Republican State Legislatures Assume Leadership of Insurrection.

We're 6-0 against our arch rival Yankees so far this season.

Now all we have to do is learn how to beat other teams and we're in business.

The Astros and Rays are really pissing me off this year.
Texas and Florida are two of my favorite places as you well know.

We actually LIKE New York.
We just don't like the Yankees.
Today is a spectacularly beautiful day in the Boston area, but my golf game got cancelled this morning.

One guy, the "baby" of our group, had to take his mother-in-law to the emergency room.
He's the only one young enough to have a mother-in-law.

Another was too hung over from a family BBQ yesterday to even get out of bed.

And yet a third came up with some excuse, but I really suspect that he didn't want to play with just me.
[I'm the one he has no chance of ever beating, if we have to be brutally honest.]

I think that I'll just clean the bathroom in my man cave.
Birthingpersonfucker. I'm in no mood for working. No need to alert the media over that, however.
It was absolutely scorching hot out on the course today---the putting greens, even more so that the fairways, turned brown the second the sprinklers shut off--but everybody played well.
Everybody got nailed by sprinklers at some time or other as well. They just rise up out of the ground and get you.

Antique bones react well to heat. We stay nice and loose...and we are riding, after all.

I could have had six drinks in the clubhouse afterward--I actually got the guys to stay a little this time--

but between being dehydrated and having to drive home, I kept it to one drink and a cheeseburger.
No game today,
Didn't have to wake my dog up at dawn to get in a walk before I headed out to the course.
Just having coffee on the porch waiting for her to wake up on her own.
She's probably sprawled across my pillows right now.

Neighbors who are up early wonder what the fuck I'm doing with my laptop outside [I never post on a telephone.]
"Porn first thing in the morning, Nifty?"

We need more Jews in the neighborhood.
They make better comedy writers.

Better get on topic for a minute.
Republicans suck.
OK, that should do it.
Until we address the fact that people will totally incompatible core values can't live peacefully under the same laws and tax codes,
we're doing nothing to stop our descent into outright dystopia.

Conservatives go on xenophobic rants about the evils of globalization.
It's largely a distraction, however.

Neither conservative mutants nor progressive liberals loathe anybody on this planet more than we loathe one another.
There is no hatred more viscerally felt than that which we have for one another.
As long as we're trying to tell one another what to do and also what not to do, they'll be no stopping America's journey down history's toilet drain.

It's partition or chaos, and chaos seems to be winning.
Now that virtually all the Republican controlled state legislatures, with the complete blessing of our pig shit constitution,
are dismantling the democratic republic of the United States of America by taking over complete control of who votes
and whose ballots get counted,

There is no such thing as a democratic republic. State legislatures are no insurrection.
Try using English. It works better than Liberal.
Game went well today but the guys didn't feel like staying for a drink.
I stayed and had a cup of coffee and a BLT instead.

I wondered if the new barmaid likes older gentlemen.
Much older gentlemen. It would kill me for sure,
but there are worse ways to die, I might imagine.
Still. she was pleasant to talk to.

It was much cooler today, maybe about 80ºF, but I really didn't mind when it was hot.
Hot is good for golf, at least if you're riding.

What the fuck is Milquetoast Macaw spouting on about?
Never mind. If I cared in the slightest, I wouldn't have him or ignore.
No game today.

Late night tonight.

The Scarlet Hose are in Oakland.
Almeida County Colosseum is usually the depths of hell for us.
We tend to suck there.

So close to the prettier park in San Francisco, yet so far away.
Academia presents and explains ideas without value judgement.

That's impossible. Humans are subjective, and so values are always projected upon ideas. The best academia can manage is science, which still employs certain values to understand the world, but it at least attempts to maintain a relatively objective process.

If it appears that college educated people are more progressive leaning,
it's not because they were indoctrinated. A liberal education is in fact about the opposite of indoctrination.

College educated people are generally more liberal because they tend to be more intelligent.

Well, first, we should make a distinction between liberal and progressive. They're not the same. It's easier to suggest that educated people tend to lean more liberal throughout the world, but not necessarily more progressive. Progressivism is more of a specifically Western thing. Liberalism is Western in its heritage, but it has stood the test of time far better than progressivism.

Even so, educated people in many parts of the world outside of the West do not mostly lean more toward liberalism or progressivism. Conservatism is more the norm in much of Islamic academia, for example.

