Republicans Against Sarah Palin

Well here's the thing, Damo... I think Sarah could certainly "expound" on foreign policy or anything else, if she didn't constantly feel like she was in an AMBUSH situation from the leftist media! When you're sitting there being asked "gotchya" questions from Katie Courik, it's understandable you wouldn't want to say (i.e.; expound) too much! I can understand her cautious approach, and I can't blame her for that. She does talk extensively about foreign policy in her book, have you read that? Or are you just basing your opinion on the few left-wing interviews she's had? Again, keep in mind, the left is literally foaming at the mouth over Palin, meticulously picking apart every word that comes out of her mouth! And you expect her to just open up and start making statements on foreign policy? Just how long do you think it would be, before something she said was taken completely out of context, and she was crucified with it? Yeah... You can expound all you like, you're not running for anything, have no plans to! No one cares what YOU have to say!

I think back to her preparations for the Biden debate. While going over potential questions that may arise, something was brought up about the situation in Africa, to which she asked, do you mean in SOUTH Africa or the CONTINENT of Africa? ...this was done in the privacy of her hotel room, in prep for the debate, and it ultimately made all the national news and headlines, after it was leaked to the left-wing media... Sarah didn't know Africa was a continent! Do you see the point here?
You think she "could", however she really wasn't capable of it at all during the last Presidential run as a VP candidate. I have yet to see anything that shows she has gained that understanding. If indeed she could expound and show a solid grip on such issues I wouldn't have a problem.

You seem to believe that she should immediately have my support in any primary because she's "Sarah"... That's not good enough. We've already got a President who got in based on popularity, it sucks. Sarah will need to show she is the best candidate, not just "Sarah" in order to get my support. Right now, I don't even know who is running.
There are enough like me that such a victory would be a sign as her having actually shown that she has that understanding that I seek.

I think that Dix and others are premature in crowning her the primary victor though, mostly because there are many like me. Just being VP on a ticket isn't enough to get you a nomination like that.

Let me be clear, I have not "crowned" anyone. That's why I haven't cast a vote in the 'predict the candidate' thread. We're still over a year away from actual campaigning for 2012, and a LOT can change between now and then. I merely wanted to find out why so many so-called conservative republicans are lukewarm on Palin, and if they had any substantive reason for that sentiment, or whether it was a result of mainstream media publicity. I think I got my answer, that's exactly what it is, because none of you can articulate why you oppose Palin, on any sort of substantive grounds. It's all based on your perceptions, which have been influenced by the left and party elites.

The way I see it, there is currently a three-way divide within the Republican party, the establishment republican elites, the libertarian wing, and the social conservatives. Is there a candidate who can amalgamate those three factions? I don't know, I'm not really seeing one. Perhaps the GOP is destined to destroy itself out of sheer stubbornness and unwillingness to budge on principle? We can't nominate three people to run against Obama, we can only pick one. The party elites don't like the libertarian or social conservative favorite, the libertarians don't like the party elite or social conservative favorite, and the social conservatives don't like the libertarian or party elite choice... so what do we do? At some point, someone has to compromise a little, someone has to say... ya know, a conservative is better than a socialist, and we can live with whatever. Perhaps that happens through the primary process? Perhaps the Tea Party has an influence? But to just completely dismiss Sarah Palin at this point, is somewhat short-sighted, in my opinion, especially when you really don't have a basis to do so, except what the mainstream media keeps telling you to think.
Yeah, I know you are stunned to learn that "Africa" also refers to a country within the continent of Africa.

It does not. "South Africa" does Africa does not.

Just like Mexico does not refer to one of the United Sates, "New Mexico" however does.
It does not. "South Africa" does Africa does not.

Just like Mexico does not refer to one of the United Sates, "New Mexico" however does.

If someone asked you what you thought of the weather in "Washington" this time of year, would it not be reasonable to ask if they meant "D.C." or "Washington state?" Because, it does make a huge difference in your answer!

Palin was attempting to get a clarification on a particular question regarding "Africa" and simply asked a question... no big deal, it didn't mean she was unaware Africa was a continent. But now, if you want to be completely retarded and believe that was the case, I can't stop you from being retarded, that's your choice and your right! I just happen to be smarter than that, and I think most people are.
If someone asked you what you thought of the weather in "Washington" this time of year, would it not be reasonable to ask if they meant "D.C." or "Washington state?" Because, it does make a huge difference in your answer!

Palin was attempting to get a clarification on a particular question regarding "Africa" and simply asked a question... no big deal, it didn't mean she was unaware Africa was a continent. But now, if you want to be completely retarded and believe that was the case, I can't stop you from being retarded, that's your choice and your right! I just happen to be smarter than that, and I think most people are.

Don't forget that she can practically see Russia from where she lives...
Palin did say you can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska.

"They're our next door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska".

Russia and Alaska are divided by the Bering Strait, which is about 55 miles at its narrowest point. In the middle of the Bering Strait are two small, sparsely populated islands: Big Diomede, which sits in Russian territory, and Little Diomede, which is part of the United States. At their closest, these two islands are a little less than two and a half miles apart, which means that, on a clear day, you can definitely see one from the other.

So who is the ignorant asshole, you or her ?
Palin did say you can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska.

"They're our next door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska".

Russia and Alaska are divided by the Bering Strait, which is about 55 miles at its narrowest point. In the middle of the Bering Strait are two small, sparsely populated islands: Big Diomede, which sits in Russian territory, and Little Diomede, which is part of the United States. At their closest, these two islands are a little less than two and a half miles apart, which means that, on a clear day, you can definitely see one from the other.

So who is the ignorant asshole, you or her ?

