Republicans Against Sarah Palin

Would you vote for Forrest Gump?

If it were a choice between you and him certainly...

Sarah Palin is an unpolished plain spoken American woman from the wilds of Alaska...a modern day Molly Brown if you will. I believe she loves this country and hates the good ol' boy DC corruption. I believe she really would be an honest president. She has experience governing; setting up a cabinet by choosing effective people coupled with a clear idea of our problems. Could she win? As things stand today...not likely. But as all the pundits acknowledge- 2 years is a long time in politics- so who knows.

This whole bandwagon circle-jerk of Sarah Palin is what is stupid. She was brand new to the national scene and flubbed up during some "gottcha" interviews. She also has proven a willingness to tackle corruption within her own party and take on corporatations that are being irresponsible...I LIKE her for that! Say what you will...she has proven herself a force to be reckoned with and she came from quite humble beginnings given her place in the world now!
If it were a choice between you and him certainly...

Sarah Palin is an unpolished plain spoken American woman from the wilds of Alaska...a modern day Molly Brown if you will. I believe she loves this country and hates the good ol' boy DC corruption. I believe she really would be an honest president. She has experience governing; setting up a cabinet by choosing effective people coupled with a clear idea of our problems. Could she win? As things stand today...not likely. But as all the pundits acknowledge- 2 years is a long time in politics- so who knows.

This whole bandwagon circle-jerk of Sarah Palin is what is stupid. She was brand new to the national scene and flubbed up during some "gottcha" interviews. She also has proven a willingness to tackle corruption within her own party and take on corporatations that are being irresponsible...I LIKE her for that! Say what you will...she has proven herself a force to be reckoned with and she came from quite humble beginnings given her place in the world now!

Believe me, the fact that you're sold on this incompetent fool is not surprising. The fact that you are one of her apologists is not an astonishing revelation.

My interest in this thing is as follows:

I want a competent, sane, honest candidate who is viable and has a chance of ousting Obama to be nominated by the Republicans. This idiot isn't it. And I find it amazing that she's found so many lemmings.

If she gets the (R) not, we get 4 more years of Obama. It is what it is. Use a little pragmatism. The last thing this country needs is another unchallenged run by Obama.
Believe me, the fact that you're sold on this incompetent fool is not surprising. The fact that you are one of her apologists is not an astonishing revelation.

My interest in this thing is as follows:

I want a competent, sane, honest candidate who is viable and has a chance of ousting Obama to be nominated by the Republicans. This idiot isn't it. And I find it amazing that she's found so many lemmings.

If she gets the (R) not, we get 4 more years of Obama. It is what it is. Use a little pragmatism. The last thing this country needs is another unchallenged run by Obama.

You have provided no proof that Sarah Palin is incompetent...NONE-
Her views and convictions are not insane-in fact they are pretty mainstream conservative. Her honesty? I don't think I have heard anyone make any substantial attack on her honesty. Viability may be something she is not...but that's yet to be seen.

I don't need to be, nor does Srah Plain need me to be...her apologist. I just don't like being on the lemming train that goes against her. I do not think for one second that Sara Palin is stupid or incompetent. Nothing in her relatively great success supports the bandwagon mud slinging assholes who make those claims.

As to who I will vote for in 2012? I have no fucking idea yet...but I certainly don't count a vote for Sarah Palin beyond me...I am just not into the elite thingy.
You have provided no proof that Sarah Palin is incompetent...NONE-
Her views and convictions are not insane-in fact they are pretty mainstream conservative. Her honesty? I don't think I have heard anyone make any substantial attack on her honesty. Viability may be something she is not...but that's yet to be seen.

I don't need to be, nor does Srah Plain need me to be...her apologist. I just don't like being on the lemming train that goes against her. I do not think for one second that Sara Palin is stupid or incompetent. Nothing in her relatively great success supports the bandwagon mud slinging assholes who make those claims.

As to who I will vote for in 2012? I have no fucking idea yet...but I certainly don't count a vote for Sarah Palin beyond me...I am just not into the elite thingy.

One little tipoff to her incompetence is the fact that she was unfamiliar to the role of the vice presidency, and not in a subtle way. She couldn't even cleary define what her role would be. And that was not a gotcha moment. That was someone who didn't know elemental things about what her role would be. There are many others too.

