Republican vision for America:

I watched V for Vendetta again last night. You remind me of Chancellor Sutler and his supporter's views. :)


False equivalence fallacy, Sock.
Jordan was closely involved in Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the election
Jordan was a “significant player” in Trump’s efforts to overturn the election, according to the House committee that investigated the January 6 attack on the US Capitol. As early as November of 2020, he was part of discussions with Trump campaign and White House officials examining whether Mike Pence could overturn the election. Immediately after the election, he met with Trump campaign and White House officials at the campaign’s headquarters to help develop a strategy of repeatedly, and falsely, saying the election was fraudulent, the New York Times reported.
Jordan was trump's insulation from prosecution. That's why he hand picked him after his first stringer was dumped by Gaetz.

Clear evidence that the party still won't pull the scab after several opportunities to be done with trump forever.

The bravest one in the bunch was Cheney, who didn't care about her seat in Congress if she wasn't allowed to call out treason when she sees it.

I believe Kinzinger already decided to retire before he also stepped up.

So they're stuck with trump until after the '24 cycle. After that, he'll just be the kid out in the cold with his nose pressed against the window.
How many Democrat congressmen and women voted for Jim Jordan? Zero, that's how many. While 8 Repubs decided to vote against Jordan,
the entire Dem congress voted against him. Looks like the Dems don't want Congress to do its job of handling the financial problems that
the Dems have leveled on America.
LOL. Nice try.

Does anyone ever cross the aisle to vote for Speaker?

I think not.
It wouldn't be a dictatorship. That's for the Democrats to establish. I don't see Republicans telling you what kind of car you can drive, what kind of appliances you must have in your home, that you must join the union at work no exceptions...

I don't see Republicans calling for confiscation of property starting with your firearms.

I don't see Republicans setting up government sanctioned bureaucracies to monitor speech and quash any that they disagree with.

I don't see Republicans saying your kids are not yours to nurture and educate, but rather theirs to control and indoctrinate.

I don't see Republicans sending you to prison for disagreeing with them.

So, while the Republicans certainly have their lunatics in politics, they are nowhere close to as evil and awful as the Democrats who really do want a dictatorship of the worst kind running your life.
You could have saved a lot of keystrokes simply by stopping after 'I don't see'.

Because obviously you don't see Republicans invading the bedrooms of everyone in the nation. You don't see Republicans granting more rights to corporations than to citizens.

I could go on.

Just for a laugh, read this and then check the date.

No, there is not going to be a bipartisan speaker of the House

With Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy dropping his bid for speaker, Paul Ryan ruling himself out of contention as well, and no other plausible contender emerging, the House of Representatives isn't in great shape at the moment. It's unclear if the body will get its act together in time to raise the debt limit and avoid government default. Republican members are reportedly breaking down in tears in the GOP cloakroom from all the stress. It's pretty bad.

It's like Groundhog Day.