Republicans Against Sarah Palin

Sarah is not running, you heard it here first...

I heard her on Hannity last night. She is already making excuses for why she "might not run".

She said that the "establishment" is very threatened by her and running may just hurt her cause and if she determines thats the case she will not run.


Im accepting defeat now but want to make my 15 min's last as long as possable without having to get in the pool with the big boys.
If Joe and Sally Sixpack really don't want a supremely intellectual, wise, person with enormous gravitas as their president, and, instead, want someone just like them.... "good people", so to speak... then they should make sure that they vote in republican primaries and get Caribou Barbie nominated as the GOP's candidate to run against Obama. As a lifelong democrat, I would be FINE with that. Really. Give the nation the clear choice.
Oh look, it's maineman. I recognize this yellow dog anywhere.
Thanks, shitferbrains...


Welcome back. BTW, they're looking for you on the werewolf thread. They're starting a game tomorrow, want you to play.

And you can be pissed off at me all you want. I don't really care, just be cool, and there's no problems. Capiche?

Welcome back. BTW, they're looking for you on the werewolf thread. They're starting a game tomorrow, want you to play.

And you can be pissed off at me all you want. I don't really care, just be cool, and there's no problems. Capiche?

Sorry, but I'm not into games. Why would I be pissed of at you? After all, you don't hold a grudge against me, right?
welcome back
Thanks Fatso. I've got a great idea how you can lose 50 pounds real fast- just use one of these:

she has her own tv show now on TLC too. Sarah really is just an embarassment to the party, her disproval rating is higher than her approval ratings, she hasn't got a hope in hell of winning the republican nomination. its also pretty obvious she's in it for the money not to win. you could bet if i was serious about running for president i wouldn't have a show that was on USA that was a show called Connecticut Yankee w/ Rob Palin. i quite honestly haven't met someone so stupid involved in politics. "i read papers" oh what do you read "ummm a lot of them" i don't know the specific names... LOL
And you got fools like Dixie Lovin her supporin her and defendin her right and left. All the while she is lampooning them right and left....

She is laughing all the way to the bank
You know, I get why Libtards don't like Palin, she is a true conservative, and they fear conservatives like most of us fear vampires. I can't quite figure out why right-wingers don't like Palin. Yeah, she drives the lefties nuts... so? Are you living in a fantasy world, where you expect we can nominate a GOP candidate who WON'T drive the liberals nuts? Because, I got news for ya, even if we kidnapped Dennis Kusinich and funneled enough brains in the moron's head to make him somewhat conservative, the left would STILL not like our candidate! It doesn't matter who we choose, the left is going to do whatever they can to denigrate, attack the character, start rumor fires, and spread outright slanderous lies about them.

I see people on the right shying away from Palin, based solely on the liberal-generated negativity. Now, a few of these people are Bush-era establishment Republicans like Karl Rove, but are THESE the people who need to be setting the course of the Republican party? Sorry, but I just don't see how Karl Rove's opinion carries any weight at all in this. Rove is responsible for destroying anything that was left of the Reagan Conservative movement, and represents the 'moderate' direction we certainly don't need to be headed in.

Conservatives, pull your heads out of your asses and realize, Palin is likely someone you could have to vote for, unless you want to give Oabma another 4 years. If you have specific issue points you disagree with Palin on, it's fine and dandy for us to debate those, and have a conversation about what direction we need to take the party, but this childish and petty attacking Palin along with your liberal buddies, over personality, needs to stop.

And I don't give a shit what YOU think about it!

I love the way he talks, I love his honesty and integrity... I love the plain-spoken demeanor, and the confident swaggar. I love like hell, the way he always makes the democrats eat dirt, and look like the jackasses they are!

I love to see him working on his ranch like Reagan did, I love to see him do an interview in blue jeans, I even love when he managels his salybals. I love his chuckle, and his wit. I love his jokes, I love to just listen to him talk about his ideas.

I love his wife, I love his accent, I love her accent... I love the way they look at each other like two people genuinely in love! I love the comfort of knowing Dubya ain't cheating on her and getting blowjobs on the side, and I love the lack of rumors that she is a lesbian. I love not having 'bimbo alerts' and an endless stream of women accusing him of sexual misconduct. I love not having to hear about cigars, cloakroom sex, and splooge on blue dresses.