However, I'm running a little dry and have to go get more beer. Be right back
One little tipoff to her incompetence is the fact that she was unfamiliar to the role of the vice presidency, and not in a subtle way. She couldn't even cleary define what her role would be. And that was not a gotcha moment. That was someone who didn't know elemental things about what her role would be. There are many others too.

However, I'm running a little dry and have to go get more beer. Be right back

She was very clear about the role of VP and quite frankly MORE accurate then Biden!

Yet, take Biden’s statement from the debate on the role of the vice president:

Vice President Cheney has been the most dangerous vice president we've had probably in American history. The idea he doesn't realize that Article I of the Constitution defines the role of the vice president of the United States, that's the Executive Branch. He works in the Executive Branch. He should understand that. Everyone should understand that.

One should be careful when throwing around terms such as “most dangerous” and “bizarre.” But Biden is confusing which part of the Constitution covers the Executive Branch (it is Article II, not Article I). More importantly, the notion that the vice president can preside over the Senate only when there is a tie vote is simply wrong. Nor is it true that the only legislative involvement the vice president has is to break tie votes. The vice president is the president of the Senate, where he interprets the rules and can only be overridden by a vote of 60 senators.

Early vice presidents spent a lot of time in the Senate. Thomas Jefferson even spent his time writing “A Manual of Parliamentary Practice: for the Use of the Senate of the United States.” Modern vice presidents may show up only when they think tie votes will occur, but that is their choice.

This isn’t rocket science. The Constitution on this point is very straightforward: “The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided.”

Instead, it was Palin who got it right. Besides correctly stating that the vice president holds positions in both the executive and legislative branches, she also noted that:

"Of course, we know what a vice president does. And that's not only to preside over the Senate and will take that position very seriously also. I'm thankful the Constitution would allow a bit more authority given to the vice president if that vice president so chooses to exert it in working with the Senate and making sure that we are supportive of the president's policies and making sure too that our president understands what our strengths are."
The vice president doesn't have a large modern role in the senate primarily because the senate over time rejected it. If the VP barged in there and started debating and throwing his weight around senators would just make a rule preventing him from doing so. This was established shortly after the republic started and vice presidents who disagreed wildly with the popular majority in the senate decided to try and rule it. It didn't go over to well and they were kicked the fuck out of there, and eventually reduced to their only constitutionally mandated function, breaking tie votes.
The vice president doesn't have a large modern role in the senate primarily because the senate over time rejected it. If the VP barged in there and started debating and throwing his weight around senators would just make a rule preventing him from doing so.

The VP has Constitutional authority ya dork!
The VP has Constitutional authority ya dork!

The senate has the right to pass a rule silencing the vice president in most matters. The current silence of the VP's was established after the senate threatened to due so during the vice presidency of John Adams. It would've been great to see Sarah Palin as VP being the first one to have this used against her.
Actually, according to Rule XIX, no one except senators has any power to debate in the senate:

Standing Rules of the United States Senate, Rule XIX - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Senate_Seal.svg" class="image" title="Great Seal of the United States Senate"><img alt="Great Seal of the United States Senate" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/b/b6/Senate_Seal.svg/75px-Senate_Seal.svg.png

The only thing the vice president could plausibly do is sit there with a gavel and rule over minor procedural issues, and even that can be overridden by the senate.

Sarah Palin can only debate if the senate explicitly gives her the power to do so, which it's not going to do.
Actually, according to Rule XIX, no one except senators has any power to debate in the senate:

Standing Rules of the United States Senate, Rule XIX - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The only thing the vice president could plausibly do is sit there with a gavel and rule over minor procedural issues, and even that can be overridden by the senate.

Sarah Palin can only debate if the senate explicitly gives her the power to do so, which it's not going to do.

And nowhere you idgit did she EVER say that she could debate the senate as VP...
She was very clear about the role of VP and quite frankly MORE accurate then Biden!

Yet, take Biden’s statement from the debate on the role of the vice president:

Vice President Cheney has been the most dangerous vice president we've had probably in American history. The idea he doesn't realize that Article I of the Constitution defines the role of the vice president of the United States, that's the Executive Branch. He works in the Executive Branch. He should understand that. Everyone should understand that.

One should be careful when throwing around terms such as “most dangerous” and “bizarre.” But Biden is confusing which part of the Constitution covers the Executive Branch (it is Article II, not Article I). More importantly, the notion that the vice president can preside over the Senate only when there is a tie vote is simply wrong. Nor is it true that the only legislative involvement the vice president has is to break tie votes. The vice president is the president of the Senate, where he interprets the rules and can only be overridden by a vote of 60 senators.

