Republicans Against Sarah Palin

She doesn't just look stupid on MSNBC. She looked stupid in the debates, and she looks stupid on Fox, and in all of the speeches she has made during the last year.

Well, now you're right there with LowIQ... who made you an authority on who "looks stupid?" ...You probably need some help with that yourself, since I imagine you to be quite stupid looking to most people, if your persona here is any reflection of your looks. Again, no substance... you can't articulate one single thing that she said or position she has taken, that you disagree with? Nothing? Other than "she looked stupid" ...that's all you seem to have!

From what I've seen, I don't see "stupid!" I see someone who is not your typical two-faced double-talking politician, who takes every possible position on an issue without answering a direct question. She does try to be relatively candid and honest, however, she is savvy enough to realize the MSM is frothing at the opportunity to hang her out to dry... one slip of the tongue... one instance of misspeaking... and she is done. It's not like she is Joe Biden, and can say any outrageous thing that pops into her head, and be forgiven or overlooked for it! Maybe what you have perceived as "stupid" is just Palin being very cautious about what she says?

Noo... that's not it at all, is it 3d? Really, what it is with you, is you are a sexist pig who doesn't think a WOMAN can handle the job of president, especially a PRETTY woman! Since she is obviously attractive and female, she must be "stupid!" Right???
Stupid people should not be supported in politics, regardless of whether you agree with their talking points or not. If Sarah cannot name a single newsprint source, then she's clearly incapable of researching the issues properly.

OMG... will you people just STOP IT with this petty shit??

It's like you're a bunch of fucking broken records! Couric asked her what magazines and newspapers she reads! It was a stupid aloof question that didn't make any sense in an interview of a potential VP! Sarah Palin was not there to give plugs and endorsements to the print media! WTF??? How much damn mileage do you think you're going to get with this stupid shit? I mean, really? It was an ambush interview from the get-go, and by the time KC got to that part of it, Palin was visibly perturbed at where it had gone, and she declined to answer the goofy idiot's question about what she read! It didn't mean that Sarah Palin doesn't know how to read, moron!
The idiot majored in journalism. She should be able to talk a bit about each publication that she names, in addition to being able to name it.

Seeing as how you sound stupid, Dixie, I'm just going to take your comments as irony.
The idiot majored in journalism. She should be able to talk a bit about each publication that she names, in addition to being able to name it.

Seeing as how you sound stupid, Dixie, I'm just going to take your comments as irony.

Yeah, that's right, she majored in journalism, yet she doesn't know how to read a magazine or newspaper! That's how pathetically stupid liberal pinheads are, they honestly think Sarah Palin doesn't read! I've never seen people act so goofy in my life. It's like the Democrat Party has turned into Monty Freakin' Python!

I'm not the one sounding stupid here, idiot! YOU ARE!

Q: What would you do about unemployment?
Q: How would you deal with international terrorism?
Q: How would you resolve the Israeli-Palestinian crisis?
Q: Should Iran be prevented from developing nuclear weapons?
Q: What magazines do you read?
Palin: WTF?

Really now... what kind of SERIOUS question was that? Was Couric hoping for Palin to say... The Limbaugh Letter, National Review, People, and Vogue? I think Palin probably thought it was just a silly superfluous question, and didn't deserve an answer. I really don't believe she didn't answer because she doesn't read!
Again, there are TWO possibilities you can believe... 1) That she was so ignorant as to not understand Africa is a continent. or 2) That she was attempting to glean further clarification to better answer a specific question.

Example: If I ask you; What do you think of human rights in Africa? How would you answer that, Jarhead? Because, whether the person was referring to the much-advanced conditions of human rights in South Africa due to Apartheid, or the deplorable human rights issues in Darfur, Sudan (a country in Northern Africa), it makes all the difference in the world on how you would answer. Therefore, a clarification is in order, and that information must be known before you can intelligently answer the question. The same as the weather question regarding "Washington" would need clarification. But if you want to ignorantly believe the woman did not know Africa was a continent, when every person with a 6th grade education understands that, then you go right ahead and be ignorant! Just don't expect others to be ignorant with you!

