Republicans Against Sarah Palin

LOL You're such an emotional midget. Did I hurt your lil feeling Wixie?

As per usual, my point is missed by you. The part knows you're their bitch, therefore, they know they don't have to listen to you. That's why you're not going to end up with a real conservative in 2012. If they were worried about retaining guys like you, they'd listen. But getting on a megaphone and announcing to the world that you vote for the letter next to the name makes you irrelevant.

An irrelevant little emotional midget.

Again, "The Party" doesn't select a candidate for us, the VOTERS select a candidate from a field of candidates in a process called a primary! It doesn't matter if "The Party" listens, it's not up to "The Party" to pick a candidate! It's up to individuals who will vote in a primary! The current elections should indicate that the voters don't really give a shit what "The Party" wants, that's why Lisa Murkowski and Charlie Crist are running as Independents, and Mike Castle will be watching the returns from the comfort of his home.

I plan to support a true conservative for the GOP nomination. I hope a true conservative wins the nomination, and I believe they will this time. However, if someone who is somewhat "moderate" should happen to win, I will still vote for them over the Socialist... sorry if you think that makes me irrelevant. I don't know what you expect me to do about that... OH NOzz...Beefy called me a name, so I guess I better vote for a Democrat Socialist or a third party idiot! ...Fucktard!
Again, "The Party" doesn't select a candidate for us, the VOTERS select a candidate from a field of candidates in a process called a primary! It doesn't matter if "The Party" listens, it's not up to "The Party" to pick a candidate! It's up to individuals who will vote in a primary! The current elections should indicate that the voters don't really give a shit what "The Party" wants, that's why Lisa Murkowski and Charlie Crist are running as Independents, and Mike Castle will be watching the returns from the comfort of his home.

I plan to support a true conservative for the GOP nomination. I hope a true conservative wins the nomination, and I believe they will this time. However, if someone who is somewhat "moderate" should happen to win, I will still vote for them over the Socialist... sorry if you think that makes me irrelevant. I don't know what you expect me to do about that... OH NOzz...Beefy called me a name, so I guess I better vote for a Democrat Socialist or a third party idiot! ...Fucktard!

LOL for real!

Boy are you dense! Its fucking hilarious! Yep, I guess "Conservatives" = "Republicans".

Yep Dix, nothin' gets by you! Lets see how well your true conservative anomaly does in Delaware.

Doesn't really matter though. You vote for a letter rather than a candidate, so I don't know why you're turning your asshole into a balloon-knot over this. You loved the biggest spending institution in the history of mankind while it was happening, and proceeded to write a smarmy open love-letter to W and post it all over the internet. For 8 years you were gushing over W because red necks thought he'd be a good guy to have a beer and a hot dog with.

And now, suddenly, you care about conservatism? LOL Seriously, I'm laughing at you. They're laughing at you.

It must be Christmas every day for the Republicans knowing that backwards hillbillies run around the internet claiming to not be establishment, or to be independent, and then write the (R) a check, and vote for McCain, and then calime to be good 'ol southern conservatives.

McCain! LOLOL And there you were supporting him in the only way that truly matters. With your vote.

Whadda dope.
LOL for real!

Boy are you dense! Its fucking hilarious! Yep, I guess "Conservatives" = "Republicans".

Yep Dix, nothin' gets by you! Lets see how well your true conservative anomaly does in Delaware.

Doesn't really matter though. You vote for a letter rather than a candidate, so I don't know why you're turning your asshole into a balloon-knot over this. You loved the biggest spending institution in the history of mankind while it was happening, and proceeded to write a smarmy open love-letter to W and post it all over the internet. For 8 years you were gushing over W because red necks thought he'd be a good guy to have a beer and a hot dog with.

And now, suddenly, you care about conservatism? LOL Seriously, I'm laughing at you. They're laughing at you.

It must be Christmas every day for the Republicans knowing that backwards hillbillies run around the internet claiming to not be establishment, or to be independent, and then write the (R) a check, and vote for McCain, and then calime to be good 'ol southern conservatives.

McCain! LOLOL And there you were supporting him in the only way that truly matters. With your vote.

Whadda dope.

It's a two party system Beefy EVERYONE whose vote actually counts votes for a letter~

And Dix is right, the people pick those two letters in the primary season!
LOL for real!

Boy are you dense! Its fucking hilarious! Yep, I guess "Conservatives" = "Republicans".

Yep Dix, nothin' gets by you! Lets see how well your true conservative anomaly does in Delaware.

Yes, because Delaware, with all its 34,000 moderate Republicans, is a bellwether for the rest of the fucking nation! MORON!

Doesn't really matter though. You vote for a letter rather than a candidate,

READ AGAIN, FUCKTARD... I plan to vote for the most conservative candidate who can win! I just don't happen to believe they will have a (D), an (L), or an (I) beside their name!

so I don't know why you're turning your asshole into a balloon-knot over this. You loved the biggest spending institution in the history of mankind while it was happening, and proceeded to write a smarmy open love-letter to W and post it all over the internet. For 8 years you were gushing over W because red necks thought he'd be a good guy to have a beer and a hot dog with.

Get over it, Bush is not the president, and I don't think he is planning on running in 2012... Although, if he DID run, and won the nomination, I would certainly vote for him over Obama!

And now, suddenly, you care about conservatism? LOL Seriously, I'm laughing at you. They're laughing at you.

Nope, I've always cared about conservatism, you just fail to listen very well. As evidenced in this very thread.

It must be Christmas every day for the Republicans knowing that backwards hillbillies run around the internet claiming to not be establishment, or to be independent, and then write the (R) a check, and vote for McCain, and then calime to be good 'ol southern conservatives.

That's it, call me a hillbilly, backwards, redneck... that will get me to vote for a Democrat Socialist or some pinhead retard Libertarian! Great strategy you have there, Beefbutt!

McCain! LOLOL And there you were supporting him in the only way that truly matters. With your vote.

Whadda dope.

Yep, I am a dope who plans to vote for the conservative. And you?
Yes, because Delaware, with all its 34,000 moderate Republicans, is a bellwether for the rest of the fucking nation! MORON!

READ AGAIN, FUCKTARD... I plan to vote for the most conservative candidate who can win! I just don't happen to believe they will have a (D), an (L), or an (I) beside their name!

Get over it, Bush is not the president, and I don't think he is planning on running in 2012... Although, if he DID run, and won the nomination, I would certainly vote for him over Obama!

Nope, I've always cared about conservatism, you just fail to listen very well. As evidenced in this very thread.

That's it, call me a hillbilly, backwards, redneck... that will get me to vote for a Democrat Socialist or some pinhead retard Libertarian! Great strategy you have there, Beefbutt!

Yep, I am a dope who plans to vote for the conservative. And you?

I'm not trying to get you to vote for or not vote for anyone Mr. Perception. I'm merely exposing the brighter-than-the-sun hypocrisy you big-government "Conservatives" practice every election cycle.

If you had an ounce of dignity, an ounce of principle in that acorn between your ears, you'd be madder than hell at the Republicans. But no, we get gushing love letters to them and votes to them out of one side of your mouth, and then thinly veiled criticism of them out of the other.

You are the problem Dix. You partisan lemmings are the problem.

An irrelevant balloon knot.
LOL for real!

Boy are you dense! Its fucking hilarious! Yep, I guess "Conservatives" = "Republicans".

Yep Dix, nothin' gets by you! Lets see how well your true conservative anomaly does in Delaware.

Doesn't really matter though. You vote for a letter rather than a candidate, so I don't know why you're turning your asshole into a balloon-knot over this. You loved the biggest spending institution in the history of mankind while it was happening, and proceeded to write a smarmy open love-letter to W and post it all over the internet. For 8 years you were gushing over W because red necks thought he'd be a good guy to have a beer and a hot dog with.

And now, suddenly, you care about conservatism? LOL Seriously, I'm laughing at you. They're laughing at you.

It must be Christmas every day for the Republicans knowing that backwards hillbillies run around the internet claiming to not be establishment, or to be independent, and then write the (R) a check, and vote for McCain, and then calime to be good 'ol southern conservatives.

