Republicans Against Sarah Palin

You are a silly man...

If you cant see that "Saying you are the leader of the Tea Party Movement" is different that "trying to position yourself as the leader of the Tea Party Movement" I can understand how you are constantly duped by the Conservatives.

And to call someone a liar because you cant see the difference? Wow....
"Tries to position herself as leader of the Tea Party Movement."

Looks like what you claimed to me. Now, I am sure you want to split hairs and argue you didn't say she "said" anything, but how else does one "try to position themselves" without saying it? She hasn't "tried to position herself" as anything other than a voice of conservative values. And she hasn't "tried" to do that, she has matter-of-factly done it!

Uhm, you didn't ask for a list of things Palin has taken a coherent stand on that you can't find an argument against! I don't think there is any human who has ever taken a coherent stand on anything, that you couldn't find an argument with! Maybe Obama? But I bet if you tried, you could probably find argument with things he's taken a coherent position on as well. You asked to name one thing she had taken a coherent stand on, and I listed FIVE things! I didn't say they were things you personally couldn't find an argument against, or that I wanted to attempt to argue them with you.

Try pulling your head out of your ass once in a while, your brain could use the oxygen!

Sure S.P. paints some broad strokes of things she is for, and they are things we are all for... She however, does not give any specifics, thus she really takes a stand on nothing. If she ran for president she would have to do so and her already poor popularity would get even worse.
Republican primary voters would be retards to elect sarah to the general. Shes far to polarizing. To many would refuse to vote for her.
Oh, that added to much to the discussion, I now remember why I had you on IA! and will place you there, again! You insults are so unoriginal and boring!
My insults to Zaps are merely accurate. There's no reason for me to be imaginative.
You are a silly man...

If you cant see that "Saying you are the leader of the Tea Party Movement" is different that "trying to position yourself as the leader of the Tea Party Movement" I can understand how you are constantly duped by the Conservatives.

And to call someone a liar because you cant see the difference? Wow....

Well you've not explained how she has "tried to position herself" as leader of the Tea you mean, she has given speeches and lots of people show up and cheer? Can you define your retarded terminology, so the rest of us can comprehend what you meant? How has Sarah Palin done what you claimed?

When someone is trying to position themselves, they usually talk about it, they usually say it... you know, to get people to thinking it, then maybe it comes to fruition? Like when Obama was "trying to position himself" as leader of the Free World? He kept saying things like; "When I am president..." followed by some wild promise he couldn't deliver. Has Palin ever said; "When I am leader of the Tea Party..." in any speech? If so, I must have missed that!
Republican primary voters would be retards to elect sarah to the general. Shes far to polarizing. To many would refuse to vote for her.

But here's the thing... ANYONE who brings a hardcore message of principled core conservatism, is going to "polarize" the left and GOP elites! ANYONE who promises to effectively change 'business as usual' politics in Washington, is going to be very polarizing to those who oppose them! There's just not a way to avoid that! We either nominate another part-time conservative, or moderate, or we nominate someone who is going to piss the other side off! We've got to stop this picking candidates based on how much broad-based appeal they have with the right and left! That doesn't make sense, if you are committed to smaller limited government and conservative principles.

Palin hasn't announced her candidacy yet, she hasn't articulated a platform, so how can you make a determination too many wouldn't vote for her? Based on what? The mainstream media's portrayal of her? The disdain expressed by the left and party elites on the right? Sorry, but I don't see the GOP nominating a Liberal! Unless they do, the Left is going to HATE on whoever they nominate, and there isn't much you can do about that. Likewise, unless we nominate an "establishment republican" type, the GOP party elites are also going to HATE on whoever we pick, may as well get used to that.
I keep hearing certain "Republicans" bash on Palin, saying she isn't "qualified" to be president, and lamenting that she will have problems because she quit her job as governor of Alaska, or her church is too fundamentalist for mainstream. But really, when you look at the situation she faced in Alaska as governor, it is clear to see why she stepped down. Had she remained there, the left would have not rested until they buried her. Governor is not a high paying job, relatively speaking, and she faced endless litigation foist upon her by the left, she was going to have to defend herself against bogus ethics charges, and no telling what else they would have dug up. It would have been relentless, because it already was, as thousands of liberal lawyers perused through anything she had touched in Alaska, for anything they could potentially hit her with. No politician in the history of America has ever had to endure such a witch hunt. And you think she should have sat there like a duck, and let them take their best shot? Are you crazy? They were on a mission to destroy Sarah Palin, and when a Political Machine like the Democrat Party goes on a mission to destroy a single individual, they can usually succeed, whether it is warranted or not. Palin knew it was just going to get worse the closer we came to 2012, and she made a move to mitigate the damage early on. Would she have been "smarter" politically, to remain where she was, and be picked apart by the liberal buzzards? Keep in mind, as the official head of state in Alaska, she wouldn't be permitted to continually respond to allegations and charges, the governor has responsibilities to tend to the state's business, not address personal issues. So, while she sat bound and gagged by her office, the liberal witch hunt would have continued, and anyone with half a brain can figure out how that might have ended for Palin. She actually took an action the liberals totally didn't ever expect her to take, by stepping down. It put an immediate end to what they were doing, and afforded Palin the freedom to not only earn the money to defend herself, but also have the platform and time to do so. While it may be perceived as "quitting" and a rather unorthodox move, I think it was a quite brilliant maneuver, and one that became necessary in light of what was happening to her. It takes tremendous courage to do something unorthodox, especially something that most people would consider political suicide. Am I the only republican who thinks she did the right thing?

