Republican Timothy Cook, assassin?

He donated money to ActBlue, a PAC that raises money for left-leaning Democratic politicians

A Republican would never ever do that

He is a Republican...and he did donate to that PAC.

So your bullshit NO TRUE SCOTSMAN fallacy is just wrong.

You should be use to that by now, though.
I know nothing about this kid and hesitate to assign any rational motives to someone who could commit such an act.

That said, there were plenty of articles during the primary of Democratic or Democratic leaning voters registering as Republicans to vote in the Republican primaries (in closed primary states which I believe PA is.).

I recall some Republicans getting all excited about data showing this big growth in Republican registration. While technically accurate, it was likely largely driven by non Republicans doing the above (registering to vote in the primary).

Neither here nor there but I remember my progressive Aunt doing this in Ohio in 2000. She hates Republicans and she hated Bush (and I believe Gore may have already had the D nomination close to locked up) but she had a soft spot for McCain because of McCain Feingold so she registered as a Republican to vote for him in the primary. (I gave her endless sh*t about it.). So people changing their registration for strategic reasons is nothing new.
He's a registered republican, but made a single donation to a progressive org (no word on which one, could have been anything from PETA on up) a few days after tRump led an insurrection to the capitol.

Sounds like a never tRumper republican to me.
Wrong, Fucktardo!

It was ActBlue, you know, the motherfuckers that organize and fund ANTIFA, BLM, Occupy Wall Street, and Palestinian Antisemitic protests.
CNN is reporting the assassin was Timothy Cook, a Republican.
Owait, you were serious.

^And I'm feeling pretty stupid myself right now for..reasons.

Reasons I won't say because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

There's something I really should have realized sooner than 5 mins ago.