Republican State Legislatures Assume Leadership of Insurrection.

My Cards we’re just swept in a three game series at Tampa Bay…Tampa Bay, I say. We’re still a starting pitcher and a reliever short of being really good. Last night we just ran into a buzz saw of a pitcher in McClanahan.

Taking the wife on a date tonight. Gonna go see that Top Gun movie. Of course, like an old married couple heading to town we’ll have to go grocery shopping on the way home. ;)
My Cards we’re just swept in a three game series at Tampa Bay…Tampa Bay, I say. We’re still a starting pitcher and a reliever short of being really good. Last night we just ran into a buzz saw of a pitcher in McClanahan.

Taking the wife on a date tonight. Gonna go see that Top Gun movie. Of course, like an old married couple heading to town we’ll have to go grocery shopping on the way home. ;)

How early are you going? Is the supermarket still open when the movie gets out?

2022 Summer Schedule.jpg
How early are you going? Is the supermarket still open when the movie gets out?

View attachment 22665

Went to a matinee … showtime at 3:30. Then went out to eat, to the gas station then made the grocery store by 7. Enjoyable evening for us. The movie was good. Not realistic, but good. I don’t need realism in my movies which is why I tend to like Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel & Avengers type of movies.

Super hot here now. Just hit this weekend … 95° and humid. Not my favorite time of the year.

Summer concerts have started here in our county seat. Need to bring some good groups in but they never do.
There's this local band that's been my favorite for as long as I can remember.
The remaining original members are close to my age. The newer arrivals are really good as well. Mostly Berklee College of Music grads.

The girl singer--she's terrific--is a kid--maybe forty, now. That brought the number up to ten when they added her about fifteen years ago.

The basic instrumental lineup has always been the same.
Baritone /alto saxophone, tenor saxophone / clarinet, 1st trumpet, 2nd trumpet, trombone, keyboard / male singer, guitar, bass, and drums.

I've got to catch them two or three times this summer, but they play mostly up North. A reason to take a ride and within my "two-hour-limit."
My wife likes them too. That's a plus.
Took the cat to the vet this morning. He’s just not been acting right. Doc gave a stronger medicine for fleas. Hoping that fixes him up. He’s been part of the family for 12 years and we’re kind of fond of the old boy.

Went into the yard to give the new pup his antibiotic and the beagle scratched my knee as she jumped on me in her excitement. She just wanted the dog biscuit I had for her but man, her claws are sharp.

I have to mow today. Most of my mowing is done with the riding mower so heat isn’t a problem. I’m just riding and drinking ice water most of the time. I do have to push mow a 20ft X 40ft dog pen where I keep the older dog. I’ll do that first. I do dread the sweat getting into the scratch that the beagle gave me.

My garden is producing. Made some dill pickles yesterday and will have to work us some squash (both yellow and pattypan) later this week. No ripe tomatoes yet but I can’t wait. There’s nothing like a vine ripe tomato.
At post 674 on this thread, while waiting into the night for my son to get to Rome, I shredded, salted and packed 15 pounds of cabbage into a #3 crock to ferment and make sauerkraut. It usually takes 10-14 days here, depending on the temperatures. It was ready to put up this morning so I canned it. Made 20 pints. Plenty for a couple of years for me alone (my wife and son don’t like it) but I’ll end up sharing it with neighbors. Might seem like a lot of trouble but there’s nothing like home made.

Got word yesterday that my sister has COVID and then today that her husband tested positive as well. He’s 80 and she’s 67. Right now their symptoms are mild, like having a head cold. No fever. They were both fully vaccinated. My dad who is 90 lives with them. Of course we are concerned for them all.

My Cards are playing just good enough to stay on top of the Central. Gettin Flaherty back should be a boost to our starting rotation as well. I’m not sure anyone is beating the Yankees this year though.