As for her church and its fundamentalism, I can't recall Palin ever publicly speaking of her church or her personal religious views... EVER! Aside from the normal and routinely obligatory mentions of respect for God, which 95% of mainstream Americans share, she doesn't seem to wear her religious views on her sleeve. She is even less prone to talk religion than George W. Bush, and on the social issues of our time, like abortion and gay marriage, her position seems to be consistent, she advocates these things should be left to communities and states to decide for themselves, and the Federal government should not take a position. Isn't that pretty much the "Libertarian" viewpoint? I mean, I really don't think Republicans are going to nominate an Atheist to run against Obama, do you? I just can't see that happening, so someone who doesn't feel compelled to interject their personal religious views into their political policies, shouldn't really be a problem for most on the right. I think it's the best you can ask for in that regard.

You can say what you like about her experience or 'gravitas' but when you compare her to the Community Organizer-in-Chief, she has more executive experience, more business experience, and a better grasp of reality regarding mainstream average Americans. In fact, I believe she connects with the "average Joe" better than any politician we've seen in decades. About the only "problem" she has, is the continual "drag" being placed on her by elites in the Republican party itself. It's stunning that certain people on the right, are as vehemently opposed to Palin as the leftist socialists. Even with this anchor around her neck, she still polls relatively high as a contender for the GOP nomination, and she hasn't even started actually campaigning yet.

I hear these criticisms of Palin often from the right, and I always like to challenge them to tell me specifically, what do you disagree with that she has said? Tell me the position she has taken on an issue that you find disagreement with? None of them ever can! They stammer and stutter around, and keep reverting back to the LIBERAL talking points which attack her persona and character, her personality, not her message. Is it "sexism" or "elitism" or what? She obviously resounds with a good chunk of mainstream America, she obviously has a strong Conservative message, and I'll tell you what... I'd trust her in a heartbeat, with ANY decision she might have to make as my President.
I don't care about her church or fundamentalism. I do care that she seems to have almost no understanding of the larger picture. When people here had a larger grasp on foreign policy than she did as a VP candidate it really was something that made me pause.

I will, however, wait to see if she articulates a better plan than others in the race before I would flat state I won't vote for her. At this point I don't think I would, but it is based on the rallies speeches, not on an articulated platform. I'll wait, but I look with a bit of a jaundiced view already in place. I'll fully admit to that.
I don't care about her church or fundamentalism. I do care that she seems to have almost no understanding of the larger picture. When people here had a larger grasp on foreign policy than she did as a VP candidate it really was something that made me pause.

I will, however, wait to see if she articulates a better plan than others in the race before I would flat state I won't vote for her. At this point I don't think I would, but it is based on the rallies speeches, not on an articulated platform. I'll wait, but I look with a bit of a jaundiced view already in place. I'll fully admit to that.

Can you expound on the highlighted portion please? I don't find she is any less understanding than Obama and Biden, of the foreign policy 'big picture.' As much credit as Biden gets (Obama gets none) for his understanding of foreign policy, do you think he has a firm grasp of "the big picture?" Really??
Can you expound on the highlighted portion please? I don't find she is any less understanding than Obama and Biden, of the foreign policy 'big picture.' As much credit as Biden gets (Obama gets none) for his understanding of foreign policy, do you think he has a firm grasp of "the big picture?" Really??
Can I expound? Yes, that is the difference between Sarah and I. Can Obama expound, and give an opinion on subject matter that Sarah could not? Yes, he could.

