Republican State Legislatures Assume Leadership of Insurrection.

There are people in the middle of this country who hate us, who hate our modern and humane ideas,
Karl Marx anyone?
Adolph Hitler anyone?
Joseph Stalin anyone?
Hugo Chavez anyone?

What makes your religion of Climate Change science denial any better? You hate humanity with greater intensity than any other faith that has ever existed.

It's a case of the pot calling snow black.
It has been a busy Spring as I have been doing quite a bit of fishing, working on my muzzleloader projects and playing the occasional round of golf during my "down time." It's nice not to have to go to baseball games after teaching my kids about exponential functions though I have repaired a couple of baseball gloves for the kiddos.

Been clearing some brush around the home place. Trying to reclaim the place from the Yaupon takeover. This plant migrated westward and like a few people, I wish it had stayed where it came from. Kind of like the stupid Bradford Pear. When Yaupon reverts to its wild self it is a mess. Hard stuff to kill. All I had to do to the Bradford Pear trees was run a chainsaw through them. Not this stuff. I cleared my North fence row during the start of COVID (needed something to do) and have poisoned it every year since and the stuff is still trying to grow there. Now I'm working on my west property line.

On a positive note, I bought a brush chipper from Harbor Freight and it works great. Chips limbs up to 3 inches in diameter and when I cut down a dying pine tree, it made more than enough mulch for the wife to use in her flower beds.

Planning to go see the Math working, Japanese speaking son in a couple of weeks and take in a baseball game while we are there. Hoping the struggling Sooners can pull it together and be playing well by then. It's as good of an excuse as any to go see the boy.

Planning a trip to the Badlands, Minnesota and Wisconsin this summer with him. Got to enjoy these trips while we can. I know the day is coming when he won't want to go or simply cannot go with us as we explore the US. Time, as always, marches on.
More than a half century ago, when the Gestapo and I were hiring our hot-shot wedding photographer,
he had a very beautiful little daughter about eleven or twelve years old. I remember her looking like a little angel when we visited his studio.

A few years later, when she went off to college, she did what I did in college;
she took up a part time avocation for spending money.

As you know, I boxed on local club cards.
Our photographer's little girl took up something much more dangerous.
She prostituted herself.

One of her regular clients, a respected tenured professor, murdered her.

All these years later, the story was in this morning's newspaper.
Apparently that trial has since become a prominent case study in the local law schools.

I, unfortunately, had been quite happy to forget all about it.
Now the Gestapo and I can remember that lovely little girl again.

Life isn't always pretty, is it?
More than a half century ago, when the Gestapo and I were hiring our hot-shot wedding photographer,
he had a very beautiful little daughter about eleven or twelve years old. I remember her looking like a little angel when we visited his studio.

A few years later, when she went off to college, she did what I did in college;
she took up a part time avocation for spending money.

As you know, I boxed on local club cards.
Our photographer's little girl took up something much more dangerous.
She prostituted herself.

One of her regular clients, a respected tenured professor, murdered her.

All these years later, the story was in this morning's newspaper.
Apparently that trial has since become a prominent case study in the local law schools.

I, unfortunately, had been quite happy to forget all about it.
Now the Gestapo and I can remember that lovely little girl again.

Life isn't always pretty, is it?

No it is not.

I had to preach a funeral a couple of years ago for a schoolmate whose husband got drunk/high and shot her in the chest with his 9mm pistol. Unfathomable to me.

I got a Facebook friend request from him a few weeks ago. Things trigger unpleasant memories at random times.
I'm tapping out for the time being.

Offspring #1 is already here and his little sister will be here soon.
The avatar very much looks forward to seeing her.
We don’t do Easter in the traditional sense in that we don’t treat it like a “religious” holiday. Much like Christmas, we thank the Catholics for the time off we get because of their “holy” days and how they were integrated into our culture, but they are just regular days to my family. We do participate in the secular aspects of the holidays such as letting the kids hunt eggs (this used to be a big elementary public school event at both schools I attended) and exchanging gifts. Much fun. But I am thankful for the time off of work so families can get together if they so desire. Enjoy your visit with the offspring.