The world gets progressively more liberal over the arc of history..

That's not true either. Much of the Middle East was substantially more liberal in the early 1900s as compared with today. You could describe pre-Communist China as being more liberal than modern China in many respects as well.

The West becomes more liberal with time, but outside of the West, this is not necessarily the trend.

America get more liberal as well, but slower than more progressive nations.
We were among the very last to abolish slavery.
We'll be among the very last to have universal socialized medicine...but we definitely will have it eventually.

It depends on the issue and the region. America is much more liberal or progressive about immigration than most of Europe. America is conservative, overall, compared to Western and Northern Europe, but it is liberal/progressive compared to Eastern Europe.
Donald Trump has offered and continues, in his now more limited capacity, to offer
a message that resonates only with highly defective and deficient mutants.

His message resonates with tens of millions of Americans, the majority of which are in landlocked states not called Vermont.
There are of course horrific exceptions like Texas and Florida, of course.

Tens of millions.
What should we do with that information?

Just know that the "mutants" view you in similar terms.
The Red States want apartheid and a very curious blend of incompatible things--autocracy and anarchy.
They're using their Constitution-provided rights to get there.

Our Constitution had very noble purposes and intents, but failed miserably to achieve them because there were no people
among the framers who knew the first fucking thing about what they were trying to do.
They wrote a constitution that blessed the bullshit that's going on in Republican controlled state legislatures.

if you don't like what the red states are doing but claim to like our constitution,
then you're just as fucking clueless as the mutants are.

What do you propose as an alternative doctrine for governance?
What do you propose as an alternative doctrine for governance?

A more comprehensive public sector to broaden the social safety net as in Europe.

A more regulated private sector to protect both workers and consumers.

I consider government to be simply the things that are more effectively done collectively than individually,
and I don't believe that freedom from social responsibility is a freedom that a civilized nation can afford to have.

Further, I don't believe the makeup [constitution] of our nation, which vastly over represents rural conservatives as a percentage of the population,
was well thought out by the founders. Too many compromises were made to forge one nation out of basically incompatible colonies.
A more comprehensive public sector to broaden the social safety net as in Europe.

A more regulated private sector to protect both workers and consumers.

I consider government to be simply the things that are more effectively done collectively than individually,
and I don't believe that freedom from social responsibility is a freedom that a civilized nation can afford to have.

Further, I don't believe the makeup [constitution] of our nation, which vastly over represents rural conservatives as a percentage of the population,
was well thought out by the founders. Too many compromises were made to forge one nation out of basically incompatible colonies.

I already know that you deny the Constitution of the United States, deny the constitutions of all the States, and desire an oligarchy so Democrats can implement their fascism and communism.

Fuck you.
A more comprehensive public sector to broaden the social safety net as in Europe.

A more regulated private sector to protect both workers and consumers.

I consider government to be simply the things that are more effectively done collectively than individually,
and I don't believe that freedom from social responsibility is a freedom that a civilized nation can afford to have.

Further, I don't believe the makeup [constitution] of our nation, which vastly over represents rural conservatives as a percentage of the population,
was well thought out by the founders. Too many compromises were made to forge one nation out of basically incompatible colonies.

In hindsight, I actually agree in some respects. I am a collectivist as well, although I'm right leaning rather than left leaning. Some of Europe's public amenities are well designed. I'm not sure how well they would translate to our population, however.
Today is Sunday. Are the working stiffs getting tomorrow off instead?

It's damp and cold in the Boston area.
Not a good day for outdoor gatherings.
Maybe tomorrow will be better.

The idiot Armadillo notwithstanding, people enjoy backyard cookouts,
Sox won two of three in Oakland this weekend.
That place is a house of horrors for us usually.

Now we've got the Angels.

The Padres, Angels, Dodgers, Giants, A's, and Mariners should have their own league.
I hate West Coast road games that keep me up all night.
But if I don't watch, I'll probably miss something.
I was wrong about the Boston Pops. They DID have their 4th of July concert, but it was at Tanglewood instead of the Hatch Shell on the Esplanade.

And as usual, it was great. Nothing like a great Russian tune [Tchaikovsky - 1812 Overture ] to celebrate America's birthday!

That orchestra is one of the things that make me proud tp be a Bostonian.

It's just awesome.