones you've met here at JPP.

Tell us what you think needs to be done.
Didn’t want to make the 80 mile (one way) drive to see the girls first round district basketball game. Was able to watch from our living room on an OSSAA events app. We were even able to mirracast it to our living room TV. We plan to watch the boys tonight in the same manner. One of the few positives that were born out of our COVID situation.
Wow… Our boy’s basketball season ended last night as we suspected it might … But it ended in an embarrassing fashion. A brawl involving players and fans caused the game to be prematurely stopped with a little more than 5 minutes to go in the fourth quarter.

Most of you know I live among plenty of rednecks. Most of the time they keep their cool but last night wasn’t one of them. We’re down 30 still playing hard in the 4th when a guard from the other team starts getting chippy with our guard. A little extra shoving and some mouthing going on. Whistle blows and there’s a foul away from this exchange between our guards and the two boys square off. Their guy pushes ours and our guy does the right thing and puts his hands in the air and backs away. But…another of our guys doesn’t do the right thing and runs across the court and pushes their guard back. Then it all breaks loose. The other team had some fans come on the floor and that’s when ours went too. Not a good scene for a high school ball game.

Glad I was watching from my living room again…plus I was able to rewind and rewatch the sequence several times to get at how it all played out.

Our boys are out and the venue for the finals tonight (involving our girls team) is changed from this host school’s gym to a neutral site. I plan to just watch from home again tonight.
Our girls won their basketball district tournament tonight and will be moving on to regionals next week. No brawls.

My wife, my brothers and my sister (and their spouses) met at dad’s second favorite restaurant (Western Sizzlin’) and celebrated his 90th/91st birthday tonight. It’s been a good weekend. Back to work tomorrow.
Dinner with the entire family in the North End Saturday.
Slept on my recliner through most of the Super Bowl yesterday, but I did see the Meadow Soprano commercial. That was nice.

No plans whatsoever today, and no inclination whatsoever to make any!
Valentines Day was good. Had some flowers delivered to the wife’s office, got her a nice card and giant heart balloon which I had waiting on her when she got home, then took her to a movie (American Underdog) and out to eat. A good day.

Ugh…back to baseball practice today. Earlier than I expected and … No lockout here. Worked on the Iron Mike (pitching machine) and am one bolt short of having it useable. I’m going to have to get some help re-wiring the remote switch so that it will work properly. I was also reminded that we broke the water hydrant last season so I guess I’ll take a shovel to school tomorrow and try to make some repairs on that.

We also need to de-grass the dirt parts of the infield and re-define the edges. There’s so much to do even before we can practice. Gonna be a busy Spring.
Valentines Day was good. Had some flowers delivered to the wife’s office, got her a nice card and giant heart balloon which I had waiting on her when she got home, then took her to a movie (American Underdog) and out to eat. A good day.

Ugh…back to baseball practice today. Earlier than I expected and … No lockout here. Worked on the Iron Mike (pitching machine) and am one bolt short of having it useable. I’m going to have to get some help re-wiring the remote switch so that it will work properly. I was also reminded that we broke the water hydrant last season so I guess I’ll take a shovel to school tomorrow and try to make some repairs on that.

We also need to de-grass the dirt parts of the infield and re-define the edges. There’s so much to do even before we can practice. Gonna be a busy Spring.

Such ambition, Rev!
Better you than I, I suppose.:)

Retirement seems to work really, really well for me!
I neglected to mention that I had gone to the old Lowell Auditorium to catch one night of the Golden Gloves tournament.
The building still looks quite good for a depression era WPA project,
although the total lack of cigar smoke changes the appearance quite a bit from what I remember.

Also, men dressed a lot better in the 1960s.

As I took my seat, I involuntarily chuckled.
The last person who sat in that seat to see me has to be long fucking dead.
He missed a few pretty decent fights that night.
Loved going to live boxing matches. Haven’t been any in my area in years. I used to go as often as they had them if I could scrape up the admission money. I never was athletic enough to box beyond the high school gym class … and I was smart enough to know it.

It was 65° when I headed to work this morning. It’s 32° now. Plenty big change. Oh well, we have a 4 day weekend ahead. Our regular Friday off then we’re off Monday for Presidents Day. I’ll make a pot of chili and we’ll eat well.

Settling in for the evening. Planning to watch our girls basketball team online. Here’s hoping the country Internet stays up and running.
You were obviously smarter than I, Rev.
Boxing is a great sport--to WATCH!

But Rip Valemnti's gym was my home away from home from my early teens right up until college graduation and being drafted into the military.

{When you live in the city Boston, you don't necessarily "go away" to college! There's a bunch of them right there.)