I have been working on my pole saw this weekend. It has carburetor problems so I needed to change the fuel lines and clean the filter and carburetor. I ended up having to go to town yesterday morning to buy some fuel lines and a new purge bulb for the little motor. As soon as I got out of my truck at the Atwood’s parking lot I opened the door and heard the sound of a rooster crowing coming from the back of someone’s truck. I immediately thought of Mr. Niblick. I thought, “I bet this never happens to him.” :)

It was Saturday the the two sale barns in the area start selling early in the morning. Usually chickens, ducks and other small animals first, then goats and sheep then finally horses and cattle. It is an all day process ending well after midnight under normal circumstances. So many of us made our gas money as teenagers working at the sale barns making sure the animals were unloaded and in the proper pens then ushered into the show ring where they were auctioned off.

The pole saw had more problems that I could cure with the work I could do so I have caved in and ordered a new carburetor from Amazon. Hopefully it won’t take forever to get here.

We are looking forward to getting to see our kid next weekend. The plan is to catch a baseball game in Norman Friday evening then get up and drive to Fort Worth to watch the Gymnastic National Finals. We’re hoping, of course, that OU makes it to the finals but it will be good no matter what. We had to buy tickets early as the good seats were going fast last weekend.

I just saw a skirmish between the White Sox and the Pirates where the White Sox catcher mouthed an injured Pittsburgh up and coming star after tagging him out at home. The kid was injured as he slid in awkwardly. I’m wondering if the Sox catcher will get drilled when he comes to bat again. Probably not nowadays. A few years ago right or wrong, good or bad, one could count on it happening.

I have 20 days of school left, two of which I will have to take off to take my dad and my brother to their respective Doctor’s appointments. I’m really looking forward to summer and a few days where I don’t have to get up and be somewhere on a schedule. Full retirement is becoming more and more appealing.
My truck / animal story goes back at least three decades ago when I stilled smoked.
I stopped at a convenience store to grab a pack of Camels for myself and some coffee cream for the union office.

I stepped out of my car and got about five feet
before a huge Rottweiler sprung up from the back of a pickup [pickups don't exactly abound in the city to begin with],
planted his front paws on my shoulders,
and started licking my face.

I usually get the exact opposite reaction from dogs that I get from most people,
who lick my face just about never,
but this incident gave me a brief start.

I had a pleasant little Easter with my family, and I hope you all enjoyed yours.
We still have some cannoli left.
I'm going to grab one right now, in place of the usual donut.
What a day… Actually two days. An elderly gentleman from church has moved back into the community. He had tried to live out his final years with his grandson but it just didn’t work out. His grandson and daughter-in-law were taking financial advantage of him. He had tried to go to the VA before he move in with his grandson but the VA wanted most of his assets. So he bought his grandson a house and tried to make a go there. Anyway, I have been trying to get the retirement group to change his address and change his bank account since he moved back. What a nightmare. I’m still not there. Most 94 year olds do not have email addresses or cell phones. Besides my dad (92) I don’t know any nonagenarians who do. Dad only does because we made him after mom died.

I took dad to the vein doctor this morning and they basically told him that they couldn’t do anything about the pain in his legs and feet because of his age. He mowed his yard and used the tractor to till his garden yesterday. As long as he is able to do things like that the mutual decision was to just keep a check on the circulation in his legs and feet. When I go home I went to this other gentleman’s house and installed a handrail on his porch steps and made some progress on getting his retirement re-routed. Hopefully I can complete that job in the morning.

The wife and I mowed the yard this evening after which I grilled some hamburgers. Can’t complain about life.

We are planning to go see the boy tomorrow. Can’t wait. Sixteen days of school left. Looking forward to having him home for the summer. I’ll have to pay for his green fees this summer because he’ll be turning 20, but that’s OK. Time marches on … as the song goes.
Your life is march harder than mine, Rev.

I could give you some highly advanced lessons in complaining,
but that doesn't seem to be your jam.

Bless you for your kind heart.
I'm at a stage of life where I'm the most help to people just staying out of their way.

