Republican Timothy Cook, assassin?

And? He was a registered Republican. He donated $15 to a progressive vote-promoting group three years ago, as a teenager. Then he tried to kill your #MalignantMessiah. This is what happens when your chosen "leader" promotes violence, rage, grievance, hate. Live by the sword, etc.
"It's time to put Trump in the Bullseye" -- Joe Biden
it is completely possible that you are stupid enough to believe this is true.......of course, if we had seen evidence in the past seven years that you had a functioning brain, we might have had it is, Occam's Razor convinces us you ARE that stupid......
ROTFLMAO. This has been confirmed by multiple outlets. The man was a registered Republican. Deal with it oh king of political hackery! LOL
He donated to a democrat organization... No donations to republicans...
He's a registered republican, but made a single donation to a progressive org (no word on which one, could have been anything from PETA on up) a few days after tRump led an insurrection to the capitol.

Sounds like a never tRumper republican to me.
it is completely possible that you are stupid enough to believe this is true.......of course, if we had seen evidence in the past seven years that you had a functioning brain, we might have had it is, Occam's Razor convinces us you ARE that stupid......
After all, it is jarod the receptionist