I love the fact that when George W. Bush says he is going to do something, that is damn well what he does, and will not back down. I love the fact that he has a strong moral constitution and does what he thinks is right regardless of the polls. I love that he doesn't mince words or hide behind focus grouped phrases. I love the way he isn't afraid to tell France to fuck off, and will lead regardless of who in the UN wants to follow.

Did I mention I love the way he continually makes fools of the Democrats who underestimate him? I really LOVE that!



This is your worship of Rove's biggest success Dix. Still want to claim its satire?

Still want to claim that you don't get led around by Rove? Without Rove, there is no W in the Whitehouse, and here is your gushing, open love letter to him.

See how silly it is now to claim it was satire?

LOL! Satire? LOFL!
Yes Beefhead, it's satire. Anyone with half a brain can figure out it is satire. It doesn't matter how often you drag up this old-ass thread and ridicule me for it, from my perspective, each time you do that, you illustrate what a buffoon you are, because you fail to see the satire. Now, this can be like when you divide 1 by 3 and get a remainder, it can be the catalyst for 5,000+ posts to argue against that fact, it doesn't matter to me. I don't know what you want me to say, I am not going to tell you that my "I Love Bush" thread wasn't satire, when that's what it was. Just like, I'm not going to tell you that 1 can be divided by 3 without producing a remainder. These are facts, and as such, there is no basis on which to argue against them, other than being an imbecilic idiot, which apparently, you are.
Yes Beefhead, it's satire. Anyone with half a brain can figure out it is satire. It doesn't matter how often you drag up this old-ass thread and ridicule me for it, from my perspective, each time you do that, you illustrate what a buffoon you are, because you fail to see the satire. Now, this can be like when you divide 1 by 3 and get a remainder, it can be the catalyst for 5,000+ posts to argue against that fact, it doesn't matter to me. I don't know what you want me to say, I am not going to tell you that my "I Love Bush" thread wasn't satire, when that's what it was. Just like, I'm not going to tell you that 1 can be divided by 3 without producing a remainder. These are facts, and as such, there is no basis on which to argue against them, other than being an imbecilic idiot, which apparently, you are.


If it really is satire by your definition, then you don't know what the word "satire" means.
Its that ego driven, stubborn attitude of yours that makes you such an easy target. You take up a stance, and refuse to hear anything otherwise whatsoever.

You whole 1/3 thing? Come on. You brought it up, so I'll address it.

You're stance wasn't "You can't divide the number 1 by the number 3 without a remainder after the decimal point." It was "There is no such thing as equal thirds." Examples of rulers, miles..... on and on and on, and your stubborn ass wouldn't hear of any of it. Ever.

Now you've become married to Sarah Palin, and you still refuse to see her true, unreal inability for political pragmatism, and her inability to really put her pulse on the American public. But you willfully see her amazing *cough* ability to preach to a choir.

Like a good little lemming, you're happy to be that choir boy following her right off the cliff.
Its that ego driven, stubborn attitude of yours that makes you such an easy target. You take up a stance, and refuse to hear anything otherwise whatsoever.

You whole 1/3 thing? Come on. You brought it up, so I'll address it.

You're stance wasn't "You can't divide the number 1 by the number 3 without a remainder after the decimal point." It was "There is no such thing as equal thirds." Examples of rulers, miles..... on and on and on, and your stubborn ass wouldn't hear of any of it. Ever.

No, my whole thing was 1 can't be divided by 3 without producing a remainder. You and other idiots, distorted it into what you wanted to argue, regarding rulers and pies, and anything else that can be divided into thirds. This is common among idiots like you, who lack basic comprehension skills.

Now you've become married to Sarah Palin, and you still refuse to see her true, unreal inability for political pragmatism, and her inability to really put her pulse on the American public. But you willfully see her amazing *cough* ability to preach to a choir.

Like a good little lemming, you're happy to be that choir boy following her right off the cliff.

