Republican Timothy Cook, assassin?

Especially those idiot politicians who are going public with their lies. Remember how repugs spread the Pizzagate lie all over cyberspace and some RWNJ got triggered enough to shoot up the place? It could happen again.
Oh, it definitely will.

It's hilarious that MAGATs are using Biden's alleged statement "It's time to put a bulls-eye on Trump" as evidence that the attempted assassination is all his fault. Yet they're the same ones who tried to excuse $arah Palin's actual graphic of rifle crosshairs on AZ as "just rhetoric" following the Gabby Gifford attempted assassination.
And? He was a registered Republican. He donated $15 to a progressive vote-promoting group three years ago, as a teenager. Then he tried to kill your #MalignantMessiah. This is what happens when your chosen "leader" promotes violence, rage, grievance, hate. Live by the sword, etc.
The only people promoting violence, rage, grievance and hate are of course the dummycrats. Try to give an example of Trump promoting any of those extreme leftist actions? I could posit a book load of leftist actions and hate-filled words coming from biden and from many of the high pollutant members of the dummycrat party, but I won't, since I have better things to do, like
cheering on and watching the America First Republican Convention.
Yes, and because of the hate-filled libtards and the deep state, someone lost their life yesterday and the first attempt in 41 years to assassinate an Ex-President.

But let's cry about an office being ransacked on Jan. 6.

I hate them so very much.
Do you remember the hateful comments after Paul Pelosi was assaulted? Even from Trump. Your claims that it’s the Democrats is wrong. You should go read the comments over the last week from MTG and other Congress persons.
Trump is even going to dial it back now supposedly.
The fact that you misclassify 1/6 as just offices being ransacked is very disturbing. The fact you hate Democrats is very disturbing.
You seem to be part of the problem instead of the solution.
Democrats have been very kind in their comments about Trump. They have shown class.
I hope you can find a way to overcome your hate.
The only people promoting violence, rage, grievance and hate are of course the dummycrats. Try to give an example of Trump promoting any of those extreme leftist actions? I could posit a book load of leftist actions and hate-filled words coming from biden and from many of the high pollutant members of the dummycrat party, but I won't, since I have better things to do, like
cheering on and watching the America First Republican Convention.
Since you are blind to anything negative -- and truthful -- about your Gropingfuehrer, ask your caretaker to read this to you.

The times Trump has advocated for violence

Now run along and go finger yourself while gazing worshipfully at the life-size #TRE45ON poster on your bedroom ceiling.
Indeed... (I honestly didn't think I'd see the "pierced ear" comment here... That's lower than low... But....)
Wait! Aren't you going to call out the seething hate and rage in your sister's posts? You claim everyone else on the forum but you is full of those negative emotions and how awful it is to be them. Or are you going to play your usual role of Henrietta Hypocrite? :laugh:
Both of his parents are Democrats. He donated to Progressives.

Tell us again how Trump is such an "existential threat to Democracy."

A man got killed yesterday because of the antics of you and your ilk.

Congratulations, assassin lover.
Where’s Alec Baldwin when you need him?
The only people promoting violence, rage, grievance and hate are of course the dummycrats. Try to give an example of Trump promoting any of those extreme leftist actions? I could posit a book load of leftist actions and hate-filled words coming from biden and from many of the high pollutant members of the dummycrat party, but I won't, since I have better things to do, like
cheering on and watching the America First Republican Convention.
Trump wanted metal detectors removed on Jan. 6 because they wouldn’t be targeting him. How do you think he feels about it now?
What if it wasn’t an assassination attempt, what if he was there just to shoot up the crowd? There are so many unknowns.

So many conspiracy theories, so little tin foil.

You Stalinists have to be creative....

Fact - you leftists tried to kill your political opponent. No chance for you to take the election. All the lying and insane conspiracy theories from MSNBC or Young Turds won't change it. You are masters of election fraud - but it won't be enough.
What if it wasn’t an assassination attempt, what if he was there just to shoot up the crowd? There are so many unknowns.
It's hard to say. Maybe he left a manifesto or something behind? And what were the "explosives" in his vehicle? Fireworks? Or something else? If they were bombs or bomb-making materials, why did he have that and what was he planning to do with it?

I saw one story yesterday with a witness named "Greg" who was interviewed afterwards. He claimed that he and others in his group saw the shooter climbing up the building and standing on top with a firearm. They tried to get law enforcement's attention but for whatever reason they were ignored, according to "Greg." Let me see if I can find that story.

Witness says he saw gunman on roof near Trump rally

Do you remember the hateful comments after Paul Pelosi was assaulted? Even from Trump. Your claims that it’s the Democrats is wrong. You should go read the comments over the last week from MTG and other Congress persons.
Trump is even going to dial it back now supposedly.
The fact that you misclassify 1/6 as just offices being ransacked is very disturbing. The fact you hate Democrats is very disturbing.
You seem to be part of the problem instead of the solution.
Democrats have been very kind in their comments about Trump. They have shown class.
I hope you can find a way to overcome your hate.

Your party attempted to assassinate the opposition candidate. You've tried to put him in prison, but we still have too much constitution for you to succeed. So democrats did what Mao or Pol Pot would and tried to kill him.

This is too big for you to lie away.