What was funny about Palin's comment was not that it was untrue, what was funny was that she thought that the fact had any signifigance at all.
What was funny about Palin's comment was not that it was untrue, what was funny was that she thought that the fact had any signifigance at all.
Oh, really....well, tell us, in what context the comment was made....

You seem to know if it was significant or not....

After I pwn you on this, we can discuss the Africa/South Africa issue, OK?
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There are enough like me that such a victory would be a sign as her having actually shown that she has that understanding that I seek.

I think that Dix and others are premature in crowning her the primary victor though, mostly because there are many like me. Just being VP on a ticket isn't enough to get you a nomination like that.

She is not polished...but that is not equal to being stupid. Sarah Palin is representative of what American's feel is missing from the current political atmosphere...down to earth common sense and honesty.

Personally I think she would be a disaster on a ticket for president and I say that with all due respect for her as a person because I think she is honest. That being the case...if she is what is wrought from the primary season in 2012 she will get my vote because when all is said and done I believe she would govern as a constitutionalist..
She is not polished...but that is not equal to being stupid. Sarah Palin is representative of what American's feel is missing from the current political atmosphere...down to earth common sense and honesty.

Personally I think she would be a disaster on a ticket for president and I say that with all due respect for her as a person because I think she is honest. That being the case...if she is what is wrought from the primary season in 2012 she will get my vote because when all is said and done I believe she would govern as a constitutionalist..

And there you have it Ice Dunce's own words.

She would vote for a person she herself described as a "disaster".

No higher plateau of partisan hackery exists.
And there you have it Ice Dunce's own words.

She would vote for a person she herself described as a "disaster".

No higher plateau of partisan hackery exists.

Don't be a pinhead.....when a person posts something, keep it in context like a normal, fair minded, conservative would.....
A "disaster for the ticket" is vastly different than "she would be a disaster".....
Totally different meanings.....even as asshole like you must see the difference.
OK Jughead....times up.....on the Alaska issue.

Now tell me this....Do you really think Sarah Palin didn't know the difference between the Continent of Africa and the country of South Africa ?

Is that what you really believe ?
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Again, there are TWO possibilities you can believe... 1) That she was so ignorant as to not understand Africa is a continent. or 2) That she was attempting to glean further clarification to better answer a specific question.

Example: If I ask you; What do you think of human rights in Africa? How would you answer that, Jarhead? Because, whether the person was referring to the much-advanced conditions of human rights in South Africa due to Apartheid, or the deplorable human rights issues in Darfur, Sudan (a country in Northern Africa), it makes all the difference in the world on how you would answer. Therefore, a clarification is in order, and that information must be known before you can intelligently answer the question. The same as the weather question regarding "Washington" would need clarification. But if you want to ignorantly believe the woman did not know Africa was a continent, when every person with a 6th grade education understands that, then you go right ahead and be ignorant! Just don't expect others to be ignorant with you!
Again, there are TWO possibilities you can believe... 1) That she was so ignorant as to not understand Africa is a continent. or 2) That she was attempting to glean further clarification to better answer a specific question.

Example: If I ask you; What do you think of human rights in Africa? How would you answer that, Jarhead? Because, whether the person was referring to the much-advanced conditions of human rights in South Africa due to Apartheid, or the deplorable human rights issues in Darfur, Sudan (a country in Northern Africa), it makes all the difference in the world on how you would answer. Therefore, a clarification is in order, and that information must be known before you can intelligently answer the question. The same as the weather question regarding "Washington" would need clarification. But if you want to ignorantly believe the woman did not know Africa was a continent, when every person with a 6th grade education understands that, then you go right ahead and be ignorant! Just don't expect others to be ignorant with you!
Actually, there is another possibility...but I'm waiting for Jarhead.
Actually, there is another possibility...but I'm waiting for Jarhead.

Well it's a really good illustration of how lemmings on the left seem to soak up propaganda without even thinking it through. They believe, Sarah Palin, who graduated high school and managed to get a college degree, and put two kids through high school, was somehow unaware that Africa was a continent! I bet even that goofball Liberal who thought the island might tip over, knew Africa was a continent!
Palin did say you can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska.

"They're our next door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska".

Russia and Alaska are divided by the Bering Strait, which is about 55 miles at its narrowest point. In the middle of the Bering Strait are two small, sparsely populated islands: Big Diomede, which sits in Russian territory, and Little Diomede, which is part of the United States. At their closest, these two islands are a little less than two and a half miles apart, which means that, on a clear day, you can definitely see one from the other.

So who is the ignorant asshole, you or her ?
Based SOLELY on Liberal-GOP Elite-backed perceptions of her! You have both the hard left and moderate right, vehemently attacking her with absolutely NO substance! You just keep repeating the same mindless nonsense over and over again, and nothing is based on her positions or the issues at hand. You're not basing anything on her message, just on the popular media perceptions manufactured by her adversaries. Keep trashing her, keep denigrating her, keep throwing up and regurgitating details of her personal life, keep telling people she is stupid and dumb, and unqualified to be president, and eventually, nittards like you are repeating the same rhetoric, believing it to be the case, because that's what everybody says! Have you given us ONE THING that you disagree with Palin about???? NOPE! None of you can! It's all based on this "Oprah" mentality, what's the "IN" position to have on Palin... nothing else! No substance, no legitimate complaint, just more baseless hype and rhetoric.

She doesn't just look stupid on MSNBC. She looked stupid in the debates, and she looks stupid on Fox, and in all of the speeches she has made during the last year.

Still no discussion of stance on issues.

Stupid people should not be supported in politics, regardless of whether you agree with their talking points or not. If Sarah cannot name a single newsprint source, then she's clearly incapable of researching the issues properly.