Now, I disagree with Obama's policy, but that doesn't mean I should ignore the lack of understanding in somebody that I should agree with based on other positions. While I was willing to believe that she could learn and have a better grip on this later, she hasn't really shown me that she has learned. She seemed to be so focused on a small-world view during the campaign, and I was somewhat willing to believe that was due to solely concentrating on Alaska up until that point. At this time she no longer has that excuse. To earn my vote she'll need to have an understanding of these things, and be able to articulate a plan. Otherwise I'll not vote in that way.

In short, Dix, just being "not-Obama" won't be enough to get my Primary support for Sarah.
You are a silly man...

If you cant see that "Saying you are the leader of the Tea Party Movement" is different that "trying to position yourself as the leader of the Tea Party Movement" I can understand how you are constantly duped by the Conservatives.

And to call someone a liar because you cant see the difference? Wow....

Sarah Palin has actually made it very clear that she is not the leader and that in fact what makes the TEA Party successful is that there is not a leader!

Show where she has tried to "position" herself as the leader??? Being famous and being asked by TEA Party organizers to speak at different rally's is not equal to positioning oneself as the leader~
Can I expound? Yes, that is the difference between Sarah and I. Can Obama expound, and give an opinion on subject matter that Sarah could not? Yes, he could.

Now, I disagree with Obama's policy, but that doesn't mean I should ignore the lack of understanding in somebody that I should agree with based on other positions.

Well here's the thing, Damo... I think Sarah could certainly "expound" on foreign policy or anything else, if she didn't constantly feel like she was in an AMBUSH situation from the leftist media! When you're sitting there being asked "gotchya" questions from Katie Courik, it's understandable you wouldn't want to say (i.e.; expound) too much! I can understand her cautious approach, and I can't blame her for that. She does talk extensively about foreign policy in her book, have you read that? Or are you just basing your opinion on the few left-wing interviews she's had? Again, keep in mind, the left is literally foaming at the mouth over Palin, meticulously picking apart every word that comes out of her mouth! And you expect her to just open up and start making statements on foreign policy? Just how long do you think it would be, before something she said was taken completely out of context, and she was crucified with it? Yeah... You can expound all you like, you're not running for anything, have no plans to! No one cares what YOU have to say!

I think back to her preparations for the Biden debate. While going over potential questions that may arise, something was brought up about the situation in Africa, to which she asked, do you mean in SOUTH Africa or the CONTINENT of Africa? ...this was done in the privacy of her hotel room, in prep for the debate, and it ultimately made all the national news and headlines, after it was leaked to the left-wing media... Sarah didn't know Africa was a continent! Do you see the point here?
She has positioned herself by being the keynote speaker at the "convention" they had. She has positioned herself by running around the nation "backing" the tea party canidate in almost every race.

She will not call herself the leader for many reasons, she will never come out and say she is the tea party leader, she is simply manovering to be seen as such.

If I took a poll that asked, "Who do you belive to be the strongest leader of the Tea Party Movement?" I suspect her name would be at the top of any list. That does not happen by accident, it happened because she has positioned herself to be viewed as such.
I don't get what you want? I'm not crazy about the fact that Bush or his daddy were not hardcore conservatives like Ronald Reagan, but what alternative did I ultimately have? I could either vote for them or vote for the other guy, or not vote. I AM MADDER THAN HELL AT REPUBLICANS! I am mad at the McCain/Snowe/Collins/Graham/Castle Republicans who continue to want to drag us down the "moderate conservative" road, away from core principled conservatism! How much clearer do I need to make that? What do I need to do in order for you to understand I am not happy with them? I'm sorry, but if my choice is between of those type Republicans or a Democrat Socialist, I am still going to have to vote for them, mad or not!

