Republican State Legislatures Assume Leadership of Insurrection.

I did Google the ‘64 Hampton beach riot. You guys really let your hair down. I would have been getting myself out of there early. I was the guy who left when the 6-packs of Milwaukee’s Best (I’m guessing it was the poor teenagers beer of choice in Oklahoma in the 80’s) were brought out on the weekends.

As a high school student I was always ready for school to start. That meant Fall baseball season. There was nothing I liked better than playing baseball back then.

We played golf three days last week. Here’s A golf story. We went to the local course last Tuesday. Hole #8 is a par 5 back up the hill towards the club house. My son hits a decent drive then tops a 3-wood and dribbles it up the fairway about 30 yards. He is still too far to reach the green so he hits the 3-wood again, flies it about 180 just across a small drainage ditch 20 - 30 yards short of the green. It hits the soft ground and doesn’t move a foot from where it struck. He gets up to the ball and finds this…

<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' border='0' alt='6-CB4-A886-1514-43-B1-88-A3-7544035-A96-A9'/></a>

Blood on the ball and the little frog’s head indicate that the ball struck the poor critter in flight and death was instantaneous. So my son is now known as the Randy Johnson of Sycamore Springs.

It’s been a good summer. Hate to see it end for us … but time marches on.
I was on my way to a party when the 1964 riot broke out. I was just about to turn 18, wearing a Fabiano suit with tasseled loafers, and carrying a bag with three bottles of (cheap domestic--I was 18) champagne.
Once it started, though, I got into the spirit of things. Nearly got killed but escaped arrest. Cops and National Guard don't know how to apprehend a trained boxer short of shooting him, and we're New England, not the mid-west or south.
I'd have been dead a long time by now if it had happened in Middle America, I'm sure.

Summer isn't over just because school starts.
You have until September 20 to do summer things when and if you can find the time!
Try to fit a little bit in, anyway. Winter lasts a long time.
Now that virtually all the Republican controlled state legislatures, with the complete blessing of our pig shit constitution,

And goosestepping swine like you are why we have the 2nd amendment all enemies of the Constitution need to be rounded up and put in unmarked mass as the traitors that they are!
The DOJ Is arming up to fight them

In the individual states we have state lawyers and others doing the ground work for the new DOJ lawyers to base their cases on

Every state has its Stacey Abrams folks

Barr ignored these illegal laws and shrunk the very group Garland just beefed up

That is why these assholes thought they could get away with this

They can’t and won’t get away with it

The left needs to fight voter integrity because they can't win free and fair elections.
What we all need to do right now is to recognize inconvenient truths.

Pollyannaism is killing the left right now.

There is simply no acknowledgment of how badly damaged the republic is.

People on both sides revere a constitution that would get a D- if written by a first year Harvard Law School student.

Think of it this way:

If the right and the left can't agree on anything of social-political-economic importance,
how can they BOTH defend the same ancient constitution document?

It's self-delusion on both sides.
I don't pretend neutrality.
I'm definitely on one of the sides that I'm criticizing.

They both believe what they're comfortable believing,
and essentially self-immolating in so doing.

How did Americans become so weak in the area of intellectually challenging themselves?
How did they become so goddamned afraid?
And how can they be so proud of being so obviously deficient?

You fascist pigs hate the Constitution because it is rhe best bulwark against your totalitarian ambitions, go goosestep off a fucking cliff.
In an hour or two I have to cook and really don't want to.
What sounds good for take out?

I might even settle for burgers and fries if it comes to that.
I can't decide between these wise health food options.

I just know that I don't feel like fucking cooking,
or dressing up to go out to eat somewhere nice.

Just one of those days, I guess.

You should brush your teeth with a pistol.
Not true. Congress has the power of oversight of state run elections.

Stay tuned.

A power which they only exercise under certain circumstances, voter integrity laws are not one of them but go ahead and set this precedent once we achieve political power in the coming years then we will exercise it to mandate voter ID federally insuring that Democrats will never win another election.
And goosestepping swine like you are why we have the 2nd amendment all enemies of the Constitution need to be rounded up and put in unmarked mass as the traitors that they are!

One question, Shoresy. When you're sucking the puss out of syphilitic cock sores, are you thinking of banjofuck or TDAK?

You're way past due for putting on ignore.
See ya.
Lots of flies buzzing around here. I’ve learned to ignore them.