The Sooner women won the College Softball World Series and the OU men have qualified. Our guys being one of the last 8 standing is incredible. They came out of nowhere in the last quarter of the season. That speaks to coaching at the college level IMO. The wife and I are loving the baseball this time of year.
We get COVID tested in the morning. Five days since last contact with my sister and her husband. We had lunch with them Sunday. Per CDC and OSDH we should be tested tomorrow. Hoping to avoid another round of COVID but … qué sara sara…

OU plays Texas A&M tomorrow … then my Cards play the Bosox. I’ve got a garden to tend to and can go fishing. I suppose there’s enough to keep me occupied if I have to isolate. My wife might go crazy though.

Plus our son is flying back tomorrow. I may have to set my RV up for him to live in for a couple of weeks if we come up positive.

Fuel prices are making things difficult on my people. I can afford it but so many folks here who have to drive 50 miles to 100 miles each day to work and back are really feeling the crunch to their household budgets. Not much anyone can do about it though. Hoping some relief can be found on the horizon.
We get COVID tested in the morning. Five days since last contact with my sister and her husband. We had lunch with them Sunday. Per CDC and OSDH we should be tested tomorrow. Hoping to avoid another round of COVID but … qué sara sara…

OU plays Texas A&M tomorrow … then my Cards play the Bosox. I’ve got a garden to tend to and can go fishing. I suppose there’s enough to keep me occupied if I have to isolate. My wife might go crazy though.

Plus our son is flying back tomorrow. I may have to set my RV up for him to live in for a couple of weeks if we come up positive.

Fuel prices are making things difficult on my people. I can afford it but so many folks here who have to drive 50 miles to 100 miles each day to work and back are really feeling the crunch to their household budgets. Not much anyone can do about it though. Hoping some relief can be found on the horizon.

Fuel prices are making it hard on everyone. Delivery costs are rising, which makes about everything else higher priced, over a 10% increase on average over a year ago.


Your Cardinals couldn't let me enjoy a relaxing evening, right, Rev?

I was never happier to see a guy with an OPS over 1 come to the plate against us.
At least Houck could throw sliders at him because the Cardinal lefties couldn't miss it.
Still, it was a taken two-seamer that ended the game.

That top of the 9th was supposed to be a rocking chair half-inning, not a squirmer.

For all my feelings about Middle America, I'll be the first to admit St. Louis is as great a baseball town as there is anywhere.
At least for the Cardinals if not the old Browns.
We didn’t get to see it as we were picking up the offspring and taking him to supper. I watched the highlights on MLB later. Had to know we’d get the best Wacha had. Comeback fell just short with our best hitter taking the two seamer. All is good. Hopefully we’ll rebound and force a rubber match in game 3.

We looked at pictures of towns and pictures of art well into the night. The boy had a good time…Glad he enjoyed it. He’s got a paper to write, due in two weeks, and will receive 3 hours credit. Not a bad deal for a two week “vacation” in Italy.

Trying to balance supplying him some advantages without spoiling him. I’ll not lie. It’s difficult … and stressful at times. Worth the effort as I don’t want him to grow up to be a turd.

Did some brush hogging this morning down by our pond. Going to spray some grass/weed poison on my fence rows then call it a day. Got lots of baseball to watch and plenty of air conditioning and ice water.
We've got something called "Cutter Crawford" on the mound tonight.
Looking good for the Redbirds, but we'll see.

I have every confidence that your son will do well. And do good as well.

Bringing them up is tough all right, but why wouldn't it be?
What's more important?
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Wow...that was brutal. Was keeping up with the game until lightening got our electricity. Having to post using this phone. Ugh...

Anyway, sets up a rubber match tomorrow. Then we got to go to Milwaukee. No rest for the wicked...or weary...or however that old saying goes.

And nothing is more important.

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk
Cards look like a pretty good ball club.

We have midget corner outfielders. (Cordero, who was planted in left last night but is usually a first baseman platooning with Dalbec, is big--he just can't play...even a little.)

Our infield is fine, our catcher (who didn't play last night) isn't bad, but we don't have the big, strong corner outfielders that we always used to have.
Bradley can chase them down and should play center--has a good arm, too--but the corners, from where power should come, are truly hopeless.
Not what you're looking for in a big market AL East team.