There are more than two possabilities, there are millions.

People normally call Washington State and Washington, D.C. "Washington". People never call "South Africa" "Africa" unless they are idiots.

You just made the shit up about "South Africa"!
OMG... will you people just STOP IT with this petty shit??

It's like you're a bunch of fucking broken records! Couric asked her what magazines and newspapers she reads! It was a stupid aloof question that didn't make any sense in an interview of a potential VP! Sarah Palin was not there to give plugs and endorsements to the print media! WTF??? How much damn mileage do you think you're going to get with this stupid shit? I mean, really? It was an ambush interview from the get-go, and by the time KC got to that part of it, Palin was visibly perturbed at where it had gone, and she declined to answer the goofy idiot's question about what she read! It didn't mean that Sarah Palin doesn't know how to read, moron!

It was a legit question of a canidate who rails against "the media". If the media is all bad, it makes sense to ask, where do you turn to for news. What I got from her response was that she did not want to answer because she gets her information from the same media she had been attacking, it made her look silly.
There are more than two possabilities, there are millions.

People normally call Washington State and Washington, D.C. "Washington". People never call "South Africa" "Africa" unless they are idiots.

You just made the shit up about "South Africa"!
Well Jughead,
Do you believe Obama thinks there are 57 states like he plainly said on TV in front of millions of viewers?
Well Jughead,
Do you believe Obama thinks there are 57 states like he plainly said on TV in front of millions of viewers?

No, I dont, and I dont believe that Palin belives Africa is a country.
Yeah, that's right, she majored in journalism, yet she doesn't know how to read a magazine or newspaper! That's how pathetically stupid liberal pinheads are, they honestly think Sarah Palin doesn't read! I've never seen people act so goofy in my life. It's like the Democrat Party has turned into Monty Freakin' Python!

I'm not the one sounding stupid here, idiot! YOU ARE!

Q: What would you do about unemployment?
Q: How would you deal with international terrorism?
Q: How would you resolve the Israeli-Palestinian crisis?
Q: Should Iran be prevented from developing nuclear weapons?
Q: What magazines do you read?
Palin: WTF?

Really now... what kind of SERIOUS question was that? Was Couric hoping for Palin to say... The Limbaugh Letter, National Review, People, and Vogue? I think Palin probably thought it was just a silly superfluous question, and didn't deserve an answer. I really don't believe she didn't answer because she doesn't read!
They always ask people what they read, it gives the public an inside look at the personality of the candidate. Others have been able to answer that in the past, poor Sarah, she only reads scripts! Quitter that she is, she has never made it through a complete book! ahahahahahaha or magazine for that matter! I am pretty sure she has adult ADD
They always ask people what they read, it gives the public an inside look at the personality of the candidate. Others have been able to answer that in the past, poor Sarah, she only reads scripts! Quitter that she is, she has never made it through a complete book! ahahahahahaha or magazine for that matter! I am pretty sure she has adult ADD

IF you wish to be so ignorant as to believe that honestly, then so be it. I don't think anyone who has ever won a governorship, hasn't read a book, or doesn't read newspapers or magazines. To believe that, is abject stupidity at its best, and you illustrate that beautifully with your comments.

I can't answer for Palin, but if someone asked me that question, it would be difficult for me to honestly answer it as well. I read so many different publications, and virtually none of them regularly. It would be like asking you what kind of condoms do your tricks use? That might somewhat baffle you for a moment, because you probably don't really give it that much thought, and there are so many brands..... :)
IF you wish to be so ignorant as to believe that honestly, then so be it. I don't think anyone who has ever won a governorship, hasn't read a book, or doesn't read newspapers or magazines. To believe that, is abject stupidity at its best, and you illustrate that beautifully with your comments.