Eight to ten squirrels for squirrel and dumplings and 5 to 10 pounds of fried okra…that’s what I’ll be preparing tomorrow morning. It’s reunion time again. The Choctaw side of the family. Down to 3 uncles and one aunt out of 10 on that’s side. We’ll meet for burgers and hot dogs tonight then have the main gathering tomorrow at lunch.

The school year is on and I’m going strong. I do enjoy teaching. If I ever can’t truthfully say that I’ll quit.

I plan to plant a fall garden with mostly field peas, but also some pumpkins. Watermelons and cantaloupes are ripening right now. Won’t be long until hunting season. The cycle of life…
Got home from the evening family reunion gathering tonight in time to plant 4 rows of Whippoorwill Peas. Happy, happy, joy, joy. May plant some pumpkins tomorrow evening. I love this time of year in that it’s 8:38 pm and still light outside. Would rather it be 73° rather than 93° but beggars can’t be choosers I guess.
I'm still trying to figure out if Rev is pulling my leg about actually eating squirrels.

He's not the type for the long rib, and yet, at the same time, am I supposed to believe that he actually eats rodents?

To my knowledge, the only person from Oklahoma living in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is Elizabeth Warren,
and my imagination cannot stretch to picturing the great senator eating squirrels.

If Rev is using me as a mark, he's far too into it to come clean now.
The internet says that people do indeed eat squirrel, and that it tastes similar to rabbit--actually a little less gamey--but I can't imagine people eating rabbit either.

Of course, you know the faith that I have in the internet.
Eats squirrels. Serves it at family reunions as if it were baked ziti and
No, I think I've been a mark.

I'm still trying to figure out if Rev is pulling my leg about actually eating squirrels.

He's not the type for the long rib, and yet, at the same time, am I supposed to believe that he actually eats rodents?

To my knowledge, the only person from Oklahoma living in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is Elizabeth Warren,
and my imagination cannot stretch to picturing the great senator eating squirrels.

If Rev is using me as a mark, he's far too into it to come clean now.
The internet says that people do indeed eat squirrel, and that it tastes similar to rabbit--actually a little less gamey--but I can't imagine people eating rabbit either.

Of course, you know the faith that I have in the internet.
Eats squirrels. Serves it at family reunions as if it were baked ziti and
No, I think I've been a mark.

Lol... I ain't lying, Mr. Niblick. To understand our eating squirrels you have to know something about the history of people from here. Most, like my family, grew up very poor and used squirrels and rabbits to supplement their food budget. Hunting deer, at least by the letter of the law, was much too expensive for my ancestors. I'm not saying some of my relatives didn't violate the law and slay the occasional deer without the necessary paperwork in hand, but subsistence hunting was common and the most common game taken was squirrel and rabbit. I like them both but squirrel is definitely my favorite. I like it fried like chicken.

Both sides of my family, my dad's hillbilly side and my mom's Choctaw side, survived by hiring out to landowners working in the cotton or broom straw fields. They scratced out a living the best they could before my time. My Choctaw grandmother was born on the trail from Mississippi to Oklahoma, was given a land allotment which subsequently was taken because of her being in arears of a $50 grocery bill. This took place before I was born and her story is not uncommon. My dad's folks bounced around Arkansas and Oklahoma from farm to farm, sharecropping and helping in the fields. I remember my dad saying that my grandpa would give him 5 twenty-two bullets and admonish him to come home with 5 squirrels or rabbits. That's a common story from folks who are from here. My grandma could take those 5 squirrels and 10 cents worth of flour and feed the family of 9 a really good meal.

My dad and uncles taught all of us cousins to hunt and I went a step further and made sure I learned from my mom what to do to get the finished product to the table. She had a deal with us boys. She said that if we killed it and cleaned it she would cook it for us. In my younger days I have eaten, in addition to game birds, squirrels, rabbits and deer, also armadillo, bobcat, beaver, rattlesnake and turtle. Nowadays I just keep squirrel, rabbit and venison in the freezer. I'm quite a bit better off than my parents were at this stage of the game. My son will not likely continue the tradition unless this nation falls upon hard times. He will go off to be a city boy.

I continue to hunt squirrels and rabbits because I love training dogs. I keep a tree dog (I actually have two right now) for squirrel hunting and a beagle or two for running rabbits. I love working with dogs and find great satisfaction when they finally reach their potential.