The Yankees have what you're looking for in left and right.
And they've run away and hidden from the rest of the division.
The vaunted Yankee-Red Sox Rivalry is like the hammer and the nail this year.
Put it to us in that rubber match. We’re a pitcher…or two short of being a real contender this year. I’m enjoying watching them though.

My Sooners made it to the Semifinals. Would love to see it come down to us and Arkansas. We beat those bloody Fighting Irish though. I enjoy watching the college baseball World Series every year no matter who is in it. The games are so unpredictable and the emotion is so raw and high. It may not be the best baseball out there but it is fun for me to watch.

The wife, son and I are on a short trip to Branson, MO right now. Drove the 3 1/2 hours up here and plan to stay until Thursday afternoon. Went to an illusionist show today … some guy called Reza. He was very good.

We plan to see a couple more shows this week then off to the local theme park, Silver Dollar City. Roller coaster time… :). Hopefully we get our fun in and make it back home before it get scorching hot later this week.

All my COVID infected people seem to be OK and are happy to be out of quarantine. Happy for that.
Had a great day at my daughter's house Sunday and a nice, quiet one yesterday. The avatar enjoyed her yard but was a nuisance to the cats in the house.

Now summer is officially here, but because I've come to hate flying so much, I have no holidays plans.
Actually, I mean vacation plans. I've somehow gotten used to saying "holiday." Phan must be right about my being a "prig."

Since I'm retired, I don't need a rest, and since I'm old, I can't handle a "party" vacation anymore. At least not a long one.
But the latter trips were always my favorite.
We didn't do a lot of "family-style" vacations because my parents had a summer beach house where the kids were always welcome, letting us head to Vegas or wherever.
We did a few family vacations, though. The kids liked to go to spring training where they could get closer to the players back in those days. They preferred that to Disney World. Talk about my being lucky.
The Bosox are hot. Like 28-12 over the last 40 games. But the stinking Yankees are crazy. Told my wife we might as well give them The Commissioner’s Trophy now and call it a year, it seems. Upsets happen though, that’s why they play the games. And I like rooting for the underdog unless that dog is my Cards or the Astros.

We’ve had a great time here in Branson. Went to Sight and Sound Theater’s “Jesus” show. Awesome production. Spent yesterday riding every roller coaster we could find then went to mid-week Bible study here in Branson. Ran into a friend’s daughter there who was on a short trip here from Texas. Great fun. Today before heading back home we plan to watch a 50’s music production.

OU is in the College World Series final waiting to play either Arkansas or Old Miss. it’s been a good week. But I’m ready to be home. Nowadays when I’m away from home for more than three days I get to missing it.
Baseball hasn’t been good for me this week. The Cards into their June swoon, OU swept by Old Miss in the finals of the CWS. At least the Astros took two of four from the Evil Empire, and by rights should have swept them. Hopefully this will give the Astros confidence if they have a series in the playoffs.

Bugs are attacking my garden since the weather turned hot and God turned off the rain for a while. Had to use the sprinkler last night and some Sevin spray today to try to give the plants a drink and whip out the bugs. It’s a pretty bad infestation so I’ll likely treat the plants every three days for a couple of weeks.
The current SCOTUS is going to guarantee that all intelligent and moral people in America are going to HATE Christians.
The only doubt is whether America has enough intelligent and moral people. It doesn't seem so, the way things are going.
I wish that I had the youth, means, and access to expatriate.

Our Christian Taliban is essentially no better than the Islamist one in Afghanistan.
As they acquire the power, they'll move right up to the latter's atrocity levels. That's because their morality level is the same.

We all remember the Spanish Inquisition and then the Salem witch trials right here in America. In my home state, in fact.
They've started to come back already, thanks to the despicable SCOTUS.

I have excluded practicing Christians from my personal life due to their moral deficiencies.
Other intelligent and moral people will follow suit, but America has no shortage of troglodytes.