McCain! LOLOL And there you were supporting him in the only way that truly matters. With your vote.

Whadda dope.

thumbs down for profanity not other content
at least with McCain, there would have been the hope that while he was about to totally shred the Constitution, he might have taken pause and thought about it first! Maybe not, but at least that hope existed with him!

That's good enough for you! That gets your vote!

And guess why campaigns happen... guess what all the hulaballoo is about......

To get your vote. And you oblige.

Keep doing it Dix, you're sure to win!
I'm not trying to get you to vote for or not vote for anyone Mr. Perception. I'm merely exposing the brighter-than-the-sun hypocrisy you big-government "Conservatives" practice every election cycle.

If you had an ounce of dignity, an ounce of principle in that acorn between your ears, you'd be madder than hell at the Republicans. But no, we get gushing love letters to them and votes to them out of one side of your mouth, and then thinly veiled criticism of them out of the other.

You are the problem Dix. You partisan lemmings are the problem.

An irrelevant balloon knot.

I don't get what you want? I'm not crazy about the fact that Bush or his daddy were not hardcore conservatives like Ronald Reagan, but what alternative did I ultimately have? I could either vote for them or vote for the other guy, or not vote. I AM MADDER THAN HELL AT REPUBLICANS! I am mad at the McCain/Snowe/Collins/Graham/Castle Republicans who continue to want to drag us down the "moderate conservative" road, away from core principled conservatism! How much clearer do I need to make that? What do I need to do in order for you to understand I am not happy with them? I'm sorry, but if my choice is between of those type Republicans or a Democrat Socialist, I am still going to have to vote for them, mad or not!

I wrote ONE thread way back when Bush was being publicly crucified on a daily basis, to make fun and mock those who constantly posted "I HATE BUSH!" threads, it was entitled "I LOVE BUSH!" was SARCASM! It was intended to be humorous, but it really struck a nerve with you, because you STILL won't accept it was sarcasm or meant to be humorous satire. You, and the rest of these pinheads, want to believe that I was serious and meant every word of it, and that I really did "LOVE" the guy! That's fine, I can take the ribbing, but when is enough going to be enough with that? A decade? Two? Three? How long do I have to endure the bashing and trashing? How long are you going to use that to claim I am a hypocrite, when I have posted NUMEROUS threads to seriously discuss what problems I had with Bush spending, with the Pill Bill, with letting Ted Kennedy write the Education Bill? How many times do I have to repeat that I didn't ever like either of the Bush presidents, they weren't my first choice? I know that I've posted this dozens of times, but you STILL want to keep going back to the war in Iraq and my "Love Letter to Bush" like that is the only thing I've ever written here!

The way I see it, in 2012, we are going to have a choice at the ballot box, between a Democrat Socialist (Communist-Marxist) or something else! I'll take the "something else" every time! I HOPE that it's a Conservative, a hardcore, died-in-the-wool, cut-taxes-and-spending, balance-the-budget, true CONSERVATIVE! I REALLY REALLY REALLY, with ALL my heart, HOPE that is what the "something else" turns out to be! If I have ANYTHING to do with it, that is what it will be! BUT..... I am NOT going to stay home and let a Democrat Socialist Communist Marxist WIN the election! GOT IT? UNDERSTAND IT? COMPREHEND IT? ....probably not!
I don't get what you want? I'm not crazy about the fact that Bush or his daddy were not hardcore conservatives like Ronald Reagan, but what alternative did I ultimately have? I could either vote for them or vote for the other guy, or not vote. I AM MADDER THAN HELL AT REPUBLICANS! I am mad at the McCain/Snowe/Collins/Graham/Castle Republicans who continue to want to drag us down the "moderate conservative" road, away from core principled conservatism! How much clearer do I need to make that? What do I need to do in order for you to understand I am not happy with them? I'm sorry, but if my choice is between of those type Republicans or a Democrat Socialist, I am still going to have to vote for them, mad or not!

I wrote ONE thread way back when Bush was being publicly crucified on a daily basis, to make fun and mock those who constantly posted "I HATE BUSH!" threads, it was entitled "I LOVE BUSH!" was SARCASM! It was intended to be humorous, but it really struck a nerve with you, because you STILL won't accept it was sarcasm or meant to be humorous satire. You, and the rest of these pinheads, want to believe that I was serious and meant every word of it, and that I really did "LOVE" the guy! That's fine, I can take the ribbing, but when is enough going to be enough with that? A decade? Two? Three? How long do I have to endure the bashing and trashing? How long are you going to use that to claim I am a hypocrite, when I have posted NUMEROUS threads to seriously discuss what problems I had with Bush spending, with the Pill Bill, with letting Ted Kennedy write the Education Bill? How many times do I have to repeat that I didn't ever like either of the Bush presidents, they weren't my first choice? I know that I've posted this dozens of times, but you STILL want to keep going back to the war in Iraq and my "Love Letter to Bush" like that is the only thing I've ever written here!

The way I see it, in 2012, we are going to have a choice at the ballot box, between a Democrat Socialist (Communist-Marxist) or something else! I'll take the "something else" every time! I HOPE that it's a Conservative, a hardcore, died-in-the-wool, cut-taxes-and-spending, balance-the-budget, true CONSERVATIVE! I REALLY REALLY REALLY, with ALL my heart, HOPE that is what the "something else" turns out to be! If I have ANYTHING to do with it, that is what it will be! BUT..... I am NOT going to stay home and let a Democrat Socialist Communist Marxist WIN the election! GOT IT? UNDERSTAND IT? COMPREHEND IT? ....probably not!

Good post, and I understand your frustration. However, your "I Love Bush" letter was no satire. Don't even try that. That's ridiculous.

But the reason why this fucked up situation comes up year after year after year, is simply because the parties know they have their sheep. They're in cahoots fool, and you are their pawn. They love the willfull lemmings, and you happily oblige
Good post, and I understand your frustration. However, your "I Love Bush" letter was no satire. Don't even try that. That's ridiculous.

But the reason why this fucked up situation comes up year after year after year, is simply because the parties know they have their sheep. They're in cahoots fool, and you are their pawn. They love the willfull lemmings, and you happily oblige

No, it really WAS satire. I didn't like Bush Sr. when he ran against Reagan, I was a HUGE Reagan supporter. It ticked me off that he picked Bush for VP, but I looked at it like... well, at least he's out of the way in the VP role, can't do too much harm there... then he rode the coattails into the Oval Office, and I didn't want to vote for him, actually voted for Kemp in the primaries. But in the General, it was Bush or Dukakis, and I couldn't vote for that idiot. When Bush Jr. ran, I voted for Pat Buchanan in the primaries, but in the General, it was Bush or Gore... again, couldn't vote for the idiot.

Despite what you have convinced yourself, I never liked either one of the Bush's, and if you want to say I was a "pawn" because I didn't vote for Al Gore or Mike Dukakis, then so be it.. I don't regret that.

Who the hell is this "they" you keep yammering about? The candidates run in a primary! We go to the polls and cast our votes! Are you trying to argue that our votes don't really count, that this "THEY" chooses the candidate in spite of who we nominate in the primary? Do you have any proof of this assertion? Because I think that is quite a bombshell if it's true! I think most of us Republicans are under the impression that our primary votes are tabulated, and the person nominated at the convention is the person we picked with our votes.
So the pressure she got being governor of Alaska was so great you respect her decision to step down, but you belive she would be strong enough to stand up to the pressure of being President of the United States of America?

O.K. Fine!
Name a position you disagree with her on?

Hell, just name a position she has taken a coherant stand on!
Lets see, for S.P....

from what I gather she is ....

For less taxes for the rich.
Against presidents who once spoke with Black Panthers.
Against Radical Islamists who want to destroy America.
Wants to generallically cut spending.
Tries to position herself as leader of the Tea Party Movement.

Thats about as specific as she gets....
So the pressure she got being governor of Alaska was so great you respect her decision to step down, but you belive she would be strong enough to stand up to the pressure of being President of the United States of America?