I can't answer for Palin, but if someone asked me that question, it would be difficult for me to honestly answer it as well. I read so many different publications, and virtually none of them regularly. It would be like asking you what kind of condoms do your tricks use? That might somewhat baffle you for a moment, because you probably don't really give it that much thought, and there are so many brands..... :)

This chick is dumber than a freakin' box of rocks. Her shrieking this morning demonstrates she's out of control. It should be embarrassing for cripes sake!
Stupid people should not be supported in politics, regardless of whether you agree with their talking points or not. If Sarah cannot name a single newsprint source, then she's clearly incapable of researching the issues properly.
One minor gaffe and suddenly she's "stupid"? Again, no discussion of actual issues by you: FAIL.
I dont belive however she was asking for clarification between Africa and South Africa, if she was, she is dumber than I thought.
OMG... will you people just STOP IT with this petty shit??

It's like you're a bunch of fucking broken records! Couric asked her what magazines and newspapers she reads! It was a stupid aloof question that didn't make any sense in an interview of a potential VP! Sarah Palin was not there to give plugs and endorsements to the print media! WTF??? How much damn mileage do you think you're going to get with this stupid shit? I mean, really? It was an ambush interview from the get-go, and by the time KC got to that part of it, Palin was visibly perturbed at where it had gone, and she declined to answer the goofy idiot's question about what she read! It didn't mean that Sarah Palin doesn't know how to read, moron!
No, it means she doesn't read as much as she should! and "My Pet Goat" as recommended by Pres. Bush does not count! Her favorite author is CS Lewis! She culd have answered the Anchorage Daily News or the Minor!
The fact she couldn't think of anything,now that is something!
No, it really WAS satire. I didn't like Bush Sr. when he ran against Reagan, I was a HUGE Reagan supporter. It ticked me off that he picked Bush for VP, but I looked at it like... well, at least he's out of the way in the VP role, can't do too much harm there... then he rode the coattails into the Oval Office, and I didn't want to vote for him, actually voted for Kemp in the primaries. But in the General, it was Bush or Dukakis, and I couldn't vote for that idiot. When Bush Jr. ran, I voted for Pat Buchanan in the primaries, but in the General, it was Bush or Gore... again, couldn't vote for the idiot.

Despite what you have convinced yourself, I never liked either one of the Bush's, and if you want to say I was a "pawn" because I didn't vote for Al Gore or Mike Dukakis, then so be it.. I don't regret that.

Who the hell is this "they" you keep yammering about? The candidates run in a primary! We go to the polls and cast our votes! Are you trying to argue that our votes don't really count, that this "THEY" chooses the candidate in spite of who we nominate in the primary? Do you have any proof of this assertion? Because I think that is quite a bombshell if it's true! I think most of us Republicans are under the impression that our primary votes are tabulated, and the person nominated at the convention is the person we picked with our votes.

That love letter was not satire Dixuck. This is a brazen back-pedal here. That it was satire is a completely failed attempt to change reality. I can understand why you're horribly embarrassed about that love poem, but claiming it was satire is a poor route to choose to avoid the mortification that you're clearly evidencing now.
OMG... will you people just STOP IT with this petty shit??

It's like you're a bunch of fucking broken records! Couric asked her what magazines and newspapers she reads! It was a stupid aloof question that didn't make any sense in an interview of a potential VP! Sarah Palin was not there to give plugs and endorsements to the print media! WTF??? How much damn mileage do you think you're going to get with this stupid shit? I mean, really? It was an ambush interview from the get-go, and by the time KC got to that part of it, Palin was visibly perturbed at where it had gone, and she declined to answer the goofy idiot's question about what she read! It didn't mean that Sarah Palin doesn't know how to read, moron!

That's funny...Dicksie asking others to "stop it with the petty shit."

That's like disloyal asking everyone else to NOT post a fat joke in response to any post I might make regardless of topic.
That's funny...Dicksie asking others to "stop it with the petty shit."

That's like disloyal asking everyone else to NOT post a fat joke in response to any post I might make regardless of topic.

Would that be like you making sure that no crumb from a twinkie ever hits the floor.
Would that be like you making sure that no crumb from a twinkie ever hits the floor.


Weird, you've actually had a couple of funny jokes lately.

I guess you're starting to learn what the rest of us learned in 3rd grade, that the "Im rubber" routine just isn't effective. A couple more years and you might actually start growing a brain too. :clink: