Republicans Against Sarah Palin

She has positioned herself by being the keynote speaker at the "convention" they had. She has positioned herself by running around the nation "backing" the tea party canidate in almost every race.

She will not call herself the leader for many reasons, she will never come out and say she is the tea party leader, she is simply manovering to be seen as such.

If I took a poll that asked, "Who do you belive to be the strongest leader of the Tea Party Movement?" I suspect her name would be at the top of any list. That does not happen by accident, it happened because she has positioned herself to be viewed as such.

You said she was "trying to position herself as the leader of the tea party movement." That is your direct quote. Now, how has she done that? You claim, it is by giving speeches at rallies and supporting tea party candidates. But lots of people are giving speeches at rallies and supporting tea party candidates. You claim she is "maneuvering" (i guess that's what you tried to spell) to be the leader, but again... by making a speech or endorsing a candidate? Lots of people are doing that! Then you try to assert that public opinion of who is the strongest voice of the tea party, has something to do with what Palin is "trying to position" and that is absurdly stupid.
You said she was "trying to position herself as the leader of the tea party movement." That is your direct quote. Now, how has she done that? You claim, it is by giving speeches at rallies and supporting tea party candidates. But lots of people are giving speeches at rallies and supporting tea party candidates. You claim she is "maneuvering" (i guess that's what you tried to spell) to be the leader, but again... by making a speech or endorsing a candidate? Lots of people are doing that! Then you try to assert that public opinion of who is the strongest voice of the tea party, has something to do with what Palin is "trying to position" and that is absurdly stupid.

Its absurdly stupid to you, I consider that a complament and indication I must be correct... thanks.
Your post says nothing about South Africa?

I guess that was pure conjecture...! Or do you have something?

I guess you didn't read the part where Palin says it was "taken out of context" did you? She has declined to respond to the gossip, and so, there is not a link to some public statement made by Palin on this, and even if there were, you'd still find a way to contradict it. You can believe whatever you wish, if you really want to think someone like Sarah Palin wouldn't know that Africa is a continent, that is entirely up to you... I can see why someone as illiterate and under-educated as yourself, would think it perfectly normal to not know this, but most people with above a 6th grade education, are well aware that Africa is a continent.
I guess you didn't read the part where Palin says it was "taken out of context" did you? She has declined to respond to the gossip, and so, there is not a link to some public statement made by Palin on this, and even if there were, you'd still find a way to contradict it. You can believe whatever you wish, if you really want to think someone like Sarah Palin wouldn't know that Africa is a continent, that is entirely up to you... I can see why someone as illiterate and under-educated as yourself, would think it perfectly normal to not know this, but most people with above a 6th grade education, are well aware that Africa is a continent.

So, again, was it pure conjecture, the part about "South Africa", if not where did you get it?


Link to some opinion piece?

Anything other than pure conjecture on your part?
"I think if there are allegations based on questions or comments that I made in debate prep about NAFTA or about the continent versus the country when we talk about Africa there, then those were taken out of context, and that is cruel and mean-spirited, it's immature, it's unprofessional, and those guys are jerks." -Sarah Palin
When Palin first came into the light, she looked appealing. Strong, go-getter personality and personal success story. She was a popular reformer in Alaskan politics, a successful mayor, and a recently elected governor based upon her successful record. The strong, tough, independent frontier image balanced with the beauty queen factor was a great sell.

And everyday since then, she has appear worse and worse. Less intelligent, less in control, less aware, less politically saavy, less responsible, et. al.
When Palin first came into the light, she looked appealing. Strong, go-getter personality and personal success story. She was a popular reformer in Alaskan politics, a successful mayor, and a recently elected governor based upon her successful record. The strong, tough, independent frontier image balanced with the beauty queen factor was a great sell.

And everyday since then, she has appear worse and worse. Less intelligent, less in control, less aware, less politically saavy, less responsible, et. al.

Still no discussion of stance on issues.
"I think if there are allegations based on questions or comments that I made in debate prep about NAFTA or about the continent versus the country when we talk about Africa there, then those were taken out of context, and that is cruel and mean-spirited, it's immature, it's unprofessional, and those guys are jerks." -Sarah Palin

So even in that quote she belives there is a country named "Africa"? I wonder if she belives we have a state named "Mexico", "Hampshire" or "Dakota"....?
When Palin first came into the light, she looked appealing. Strong, go-getter personality and personal success story. She was a popular reformer in Alaskan politics, a successful mayor, and a recently elected governor based upon her successful record. The strong, tough, independent frontier image balanced with the beauty queen factor was a great sell.

And everyday since then, she has appear worse and worse. Less intelligent, less in control, less aware, less politically saavy, less responsible, et. al.

Based SOLELY on Liberal-GOP Elite-backed perceptions of her! You have both the hard left and moderate right, vehemently attacking her with absolutely NO substance! You just keep repeating the same mindless nonsense over and over again, and nothing is based on her positions or the issues at hand. You're not basing anything on her message, just on the popular media perceptions manufactured by her adversaries. Keep trashing her, keep denigrating her, keep throwing up and regurgitating details of her personal life, keep telling people she is stupid and dumb, and unqualified to be president, and eventually, nittards like you are repeating the same rhetoric, believing it to be the case, because that's what everybody says! Have you given us ONE THING that you disagree with Palin about???? NOPE! None of you can! It's all based on this "Oprah" mentality, what's the "IN" position to have on Palin... nothing else! No substance, no legitimate complaint, just more baseless hype and rhetoric.
What if she were to win the primary?
There are enough like me that such a victory would be a sign as her having actually shown that she has that understanding that I seek.

I think that Dix and others are premature in crowning her the primary victor though, mostly because there are many like me. Just being VP on a ticket isn't enough to get you a nomination like that.
So even in that quote she belives there is a country named "Africa"? I wonder if she belives we have a state named "Mexico", "Hampshire" or "Dakota"....?

This is a bit ridiculous. If I went by that criteria somebody who repeatedly declared they visited 57 states, were going to make it 58 tomorrow and hadn't been to Hawaii or Alaska yet wouldn't have that sought-after comprehension.

It is foolish to maintain such mistakes are the measure of anybody.
There are enough like me that such a victory would be a sign as her having actually shown that she has that understanding that I seek.

I think that Dix and others are premature in crowning her the primary victor though, mostly because there are many like me. Just being VP on a ticket isn't enough to get you a nomination like that.

Are you saying that simply by virtue of getting the Republican nominaton that would evidence of her having enough knoledge of forign affairs to be president?
There are enough like me that such a victory would be a sign as her having actually shown that she has that understanding that I seek.

I think that Dix and others are premature in crowning her the primary victor though, mostly because there are many like me. Just being VP on a ticket isn't enough to get you a nomination like that.
May I introduce you to John Edwards ladies and Gentlemen. Edwards and Palin are a lot alike in this matter. Both much more of a pretty face than a viable presidential candidate.