Republicans Against Sarah Palin

Well, at this point, I would support Mitt Romeny's DOG over Obama! I am definitely voting Republican, no matter who they nominate, there is just no question on that. However, there are several republican possibilities I could be enthusiastic about, Huckabee is one of them. But, there again, he has that "social conservative" label, and that tends to turn off the 'moderate' libertarian types for some reason... they had rather sit on their hands and let Obama have another term, than vote for a social conservative of any kind. It's just amazing to me, they can't get over that. The President isn't going to mandate his personal religious beliefs be made the National Religion! At best, he/she will make decisions and choices rooted in their faith, but what the hell is wrong with that? I'd much rather have someone being guided by their religious morality, than someone who has no morality! That's not to say I would be happy with some moral crusader, but having a strong faith in God is not a bad attribute for a President, or a Conservative, in my honest opinion.

Jindal, like Pawlenty, are good possibilities, but so much is simply not known about either of them, time could change that, we could get to know more as we get closer to voting time, but I think both have an uphill battle for recognition, while Huckabee is better known, and wouldn't have that same problem. I just don't see it being Mitt Romney, I'm sorry... in 2008, we were looking for someone who could "unite" America, someone who could cross party lines and not be such a partisan. Bush had so divided people, that republicans just thought that was the way we needed to go, and our two main choices were McCain and Romney, but we saw what happened! We don't need to repeat the same strategy again, it failed, it didn't work, the Hillary voters didn't come over and vote for McCain, he didn't draw squat from the left, as was anticipated, and neither would Romney! That's just not going to happen, it's not the reality in the political climate of the day. What we need, is someone to articulate a strong Conservative message, who will not waiver on that for any reason, who will remain true to conservative principles and ideals. That's not a John McCain and it's not a Mitt Romney.
Boy, that was a lot of words that didn't say very much! Thanks for the waste of my time!
I should know better!
Boy, that was a lot of words that didn't say very much! Thanks for the waste of my time!
I should know better!

Yeah. It's evident. You're stuck on stupid and then spell it out in black and white here for us.

It really isn't necessary. We GOT it!

Word up: If the stove is hot, don't sit your ass on it, Einstein.
Boy, that was a lot of words that didn't say very much! Thanks for the waste of my time!
I should know better!

Sweetheart, I know you are totally enamored with me, and your life hinges on every word I say, but this particular thread was not intended for liberal participation, really. It was more for the benefit of moderate and libertarian type republicans, who seem to be lukewarm toward Sarah Palin. I'm sorry you wasted your precious time reading it, I'm sure you had more important things to do. I'll try to put something up that is geared toward liberal pinheads soon, just try to be patient, dear.
Why don't you liberals shut the fuck up and worry about how you're going to advance your socialist communist agenda, now that you won't have a fucking Congress anymore?

It never takes ol Dicks long to roll out his standard reply to all things Democrat/Liberal.
Sweetheart, I know you are totally enamored with me, and your life hinges on every word I say, but this particular thread was not intended for liberal participation, really. It was more for the benefit of moderate and libertarian type republicans, who seem to be lukewarm toward Sarah Palin. I'm sorry you wasted your precious time reading it, I'm sure you had more important things to do. I'll try to put something up that is geared toward liberal pinheads soon, just try to be patient, dear.
Oh, Dixie, you found me out! I am fascinated by you! It is true, because I know so many people like you! We would have a great time over a steak dinner! Glad you don't take me too serious! Otherwise, I would be crushed! I really do like you, you remind me of my brother! He always tells me, "sis, love you, wouldn't want to live with you" I told him, that would be his hell...
I am definitely voting Republican, no matter who they nominate, there is just no question on that.

Of course you are. Its always been that way with you. You're the Desh of Republitards. And believe me, the party knows they've got your vote sewn up. Which means that they don't have to pay any attention to you. You're already in the bag. You gleefully voted for McCain, you'd gleefully vote for Romney.

The party no longer has to pay attention to you and the millions of other lock step, rank and file Republican lemmings. Its the independents they have to worry about, and thats why you'll probably end up with a moderate on the ballot in 2012.

And of course, you'll happily vote for whomever it is.
Of course you are. Its always been that way with you. You're the Desh of Republitards. And believe me, the party knows they've got your vote sewn up. Which means that they don't have to pay any attention to you. You're already in the bag. You gleefully voted for McCain, you'd gleefully vote for Romney.

The party no longer has to pay attention to you and the millions of other lock step, rank and file Republican lemmings. Its the independents they have to worry about, and thats why you'll probably end up with a moderate on the ballot in 2012.

And of course, you'll happily vote for whomever it is.

Interesting that he never said he would not make an attempt in the primary season to nominate his hopeful. That party members typically vote for "the best man/woman" who comes closest to their ideal after primaries does not make someone a lemming.
Interesting that he never said he would not make an attempt in the primary season to nominate his hopeful. That party members typically vote for "the best man/woman" who comes closest to their ideal after primaries does not make someone a lemming.

Explain McCain then.

And yes, saying that you'll vote for whomever the party nominates, bar none, does a lemming make.
Explain McCain then.

And yes, saying that you'll vote for whomever the party nominates, bar none, does a lemming make.

McCain was the guy after primary season. McCain was the result of people wanting someone who understood that we still had men and women in two war zones and who people felt was not George W. Bush incarnate. Too it was just simply a terrible year for republicans. Being a conservative and faced with an Obama or a McCain most conservatives picked McCain.