Well I don't know how much clearer I could have been when I stated that Palin doesn't necessarily have my primary vote wrapped up. If you want to interpret that to mean I am "married" to Palin, then so be it.... this is par for the course once more. You hear what you want to hear, as you continue to demonstrate. This is one of your biggest problems, not being able to objectively listen to reason. It's like something is fucked up in your brain, and it doesn't work like a normal person's brain.

Political pragmatism? What the fuck does that have to do with listening to the will of the American people? Conservative voices are speaking loud and clear, they are tired of the spending spree, tired of ever-growing massive government, and tired of the intrusion in our lives. They want this stopped and now. I think Palin understands this better than anyone else out there right now, which is why she remains resoundingly popular among conservatives. Oh, you can try your best to derail her, there are a few pinhead morons on the right who will join you in the effort, and you might be successful working together to ensure Obama another 4 years. But you aren't going to silence conservative voices, or Sarah Palin. If anything, this constant barrage of empty rhetorical pablum regarding Palin's personality, family, private life, is all wearing a bit thin with the public. Put up or shut up! If you don't have a legitimate complaint on Palin's policies and ideas, just admit that and be done with it... admit that you just don't like her because she is a woman, or pretty, or whatever it is. Pretending there is something inherently flawed with her message, is not getting you anywhere, because you can never seem to articulate the flaw.
No, my whole thing was 1 can't be divided by 3 without producing a remainder. You and other idiots, distorted it into what you wanted to argue, regarding rulers and pies, and anything else that can be divided into thirds. This is common among idiots like you, who lack basic comprehension skills.

Well okay, if you want to lie and lie and lie Dix. You were arguing against me that a 12 inch rule could be divided into three equal 4 inch parts. You were saying that even with a tool that could cut such a ruler without any sawdust or fallout whatsoever, that the remaining parts would be close to 4 inches each, but couldn't possibly be exactly 4 inches.

You said the same thing about a mile being divided into 1760 foot equal pieces. You said it was close, but couldn't be EXACTLY 1760 feet. I mean really, what am I supposed to do with that? Let your stubborn ego redefine mathematics, and rudimentary, simple 3rd grade mathematics at that? No, you don't get away with that no matter how hard you stomp your feet. Its foolish and stubborn, not to mention totally fucking beyond stupid.

Well I don't know how much clearer I could have been when I stated that Palin doesn't necessarily have my primary vote wrapped up. If you want to interpret that to mean I am "married" to Palin, then so be it.... this is par for the course once more. You hear what you want to hear, as you continue to demonstrate. This is one of your biggest problems, not being able to objectively listen to reason. It's like something is fucked up in your brain, and it doesn't work like a normal person's brain.

Political pragmatism? What the fuck does that have to do with listening to the will of the American people? Conservative voices are speaking loud and clear, they are tired of the spending spree, tired of ever-growing massive government, and tired of the intrusion in our lives. They want this stopped and now. I think Palin understands this better than anyone else out there right now, which is why she remains resoundingly popular among conservatives. Oh, you can try your best to derail her, there are a few pinhead morons on the right who will join you in the effort, and you might be successful working together to ensure Obama another 4 years. But you aren't going to silence conservative voices, or Sarah Palin. If anything, this constant barrage of empty rhetorical pablum regarding Palin's personality, family, private life, is all wearing a bit thin with the public. Put up or shut up! If you don't have a legitimate complaint on Palin's policies and ideas, just admit that and be done with it... admit that you just don't like her because she is a woman, or pretty, or whatever it is. Pretending there is something inherently flawed with her message, is not getting you anywhere, because you can never seem to articulate the flaw.

Jesus you are one dense fucking neanderthal. She's popular among the choir. She's galvanizing the religious right, and alienating the real right, you know, the ones that worry about government and all that without putting Jeebus first. You know, those that actually do not want theocracy? Maybe you don't know and are just pretending again, not a surprise.

The people who actually care about issues and not taglines, are not going to vote for her, and she'll hang herself in the end.

And gee whiz, the fact that you've been blathering on and on about how she's the real deal, your kind of conservative for the last two years does make me think that you're married to her. You can't stop blathering on and on and on, almost like you're defending the fact that 1/3 does not, and cannot exist. Its the same lame, ego driven drivel as ever.