In the end, though, I have to accept the reality that I'm still better off than most.
I nonetheless have to complain, however, lest I fall out of practice on one thing I can do quite well!
What a day… Actually two days. An elderly gentleman from church has moved back into the community. He had tried to live out his final years with his grandson but it just didn’t work out. His grandson and daughter-in-law were taking financial advantage of him. He had tried to go to the VA before he move in with his grandson but the VA wanted most of his assets. So he bought his grandson a house and tried to make a go there. Anyway, I have been trying to get the retirement group to change his address and change his bank account since he moved back. What a nightmare. I’m still not there. Most 94 year olds do not have email addresses or cell phones. Besides my dad (92) I don’t know any nonagenarians who do. Dad only does because we made him after mom died.

I took dad to the vein doctor this morning and they basically told him that they couldn’t do anything about the pain in his legs and feet because of his age. He mowed his yard and used the tractor to till his garden yesterday. As long as he is able to do things like that the mutual decision was to just keep a check on the circulation in his legs and feet. When I go home I went to this other gentleman’s house and installed a handrail on his porch steps and made some progress on getting his retirement re-routed. Hopefully I can complete that job in the morning.

The wife and I mowed the yard this evening after which I grilled some hamburgers. Can’t complain about life.

We are planning to go see the boy tomorrow. Can’t wait. Sixteen days of school left. Looking forward to having him home for the summer. I’ll have to pay for his green fees this summer because he’ll be turning 20, but that’s OK. Time marches on … as the song goes.
You’re a good and caring man. I have people who take advantage of their elderly relatives.

My granddaughter attended her first prom last night, it was bittersweet. I can’t believe she graduates next year. She’s a great kid and a good student. It’s just hard to believe she’s growing up so quickly.
It has been a great week. My wife and I went on our grocery shopping date Monday. I have gone fishing and caught crappie, bass and catfish after work on Tuesday and Wednesday. I washed my old bass boat Tuesday evening and the 29 year old vessel still looks great and still runs like a top. Midweek Bible study was great last night. We are in the book of Ruth, one of my favorite love stories and very significant as it demonstrates devotion, humility and working for one's food ... and being rewarded for these positive character attributes in the end. Also of significance, even though Ruth was a Moabitess and not a Jew, she was the great grandmother of David, one of the greatest Jewish kings and also in the lineage of Jesus Christ. It's a great bit of history and a wonderful Bible story.

I'm giving my 7th graders their State Mathematics test now. I was supposed to give it next week but have to take my brother to the heart doctor in Tulsa on the day they had me scheduled. Giving it a week early isn't going to make any difference. I don't know if you've seen the tests 7th graders have to take nowadays but it is ridiculous, IMO. We start teaching every kid like every kid is heading to college and it just isn't so. It isn't practical either. I used to fret over whether I could get my students to pass the state test but not anymore. I challenge them to improve on the score they received the previous year on the state test. Almost all of them do. A teacher (any teacher) simply cannot take a class where you've got students with such a wide range of ability and get them all "on level" if they are not close to start with.

Also, if kids will not learn their multiplication facts in elementary, they limit what they can learn in future math classes. Parents don't push them to learn them because of the misguided notion that "they can always use a calculator." I start out the year with my 7th and 8th graders trying to improve their retention of basic multiplication facts through 12 x 12. It's a struggle. But seeing improvement when their scores come in during the summer is rewarding.

The son had to deal with tornadoes and golf ball sized hail yesterday evening. I told the missus that we not only sent him to the wolves (the most liberal university in the state) but we also sent him to tornado alley. He has had to deal with 5 nearby tornadoes during the last 2 years, one a month or so ago that passed within 1/4 mile of his place.

You are right, Phan, kids (and grandkids) grow up so fast.
UO Norman?

The most LIBERAL university in the state?

I'm literally flabbergasted by that statement.
Those Boomer Sooner crazies are the most liberal people in the state?

What about Tulsa or OSU? Do they wear white sheets there?

If your boy wants to try Boston University or Northeastern or MIT, Rev, I'll promise to keep an eye on him for you. [I know better than to mention that Sodom and Gomorrah, Harvard.]
And we don't even have tornados--ever.

Just don't blame me if he comes home a Liz Warren fan.
It's possible.
She's actually from Oklahoma, originally, so it's all consistent with your philosophy--redemption is possible for everybody!!!
UO Norman?

The most LIBERAL university in the state?

I'm literally flabbergasted by that statement.
Those Boomer Sooner crazies are the most liberal people in the state?

What about Tulsa or OSU? Do they wear white sheets there?

If your boy wants to try Boston University or Northeastern or MIT, Rev, I'll promise to keep an eye on him for you. [I know better than to mention that Sodom and Gomorrah, Harvard.]
And we don't even have tornados--ever.

Just don't blame me if he comes home a Liz Warren fan.
It's possible.
She's actually from Oklahoma, originally, so it's all consistent with your philosophy--redemption is possible for everybody!!!

LOL...I can't vouch for Tulsa (I've actually never seen any white sheets anywhere here though we do have our racist idiots) but I would have preferred that he'd have gone to Oklahoma State even though I am a dyed in the wool, crimson and cream Oklahoma University sports fan. but there are more folks like me (conservative, Native American mix church goers) around Stillwater. I do know that Norman is the most liberal city in the state but it's really two sides of the same coin. He can either be indoctrinated with the local dose of liberalism in Norman or he can be indocrinated by the drunken rednecks that make up OSU in Stillwater. It's all good. I'm just hoping his raising keeps him grounded. So far So good. A parent does what he/she can do though.

He actually was accepted by several of the colleges in the NE, toured Harvard and Boston University, but made his decision based on which school offered him the most money. I'm really glad he didn't go to BU or Harvard. Not that I would worry any more or less about him there. It's that at least here I do get to see him every couple of months.

Liz Warren ... Well, I do expect him to have a more liberal political philosophy than I do (mine is more liberal than my dad's) but how much more???? We'll see.
This is why I enjoy our conversations so much.

I made ribbing comments, and you gave me semi-serious responses to them,

but now I have to wonder if even that is a rib on your part!

No matter. I know I liked my kids being so close to home when they were in college.
Closer in our case than yours.
They had apartments when all they needed were subway tokens!
I like keeping this “MySpace” thread going. I have gone back and re-read posts from the past and re-lived some good days. Most of my responses are serious I suppose, though some of the things I say are somewhat “tongue in cheek.”

I believe I told you I started frequenting political message boards in the 90’s. I couldn’t believe Bill Clinton won and wanted to know the kind of people who would vote for him. I found out that there are decent folks who voted for him and over the years I have found out that there are idiots who voted (and vote) the same way I do. See today’s thread about Nikki Hailey’s daughter for an example of some idiots spouting off their racial idiocy.

Anyway, I generally correspond with the decent folks and ignore the idiots. It’s really hard to ignore the idiots. I really want to respond to them but what’s the use. Stupid is as stupid does … or posts as the case may be.

I spent this morning running my boat up and down the creek looking for the elusive crappie. They bit pretty well after I got off work this week and only had a couple of hours to fish. Today when I have all day to fish, they have taped their mouths shut.

I came home and watched a couple of episodes of the old Night Court. I love the old sit coms from the 80’s and 90’s. I think I’ve figured out why the modern ones aren’t as good. Writers are too worried about offending people. That old Night Court they made jokes about morally uptight people (like me ;)), gay people, homophobic people, prostitutes and the like. They didn’t hesitate pointing out when a woman was attractive (or not) and might even call attention to certain of her … Ahem … female parts that might make her attractive. It was funny. Kind of like Johnny Dangerously. Don’t see much of that nowadays.

Now the wife and I are heading to a nearby greenhouse to buy our plants for the garden. I start a few tomatoes from seed but some varieties I just cannot find. I also buy a few Jalapeño plants. This evening we just might go on a date this evening. I wish there were some movies we’d like that are showing but I guess we’re getting too old for most movies to appeal to us. Might just go play Putt Putt.
I always notice, Rev, your reference to Bill Clinton when you mention your early interest in political forums [fora?].

I voted for Clinton twice, Clinton, the Arkansas centrist, gagging for air both times that I had to do it.
Years later, I gagged nearly as much voting for his wife, who actually was a pretty qualified candidate if qualifications were the principle issue.


His opponents were George "Daddy" Bush and Bob "Dracula" Dole.
Her opponent was, not figuratively but biologically, an orangutan, Donald Pigfucker Trump.

If I had attempted to vote for any of those GOP candidates,
there is no doubt in my mind--none-- that I would have spontaneously burst into flames.

It's a binary choice.
If you vote for an irrelevant alternate candidate other than the two major party nominees,
all that you do is increase the possibility
of the less popular of the two real candidates winning.

I could never in good conscience do that.
Not voting for the Democrat is essentially voting for the Republican,
and that, for people with my moral compass,
is the closest thing that a secular person can do to committing a mortal sin or sacrilege.

Would I argue with you that Bill "Bubba" Clinton was a great choice for POTUS?
Of course not.
I voted for "Moonbeam" Gerry Brown in the primary.

But could I have voted for Daddy Bush, Reagan's veep?
Not with a loaded GLOCK pointed at my temple. Seriously.

I do agree with you that we pander to the hypersensitive, however, thus encouraging the cultivation of more of them.
See Mr. Niblick, a reasoned response that I understand better now since frequenting this board. Well, this one and the old and maybe one other where I met several of these people. Then I over her to JPP with many of them. I’ve “known” Damo, Cawacko, Phantasmal and a couple of others longer than I’ve known my wife.

I mention Mr. Clinton because he was my first presidential political loss. I had voted for Reagan when I was 18 and Bush 1 at 22 so I was spoiled to presidential political victory by the time I was 26 and took the L.

I’m outta here. It’s a work day at the church building. Power washing the siding and a general cleanup of the inside and outside. Then I may plant some of my garden. Weekends are usually busy and this one isn’t an exception.
See Mr. Niblick, a reasoned response that I understand better now since frequenting this board. Well, this one and the old and maybe one other where I met several of these people. Then I over her to JPP with many of them. I’ve “known” Damo, Cawacko, Phantasmal and a couple of others longer than I’ve known my wife.

I mention Mr. Clinton because he was my first presidential political loss. I had voted for Reagan when I was 18 and Bush 1 at 22 so I was spoiled to presidential political victory by the time I was 26 and took the L.

I’m outta here. It’s a work day at the church building. Power washing the siding and a general cleanup of the inside and outside. Then I may plant some of my garden. Weekends are usually busy and this one isn’t an exception.

Also take some time for Rev, Rev.
Catch you on the flip side.
It's been a great weekend. Lots of outside time with decent weather. This week is supposed to be cold and wet. Anything I plan to do outside needs to be done today.

One of the disadvantages of living in the boonies is the lack of people willing to come out this far to do a job. Whether it is remodeling, electrical or plumbing, so many are busy enough around the various towns and won't (I don't blame them as they don't really need to) come out 25 or 30 miles to repair something. I am positive that I have a water leak under my house. I have been trying all morning without success to get someone out to check it. I will make a few more calls this afternoon. If I could recall a few years I would crawl under the house and repair the leak myself. But as I have gotten older I am more and more claustrophobic. I just can't do it. So if I post in a few days about cutting a hole in my floor, think nothing of it.

I'm giving my final state test today. I am not one of those teachers who is opposed to testing. I don't mind it at all. The only thing I would change is I would find a way to leverage the students to try their best. If they have skin in the game they perform much better on these tests than they do in their current situation where it doesn't affect them one way or the other if they do well or do badly.

Several years back in Oklahoma we gave our students End of Instruction tests in 7 subjects. My responsibilities included Algebra I, Algebra II and Geometry. Students who couldn't/wouldn't pass 4 of the 7 were given only a certificate of completion at the end of 12 years of school. Those that passed were given a legitimate diploma. The state dictated that 2 of the tests that had to be passed were Algebra I and English I. In all the time that those tests were required I never had a student fail an Algebra I test and the pass rate for the other two subjects was around 90%. Kind of like when the state required (and they still do) that students must pass the 8th grade reading test as one of the requirements to get a drivers license. The pass rate for that test continues to be nearly 100%. To me it is simple...the kids have skin in the game so they try harder. OK, I'll step off of my soap box for now. ;)