Early vice presidents spent a lot of time in the Senate. Thomas Jefferson even spent his time writing “A Manual of Parliamentary Practice: for the Use of the Senate of the United States.” Modern vice presidents may show up only when they think tie votes will occur, but that is their choice.

This isn’t rocket science. The Constitution on this point is very straightforward: “The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided.”

Instead, it was Palin who got it right. Besides correctly stating that the vice president holds positions in both the executive and legislative branches, she also noted that:

"Of course, we know what a vice president does. And that's not only to preside over the Senate and will take that position very seriously also. I'm thankful the Constitution would allow a bit more authority given to the vice president if that vice president so chooses to exert it in working with the Senate and making sure that we are supportive of the president's policies and making sure too that our president understands what our strengths are."

Okay, Joe Biden is a fucking nimrod also. Doesn't make me fall in love with your darling though.

Here's a quiz for you, fill in the blank:

The primary reason we have a Vice President is to take over when the _________ dies.

Can you fill in that blank?
Okay, Joe Biden is a fucking nimrod also. Doesn't make me fall in love with your darling though.

Here's a quiz for you, fill in the blank:

The primary reason we have a Vice President is to take over when the _________ dies.

Can you fill in that blank?

No one is asking you to fall in love with anyone. I entered the conversation because idiots run around pointing fingers at Palin and calling her stupid...she's not, and they ususally are. She may not be Harvard educated...she obviously is not a polished orator-but neither of those things make someone smart or stupid.

She is a simple spoken woman with a habit of using sometimes odd colloquialisms. She is conservative. She has demonstrated an ability to fire up the conservative base and speak to people about the kinds of things that matter to them. She has a decidedly right leaning- faith minded perspective about social issues that turns off some in the republican party. All that aside she has a decidedly fiscal conservative attitude about the governments responsibility with our money!

She is not "my darling", but unlike some I am able to see that Sarah Palin is no ones dummy. I am able to see her unsophisticated manner as just that and nothing more.
She was very clear about the role of VP and quite frankly MORE accurate then Biden!

Yet, take Biden’s statement from the debate on the role of the vice president:

Vice President Cheney has been the most dangerous vice president we've had probably in American history. The idea he doesn't realize that Article I of the Constitution defines the role of the vice president of the United States, that's the Executive Branch. He works in the Executive Branch. He should understand that. Everyone should understand that.

One should be careful when throwing around terms such as “most dangerous” and “bizarre.” But Biden is confusing which part of the Constitution covers the Executive Branch (it is Article II, not Article I). More importantly, the notion that the vice president can preside over the Senate only when there is a tie vote is simply wrong. Nor is it true that the only legislative involvement the vice president has is to break tie votes. The vice president is the president of the Senate, where he interprets the rules and can only be overridden by a vote of 60 senators.

Early vice presidents spent a lot of time in the Senate. Thomas Jefferson even spent his time writing “A Manual of Parliamentary Practice: for the Use of the Senate of the United States.” Modern vice presidents may show up only when they think tie votes will occur, but that is their choice.

This isn’t rocket science. The Constitution on this point is very straightforward: “The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided.”

Instead, it was Palin who got it right. Besides correctly stating that the vice president holds positions in both the executive and legislative branches, she also noted that:

"Of course, we know what a vice president does. And that's not only to preside over the Senate and will take that position very seriously also. I'm thankful the Constitution would allow a bit more authority given to the vice president if that vice president so chooses to exert it in working with the Senate and making sure that we are supportive of the president's policies and making sure too that our president understands what our strengths are."

I agree. Beefy will have to have LOTS more beer before reading this!
If Joe and Sally Sixpack really don't want a supremely intellectual, wise, person with enormous gravitas as their president, and, instead, want someone just like them.... "good people", so to speak... then they should make sure that they vote in republican primaries and get Caribou Barbie nominated as the GOP's candidate to run against Obama. As a lifelong democrat, I would be FINE with that. Really. Give the nation the clear choice.

Weird, you've actually had a couple of funny jokes lately.

I guess you're starting to learn what the rest of us learned in 3rd grade, that the "Im rubber" routine just isn't effective. A couple more years and you might actually start growing a brain too. :clink:

Please let us know how your life changes, after your balls drop and your voice changes.
Until then, just keep sucking on that sugar teat. :clink: