Republican State Legislatures Assume Leadership of Insurrection.

You think Americans having this discussion means white people should never speak and merely sit there while you spew hate at them for the rest of your life

this shit is funny as hell lmao

your.e so exposed for the lilly white person you are...............clueless.!


Here you are spewing racist crap at me

The one who for a Decade has been posting about Greenwood Oklahoma and the long list of court documentation of republicans cheating black voters

You are an utter failure or a Russo bot hole

TTQ64 is an angry black extremist racist, and evice is a "true believer," almost as bad.

I create the most profound thread on the entire Worldwide Web, and its the riff raff who come and post on it.

Further proof that we occupy a planet gone completely mad, perhaps, but there's no construct that can make it my fault.

Here you are spewing racist crap at me

The one who for a Decade has been posting about Greenwood Oklahoma and the long list of court documentation of republicans cheating black voters

You are an utter failure or a Russo bot hole


lol your funny what did I say that is racist why wont you answer that question?
America needs desperately to have a discussion of this subject

You can’t manage to understand that does not mean you should spew non stop hate at white people

You suck ass at this

thats not what i do that how you take it............your little feelings get hurt.

even the AG reported white people are the biggest domestic terrorist in this country
but YOU call me racist for calling that out.................YOU think IM one of them.............LOL

white racism is and always has been a problem in this country me calling it out isnt making it worse. thats ridculas....who gives 2 shits your feelings get hurt thats your problem it needs to be called out.
We teed off at seven sharp this morning and I was home by noon.

It was the first day all week that I wasn't too sore to play, and I only play weekdays with my senior membership discount.

Anyway, what do you do with you're done by noon and nobody is ready for lunch yet?

You go straight home which is boring as hell.

I'd prefer later starts so we could have drinks and shoot the shit afterwards, but I'm the only one who tolerates the heat well.

We're all elderly and fat, true enough, but we're riding around for Christ's sake, not breaking rocks on a fucking chain gang.
I really don't know what's the matter with these guys.
They think 90ºF is a big deal.
It isn't when you're riding.
And you're looser to make better swings,

I played like shit today, but it was good to finally get out.

And to stay on topic, fuck those red state legislatures.
We've got the Royals in KC tonight.
Later CDT start.
I'll be back around midnight, EDT, to see if I missed anything.

I don't like losing to flyover country teams as you can well imagine.
Today we should talk about Pollyannaism as manifested in the idea that America is a united country with common goals and purposes.
Modern psychiatry has yet to find a cure for psychotic dysfunction that has reached this level.

Huge factions of Americans don't want the same things or even the same kind of life.

Progressives find the conservative concept of "freedom" to be the characteristics of an uncivilized shithole.

Conservatives find the progressive concept of civilization to be authoritarian.

We've always hated one another's ideas, but now,
we've been trying to impose them on one another for so long,
that we genuinely hate one another as well.

It's a seething, visceral hatred that has no boiling limit where it turns to vapor.
It just gets hotter. It's on the precipice of melting the republic.

Perhaps the most seriously afflicted of them all, however, are those who would
called themselves "centrists" or "moderates."

They elevate cluelessness to levels never previously approached in the history of humanity.
Not only do they not know what they want,
but they don't even know that they don't know what they want.

Thus they attempt to describe what they want in such corny platitudes
such as to make both fully committed factions wish that they would just shut the fuck up.

America is a boiling cauldron of hatred that cannot survive.
It can be partitioned by thoughtful design,
or it can just explode and we get whatever we get.
The latter is more probable,
and then hell will exist for real, right here in America.

The smiling Pollyannas won't still be smiling,
but they sure as hell will be responsible.
Now that virtually all the Republican controlled state legislatures, with the complete blessing of our pig shit constitution,
are dismantling the democratic republic of the United States of America by taking over complete control of who votes
and whose ballots get counted,

storming the capitol should no longer be necessary.

They have discovered how unnecessary it was to start the previous civil war by firing on Fort Sumter.
They could have just stayed home and done it in a perfectly constitutionally compliant way.

Rural Christian conservatives are able to destroy the republic as a minority
because the genius founders provided them the right to do it.

What's worse, the confederates are not merely seeking separation anymore.
Now, they want to take over the whole thing.
That, however, they can only do with our help.
Blue States have legislatures as well. Also, a fuck of a lot more money.

Civilized progressive liberals have got to wake up.
We no longer have the luxury of believing in the idyllic America that we were told about by clueless grade school teachers.
It was a nice thought, but it was total bullshit. We should be easily able to see that now.

There are people in the middle of this country who hate us,
who hate our modern and humane ideas,
who worship a magic man in the sky,
and who believe that the magic man wants them in charge.
They have lots of guns.
They have no brains whatsoever.

The centrists and fence-sitters among us are not neutral;
they're clearly on the side of the shitkicker crackers.
They're all Joe Manchin without the expensive haircuts that they wouldn't be able to get back in their home states such as West Virginia.

So now, non-devolved, still with functioning brains humans, what do you plan to do about it?
You're not all pushing seventy-five.
Most of you will have to be here for a long, long time.
Do you wish to live like a human being,
or like a devolved mutant trumpanzee?

I have been the only contributor on this forum to remind you of what should have been obvious.

We have radical problems,
and there are NO moderate solutions to radical problems.

You can continue to be panty-waists fellating your precious constitution,
or you can decide that you'll do WHATEVER IT TAKES
to not live like some drooling cracker like the ones you've met here at JPP.

While I agree that the Constitution has some problems, so does American culture in general. Like Western cultures in general, our academia and media have been infected with leftists, which undoubtedly produced people like yourself.

Plenty of non-Western cultures did not allow their academia or media to be compromised by left wingers, and as a result, few of their citizens have the psychosis known as progressivism.

Breaking the US into multiple countries would probably be the least violent option at this point, but failing that, a Pinochet-style reset of society could also work.
thats not what i do that how you take it............your little feelings get hurt.

even the AG reported white people are the biggest domestic terrorist in this country
but YOU call me racist for calling that out.................YOU think IM one of them.............LOL

white racism is and always has been a problem in this country me calling it out isnt making it worse. thats ridculas....who gives 2 shits your feelings get hurt thats your problem it needs to be called out.

In a way, I can't blame you for your idiocy. You've likely been told since birth that you are a victim, and more recently, told you can't be racist against white people.

Nevermind the fact that blacks have a far greater ingroup bias than whites in the US. Of course, this is congruent with minorities in general. A minority is going to hold higher amounts of ingroup bias partially as a matter of necessity.

Still, the most practical and logical cultures prioritize the interests of the majority, not the complaints and feelings of minorities. Islamic cultures understand this quite well. The fact that Westerners don't grasp this is exactly how minorities can undermine their systems while not applying the same standards to themselves.
While I agree that the Constitution has some problems, so does American culture in general. Like Western cultures in general, our academia and media have been infected with leftists, which undoubtedly produced people like yourself.

Plenty of non-Western cultures did not allow their academia or media to be compromised by left wingers, and as a result, few of their citizens have the psychosis known as progressivism.

Breaking the US into multiple countries would probably be the least violent option at this point, but failing that, a Pinochet-style reset of society could also work.

Academia presents and explains ideas without value judgement.

If it appears that college educated people are more progressive leaning,
it's not because they were indoctrinated. A liberal education is in fact about the opposite of indoctrination.

College educated people are generally more liberal because they tend to be more intelligent.

The world gets progressively more liberal over the arc of history.
America get more liberal as well, but slower than more progressive nations.
We were among the very last to abolish slavery.
We'll be among the very last to have universal socialized medicine...but we definitely will have it eventually.
Donald Trump has offered and continues, in his now more limited capacity, to offer
a message that resonates only with highly defective and deficient mutants.

His message resonates with tens of millions of Americans, the majority of which are in landlocked states not called Vermont.
There are of course horrific exceptions like Texas and Florida, of course.

Tens of millions.
What should we do with that information?
In a way, I can't blame you for your idiocy. You've likely been told since birth that you are a victim, and more recently, told you can't be racist against white people.

Nevermind the fact that blacks have a far greater ingroup bias than whites in the US. Of course, this is congruent with minorities in general. A minority is going to hold higher amounts of ingroup bias partially as a matter of necessity.

Still, the most practical and logical cultures prioritize the interests of the majority, not the complaints and feelings of minorities. Islamic cultures understand this quite well. The fact that Westerners don't grasp this is exactly how minorities can undermine their systems while not applying the same standards to themselves.

who are you? fuck off
The Red States want apartheid and a very curious blend of incompatible things--autocracy and anarchy.
They're using their Constitution-provided rights to get there.

Our Constitution had very noble purposes and intents, but failed miserably to achieve them because there were no people
among the framers who knew the first fucking thing about what they were trying to do.
They wrote a constitution that blessed the bullshit that's going on in Republican controlled state legislatures.

if you don't like what the red states are doing but claim to like our constitution,
then you're just as fucking clueless as the mutants are.
I don't have a game at the course this morning, so here I am on line at 8 o'clock in the morning.
Fucking depressing, but so is Morning Joe.
Republicans, without exception, suck the pus out of syphilitic penis sores.
That takes care of the thread topic.

Now to what's immediately important: it's raining, today, on Friday.
I only play golf on weekdays.
I must therefore wait until Monday to play. Bummer.

Still, a three game set against the Yanks starts tonight.
It's also Maher's last show before summer hiatus, so I'll DVR that. Don't know why. It'll be On Demand as well, but I DVR it just in case.
I know that a lot of us have "cut the cord," but life without cable seems MUCH too dire for me.

How the hell do you guys do it? I spend over three bills a month on my cable, broadband, streaming, and land line bundle.
Although I'm not trying to disguise the smell of marijuana in a prep school dorm room,

I nonetheless often light incense sticks down in my man cave.

I like the smell, and it also maintains a small connection with my childhood faith.

Unless I'm mistaken, incense was one of the gifts that the Three Stooges brought to Jesus on the first Christmas.

I'm sure that the kid would have preferred candy or toys, but the legend goes with incense and some other stuff that I can't remember.

Anyway, I'm burning some now. The basement level has its own heating / air zone, but even on the hottest days,

there's no need for A/C down here. In the summer, a de-humidifier goes on automatically instead.

There's occasionally a very faint musty smell from the lack of the A/C being on, but incense more than takes care of that.

The fragrance does make one want to light a joint, though, but I'm just having coffee instead.
Although we have every day year round access to our club's other amenities,

people with senior discount memberships can only play golf on weekdays.

[An exception is for formal events and tournaments, member-guests, for example,
but everybody pays extra fees to enter them.]

So today, while the poor young stiffs who have to work all week have the course to themselves,
I'm home and on the internet on a beautiful day. Not good.
I'm going to find an excuse to go out.
Have a nice weekend.

Lots of hate here. All I have to say is if we can't get beyound the pathalogical divisiveness and anamosity gripping These United States we are headed for the end of These United States. I'm not sure how close we came on January 6, 2021 but what happened should have beeen a wake up call to all AmeriCANs. But of course it can't be because we are so divided; 1/6 is viewed so differently by people that are, like it or not, COUNTRYMEN.

The Great America that Trump and his supporters are "Againing" about was great because we AmeriCANs were US; after War 2 we were United. And though we may have disagreeed, after all was said and done, we were still UNITED; U.S.

I'm probably the first AmeriCAN grandpa, to look at his new born grandson and wonder; "You were born AmeriCAN, I wonder if you will die American". :(