Since I have read a number of Dixie’s posts on the subject I get that he means voting republican is a safer bet for those who support a conservative position then voting democrat which supports the progressive one.

There are some who like to stylize themselves as purists and even think they are somehow doing the conscientious thing to not vote; or do a protest vote. Apart from the fact that it is a seemingly smug attitude it usually just results in an "Obama" candidate being elected who grows government exponentially.
Explain McCain then.

And yes, saying that you'll vote for whomever the party nominates, bar none, does a lemming make.
It is my take on being a party lemming, follow the party, right or wrong. and yes, it happens on both sides.
Explain McCain then.

And yes, saying that you'll vote for whomever the party nominates, bar none, does a lemming make.

Whatever. I was not "gleeful" about voting for McCain, and had he nominated some fucktard like Lindsey Graham as his running mate, I would have not voted.

McCain, granted, isn't a whole lot better than Obama, as far as "conservatism" goes, but at least with McCain, there would have been the hope that while he was about to totally shred the Constitution, he might have taken pause and thought about it first! Maybe not, but at least that hope existed with him!

And yeah, I have to say, unless Democrats suddenly grow a brain and nominate Zell Miller or Joe Lieberman, I think I will have to vote for the Republican. The way I see it, it's going to be Obama, with the outside possibility it might be Hillary, if things really go south. Either case, I am voting for the Republican... I hope that is a Conservative, I think it will be this time.
Explain McCain...

EXPLANATION: Republicans listened to the very same people who are lambasting Sarah Palin and Christine O'Donnell, and promoting Mitt Romney. These "moderates" wanted someone who wasn't as far right as Bush, who could "reach across the aisle" and get things done, who could "bring us together" and govern effectively. They believed the best way to do that, was with a moderate Republican, and John McCain was the perfect choice. The plan failed, no one wanted a moderate Republican except moderate pinheads! This time, we need to nominate a TRUE CONSERVATIVE, and the moderate Nixon-era Elites, need to be marginalized and silenced.
EXPLANATION: Republicans listened to the very same people who are lambasting Sarah Palin and Christine O'Donnell, and promoting Mitt Romney. These "moderates" wanted someone who wasn't as far right as Bush, who could "reach across the aisle" and get things done, who could "bring us together" and govern effectively. They believed the best way to do that, was with a moderate Republican, and John McCain was the perfect choice. The plan failed, no one wanted a moderate Republican except moderate pinheads! This time, we need to nominate a TRUE CONSERVATIVE, and the moderate Nixon-era Elites, need to be marginalized and silenced.

The Republicans will never win a general election by pandering to the far right base. There is no need to pander to you, because as you said, you vote for a guy not because of principle, or agreement with them on issues, or to advance any agenda at all, but because he has a little (R) next to his name on the ballot. They don't need to listen to you at all, because you're already on the hook. Why would they squander a possible independent's vote by putting up a conservative to secure a vote that they're never going to lose anyway?

Jesus. Listen to yourself.

"They better not put up a guy that has a more moderate stance and broader appeal, or goddamit, I'll vote for that guy too!!!"

Give 'em hell Dix! Way to go!
The Republicans will never win a general election by pandering to the far right base. There is no need to pander to you, because as you said, you vote for a guy not because of principle, or agreement with them on issues, or to advance any agenda at all, but because he has a little (R) next to his name on the ballot. They don't need to listen to you at all, because you're already on the hook. Why would they squander a possible independent's vote by putting up a conservative to secure a vote that they're never going to lose anyway?

Jesus. Listen to yourself.

"They better not put up a guy that has a more moderate stance and broader appeal, or goddamit, I'll vote for that guy too!!!"

Give 'em hell Dix! Way to go!

Oh, I'm not "far right" or the "far right base" nimrod. I am conservative. Most people in America are Conservative. "They" don't get to decide who wins the primary, last I checked, we still have a voting system for that.
Oh, I'm not "far right" or the "far right base" nimrod. I am conservative. Most people in America are Conservative. "They" don't get to decide who wins the primary, last I checked, we still have a voting system for that.

No, "Conservatives" don't decide who the nominee is. Republicans do.
Let's clear things up for you, Beefhead...

I am going to vote for the MOST CONSERVATIVE person running.
If someone less conservative wins the Republican nomination, then I will vote for them.
I am not going to sit out the election because my feelings are hurt that R's didn't nominate someone as conservative as I liked. I am not going to vote for some fucktard 3rd party candidate, who will siphon votes from a candidate who is more conservative than the Democrat. And finally, I don't really give a flying dog fuck what you think about it, or my voting habits.
Let's clear things up for you, Beefhead...

I am going to vote for the MOST CONSERVATIVE person running.
If someone less conservative wins the Republican nomination, then I will vote for them.
I am not going to sit out the election because my feelings are hurt that R's didn't nominate someone as conservative as I liked. I am not going to vote for some fucktard 3rd party candidate, who will siphon votes from a candidate who is more conservative than the Democrat. And finally, I don't really give a flying dog fuck what you think about it, or my voting habits.

LOL You're such an emotional midget. Did I hurt your lil feeling Wixie?

As per usual, my point is missed by you. The party knows you're their bitch, therefore, they know they don't have to listen to you. That's why you're not going to end up with a real conservative in 2012. If they were worried about retaining guys like you, they'd listen. But getting on a megaphone and announcing to the world that you vote for the letter next to the name makes you irrelevant.

An irrelevant little emotional midget.