I wrote ONE thread way back when Bush was being publicly crucified on a daily basis, to make fun and mock those who constantly posted "I HATE BUSH!" threads, it was entitled "I LOVE BUSH!" was SARCASM! It was intended to be humorous, but it really struck a nerve with you, because you STILL won't accept it was sarcasm or meant to be humorous satire. You, and the rest of these pinheads, want to believe that I was serious and meant every word of it, and that I really did "LOVE" the guy! That's fine, I can take the ribbing, but when is enough going to be enough with that? A decade? Two? Three? How long do I have to endure the bashing and trashing? How long are you going to use that to claim I am a hypocrite, when I have posted NUMEROUS threads to seriously discuss what problems I had with Bush spending, with the Pill Bill, with letting Ted Kennedy write the Education Bill? How many times do I have to repeat that I didn't ever like either of the Bush presidents, they weren't my first choice? I know that I've posted this dozens of times, but you STILL want to keep going back to the war in Iraq and my "Love Letter to Bush" like that is the only thing I've ever written here!

The way I see it, in 2012, we are going to have a choice at the ballot box, between a Democrat Socialist (Communist-Marxist) or something else! I'll take the "something else" every time! I HOPE that it's a Conservative, a hardcore, died-in-the-wool, cut-taxes-and-spending, balance-the-budget, true CONSERVATIVE! I REALLY REALLY REALLY, with ALL my heart, HOPE that is what the "something else" turns out to be! If I have ANYTHING to do with it, that is what it will be! BUT..... I am NOT going to stay home and let a Democrat Socialist Communist Marxist WIN the election! GOT IT? UNDERSTAND IT? COMPREHEND IT? ....probably not!

Somebody get Dicks a tissue...he's going to cry!

Call Yurt and have his WAAAAAAAmbulaqnce standing by.
Well here's the thing, Damo... I think Sarah could certainly "expound" on foreign policy or anything else, if she didn't constantly feel like she was in an AMBUSH situation from the leftist media! When you're sitting there being asked "gotchya" questions from Katie Courik, it's understandable you wouldn't want to say (i.e.; expound) too much! I can understand her cautious approach, and I can't blame her for that. She does talk extensively about foreign policy in her book, have you read that? Or are you just basing your opinion on the few left-wing interviews she's had? Again, keep in mind, the left is literally foaming at the mouth over Palin, meticulously picking apart every word that comes out of her mouth! And you expect her to just open up and start making statements on foreign policy? Just how long do you think it would be, before something she said was taken completely out of context, and she was crucified with it? Yeah... You can expound all you like, you're not running for anything, have no plans to! No one cares what YOU have to say!

I think back to her preparations for the Biden debate. While going over potential questions that may arise, something was brought up about the situation in Africa, to which she asked, do you mean in SOUTH Africa or the CONTINENT of Africa? ...this was done in the privacy of her hotel room, in prep for the debate, and it ultimately made all the national news and headlines, after it was leaked to the left-wing media... Sarah didn't know Africa was a continent! Do you see the point here?

If she is going to run for anything she cannot remain afraid of the media...

Second paragraph is PURE conjecture on your part!
Well here's the thing, Damo... I think Sarah could certainly "expound" on foreign policy or anything else, if she didn't constantly feel like she was in an AMBUSH situation from the leftist media! When you're sitting there being asked "gotchya" questions from Katie Courik, it's understandable you wouldn't want to say (i.e.; expound) too much! I can understand her cautious approach, and I can't blame her for that. She does talk extensively about foreign policy in her book, have you read that? Or are you just basing your opinion on the few left-wing interviews she's had? Again, keep in mind, the left is literally foaming at the mouth over Palin, meticulously picking apart every word that comes out of her mouth! And you expect her to just open up and start making statements on foreign policy? Just how long do you think it would be, before something she said was taken completely out of context, and she was crucified with it? Yeah... You can expound all you like, you're not running for anything, have no plans to! No one cares what YOU have to say!

I think back to her preparations for the Biden debate. While going over potential questions that may arise, something was brought up about the situation in Africa, to which she asked, do you mean in SOUTH Africa or the CONTINENT of Africa? ...this was done in the privacy of her hotel room, in prep for the debate, and it ultimately made all the national news and headlines, after it was leaked to the left-wing media... Sarah didn't know Africa was a continent! Do you see the point here?

Keep in mind Dicks, that Ms Palin wouldn't have to worry about "ambush situations" if she were just once able to EXPOUND logically on the subject at hand.

Instead she resorts to notes written ON her hand

Also...since you like to use words whose meaning you obviously have no grasp of, and since you used the term "literally" in your previous post, please show me a photo of a liberal...any liberal..."foaming at the mouth" over Palin. Those were your exact words.

YOU said the left was "literally foaming at the mouth" over Palin...well put up or shut up.