O.K. Fine!

It wasn't pressure from being Governor. It was the disadvantage of being governor and entirely unable to respond or defend against he onslaught of Liberal Democrat allegations, accusations, and legal actions against her and her family. I am confident she would be strong enough to stand up to the pressure of being president, because the same dynamics would not apply. You can't indict a sitting president, it just isn't done. The president also has an entire public information staff and press secretary to deal with the onslaught of allegations and accusations.

Name a position you disagree with her on?

Hell, just name a position she has taken a coherant stand on!

You just want ONE? Here... take your pick:

A. Reduce deficit spending and balance the budget.
B. Reduce government intrusion into our lives.
C. Increase domestic oil exploration.
D. Repeal Obamacare.
E. Decrease Capital Gains taxes, and lower taxes in general.

Lets see, for S.P....

from what I gather she is ....

For less taxes for the rich.
Against presidents who once spoke with Black Panthers.
Against Radical Islamists who want to destroy America.
Wants to generallically cut spending.
Tries to position herself as leader of the Tea Party Movement.

Thats about as specific as she gets....

She has NEVER said she was "leader of the Tea Party Movement!"
It wasn't pressure from being Governor. It was the disadvantage of being governor and entirely unable to respond or defend against he onslaught of Liberal Democrat allegations, accusations, and legal actions against her and her family. I am confident she would be strong enough to stand up to the pressure of being president, because the same dynamics would not apply. You can't indict a sitting president, it just isn't done. The president also has an entire public information staff and press secretary to deal with the onslaught of allegations and accusations.

You just want ONE? Here... take your pick:

A. Reduce deficit spending and balance the budget.
B. Reduce government intrusion into our lives.
C. Increase domestic oil exploration.
D. Repeal Obamacare.
E. Decrease Capital Gains taxes, and lower taxes in general.

She has NEVER said she was "leader of the Tea Party Movement!"

Where did I claim she said she was "leader of the Tea Party Movement"
It wasn't pressure from being Governor. It was the disadvantage of being governor and entirely unable to respond or defend against he onslaught of Liberal Democrat allegations, accusations, and legal actions against her and her family. I am confident she would be strong enough to stand up to the pressure of being president, because the same dynamics would not apply. You can't indict a sitting president, it just isn't done. The president also has an entire public information staff and press secretary to deal with the onslaught of allegations and accusations.

You just want ONE? Here... take your pick:

A. Reduce deficit spending and balance the budget.
B. Reduce government intrusion into our lives.
C. Increase domestic oil exploration.
D. Repeal Obamacare.
E. Decrease Capital Gains taxes, and lower taxes in general.

She has NEVER said she was "leader of the Tea Party Movement!"

A. We are all FOR that.
B. Oh, I thought she was anti choice.
C. You got be on that one, Drill Baby Drill.
D. And replace it with what?
E. And cut what spending, see A.
Where did I claim she said she was "leader of the Tea Party Movement"

"Tries to position herself as leader of the Tea Party Movement."

Looks like what you claimed to me. Now, I am sure you want to split hairs and argue you didn't say she "said" anything, but how else does one "try to position themselves" without saying it? She hasn't "tried to position herself" as anything other than a voice of conservative values. And she hasn't "tried" to do that, she has matter-of-factly done it!

A. We are all FOR that.
B. Oh, I thought she was anti choice.
C. You got be on that one, Drill Baby Drill.
D. And replace it with what?
E. And cut what spending, see A.

Uhm, you didn't ask for a list of things Palin has taken a coherent stand on that you can't find an argument against! I don't think there is any human who has ever taken a coherent stand on anything, that you couldn't find an argument with! Maybe Obama? But I bet if you tried, you could probably find argument with things he's taken a coherent position on as well. You asked to name one thing she had taken a coherent stand on, and I listed FIVE things! I didn't say they were things you personally couldn't find an argument against, or that I wanted to attempt to argue them with you.

Try pulling your head out of your ass once in a while, your brain could use the oxygen!