You obviously love every last thing about her. Why deny it? Seriously? Is it an attempt to appear objective and open minded? Because if it is my friend, it has failed, and failed ugly.
Well okay, if you want to lie and lie and lie Dix. You were arguing against me that a 12 inch rule could be divided into three equal 4 inch parts. You were saying that even with a tool that could cut such a ruler without any sawdust or fallout whatsoever, that the remaining parts would be close to 4 inches each, but couldn't possibly be exactly 4 inches.

You said the same thing about a mile being divided into 1760 foot equal pieces. You said it was close, but couldn't be EXACTLY 1760 feet. I mean really, what am I supposed to do with that? Let your stubborn ego redefine mathematics, and rudimentary, simple 3rd grade mathematics at that? No, you don't get away with that no matter how hard you stomp your feet. Its foolish and stubborn, not to mention totally fucking beyond stupid.

Not what I said, not in the context of how it was explained to you. I attempted to illustrate to your ignorant ass, that "4 inches" are a man-made unit of measure which represents "1/3" of a foot. You can divide a ruler into 3 equal 4 inch parts, just as I can divide 1 into 3 equal "1/3rds" but 1 still doesn't divide evenly by 3 without producing a remainder. This fact has nothing to do with my enormous and magnanimous ego.

Jesus you are one dense fucking neanderthal. She's popular among the choir. She's galvanizing the religious right, and alienating the real right, you know, the ones that worry about government and all that without putting Jeebus first. You know, those that actually do not want theocracy? Maybe you don't know and are just pretending again, not a surprise.

I think we need to put Jeebus first, especially if it means we can slash the size and scope of government and stop the massive deficit spending. I don't fear a theocracy because the First Amendment prohibits it, and I don't think we're going to abolish that. How is she "galvanizing the religious right" exactly? I don't see her out there preaching, she isn't on TV hosting the 700 club... or a revival... Heck, from a 'policy' standpoint, she is pretty consistently libertarian, and advocates 'states rights' with all the major social issues. Ya, she believes in God, but seriously... you think the GOP is going to nominate an Atheist? Really?

The people who actually care about issues and not taglines, are not going to vote for her, and she'll hang herself in the end.

Well I thought she had hung herself already? Isn't that what we keep being told? I think the issue most conservative people care about, is balancing the budget and reducing the size and scope of government. I also think, in order to do that, we need to roll back a lot of this liberal ideology we've adopted in recent years. It doesn't bother me to have someone who isn't ashamed of being conservative, and not afraid to articulate core conservative values. If that pisses off liberal special interests, I don't really care. I kind of expect that it will.

And gee whiz, the fact that you've been blathering on and on about how she's the real deal, your kind of conservative for the last two years does make me think that you're married to her. You can't stop blathering on and on and on, almost like you're defending the fact that 1/3 does not, and cannot exist. Its the same lame, ego driven drivel as ever.

Again, you state an absurd claim of me saying something that I have never said, and an argument of absurdity that I would never make, and have never made, but you have imagined the argument in your mind. "1/3" is a fractional representation of value. It isn't a value. It is vital to all mathematics that "1/3" exist, and must exist, for mathematics to even work, and for us to divide things into parts we can assume to be equal.

As for Palin, I did say she was "the real deal" from the start, I likened her to having the charisma of Ronald Reagan, very early on. I still say, she has tremendous charisma and appeal to "common" folk... you know, the people who make up MOST of America? If she didn't, I doubt there would literally be terabytes of data online smearing and besmirching Sarah Palin from the left. (and right)... 'The Political Machine' doesn't like Sarah Palin, and they are going to do everything they can, to destroy the threat she poses. Now, it's not really hard to get leftist proles and pinheads to hate Sarah Palin, they're used to hating... and the "voices of reason" keep crying, NO... we can't nominate Palin... we don't dare go there... if we do, it's a mistake... she's not electable... high negatives.... And when I hear that part, I usually start to blow steam out my ears. I don't vote for people based on whether or not other people like them. I listen to what they say they want to do, how they are going to do it, and why they have the best way to get that done, and this is how I cast my vote. None of that has yet happened in the Elections of 2012, not a single speech, not single candidate. It's just a bit early to decide you can't vote for Sarah Palin, or anyone else.

You obviously love every last thing about her. Why deny it? Seriously? Is it an attempt to appear objective and open minded? Because if it is my friend, it has failed, and failed ugly.

Hey, I do like me some Sarah Barracuda in tight jeans!! I mean, think of how cool it will be to whack off during the State of the Union? ...Sorry, just trying to find the 'silver lining' for you, Beefster... no offense!
Not what I said, not in the context of how it was explained to you. I attempted to illustrate to your ignorant ass, that "4 inches" are a man-made unit of measure which represents "1/3" of a foot. You can divide a ruler into 3 equal 4 inch parts, just as I can divide 1 into 3 equal "1/3rds" but 1 still doesn't divide evenly by 3 without producing a remainder. This fact has nothing to do with my enormous and magnanimous ego.

Noted. This is a direct contradiction of what you have stated before. Fact.

I think we need to put Jeebus first, especially if it means we can slash the size and scope of government and stop the massive deficit spending. I don't fear a theocracy because the First Amendment prohibits it, and I don't think we're going to abolish that. How is she "galvanizing the religious right" exactly? I don't see her out there preaching, she isn't on TV hosting the 700 club... or a revival... Heck, from a 'policy' standpoint, she is pretty consistently libertarian, and advocates 'states rights' with all the major social issues. Ya, she believes in God, but seriously... you think the GOP is going to nominate an Atheist? Really?

There is a vast intermediate area between an athiest and a theocrat. But perhaps you're once again demonstrating your inability to see anything other than black and white. And she is proposing more of her personal religion in government, especially through the vehicle of her books, and specifically of renouncing the Kennedy Catholic speech. Not going to work mainstream. You'll win the red states again, but this shit doesn't fly with most of the voting public.

Well I thought she had hung herself already? Isn't that what we keep being told? I think the issue most conservative people care about, is balancing the budget and reducing the size and scope of government. I also think, in order to do that, we need to roll back a lot of this liberal ideology we've adopted in recent years. It doesn't bother me to have someone who isn't ashamed of being conservative, and not afraid to articulate core conservative values. If that pisses off liberal special interests, I don't really care. I kind of expect that it will.

If you don't mind another 4 years of Obama, keep it up. You said it yourself, you'll vote for anything the Republicans put up next time. Does it matter? Your vote is locked up. Republican no matter what. From the horse's mouth.

Again, you state an absurd claim of me saying something that I have never said, and an argument of absurdity that I would never make, and have never made, but you have imagined the argument in your mind. "1/3" is a fractional representation of value. It isn't a value. It is vital to all mathematics that "1/3" exist, and must exist, for mathematics to even work, and for us to divide things into parts we can assume to be equal.

"Assume to be equal". Really? Why don't you restate your case here, but make sure to pick one of the 1,100 cases you've made about this subject, and stick with it. Can 1 ruler be divided into 3 equal parts or not? And "Both" isn't a valid answer. Pick one.

As for Palin, I did say she was "the real deal" from the start, I likened her to having the charisma of Ronald Reagan, very early on. I still say, she has tremendous charisma and appeal to "common" folk... you know, the people who make up MOST of America? If she didn't, I doubt there would literally be terabytes of data online smearing and besmirching Sarah Palin from the left. (and right)... 'The Political Machine' doesn't like Sarah Palin, and they are going to do everything they can, to destroy the threat she poses. Now, it's not really hard to get leftist proles and pinheads to hate Sarah Palin, they're used to hating... and the "voices of reason" keep crying, NO... we can't nominate Palin... we don't dare go there... if we do, it's a mistake... she's not electable... high negatives.... And when I hear that part, I usually start to blow steam out my ears. I don't vote for people based on whether or not other people like them. I listen to what they say they want to do, how they are going to do it, and why they have the best way to get that done, and this is how I cast my vote. None of that has yet happened in the Elections of 2012, not a single speech, not single candidate. It's just a bit early to decide you can't vote for Sarah Palin, or anyone else.

Hey, I do like me some Sarah Barracuda in tight jeans!! I mean, think of how cool it will be to whack off during the State of the Union? ...Sorry, just trying to find the 'silver lining' for you, Beefster... no offense!

Kudos Dix! Obama thanks you.