My older relatives really appreciate the squirrel and dumplings, fried okra and sliced garden tomatoes at the reunion. They are scattered from Arizona to Ohio to Florida. Hardley any of them or their families hunt much, and certainly don't hunt squirrels. But when they come to SE Oklahoma and have the same stuff they ate when they were younger (and it really is good food) they think back to their childhood, appreciate their upbringing. It is a bit nostalgic for them albeit normal for me.

So, Mr. Niblick, you haven't been a "mark." It is really true. But I do love a baked ziti on occasion and I also make a dish like braciole using venison. It's all good stuff. ;)

Here is a link to my youtube instructional video should you ever want to clean a squirrel for eating ;):

My (now deceased) dog, Dixie is waiting for the parts as I clean the squirrel. I sure miss her as she was a great dog. A good squirrel dog but a better pet.
Lol... I ain't lying, Mr. Niblick. To understand our eating squirrels you have to know something about the history of people from here. Most, like my family, grew up very poor and used squirrels and rabbits to supplement their food budget. Hunting deer, at least by the letter of the law, was much too expensive for my ancestors. I'm not saying some of my relatives didn't violate the law and slay the occasional deer without the necessary paperwork in hand, but subsistence hunting was common and the most common game taken was squirrel and rabbit. I like them both but squirrel is definitely my favorite. I like it fried like chicken.

Both sides of my family, my dad's hillbilly side and my mom's Choctaw side, survived by hiring out to landowners working in the cotton or broom straw fields. They scratced out a living the best they could before my time. My Choctaw grandmother was born on the trail from Mississippi to Oklahoma, was given a land allotment which subsequently was taken because of her being in arears of a $50 grocery bill. This took place before I was born and her story is not uncommon. My dad's folks bounced around Arkansas and Oklahoma from farm to farm, sharecropping and helping in the fields. I remember my dad saying that my grandpa would give him 5 twenty-two bullets and admonish him to come home with 5 squirrels or rabbits. That's a common story from folks who are from here. My grandma could take those 5 squirrels and 10 cents worth of flour and feed the family of 9 a really good meal.

My dad and uncles taught all of us cousins to hunt and I went a step further and made sure I learned from my mom what to do to get the finished product to the table. She had a deal with us boys. She said that if we killed it and cleaned it she would cook it for us. In my younger days I have eaten, in addition to game birds, squirrels, rabbits and deer, also armadillo, bobcat, beaver, rattlesnake and turtle. Nowadays I just keep squirrel, rabbit and venison in the freezer. I'm quite a bit better off than my parents were at this stage of the game. My son will not likely continue the tradition unless this nation falls upon hard times. He will go off to be a city boy.

I continue to hunt squirrels and rabbits because I love training dogs. I keep a tree dog (I actually have two right now) for squirrel hunting and a beagle or two for running rabbits. I love working with dogs and find great satisfaction when they finally reach their potential.

My older relatives really appreciate the squirrel and dumplings, fried okra and sliced garden tomatoes at the reunion. They are scattered from Arizona to Ohio to Florida. Hardley any of them or their families hunt much, and certainly don't hunt squirrels. But when they come to SE Oklahoma and have the same stuff they ate when they were younger (and it really is good food) they think back to their childhood, appreciate their upbringing. It is a bit nostalgic for them albeit normal for me.

So, Mr. Niblick, you haven't been a "mark." It is really true. But I do love a baked ziti on occasion and I also make a dish like braciole using venison. It's all good stuff. ;)

Here is a link to my youtube instructional video should you ever want to clean a squirrel for eating ;):

My (now deceased) dog, Dixie is waiting for the parts as I clean the squirrel. I sure miss her as she was a great dog. A good squirrel dog but a better pet.

my dad ate squirrel and had a victory garden. in rural illinois, in the 40s.

my dad was actually born in chicago and his dad left the family to be with the mafia.

its had tragic familial consequences up to this very day.

so.... a little about me.
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So, Mr. Niblick, you haven't been a "mark." It is really true. But I do love a baked ziti on occasion and I also make a dish like braciole using venison. It's all good stuff. ;)

Here is a link to my youtube instructional video should you ever want to clean a squirrel for eating ;):

My (now deceased) dog, Dixie is waiting for the parts as I clean the squirrel. I sure miss her as she was a great dog. A good squirrel dog but a better pet.