Anf if you're there, you do what's done there.
I got there, the boxing gym, looking for an alternative to the jock culture in school sports which didn't suit me.

Amateur boxing on the tournament level was a fairly big deal.
Being a local club pro for gas, beer, and pony-betting money while in college was, well, not so much.
A significant step down, actually.
Had a great time today going running around with the missus. Went to Arkansas so she could pick up her new spectacles. Went out to eat then to the sporting goods store. Finished off Arkansas with a trip to Ulta (some sort of women’s store) where I stayed in the Yukon and listen to to the Sports Animals while she did her thing.

Came back to Oklahoma and bought a few groceries. While she was in the grocery I went into Atwoods and bought a new little 22 pistol. A Ruger LCS 2 in 22 caliber. Came home and tried it out on my back yard targets. The thing is surprisingly accurate for a pocket gun. Looking forward to using the little cheaper plinker.

I now have a Lorcin 22 pocket pistol that I will sell. If it is someone I know they can just give me $40 and we’ll call it good. If I don’t know them we’ll run into town to find someone with a FFL to transfer the gun to their name…but it will cost them more than they will pay for the gun.

The weather here has more ups and downs than a Superman ride. Supposed to be nice tomorrow so I may have to do some more spit shining on the boat that I plan to use the most this Spring. If gas keeps going up I may have to ride my bicycle to the creek and fish from the bank though.
I do a lot of sleeping in the non-golf season.
I can't stay asleep for more than four hours, usually, but I have a hard time staying awake for more than two unless I'm out and about.
Eight up, sixteen down, I guess. That changes radically in the summer, but winter makes me want to hibernate.

It's not, thank God, that I have anything important to do.
I would not appreciate any kind of schedule at this point in my life.

The music channels on cable are great for putting me out when I'm on my recliner.
I can play them without turning the video screen on.
Same music doesn't work every day, though.
Sometimes it's jazz.
Sometimes it's classical.
Sometimes it's 30s/40s big band.
Sometimes it's blues.
Sometimes it's doo wop.
It's NEVER anything from the last forty or fifty years, of course, because that would just give me a splitting headache.

But within a few minutes, I can find always find what's going to put me out and off I go. A little brandy, perhaps. It's nice.

"Vegging out" doesn't bore me at all.
Baseball needs to get it figured out. They’re making me mad as I wait for the season to start. I was never one of those “I’m never watching them again” folks whether it was baseball with its problems or football with their kneeling. I express my displeasure and move on.

So let’s just make up and be friends and play ball.
As a labor advocate first and baseball fan second (that's relevance, not chronology, of course),

I have to take sides and root for the Players Association.

Labor issues are never about right and wrong, Rev.
Labor issues are always about us and them.

That's just how the world works,unfortunately.
I agree. The owners will keep the players “locked out” until the owners start to lose some real money, or just before…like when the regular season starts…then they’ll do something. I am for the minor leaguers making more, which is what I read a lot of this is about. There is no reason guys should have to sleep in their vehicles when they’re playing Major League Baseball. More power to them.

We don’t normally get Presidents Day off from school but we had it off this year…so I was off today. I’ve been working on one of my boats I haven’t used in two years. The wife and I took it out today (it was 74° here) and of course we had to fish a bit while we were on the water. I caught 3 bass. This was the largest…just over 3.5 lbs. It was a great morning.

Then my squirrel dog has been not acting/eating right for 4 days. Called the vet and was able to do a walk in but had to wait until 2:00. Got there, waited in the truck for an hour and a half.

When we got in they did a thorough checkup, X-rays and blood work. She had a hematoma on her back, right paw, on one of the toes. They lanced and drained it. They think she got a puncture wound of some kind and was fighting off infection. They (and I because she was acting more like herself today) thought she was over the worst part but she’s on antibiotics just to be safe. Got to take care of our critters.

When I was a kid growing up my dad wouldn’t think of ever spending the money on a dog that I did today (just $230) but if I can get them help I’m going to get them help.

Back to normal tomorrow…but it’s been a good day off.
My best wishes for your dog's full recovery.
I don't believe that anybody loves dog more that I do.
There very presence makes me feel better.
Miserable weather here. We were virtual for school today and will be tomorrow also so I have been making YouTube videos for my kiddos.

My driveway…and the roads here all look just like it.

My poor dog doesn’t seem to be getting any better. I’m at least glad I get to be home to keep a check on her. She’s still eating and drinking just isn’t perking up like she normally does. I may give her some Vitamin B-12 and see if that helps her feel better.

Cabbage soup is what’s for supper. Guess I better get it started.

Edit 7:14 — it’s done.