Thank you Rev, and also thank you for taking my ribbing in good spirits if I'm not actually a mark.
One related question, though.

You're an educated man.

If your background was as difficult as you suggest, and I of course believe you, how did you manage to educate yourself so well?

Without parents writing checks for my education, I can't guess where I'd be now.
Well, that's not true. I'd be right where I am now because my parents left me a modest inheritance as well.
Absent that, however, I just don't know.

The thought is sobering enough to make me as liberal as I am. Some people obviously need help.

Oh, and one more thing; I could me wrong, but I don't think my avatar above or her predecessors would eat squirrel either!

Your dogs hunt. Mine lounge on furniture. How perfectly appropriate--we're role models!!!
Thank you Rev, and also thank you for taking my ribbing in good spirits if I'm not actually a mark.
One related question, though.

You're an educated man.

If your background was as difficult as you suggest, and I of course believe you, how did you manage to educate yourself so well?

Without parents writing checks for my education, I can't guess where I'd be now.
Well, that's not true. I'd be right where I am now because my parents left me a modest inheritance as well.
Absent that, however, I just don't know.

The thought is sobering enough to make me as liberal as I am. Some people obviously need help.

Oh, and one more thing; I could me wrong, but I don't think my avatar above or her predecessors would eat squirrel either!

Your dogs hunt. Mine lounge on furniture. How perfectly appropriate--we're role models!!!

To be clear, my childhood and background didn’t seem so rough. It was my parents who had it rough when they were kids.

The Army was dad's saving grace. It provided needed security, steady income and it allowed him to marry, raise us 5 kids and help his mom and dad to own a place of their own. He retired after 25 years and then in a couple of years went to work for the postal service. He retired from there in the mid 90’s. So my raising was pretty much middle class, and by the time I graduated high school dad was doing ok.

He always told us that if we’d go to college he’d pay for it. I’m the youngest and the first to take him up on it. I graduated high school in ‘84, got my BS in Mathematics with a minor in education in ‘88. I was able to live at home the whole time and ended up owing dad $26,840 for my degree. I paid for the rest of my education from there on out. I went to work at the high school (still teach there) in August of ‘88 and had dad paid back by ‘92. My masters completed a couple of years later. That’s the story of my education.

Notice dads way out of poverty, his help, if you will, was by taking government jobs. First the Army and then the postal service. I’ve had a government job (teaching) all of my working career. Contrary to popular belief, I’m not an anti government, abolish all government programs type of conservative. I believe education is the most consistent contributor to one’s rising above poverty. That’s why I’m clinging (foolishly, some say) to my Democratic Party status. Anyway, didn’t mean to wax too political here.

Oh, I would venture that you are correct about the good looking gal in your avatar. She’d probably turn her nose up at squirrel…unless you cooked it first. Then I suspect she really like it. ;)

I like dogs. Dogs that hunt and dogs that lounge. One of the older couples I visit who are no longer able to attend church have Dachshunds. I go visit and both dogs lounge with me on the couch. Of course they expect to be pettet. The couple starts telling the dogs to get down but I assure them it’s ok. I like dogs. I’ll be a role model for either group. :)
Lost a colleague yesterday. Cancer. Tough to lose a guy you work with but doubly so in a school setting. Have to help his students, who are also my students, cope with losing a teacher. Also I have his daughter in my 8th grade math class. It will be hard for me to hold her as accountable as I would normally, going forward this year. I have visited with the kids who needed to talk, prayed with the kids who wanted to pray. Being in a small school is a double edged sword in that losing someone is like losing a family member but when you lose someone we are essentially a big family helping one another cope.

Like I said, I’m not helping with baseball this year. But one of my Junior players came by this morning with his fielder’s mitt for me to repair. I gladly restitched it for him during my planning period. I do miss working with the baseball kids.

But school is progressing. We are on a 5 day week schedule until December when we will revert to a 4 day schedule. We will be moving my son to his college apartment in Norman tomorrow. He’s got 3 buddies he’ll be renting with. The apartments are very nice, 4 bedroom, 4 bath, full kitchen, grill, community pool. He’s reading move-in instructions out loud to his mom and me as I’m typing this. He’s just a bit excited. I’m happy for him and encouraging him to make the most of getting his education.